92 research outputs found

    Effective forms and means of preventing criminal activity of migrant workers in Russia

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    The article is devoted to an urgent criminological problem connected with the insufficiently controlled and illegal external labor migration into the Russian Federation, which poses a considerable threat to its national interests and public safety. The author presents and analyzes new statistical data regarding the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of crimes committed by labor migrants in Russia as well as their other criminologically relevant characteristics, he singles out and describes economic, psychological, legal and socio-political prerequisites and factors of crimes committed by labor migrants in Russia. It is noted that modern Russian society is characterized by worsening criminogenic situation and processes that lead to hostile and aggressive behavior and intolerance towards labor migrants, which exacerbates both the criminal situation and the interethnic and interfaith conflicts and increases the manifestations of everyday xenophobia, migrant phobia, and nationalism from the locals. The author draws attention to the fact that criminogenic factors in the labor migrants’ environment are mainly connected with a low degree of social adaptation, acculturation and integration of labor migrants into the Russian social and cultural environment due to their poor knowledge of the Russian language, history and culture, the basics of Russian legislation, traditions and customs of social interaction, the absence of a substantial and constant intercultural dialogue or productive information exchange, comprehensive and resourced state and municipal projects and programs aimed at the socialization, successful integration, and social support of labor migrants. In this connection, the author suggests new, effective and optimal anti-criminogenic directions and formats of integration and adaptation work with labor migrants living and working in the Russian Federation that could improve their law abidance, general and legal culture, responsible attitude to social norms; the author also outlines prospective measures of general and special prevention of crimes committed by external migrants. © 2019, Baikal National University of Economics and Law. All rights reserved

    The effect of humic acids on the natural resistance of the body of broiler chickens and the quality of their meat

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    ArticleThe aim of the work is to study the effectiveness of the concentration of humic acids of Reasil Humic Vet feed additive on the increase of the feed bioavailability for poultry and the probability of its negative impact on the safety and marketable characteristics of the final product. Studies were conducted on the basis of the Saratov State Agrarian University in two similar groups of broiler chickens ‘Cobb 500’, 100 heads each. Poultry feeding consisted of the same complete feed, but the drinking water for the broilers of the experimental group was enriched by humates in the amount of 0.5 ml L -1 . Based on the data obtained by daily weighing of the poultry and considering the feed intake, a positive trend of the influence of the feed additive on the average daily weight gain and feed conversion per unit of production was noted. The results of slaughter and anatomical cutting of broiler carcasses revealed that metabolic processes were more active in the body of an experimental poultry, reflected in the intensive growth of muscle tissue and fat deposition, which contributed to an increase in the yield of edible parts from carcasses by 9.9%. Studies of composition of broiler blood indicate non-toxicity of the recommended concentration of humates in the feed additive, its stimulation of non-specific resistance of the organism, contributing to the functioning of the immune system and the development of internal organs and, as a consequence, ensuring the safety of the products obtained from them

    Morfološke značajke oporavka jetrenog parenhima nakon eksperimentalno izazvanog oštećenja

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    The aim of the study was to investigate morphological traits of hepatic parenchymal tissue repair in response to injury using the conventional technique (closure) and an innovation method (such as hemostatic medication swab packing and modified batching). The experimental study was carried out on laboratory rats of the Winzar breed using light microscopy, standard stains for micropreparations, and morphometry. Histopathologic examination of micropreparations stained by standard methods revealed pronounced dystrophic processes in hepatocytes located near the necrotic zone (albuminous and hydropic degeneration and chromatin fragmentation in the nuclei). Morphometric studies showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) in almost all indicators of the size of cells and nuclei both near necrosis and distant from it on day 28 of the experiment in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. The results obtained pointed to more intense repair processes when applying the innovation method.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati morfološke značajke oporavka parenhimnog tkiva jetre u odgovoru na oštećenje primjenom konvencionalne tehnike (zatvaranje) i inovacijske metode (kao što je oblaganje gazom natopljenom hemostatskim lijekom i modificiran batching). Ovo eksperimentalno istraživanje provedeno je na laboratorijskim Winzar štakorima primjenom svjetlosne mikroskopije, standardnih boja za mikropreparate i morfometrije. Histopatološka analiza mikropreparata obojenih standardnim metodama pokazala je znatne distrofične procese u hepatocitima blizu nekrotične zone (albuminozna i hidropična degeneracija, fragmentacija kromatina u jezgrama). Morformetrijska ispitivanja pokazala su značajno smanjenje (p<0,001) svih pokazatelja veličine stanica i jezgara kako blizu nekroze tako i dalje od nje 28. dana eksperimenta u eksperimentalnoj skupini u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na intenzivnije procese oporavka kad je primijenjena inovacijska metoda

    Identification and synthesis of metabolites of the new antiglaucoma drug

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    The determination of biotransformation products is an essential part of the preclinical trial of original medicines. These studies have not been conducted before for the new drug 5-[5- (trifluoromethyl)-1,2-oxazole-3-yl]-furan-2-sulfonamide. Identification and synthesis of metabolite substances are necessary for subsequent tests of bioavailability, linearity of pharmacokinetics, accumulation, distribution and excretio

    Новий метод синтезу атомоксетину та його взаємодія з азоловмісними сульфохло- ридами

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    A new approach to the synthesis of atomoxetine using the methods of enzymatic catalysis has been developed;the interaction of atomoxetine with a number of azole-containing heterocyclic sulfochlorides has been studied. Thecarbonyl group of 3-chloro-1-phenyl-propane-1-one was region-specifically reduced with NADPH-dependentcarbonylreductase (SSCR) in phosphate buffer solution. In Mitsunoby reaction with o-methylphenole the inversionof the final product configuration takes place and [R]-1-(3-chloro-1-phenypropoxy)-2-methylbenzene is formed.Its further treatment with methylamine results in the base of atomoxetine, which may be isolated from the solutionas a chloride. In order to develop the novel biologically active compounds the series of sufonyl chlorides withoxazole and isoxazole substituents were reacted with atomoxetine. The sulfonamides obtained fully comply withall criteria for the molecules – candidates for the biomedical study.Разработан метод синтеза атомоксетина с использованием стереоспецифичного ферментативного катализа. Карбонильная группа в структуре 3-хлор-1-фенил-пропан-1-она региоспецифично восстановлена с образованием NADPH-зависимой карбонилредуктазы (SSCR) в фосфатном буфере. В условиях реакции Мицунобу с о-крезолом происходит обращение конфигурации конечного продукта с образованием в ходе реакции [R]-1-(3-хлор-1-фенилпропокси)-2-метилбензола, который далее при обработке метиламином образует основание атомоксетина, выделяемое из раствора в виде соли с хлористоводородной кислотой. С целью поиска новых биологически активных соединений получен ряд сульфохлоридов с оксазольными и изоксазольными заместителями, которые далее вводились в реакцию с атомоксетином. Полученные в работе сульфонамиды удовлетворяют требованиям, предъявляемым к молекулам – кандидатам для биомедицинских исследований.Розроблено метод синтезу атомоксетину з використанням стереоспецифічного ферментативного каталізу. Карбонільна група в структурі 3-хлоро-1-феніл-пропан-1-ону регіоспецифічно відновлена з використанням NADPH-залежної карбонілредуктази (SSCR) в фосфатному буфері. В умовах реакції Міцунобу з о-крезолом відбувається обернення конфігурації кінцевого продукту з утворенням [R]-1-(3-хлоро-1-фенілпропокси)-2-метилбензолу, який далі при обробці метиламіном утворює основу атомоксетину, яка виділяється з розчину у вигляді солі з хлористоводневою кислотою. З метою пошуку нових біологічно активних сполук отримано ряд сульфохлоридів з оксазольними та ізоксазольними замісниками, які далі вводились в реакцію з атомоксетином. Отримані в роботі сульфонаміди відповідають вимогам, які висуваються до молекул – кандидатів для біомедичних досліджень

    Development of quantification methods of a new selective carbonic anhydrase II inhibitor in plasma and blood and study of the pharmacokinetics of its ophthalmic suspension in rats

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    The developed methods have been fully validated according to the requirements of Russian and internatonal guidelines and have been successfully used for pharmacokinetic research. It was found that a content of 4-(2-methyl-1,3-oxazole-5-yl)-benzenesulfonamide and its main metabolite in whole blood is significantly higher than in plasm

    Modeling experimental glaucoma for screening studies of antiglaucomatous activity

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    The conducted studies of four models of glaucoma and their three modifications in animals made it possible to select two of them, which contributed to a stable and fairly long-term increase in IOP in rabbits (introduction of finely dispersed kaolin into the anterior chamber of the eye) and rats (adrenalineinduced model

    Modeling experimental glaucoma for screening studies of antiglaucomatous activity

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    Introduction: In vivo screening studies, in which the efficacy of dozens of drugs is tested to select several applicants for further study of their safety in humans, are the main stage in the study of the pharmacodynamics of promising antiglaucoma drugs. This imposes a number of specific requirements both on experimental models of glaucoma and on laboratory animals used in the experiment. Materials and Methods: 32 male rabbits of the Soviet Сhinchilla breed, 6 male albino rabbits weighing 3-3.5 kg, and 20 outbred white rats weighing 220-250 g were used in total in experiments to reproduce the glaucoma process. All manipulations on the rabbit eye were performed by an ophthalmologist under general anesthesia with telazol. Triamcinolone (vitreous injection) was used to simulate glaucoma in rabbits, lauromacrogol 400 or fine kaolin (anterior chamber injection) was used to simulate glaucoma in rabbits; adrenaline hydrochloride (intraperitoneal administration) was used to simulate glaucoma in rats. Results and Discussion: Double intravitreal administration of a suspension of triamcinolone at a dose of 4 mg was the most attractive model in terms of the technique of reproducing the pathology and the results obtained in modeling glaucoma in rabbits. However, this model did not produce a stable increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). Doubling the dose of triamcinolone and replacing chinchilla rabbits with albinos did not lead to a positive result. The introduction of the venous sclerosing drug lauromacrogol 400 into the anterior chamber of the eye proved to be ineffective either. The introduction of finely dispersed kaolin into the anterior chamber of the eye of rabbits led to a persistent increase in IOP. The intraperitoneal administration of epinephrine hydrochloride to rats according to the described method gave no stable results. The increase in IOP became stable only after a significant increase in the dose of adrenaline. Conclusion: The conducted studies of four models of glaucoma and their three modifications in animals made it possible to select two of them, which contributed to a stable and fairly long-term increase in IOP in rabbits (introduction of finely dispersed kaolin into the anterior chamber of the eye) and rats (adrenaline-induced model)

    Estimating the cutting force when skiving with a radius cutter

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    The paper considers the method of determining the components of the cutting force under cutting completed with a radius cutter. The authors provide the design of the experimental study. The authors provide the data on the cutting force change in the process of turning with a radius cutter according to the cutting edge inclination, cutting depth and supply obtained experimentally and calculated analytically. The paper also provides the results of experimental work approximation and theoretical error checking related to experimental data