42 research outputs found

    Juoda ja/vai luoda?

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    Summary: To drink and/or to create?

    Alkoholi ja kirjallinen luovuus Suomessa

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    Summary: Alcohol and literary creativity - Finnish experience

    Kohti synteettistä addiktion teoriaa

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Theory of addiction / Robert West. Oxford, 2006

    Miksi päihteitä käytetään ongelmallisesti ja mitä siitä seuraa ehkäisyn suhteen?

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    Summary: Why are addective substances used in excess and what are the implications for prevention?

    Lucien Sève ja persoonallisuuden peruskysymykset

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    Artikkelissa esitellään ranskalaisen filosofin Lucien Sèven tieteellistä ihmiskäsitystä ja persoonallisuusteoriaa. Sèven ihmiskäsitys perustuu marxilaiselle teorialle, jonka mukaan inhimillinen yksilöllisyys perustuu yhteiskunnan muuttuvista olosuhteista eikä niinkään freudilaiseen käsitykseen lapsuuden kokemusten keskeisestä asemasta. "Taistelevassa elämässä" on aikuiskasvatuksella mahdollisuus toimia uudistavana voimana

    Miten tutkia hoitomallien toimivuutta?

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    Psykologinen näkökulma addiktioihin

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Excessive appetites : a psychological view of addictions Jim Orfor

    Being moved: A meaningful but enigmatic emotional experience

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    The emotion often labelled as “being moved” is a commonly felt but somewhat mysterious experience in which joy and sadness are combined in a specific way. In recent years, it has gained much research attention, particularly within psychology, mostly using quantitative methods. The topics of discussion have included, for example, whether being moved is caused by an intensification of social relations or rather by core values of life becoming salient. This article aspires to shed further light on this emotion by exploring descriptions and reflections on moving experiences written by Finnish participants (N = 56). The writings were collected through a web-based data collection service and analyzed by inductive categorization. The findings suggest that being moved is a commonly recognized emotional state with characteristic bodily concomitants, that it is difficult to control and is often held private. Yet being moved is evaluated as a positive and valuable phenomenon. The events that were reported in this study to arouse such experiences are categorized into three main groups: important life course events (progression of the life course, memories, achievements, the birth and growth of a child), intensification of social relations (compassion and empathy, opening interindividual boundaries, communal experiences, morality), and beauty (art, nature). Our interpretation of what is common to the diversity of events behind the emotion is that they reveal core issues deeply meaningful for individuals and human life.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Päihdealan ammattilaisten käsityksiä aineriippuvuuksista

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