45 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menggali pengalaman hidup pada penderita stroke di Bandung Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menggambarkan makna/arti dan perasaan menjadi seorang penderita stroke, (2) menggambarkan dampak dari stroke pada kehidupan seorang penderita stroke, (3) menggambarkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan seorang penderita stroke. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 10 orang. Tiga jenis alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu: form data demografik, Barthel index, dan pedoman wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis tema dari van Manen (1990). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada empat tema utama menjadi seorang penderita stroke yaitu: taat perintah dokter, seperti anak kecil, dibawah pengawasan dan bantuan orang lain, percaya kepada Allah. Ada lima tema utama yang berkaitan dengan perasaan menjadi penderita stroke yaitu ketidakpastian akan harapan, terbelenggu di rumah, ketergantungan pada orang lain, tidak berdaya, rendah diri. Dampak stroke bagi penderita adalah tidak bisa aktif lagi, penyesuaian terhadap perubahan emosi, ketidakmampuan malakukan aktivitas sosial, gagal dalam mengemban tanggungjawab, semangat beragama yang meningkat. Tema lain yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan penderita stroke adalah informasi, pengertian dan perhatian, waktu luang dan pilihan pengobatan. Hasil penelitian akan bermanfaat dalam upaya perbaikan sistem pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan, administrasi dan penelitian pada area stroke rehabilitas, pencegahan dan peningkatan kesehatan. Kata Kunci: penderita stroke, arti/makna, perasaan, dampak, dan kebutuha

    Transition in Stroke Patients: Conceptual Analysis

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    Stroke patients experienced the event of non-disable person to disable one. After having a stroke, they got many changes. Physical, social, emotional and spiritual adjustment needs to be addressed for the stroke patients. They underwent transition during recovery and rehabilitation process. This conceptual analysis is important to reveal the basic element of the transition concept in stroke patients make definitions and terminology associated with it. There were several themes that associated with the concept of transition in stroke patients, such as changes in the temporal order of life (daily routines and activities), change in sense of self and the experience of time, change in connectedness, and change in community integration. This concept analysis will help nurses or health provider during taking care of stroke patient to make the best service for them. The model presented here may useful for nurses and other health professional to develop intervention programs to promote quality of life of stroke patients


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    Latar Belakang: Menstruasi merupakan hal yang biasa terjadi pada perempuan yang sudah memasuki masa remaja remaja. Sebagian remaja memiliki keluhan-keluhan saat menstruasi terjadi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan, sikap dan keluhan remaja puteri mengenai menstruasi. Metode: Desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif.. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 santriwati. Penelitian dilakukan di pondok pesantren Al-Musaddadiyah Garut pada tahun 2017. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari data keluhan saat menstruasi, pengetahuan, dan sikap yang dibuat berdasarkan referensi terkait dan telah dilakukan uji konten dan uji reabilitas serta uji validitas. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lebih dari setengah responden sebanyak 69 orang (69%) mengalami keluhan pegal dan sebagian responden sebanyak 56 orang (56 %) mengalami dismenorhoe saat menstruasi.Pada variabel pengetahuan dan sikap tentang perawatan saat menstruasi ditemukan bahwa semua responden sebanyak 100 orang (100%) berpengetahuan buruk dan sebagian besar responden sebanyak 78 orang (78%) memiliki sikap tidak mendukung terhadap perawatan saat menstruasi . Kesimpulan: para remaja cenderung mengalami keluhan saat menstruasi, serta memiliki pengetahuan buruk dan sikap tidak mendukung tentang perawatan saat menstruasi

    Barriers and Challenges of End-of-Life Care Implementation in the Intensive Care Unit: Literature Review

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    Aims: End-of-life care in ICU involves a wide range of staff from every discipline including nurses, who have a lot of interaction time with patients. Most of the patients in the intensive care room have unconscious characteristics and family acts as the holder of autonomy in decision making, so nurses must have competence and experience in caring for patients in the end-of-life phase. However, nurses feel many barriers and challenges in facing the end-of- life in the intensive care environment. This study aimed to identify barriers and challenges of end-of-life care implementation in the ICU Designs: This study used literature review that analyzes articles from five reputable databases such as Pubmed, Proquest, CINAHL, Science Direct, and Google Scholar with the publication year between 2010 - 2021. The keywords used are 'critical care', 'critical care nursing', 'intensive care unit', 'end-of-life care', 'barriers', and 'challenges' with the help of bolean operators 'OR' and 'AND', articles were selected in stages using PRISMA. From the results of 2,186 articles, only 11 articles were identified that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The results of the review showed that some barriers of end-of-life care implementation in the ICU are lack of communication, lack of knowledge and training about end of life care, differences in religious and cultural backgrounds, medical team work in the ICU, patient and family factors, and environmental factors. Meanwhile, the challenges of end-of-life care in ICU are communication and decision making in end-of-life care and unrealistic family expectations. Conclusions: There are still many barriers and challenges identified on implementation of end-of-life care in intensive care units, mostly due to lack of knowledge and communication during end-of-life care.  As a recommendation in improving end-of-life care services in the ICU, health service agencies need to increase knowledge and training of health workers about communication and end-of-life care in critical patients

    Hubungan Sosiodemografi Orang Tua dengan Sikap Remaja Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja

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    Sosiodemografi orang tua memiliki peranan yang cukup besar dalam membentuk sikap anak remaja, salah satunya sikap anak remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja (KRR). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan sosiodemografi orang tua terhad sikap remaja tentang KRR. Rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengisian instrumen quisioner. Data dianalisa menggunakan Chi Squere. Penelitian dilakukan tahun 2017 di SMPN dan SMAN wilayah Kabupaten Bandung. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP dan SMA yang digunakan sebagai lokasi penelitian sejumlah 12.000. Sample berjumlah 668 siswa menggunakan rumus Slovin. Tehnik pengambilan sample dengan stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa Variabel sikap berhubungan dengan pekerjaan orang tua (p=0,000),  pendidikan orang tua (p=0,000), dan pendapatan keluarga (p=0,000). Kesimpulan: sosiodemografi orang tua memiliki hubungan dengan sikap pada anak remaja.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, disarankan agar orang tua dapat menjalankan perannya sebagai pengendali sikap anak remaja dalam mendukung perilaku anak remaja terhadap kesehatan reproduksi remaja. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Early Warning Score terhadap Keselamatan Pasien

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    This study aims to identify the application of the Early Warning Score (EWS) system to patient safety. The method used is Literature Review. Article searches have been carried out comprehensively using the Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. Search for articles with the keywords Early Warning Score, Emergency, Patient Safety. The research results show that safety increases from early detection using EWS. EWS is very influential in improving patient safety. EWS is a scoring system that is simple, practical, easy to use and does not increase the workload of nurses. The influence of nurse competency using EWS can improve patient safety because it makes nurses compete to improve knowledge and skills, nurse communication, decision making, and collaboration with other health workers. In conclusion, the application of the Early Warning Score is very influential in supporting patient safety, where the Early Warning Score can detect patient deterioration early so that nurses are able to carry out further nursing actions. Apart from that, nurses' understanding and good nursing skills can support patient safety.   Keywords: Emergency, Patient safety, Early Detection Scor

    Pengalaman Perawat dalam Memonitor Pasien Covid-19

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    This study aims to explore the experience of nurses in monitoring Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients at Tantara Hospital, Ambon City. The method used is qualitative research using a phenomenological design. Participants in the study were health workers working in the isolation room, namely nurses with the following criteria: a minimum of 2 years work experience in the isolation room and a minimum diploma of three, fulfilling the qualifications as an isolation health worker and communicating cooperatively with researchers. Research data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews, then analyzed using the Colaizzi analysis method. The results showed that there were 5 themes related to the experience of nurses in monitoring COVID-19 patients: Anxiety, Knowledge, nurse loyalty, nurses' feelings, and efforts to reduce the risk of contracting it. In conclusion, nurses experience anxiety due to high job demands, including long working hours, nurse knowledge, loyalty, nurses' feelings and efforts to reduce the risk of infection are very important for nurses to be able to provide appropriate nursing care for patients.   Keywords: COVID-19, Emergency, Intensive care uni

    Pemberian Nutrisi Enteral sebagai Kontrol Glikemik pada Pasien Kritis di Unit Perawatan Intensif

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    This study aims to determine how to provide nutrition that effectively maintains the balance of blood glucose levels and glycemic control. This study uses a narrative literature review method by entering keywords into the Pubmed, Science Direct, CINAHL, Wiley, and ProQuest databases. The results showed that from the search results of 569 articles and obtained ten relevant and qualified pieces, then extracted using the DSVIA method. Provision of nutrition with the continuous method can lower the average blood glucose or reduce the incidence of hyperglycemia. Then the intermittent process significantly reduces hypoglycemia during the meal period, prevents hypoglycemia during the fasting period, and can reduce insulin requirements. In conclusion, enteral nutrition needs to be modified so that nutrition and insulin administration time can be practical and effective in controlling critical sugar levels.   Keywords: Bolus Feeding, Continuous Feeding, Blood Glucose, Intermittent Feeding, Enteral Nutritio


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    Prehospital delay in stroke patients occurs after 3-4.5 hours after onset, which can lead to worsening patient's condition if not treated quickly. Prehospital delay influenced by various factors, the aim of this study was to determine the factors of prehospital delay in stroke patients. This study was done with scoping review method by using Google Scholar, Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Ebsco and Researchgate database. The steps of this study consisted of: 1) Questions Identification, 2) Articles Identification, 3) Articles Screening, 4) Data Mapping, 5) Results Compilation, and 6) consultation. 1599 articles were selected based on titles, abstracts, contents, and results according to the inclusion criteria and objectives of this literature study. The screening results were translated into a literature review chart so that 13 articles were obtained and were further analyzed using JBI Critical Appraisal. Inclusion criteria defined were: full text articles, focus of discussion on factors of prehospital delay in stroke patients, as well as population and samples of stroke patients that were over 18 years and/or their family. This scoping review showed factors that affected prehospital delay in stroke patients were respondent characteristics, distance traveled, stroke symptoms, transportation system, treatment facility, and stroke awareness. An effective transportation system, proper recognition of stroke symptoms, good stroke awareness supported by education and income levels can prevent prehospital delay in stroke patients. However, further research is needed to thoroughly examine the effect these factors on the prehospital delay in stroke patients.ABSTRACTPrehospital delay in stroke patients occurs after 3-4.5 hours after onset, which can lead to worsening patient's condition if not treated quickly. Prehospital delay influenced by various factors, the aim of this study was to determine the factors of prehospital delay in stroke patients.This study was done with scoping review method by using Google Scholar, Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Ebsco and Researchgate database. The steps of this study consisted of: 1) Questions Identification, 2) Articles Identification, 3) Articles Screening, 4) Data Mapping, 5) Results Compilation, and 6) consultation. 1599 articles were selected based on titles, abstracts, contents, and results according to the inclusion criteria and objectives of this literature study. The screening results were translated into a literature review chart so that 13 articles were obtained and were further analyzed using JBI Critical Appraisal. Inclusion criteria defined were: full text articles, focus of discussion on factors of prehospital delay in stroke patients, as well as population and samples of stroke patients that were over 18 years and/or their family.         This scoping review showed factors that affected prehospital delay in stroke patients were respondent characteristics, distance traveled, stroke symptoms, transportation system, treatment facility, and stroke awareness. An effective transportation system, proper recognition of stroke symptoms, good stroke awareness supported by education and income levels can prevent prehospital delay in stroke patients. However, further research is needed to thoroughly examine the effect these  factors on the prehospital delay in stroke patients. Keyword:  Adult Stroke, Prehospital Delay, Stroke PatientsBibliography         : 77, 1978-202

    Subjective Well-Being, Mastery of Roles and Their Relationships with Families among Stroke Patients in the Rehabilitation Period

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    Patientswithstrokefaceanumberofproblemsthatincludephysical,social,emotional, psychological, and spiritual problems. It caused a decrease in the well-being that he felt by stroke patients ,also coupled with a decrease in the ability to perform daily roles and decreased well-being social relationship, especially relations with his family. This study aimed to identify well-being, mastery of roles, and well-being of relationships with families and was associated with demographic characteristics. This research used quantitative descriptive methods. The sample consisted of stroke patients who were outpatient at a hospital in Bandung. A total of 96 respondents were taken based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instruments used were personal well-being index, Role-Function Mode Scale, and Brief Family Relationship Scale. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and chi square. The results showed that half (50%) of stroke patients experienced poor well-being. There were still those who said that almost half (39.60%) of stroke patients said that mastery of roles was not good. Likewise with the well-being of relations, there were still those who said almost half (35.40%) of the welfare of their relationships was not good. From the analysis of the relationship between demographic characteristics, it found that there was a significant relationship between the subjective well-being of stroke patients and the relationship between respondents and families (p = 0.001). Conclusions is well-being, mastery of roles, and relationships with families in stroke patients are still not satisfactory.Efforts are needed that can increase family support effectively for stroke patients