195 research outputs found


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    A case of Norwegian scabies is described in a patient of 19 years with a lesion of the scalp, face, trunk, upper and lower extremities that occurred against the background of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A good effect was obtained from conducting etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy in combination with specific treatment of the underlying disease

    Genetic diversity and breeding value of synthetic hexaploid wheat introduced into the VIR collection

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    For the  successful  development of wheat  breeding in Russia, a genetically  diverse  and  well-characterized starting material, mainly stored  at the VIR collection, is needed. To replenish  the collection, 36 lines (accessions) of synthetic hexaploid  wheat  (SHWs) developed at CIMMYT by crossing Triticum durum with Aegilops tauschii were studied.  Our research  was aimed at studying  the SHWs using a complex of morphological and economically  valuable traits in the environments of European Russia’s northwestern part (E30°, N59°), evaluating the reaction  of the SHWs to a photoperiod  and determining their genetic heterogeneity and similarities by gliadins as biochemical  markers. The results showed that the variability of different traits for SHWs fits into the framework of the genus  Triticum, and so SHWs can be classified as poorly domesticated forms. Their distinctive feature, valuable for wheat  breeding, is a large weight  of a thousand grains (up to 60.6 g). This trait was characterized by a low degree of variability and a low correlation  with other  traits. The reaction  of wheat  plants to the length  of the day is crucial for their transition  from vegetative to reproductive development. The SHWs studied differed from common wheat and one another by responses to the short day and by the length  of the ‘emergence-heading’ phase  if they grew under  the conditions of a long day. The delay in the development of plants with a short photoperiod ranged from 5.4 to 53.8 days. On a long day, the duration of the ‘emergence-heading’ phase  varied from 39.5 to 53.9 days. A possible genetic basis for the differences  identified is discussed.  To assess the diversity of SHWs, we also used  gliadin proteins as informative  biochemical  markers. It was revealed  that 21 SHWs were homogeneous, and the rest, heterogeneous. Forty-four different biotypes were found for the SHWs studied,  from which 36 were unique.  Relationships between biotypes have been  demonstrated using cluster analysis. It should be noted that 13 SHWs were unstable. In each of them, some plants differed from the others  in terms of a complex of morphological characters, reaction to a photoperiod, and gliadin patterns. It is possible that the instability of accessions  is the result of genome rearrangement in SHWs. SHW accessions  and the forms isolated from them are considered as sources of new genetic variability to improve common wheat

    Synthesis of a new quaternary phosphonium salt: NMR study of the conformational structure and dynamics

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    © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A novel phosphonium salt based on pyridoxine was synthesized. Conformational analysis of the compound in solution was performed using dynamic NMR experiments and calculations. The obtained results revealed some differences in the conformational transitions and the energy parameters of the conformational exchange of the studied compound in comparison to previously reported data for other phosphorus-containing pyridoxine derivatives. It was shown that increasing the substituent at the C-11 carbon leads to greater differences in the populations of stable states and the corresponding equilibrium energies

    Synthesis of a new quaternary phosphonium salt: NMR study of the conformational structure and dynamics

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    Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.A novel phosphonium salt based on pyridoxine was synthesized. Conformational analysis of the compound in solution was performed using dynamic NMR experiments and calculations. The obtained results revealed some differences in the conformational transitions and the energy parameters of the conformational exchange of the studied compound in comparison to previously reported data for other phosphorus-containing pyridoxine derivatives. It was shown that increasing the substituent at the C-11 carbon leads to greater differences in the populations of stable states and the corresponding equilibrium energies

    Isolation and Characterization of Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Stem-Like Cells Based on the Endogenous Expression of the Stem Markers.

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer stem cells\u27 (CSCs) self-maintenance is regulated via the pluripotency pathways promoting the most aggressive tumor phenotype. This study aimed to use the activity of these pathways for the CSCs\u27 subpopulation enrichment and separating cells characterized by the OCT4 and SOX2 expression. METHODS: To select and analyze CSCs, we used the SORE6x lentiviral reporter plasmid for viral transduction of colon adenocarcinoma cells. Additionally, we assessed cell chemoresistance, clonogenic, invasive and migratory activity and the data of mRNA-seq and intrinsic disorder predisposition protein analysis (IDPPA). RESULTS: We obtained the line of CSC-like cells selected on the basis of the expression of the OCT4 and SOX2 stem cell factors. The enriched CSC-like subpopulation had increased chemoresistance as well as clonogenic and migration activities. The bioinformatic analysis of mRNA seq data identified the up-regulation of pluripotency, development, drug resistance and phototransduction pathways, and the downregulation of pathways related to proliferation, cell cycle, aging, and differentiation. IDPPA indicated that CSC-like cells are predisposed to increased intrinsic protein disorder. CONCLUSION: The use of the SORE6x reporter construct for CSCs enrichment allows us to obtain CSC-like population that can be used as a model to search for the new prognostic factors and potential therapeutic targets for colon cancer treatment


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    There are advantages of the credit-module system , but at practical lessons some principles might be skip . According to the  program of “Prophylaxis of stomatological disorders” at the III course of stomatological faculty the subject of  the practical lesson № 17-18 is a conduction of the “Health lesson” that should be managed within four academic hours. This practical lesson should be held in the organized children’s groups. To enhance its practical guide we have introduce some changes to the “Part VI. Plan and management of the lesson” at the Pediatric Stomatology Department of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. The dress rehearsal is operated before the lesson instead of the test control and oral part and the main part is a performance itself. Besides, the initial and the final level of the test control should be administer at the previous lesson. Therefore, such innovation of methodical materials meets all practical requirements and provides the students and pedagogues with massive options of creativity.  // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "ojs.tdmu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "ojs.tdmu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;eКредитно-модульна система освіти має свої переваги, але є практичні заняття, на яких необхідно відступити від деяких її принципів. На ІІІ курсі стоматологічного факультету при вивченні предмета “Профілактика стоматологічних захворювань” згідно з робочою програмою є практичне заняття № 17-18 на тему “Проведення уроку здоров’я”, на яке відводиться чотири академічні години. Це заняття передбачає роботу студентів в організованих дитячих колективах. Із метою повного його практичного спрямування на кафедрі дитячої стоматології Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету внесено зміни в “Розділ VI. План і організаційна структура заняття” до цієї методичної розробки, що полягають у проведенні генеральної репетиції уроку здоров’я замість опитування і тестування, а основна частина заняття відводиться на власне виступ – урок здоров’я. При цьому вихідний та кінцевий рівень знань студентів викладач з’ясовує на попередньому занятті. Проведена нами адаптація методичних матеріалів допомагає отримати повне практичне спрямування цього практичного заняття та дозволяє студентам і викладачу цілком віддатися творчій праці.// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "ojs.tdmu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;

    A nearly complete database on the records and ecology of the rarest boreal tiger moth from 1840s to 2020

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    Global environmental changes may cause dramatic insect declines but over century-long time series of certain species’ records are rarely available for scientific research. The Menetries’ Tiger Moth (Arctia menetriesii) appears to be the most enigmatic example among boreal insects. Although it occurs throughout the entire Eurasian taiga biome, it is so rare that less than 100 specimens were recorded since its original description in 1846. Here, we present the database, which contains nearly all available information on the species’ records collected from 1840s to 2020. The data on A. menetriesii records (N = 78) through geographic regions, environments, and different timeframes are compiled and unified. The database may serve as the basis for a wide array of future research such as the distribution modeling and predictions of range shifts under climate changes. It represents a unique example of a more than century-long dataset of distributional, ecological, and phenological data designed for an exceptionally rare but widespread boreal insect, which primarily occurs in hard-to-reach, uninhabited areas of Eurasia.Peer reviewe

    Polymerase-directed synthesis of C5-ethynyl locked nucleic acids

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    Modified nucleic acids have considerable potential in nanobiotechnology for the development of nanomedicines and new materials. Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is one of the most prominent nucleic acid analogues reported so far and we herein for the first time report the enzymatic incorporation of LNA-U and C5-ethynyl LNA-U nucleotides into oligonucleotides. Phusion High Fidelity and KOD DNA polymerases efficiently incorporated LNA-U and C5-ethynyl LNA-U nucleotides into a DNA strand and T7 RNA polymerase successfully accepted the LNA-U nucleoside 5′-triphosphate as substrate for RNA transcripts

    Protection of pancreatic INS-1 β-cells from glucose- and fructose-induced cell death by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition with cyclosporin A or metformin

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    Hyperglycemia is detrimental to β-cell viability, playing a major role in the progression of β-cell loss in diabetes mellitus. The permeability transition pore (PTP) is a mitochondrial channel involved in cell death. Recent evidence suggests that PTP inhibitors prevent hyperglycemia-induced cell death in human endothelial cells. In this work, we have examined the involvement of PTP opening in INS-1 cell death induced by high levels of glucose or fructose. PTP regulation was studied by measuring the calcium retention capacity in permeabilized INS-1 cells and by confocal microscopy in intact INS-1 cells. Cell death was analyzed by flow cytometry. We first reported that metformin and cyclosporin A (CsA) prevented Ca2+-induced PTP opening in permeabilized and intact INS-1 cells. We then showed that incubation of INS-1 cells in the presence of 30 mM glucose or 2.5 mM fructose induced PTP opening and led to cell death. As both metformin and CsA prevented glucose- and fructose- induced PTP opening, and hampered glucose- and fructose- induced cell death, we conclude that PTP opening is involved in high glucose- and high fructose- induced INS-1 cell death. We therefore suggest that preventing PTP opening might be a new approach to preserve β-cell viability

    TRPM2-mediated rise in mitochondrial Zn2+ promotes palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission and pancreatic β-cell death in rodents

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    Rise in plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) represents a major risk factor for obesity-induced type 2 diabetes. Saturated FFAs cause a progressive decline in insulin secretion by promoting pancreatic β-cell death through increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recent studies have demonstrated that palmitate (a C16-FFA)-induced rise in ROS causes β-cell death by triggering mitochondrial fragmentation, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Using the INS1-832/13 β-cell line, here we demonstrate that palmitate generates the ROS required for mitochondrial fission by activating NOX (NADPH oxidase)-2. More importantly, we show that chemical inhibition, RNAi-mediated silencing and knockout of ROS-sensitive TRPM (transient receptor potential melastatin)-2 channels prevent palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission. Although TRPM2 activation affects the intracellular dynamics of Ca2+ and Zn2+, chelation of Zn2+ alone was sufficient to prevent mitochondrial fission. Consistent with the role of Zn2+, palmitate caused a rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, leading to Zn2+-dependent mitochondrial recruitment of Drp-1 (a protein that catalyses mitochondrial fission) and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In agreement with the previous reports, Ca2+ caused Drp-1 recruitment, but it failed to induce mitochondrial fission in the absence of Zn2+. These results indicate a novel role for Zn2+ in mitochondrial dynamics. Inhibition or knockout of TRPM2 channels in mouse islets and RNAi-mediated silencing of TRPM2 expression in human islets prevented FFA/cytokine-induced β-cell death, findings that are consistent with the role of abnormal mitochondrial fission in cell death. To conclude, our results reveal a novel, potentially druggable signalling pathway for FFA-induced β-cell death. The cascade involves NOX-2-dependent production of ROS, activation of TRPM2 channels, rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, Drp-1 recruitment and abnormal mitochondrial fission