8,028 research outputs found

    Water entry of a body which moves in more than six degrees of freedom

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    The water entry of a three-dimensional smooth body into initially calm water is examined. The body can move freely in its 6 d.f. and may also change its shape over time. During the early stage of penetration, the shape of the body is approximated by a surface of double curvature and the radii of curvature may vary over time. Hydrodynamic loads are calculated by the Wagner theory. It is shown that the water entry problem with arbitrary kinematics of the body motion, can be reduced to the vertical entry problem with a modified vertical displacement of the body and an elliptic region of contact between the liquid and the body surface. Low pressure occurrence is determined; this occurrence can precede the appearance of cavitation effects. Hydrodynamic forces are analysed for a rigid ellipsoid entering the water with 3 d.f. Experimental results with an oblique impact of elliptic paraboloid confirm the theoretical findings. The theoretical developments are detailed in this paper, while an application of the model is described in electronic supplementary materials

    Initial stage of plate lifting from a water surface

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    This study deals with the flow induced by a rigid flat plate of finite length, initially touching a horizontal water surface, when it starts to move upwards with constant acceleration. In the present model, negative hydrodynamic pressures on the lower (wetted) surface of the plate are allowed, and thus, the water follows the plate due to the resulting suction force. The acceleration of the plate and the plate length are such that gravity, surface tension and viscous effects can be neglected during the early stages of the motion. Under these assumptions, the initial two-dimensional, potential flow caused by the plate lifting is obtained by using the small-time expansion of the velocity potential. This small-time solution is not valid close to the plate edges, as it predicts there singular flow velocities and unbounded displacements of the water-free surface. It is shown that close to the plate edges the flow is nonlinear and self-similar to leading order. This nonlinear flow is computed by the boundary-element method combined with a time-marching scheme. The numerical time-dependent solution approaches the self-similar local solution with time

    Water entry of a flat elastic plate at high horizontal speed

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    The two-dimensional problem of an elastic-plate impact onto an undisturbed surface of water of infinite depth is analysed. The plate is forced to move with a constant horizontal velocity component which is much larger than the vertical velocity component of penetration. The small angle of attack of the plate and its vertical velocity vary in time, and are determined as part of the solution, together with the elastic deflection of the plate and the hydrodynamic loads within the potential flow theory. The boundary conditions on the free surface and on the wetted part of the plate are linearized and imposed on the initial equilibrium position of the liquid surface. The wetted part of the plate depends on the plate motion and its elastic deflection. To determine the length of the wetted part we assume that the spray jet in front of the advancing plate is negligible. A smooth separation of the free-surface flow from the trailing edge is imposed. The wake behind the moving body is included in the model. The plate deflection is governed by Euler’s beam equation, subject to free–free boundary conditions. Four different regimes of plate motion are distinguished depending on the impact conditions: (a) the plate becomes fully wetted; (b) the leading edge of the plate touches the water surface and traps an air cavity; (c) the free surface at the forward contact point starts to separate from the plate; (d) the plate exits the water. We could not detect any impact conditions which lead to steady planing of the free plate after the impact. It is shown that a large part of the total energy in the fluid–plate interaction leaves the main bulk of the liquid with the spray jet. It is demonstrated that the flexibility of the plate may increase the hydrodynamic loads acting on it. The impact loads can cause large bending stresses, which may exceed the yield stress of the plate material. The elastic vibrations of the plate are shown to have a significant effect on the fluid flow in the wake

    The runaway instability in general relativistic accretion disks

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    When an accretion disk falls prey to the runaway instability, a large portion of its mass is devoured by the black hole within a few dynamical times. Despite decades of effort, it is still unclear under what conditions such an instability can occur. The technically most advanced relativistic simulations to date were unable to find a clear sign for the onset of the instability. In this work, we present three-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics simulations of accretion disks around black holes in dynamical space-time. We focus on the configurations that are expected to be particularly prone to the development of this instability. We demonstrate, for the first time, that the fully self-consistent general relativistic evolution does indeed produce a runaway instability.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections to match published version in MNRAS, +link to animatio

    Formation of corner waves in the wake of a partially submerged bluff body

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    We study theoretically and numerically the downstream flow near the corner of a bluff body partially submerged at a deadrise depth Δh into a uniform stream of velocity U, in the presence of gravity, g. When the Froude number, Fr=U/√gΔh, is large, a three-dimensional steady plunging wave, which is referred to as a corner wave, forms near the corner, developing downstream in a similar way to a two-dimensional plunging wave evolving in time. We have performed an asymptotic analysis of the flow near this corner to describe the wave's initial evolution and to clarify the physical mechanism that leads to its formation. Using the two-dimensions-plus-time approximation, the problem reduces to one similar to dam-break flow with a wet bed in front of the dam. The analysis shows that, at leading order, the problem admits a self-similar formulation when the size of the wave is small compared with the height difference Δh. The essential feature of the self-similar solution is the formation of a mushroom-shaped jet from which two smaller lateral jets stem. However, numerical simulations show that this self-similar solution is questionable from the physical point of view, as the two lateral jets plunge onto the free surface, leading to a self-intersecting flow. The physical mechanism leading to the formation of the mushroom-shaped structure is discussed

    The Role of Fission in Neutron Star Mergers and Its Impact on the r-Process Peaks

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    Comparing observational abundance features with nucleosynthesis predictions of stellar evolution or explosion simulations, we can scrutinize two aspects: (a) the conditions in the astrophysical production site and (b) the quality of the nuclear physics input utilized. We test the abundance features of r-process nucleosynthesis calculations for the dynamical ejecta of neutron star merger simulations based on three different nuclear mass models: The Finite Range Droplet Model, the (quenched version of the) Extended Thomas Fermi Model with Strutinsky Integral, and the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass model. We make use of corresponding fission barrier heights and compare the impact of four different fission fragment distribution models on the final r-process abundance distribution. In particular, we explore the abundance distribution in the second r-process peak and the rare-earth sub-peak as a function of mass models and fission fragment distributions, as well as the origin of a shift in the third r-process peak position. The latter has been noticed in a number of merger nucleosynthesis predictions. We show that the shift occurs during the r-process freeze-out when neutron captures and β-decays compete and an (n,γ)-(γ,n) equilibrium is no longer maintained. During this phase neutrons originate mainly from fission of material above A = 240. We also investigate the role of β-decay half-lives from recent theoretical advances, which lead either to a smaller amount of fissioning nuclei during freeze-out or a faster (and thus earlier) release of fission neutrons, which can (partially) prevent this shift and has an impact on the second and rare-earth peak as well.Peer reviewe

    Infrared emission from kilonovae: the case of the nearby short hard burst GRB 160821B

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    We present constraints on Ks-band emission from one of the nearest short hard gamma-ray bursts, GRB 160821B, at z=0.16, at three epochs. We detect a reddened relativistic afterglow from the jetted emission in the first epoch but do not detect any excess kilonova emission in the second two epochs. We compare upper limits obtained with Keck I/MOSFIRE to multi-dimensional radiative transfer models of kilonovae, that employ composition-dependent nuclear heating and LTE opacities of heavy elements. We discuss eight models that combine toroidal dynamical ejecta and two types of wind and one model with dynamical ejecta only. We also discuss simple, empirical scaling laws of predicted emission as a function of ejecta mass and ejecta velocity. Our limits for GRB 160821B constrain the ejecta mass to be lower than 0.03 Msun for velocities greater than 0.1c. At the distance sensitivity range of advanced LIGO, similar ground-based observations would be sufficiently sensitive to the full range of predicted model emission including models with only dynamical ejecta. The color evolution of these models shows that I-K color spans 7--16 mag, which suggests that even relatively shallow infrared searches for kilonovae could be as constraining as optical searches.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Neutrino-driven winds in the aftermath of a neutron star merger: nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic transients

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    We present a comprehensive nucleosynthesis study of the neutrino-driven wind in the aftermath of a binary neutron star merger. Our focus is the initial remnant phase when a massive central neutron star is present. Using tracers from a recent hydrodynamical simulation, we determine total masses and integrated abundances to characterize the composition of unbound matter. We find that the nucleosynthetic yields depend sensitively on both the life time of the massive neutron star and the polar angle. Matter in excess of up to 9103M9 \cdot 10^{-3} M_\odot becomes unbound until 200 ms\sim 200~{\rm ms}. Due to electron fractions of Ye0.20.4Y_{\rm e} \approx 0.2 - 0.4 mainly nuclei with mass numbers A<130A < 130 are synthesized, complementing the yields from the earlier dynamic ejecta. Mixing scenarios with these two types of ejecta can explain the abundance pattern in r-process enriched metal-poor stars. Additionally, we calculate heating rates for the decay of the freshly produced radioactive isotopes. The resulting light curve peaks in the blue band after about 4 h4~{\rm h}. Furthermore, high opacities due to heavy r-process nuclei in the dynamic ejecta lead to a second peak in the infrared after 34 d3-4~{\rm d}.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Ap