83 research outputs found

    Global factors which influence the directions of social development

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    This study identifies global factors conditioning the global problematics of the direction of social development. Global threats were evaluated and defined as dangerous processes, phenomena, and situations that cause harm to health, safety, well-being, and the lives of all humanity, and require removal. The essence of global risks was defined. These risks were defined as events or conditions that may cause a significant negative effect for several countries or spheres within a strategic period if they occur. Global problems were conceptualized. These problems were defined as phenomena, matters, and situations that are not completely understandable, interesting, actual, require solving and regulation, and in addition do not have unified solutions. Current global challenges were analyzed, defined as strategic guidelines that cause transformational changes and are receiving attention from humanity. Global trends were defined as courses of social development. The composition and role of global actors were described, and defined as international organizations, leading states, regional organizations, powerful corporations, institutional investors, large cities, and well-known personalities. The directions of positive courses of social development were developed by means of using the authors’ mechanism of solving the global problematics

    Current trends in global demographic processes

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    Current local and national demographic trends have deepened the existing and formed new global demographic processes that have received a new historical reasoning that requires deep scientific research taking into account the influence of the multifactorial global dimension of the modern society development. The purpose of the article is to study the development of global demographic processes and to define the causes of their occurrence, manifestations, implications and prospects for implementation in the first half of the 21st century. The authors have identified and characterized four global demographic processes, namely population growth, migration, increase of tourism, and change in population structure. It is projected that in the 30’s of the 21st century, the number and growth rates of the world population will reach the objective growth and these dynamics over the next two decades will begin to change in the direction of reducing the growth rates, which will lead to gradual stabilization, and eventually reduce the size of the world population. By the middle of the 21st century, one can observe the preservation of the growth rates of international and domestic migration, the growth of international migration flows from the South to the North and from the East to the West, the strengthening of new economically developed centers of gravity (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the increase in migration of rural population to cities, as well as urbanization and activation of the metropolises development. The share of international tourists in comparison with the world population will be constantly increasing, and the annual growth rate of the number of international tourists will significantly depend on the world economy and may vary at the several percent level. Permanent change will occur in the age, religious-cultural and socio-economic structure of the population

    The influence of disbalances in financial resources movement on national financial systems

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    In the article the effect of disbalances in the movement of financial resources on the national financial systems is formalized. For ensuring the corresponding monitoring objectives the financial sustainability indicators developed by the IMF and the World Bank have been used, as well as the integral indicator of financial resource disbalances, which serve as statistical units for measuring the financial situation and sustainability of the financial sector of the country. For the overwhelming majority of the studied countries, the hypothesis about the negative impact of disbalances in the flow of financial resources on the stability of their financial sectors, regardless of the general economic conditions of these countries' development, was confirmed. At the same time, such a hypothesis was denied for a group of developing countries. Conditions-destabilizers of financial sectors’ stability of the countries under the influence of financialization of their economies, which should be considered the object of regulatory measures in financial markets, are defined. These include the level of market integration into the global financial space, which determines the tendency to systemic risks transmission and the degree of markets’ development that affects their volatility

    Revision of the Terellia virens Group (Diptera, Tephritidae) with Description of Three New Species

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    The Terellia virens group includes eight species of uniformly greenish flies with white setulose abdomens and hyaline wings, variable in the characters of the male and female terminalia. Three new species are described and illustrated: Terellia freidbergi sp. n. from Middle and Near East, from flower heads of Centaurea behen L., T. ivannikovi V. Korneyev et Evstigneev, sp. n. from European Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, breeding in flower heads of Ce. chartolepis Greuter, and T. whitei V.?Korneyev et Mohamadzade, sp. n. reared from flower heads of Cousinia spp. in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Illustrated diagnoses or redescriptions of other species and a key to the species of Terellia with hyaline wings and white setulose abdominal tergites are given.Группа Terellia virens включает в себя 8 видов однообразно зеленоватых мух с прозрачными крыльями и беловолосистым брюшком, отличающихся строеним гениталий самцов и самок. Описаны Terellia freidbergi sp. n. со Среднего и Ближнего Востока, выведенная из соцветий Centaurea behen?L., T. ivannikovi V.?Korneyev et Evstigneev, sp. n. из Европейской России, Казахстана и Узбекистана, развивающейся в соцветиях Ce. chartolepis Greuter, и T. whitei V. Korneyev et Mohamadzade, sp. n. связанная с соцветиями Cousinia spp. в Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Туркменистане и Иране. Представлены также иллюстрированные переописания других видов и определительная таблица видов рода Terellia c прозрачными крыльями и беловолосистыми тергитами брюшка

    Business marketing activities in Ukraine during wartime

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    The war in Ukraine dealt a crushing blow to the country’s economy. The relevance of the topic is due to the marketing ability to be an effective tool for restoring and developing business in Ukraine. The paper aims to define the state and prospects for developing business and its marketing component during the war in Ukraine. The research analysis demonstrates that the share of business representatives who completely or partially ceased their activities during the first three months of the war decreased from 75.3% in March to 49.0% in May (compared to February 24, 2022), which is indicative of the gradual resumption of business in Ukraine. At the same time, it was found that in May 2022, the food retail, non-food retail, household appliances, and electronics sectors partially resumed their work. The best renewal rates are observed in the jewelry sector, and the worst – in the entertainment sector. A study of marketing activities in Ukraine shows that the most positive changes regarding gradual renewal are observed in digital marketing. The paper highlights the key consequences of hostilities for Ukrainian business and its marketing activities: supply chain disruption, reduced purchasing power, changes in consumer demand, stockpiling, and a state of uncertainty among business representatives. In addition, the study offers general approaches to adapting marketing and SMM during the war to preserve, restore, and further develop business in Ukraine

    Assessment of the external debt impact on a country’s economic development indicators: Evidence from Ukraine

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    External public debt is not only a means of raising funds to finance public needs, but also an effective tool for stabilizing a country`s economic development, the assessment and analysis of which allows making effective management decisions at the state level and developing effective measures to improve the economic and debt situation. The paper aims to assess the impact of external public debt on Ukraine’s economic development indicators (GDP, foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserves). In order to achieve the stated goal distributed lag models are used, which allow modeling a country’s economic development (according to key indicators) within certain forecast scenarios. The study covers the period from 2009 to 2021. An analysis of the dynamics of external public debt in Ukraine led to the conclusion about the unstable debt situation in Ukraine and a significant increase in external debt in recent years. Econometric models with a distributed lag of three years are built and the results of the influence of external public debt in different time periods are analyzed. The average lag in the built models is about one and a half years (for GDP) and two and a half years (for foreign direct investment). This value indicates that the average change (increase/decrease) in external public debt will change economic development over time. A positive conclusion is made on the possibility of not only assessing the time lag between the indicators, but also on the prospects for forecasting both the public debt and key indicators of Ukraine`s economic development

    The Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Bhutan: New Faunistic Records and Compendium of Fauna

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    Based on a field survey from 2017, twenty-three species are reported from Bhutan for the first time: Acroceratitis ceratitina, A. hardyi, Anomoia approximata, Bactrocera connecta, B. latifrons, B. nigrifacia, B. syzygii, Campiglossa sororcula, Cecidochares connexa, Dacus jacobi, Gastrozona fasciventris, Hoplandromyia antelopa, Lenitovena ultima, Ptilona confinis, Rioxoptilona dunlopi, R. formosana, R. vaga, Spathulina acroleuca, Themara yunnana, Trypeta indica, Zeugodacus apiciflavus, Z. diversus, and Z. fereuncinatus. Four species of the genera Cornutrypeta, Hemilea, Morinowotome, and Vidalia are also recorded for the first time, but the precise determination to species needs additional study and material. As the result, 71 species is listed from Bhutan by far. Their taxonomic position and key characters are discussed. Illustrations for most of the newly recorded species are given

    Dimethyl Sulfoxide Induces Both Direct and Indirect Tau Hyperphosphorylation

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    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is widely used as a solvent or vehicle for biological studies, and for treatment of specific disorders, including traumatic brain injury and several forms of amyloidosis. As Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains are characterized by deposits of β-amyloid peptides, it has been suggested that DMSO could be used as a treatment for this devastating disease. AD brains are also characterized by aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, but the effect of DMSO on tau phosphorylation is unknown. We thus investigated the impact of DMSO on tau phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. One hour following intraperitoneal administration of 1 or 2 ml/kg DMSO in mice, no change was observed in tau phosphorylation. However, at 4 ml/kg, tau was hyperphosphorylated at AT8 (Ser202/Thr205), PHF-1 (Ser396/Ser404) and AT180 (Thr231) epitopes. At this dose, we also noticed that the animals were hypothermic. When the mice were maintained normothermic, the effect of 4 ml/kg DMSO on tau hyperphosphorylation was prevented. On the other hand, in SH-SY5Y cells, 0.1% DMSO induced tau hyperphosphorylation at AT8 and AT180 phosphoepitopes in normothermic conditions. Globally, these findings demonstrate that DMSO can induce tau hyperphosphorylation indirectly via hypothermia in vivo, and directly in vitro. These data should caution researchers working with DMSO as it can induce artifactual results both in vivo and in vitro


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    The paper gives an overview of peri-operative chemotherapy in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) as insufficient option, demonstrates a clinical need for the development of more efficacious and safe treatment and introduces a MAGNOLIA study proposed by the European Association of Urology Research Fund in a concept of MIBC immunotherapy. The MAGNOLIA trial conducted in 56 research centers of 10 countries assesses whether adjuvant immunotherapy with recMAGE-A3+AS15 vaccine is safe and effective and improves outcome of patients with MAGE-A3 positive MIBC after cystectomy. 60 of 273 patients have been enrolled. The trial has to be continued to elaborate a general peri-operative treatment strategy for MIBC.Представлены данные II фазы рандомизированного исследования MAGNOLIA, проводившегося в 56 исследовательских центрах в 10 странах. Целью исследования MAGNOLIA является изучение эффективности и безопасности применения вакцины (recMAGEA3+ AS15) у больных инвазивным раком мочевого пузыря (ИРМП). В исследовании приняли участие 342 пациента. На основании полученных данных сделан вывод: периоперационная химиотерапия не может быть рекомендована во всех случаях выявления ИРМП и требуется продолжение исследования для выработки общей стратегии химиотерапевтического воздействия при ИРМП