74 research outputs found

    Prisutnost Candida sp. u svježem voćnom soku

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    Fruit juices are popular soft drinks with an important role in human nutrition. Fruit juices are often infested by yeast species that can survive different storage conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of yeast contamination of freshly squeezed juices in three large supermarkets in Zagreb, Croatia. The analysis included 84 juice samples obtained from freshly squeezed orange, lemon, grapefruit, and apples. Their acidity varied between pH 2.1 and pH 4.9. Juice samples were plated directly on Sabouraud 4 % glucose Agar (Merck, 1.05438) and processed according to standardised methods (HRN ISO 7954:2002). Yeasts were isolated in all 84 samples and ranged between 0.005x103 and 23x103 colony forming units per mL (CFU mL-1). The most common yeasts identifi ed using the API 20C AUX yeast kit included Candida guillermondii, C. krusei, C. famata, C. spherica, C. colliculosa, C. albicans, Trichosporon mucoides, Kloeckera spp. and yeast-like fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. C. guillermondii prevailed in 55.95 % of all samples.Voćni su sokovi tekući ekstrakti voća dobiveni cijeđenjem zrelog voća te su vrlo važan čimbenik u svakodnevnoj prehrani ljudi. Najčešće zastupljeni mikroorganizmi u svježem voćnom soku su kvasci koji preživljavaju niske temperature skladištenja. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti prisutnost i brojnost kvasaca u svježim voćnim sokovima uzorkovanim u supermarketima na području Republike Hrvatske, odnosno glavnom gradu Zagrebu. Ukupno su uzorkovana i pregledana 84 uzorka svježe iscijeđenih naranči, limuna, grejpfruta i jabuka. pH-vrijednost se kretala od 2.1 do 4.9. Uzorci su nacijepljivani direktno na Sabouraudov agar s 4 % glukoze (Merck, Njemačka) u skladu s propisanom normom HRN ISO 7954:2002. U sva 84 uzorka utvrđena je prisutnost kvasaca u broju od 0.005x103 do 23x103 CFU mL-1. Identifi kacija je provedena testom API 20 C AUX (bioMérieux, 20 210). Najčešće su izolirani sljedeći kvasci: Candida guillermondii, C. krusei, C. famata, C. spherica, C. colliculosa, C. albicans, Trichosporon mucoides, Kloeckera spp. i kvascu slična gljivica Cryptococcus neoformans. U svim uzorcima C. guillermondii bila je najčešće izolirani kvasac (55.95 %)

    Stability and sensory assessment of emulsions containing propolis extract and/or tocopheryl acetate

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    The prevention of skin aging has been one of the main aims of cosmetic products. Propolis and tocopheryl acetate can be promising substances because of their antioxidant properties. In this study, propolis extract was obtained and associated with tocopheryl acetate in a cream formulation, which then underwent stability and sensory assessment. The formulation containing propolis extract and tocopheryl acetate proved to be stable in the preliminary stability study, demonstrating gradual darkening and slight pH decrease when subjected to 60ºC for 28 days, but showing stability on rheological study. In the sensory analysis, the formulation containing these two components was preferred by the product testers over the base cream and creams containing propolis extract or tocopheryl acetate alone. In conclusion, given the stability of the formulation and the preference of the product testers for this formulation, this association proved promising for use in cosmetic formulations.A prevenção do envelhecimento cutâneo tem sido um dos principais focos dos produtos dermocosméticos. A própolis contém substâncias com atividade antioxidante, bem como o acetato de tocoferila é conhecido por apresentar esta atividade. Porém, a própolis apresenta odor muito característico e intenso, que pode interferir no sensorial do produto. Assim, no presente trabalho, obteve-se o extrato de própolis, que foi associado ao acetato de tocoferila em uma formulação de uso tópico, que foi avaliada quanto à estabilidade e às características sensoriais. Conduziu-se um estudo de estabilidade, no qual as formulações contendo ambos os compostos apresentaram escurecimento gradual e ligeira queda no pH após 28 dias sob 60 °C, tendo sido estável no estudo reológico. Na análise sensorial, realizada com 28 provadores, a formulação contendo extrato de própolis em associação com acetato de tocoferila foi a preferida, quando comparada com o creme base e o creme contendo somente extrato de própolis ou acetato de tocoferila. Em conclusão, devido à preferência dos provadores e ao estudo de estabilidade, a associação de extrato de própolis e de acetato de tocoferila mostrou ser promissora para uso em produtos dermocosméticos

    Sadržaj toksičnih i esencijalnih metala u ljekovitom bilju koje raste u onečišćenim i neonečišćenim područjima u Makedoniji

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    The aim of this study was to determine and compare Ba, Cr, Cd, Fe, Sr, Pb, and Zn content in medicinal herbs Urtica dioica L., Taraxacum officinale, and Matricaria recutita growing in polluted and unpolluted areas of the Republic of Macedonia. The metal content was determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). In the unpolluted area of Mt. Plačkovica the metal content in Taraxacum officinale was in the descending order: Fe>Sr>Zn>Ba>Cr, while Pb and Cd were below the limit of detection. In the polluted area of Veles, the order was as follows: Fe>Zn>Sr>Pb>Ba>Cd>Cr. Our results suggest that quality assurance and monitoring of toxic metals is needed for plants intended for human use and consumption. Medicinal plants should be picked in areas free of any contamination sources.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi i usporediti sadržaj Ba, Cr, Cd, Fe, Sr, Pb i Zn u ljekovitom bilju Urtica dioica L., Taraxacum offi cinale i Matricaria recutita koje raste u onečišćenome odnosno neonečišćenome području u Republici Makedoniji. Sadržaj metala utvrdili smo s pomoću atomske emisijske spektroskopije induktivno spregnutom plazmom (engl. inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, krat. ICP-AES). U neonečišćenome području planine Plačkovice, sadržaj metala u Taraxacum offi cinale kretao se kako slijedi: Fe>Sr>Zn>Ba>Cr, dok su Pb i Cd bili ispod granice detekcije. U onečišćenome području blizu talionice olova i cinka u Velesu redoslijed je bio ovakav: Fe>Zn>Sr>Pb>Ba>Cd>Cr. Naši rezultati upućuju na potrebu za osiguranjem kakvoće i praćenjem razina toksičnih metala u biljaka namijenjenih ljudskoj uporabi. Ljekovito bilje valja brati u područjima bez izvora onečišćenja

    Investigation of major phenolic antioxidants from Camellia sinensis

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