161 research outputs found

    Building Coalitions for Transnational Trade Union Solidarity: Comparative Analysis of Three Campaigns from Turkey

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    As in many other countries Turkish trade unions have become increasingly active in applying transnational mechanisms to target transnational corporations (TNCs) and suppliers that do not respect labor rights. This article focuses on the contributions of Global Union Federations (GUFs) in coordinating transnational solidarity campaigns and the European trade union movement’s use of its 'social dialogue' policy to support Turkish struggles. The method of organizing transnational solidarity campaigns through a coalition building process among unions and pro-labor NGOs is explained and three solidarity campaigns from Turkey, (UPS campaign in the transport sector, Novamed campaign in the chemical sector and the DESA campaign in the textile-leather sector) are compared. This coalition building process offers suitable conditions to unite the power coming from production with the power coming from consumption and is able to put effective pressure on TNCs to respect labor rights. The ability of transnational campaigns to follow up issues and coalitions' willingness to work together for a long period determine the fate of unions' activities

    Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness for Different Sealant Materials Used in Highway Maintenance Operations

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    An important element in pavement maintenance practices is the sealing and filling of cracks. Hot pour materials are the most commonly used material, providing good performance for most of the cases. However, some maintenance processes utilize cold pour asphalt emulsion crack sealants. Cold pour crack sealants require longer setting and curing times, especially in areas of high humidity. In addition, the performance history of these cold pour sealants is not known nor well documented in comparison to the performance of hot rubber crack sealants. The costs associated with the use of this material versus hot rubber asphalt are also not well documented or determined. An extensive, three year research has been completed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in pursuit of evaluating and comparing the costeffectiveness for hot pour and cold pour sealants. Eight different roads in five districts were selected for the comparison of the sealants. A total of thirty-three different test sections were obtained through this operation. The surveys and field study indicate that hot pour rubber sealants performed better than cold pour sealants. In the test sections, hot pour sealants performed better over time than cold pour sealants. The cost analysis for this research is based on the comparison of all aspects related to the placement of hot and cold pour sealants. Construction cost is not the sole factor in cost-effectiveness. Performance of a sealant is also another significant factor, because a poorly performing sealant will require sealing to occur more often. Based on the service-life information collected from field evaluations, life-cycle costs can be calculated. The average annual cost (AAC) values were calculated for each sealant in twenty-five test sections in five districts. The cost analyses showed that the overall AAC for cold pour materials is 0.351/m,andforhotpourmaterials,theaverageAACis0.351/m, and for hot pour materials, the average AAC is 0.147/m

    Globalization, global labor movement and transnational solidarity campaigns: a comparative analysis of three solidarity campaigns in Turkey

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    Forces of globalization challenge labor rights in multiple dimensions. These policies are implemented at the expense of increasing inequalities and unemployment, curtailing labor rights, and enhancing the risks of financial crises. Aiming to diminish the impact of neoliberal policies, global unions conduct campaigns endorsed by pro-labor civil society organizations to force transnational corporations (TNCs) to respect core labor rights. Some of these campaigns succeed in strengthening transnational solidarity among local and global unions, and facilitate the persuasion of the TNCs to sign Agreements. Global labor movement also pursues to democratize globalization relatively via lobbying and campaigning at the level of international organizations. All these efforts serve for a renewal of the global labor movement in an environment where it has been weakened by the globalization process. This thesis examines some of the recent processes where local labor movement is empowered, acting in collaboration with the global labor movement. This collaboration, in turn, provides a fertile ground for adopting new strategies to challenge the TNCs which tend to curtail labor rights. This thesis focuses on three distinct transnational solidarity campaigns conducted to support organizing efforts of Turkish workers in supply chains of the TNCs, namely UPS Turkey campaign (2010-2011) in transportation sector, DESA campaign (2008-2009) in textile sector and Novamed Campaign (2005-2006) in chemical sector. These cases are interesting not only because of their common success in attaining the unions’ basic demands, but also because of their varying outcomes in the context of post-campaigning processes. The variation is placed between local union’s losing its rights to bargain and the local union’s signing a collective agreement. This thesis argues that these campaigns might overcome legal barriers and anti-union attitudes of employers by combining local struggles with transnational solidarity campaigns. It, then, explores the dynamics of these campaigns, comparing them with respect to their strategies and capacities in multiple fronts

    Critical Success factors for Six Sigma Implementation in Gaziantep Carpet companies

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    Aim of this study was to determine the critical factors that will support the success of the six sigma implementation and to investigate the different obstacles that make difficult to implement Six Sigma (SS) in the Gaziantep Carpet companies. Survey data collected from 108 companies that chosen randomly around Gaziantep and analyzed by SPSS. The research concluded that the highest requirements of SS available were Top management support and commitment that according to previous literature of the most important requirements or factors. According to the results of research, the teamwork and employee training & education on Six Sigma (SS) are the most critical factors for SS success. Also, there are important factors about implementing SS such as effectiveness of communication on SS Program, support and involvement of Top management, changing the culture effectively for SS and Project Management Skills. Research results have shown that; Lack of project management, lack of resources and lack of involvement in management are the most common problems in the SS implementation. A large amount of companies does not show resistance to the implementation of SS. Key Words: Six Sigma, Critical Success Factors, continuous improvemen

    Research capacity and training needs for non-communicable diseases in the public health arena in Turkey

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    Background The aim of this study is to define the research capacity and training needs for professionals working on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the public health arena in Turkey. Methods This study was part of a comparative cross-national research capacity-building project taking place across Turkey and the Mediterranean Middle East (RESCAP-Med, funded by the EU). Identification of research capacity and training needs took place in three stages. The first stage involved mapping health institutions engaged in NCD research, based on a comprehensive literature review. The second stage entailed in-depth interviews with key informants (KIs) with an overview of research capacity in public health and the training needs of their staff. The third stage required interviewing junior researchers, identified by KIs in stage two, to evaluate their perceptions of their own training needs. The approach we have taken was based upon a method devised by Hennessy&#38;Hicks. In total, 55 junior researchers identified by 10 KIs were invited to participate, of whom 46 researchers agreed to take part (84%). The specific disciplines in public health identified in advance by RESCAP-MED for training were: advanced epidemiology, health economics, environmental health, medical sociology-anthropology, and health policy. Results The initial literature review showed considerable research on NCDs, but concentrated in a few areas of NCD research. The main problems listed by KIs were inadequate opportunities for specialization due to heavy teaching workloads, the lack of incentives to pursue research, a lack of financial resources even when interest existed, and insufficient institutional mechanisms for dialogue between policy makers and researchers over national research priorities. Among junior researchers, there was widespread competence in basic epidemiological skills, but an awareness of gaps in knowledge of more advanced epidemiological skills, and the opportunities to acquire these skills were lacking. Self-assessed competencies in each of the four other disciplines considered revealed greater training needs, especially regarding familiarity with the qualitative research skills for medical anthropology/sociology. Conclusions In Turkey there are considerable strengths to build upon. But a combination of institutional disincentives for research, and the lack of opportunities for the rising generation of researchers to acquire advanced training skills.</p

    Serum Paraoxonase, Arylesterase, and GlutathioneS-Transferase Activities and Oxidative Stress Levels in Patients with Mushroom Poisoning

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    OBJECTIVES: Consumption of toxic species of mushrooms may have detrimental effects and increase oxidative stress. Paraoxonase, arylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase are antioxidants that resist oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the changes in these enzymes during intoxication due to mushrooms. METHODS: The study enrolled 49 adult patients with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning according to clinical findings and 49 healthy volunteers as the control group. The patients with mild clinical findings were hospitalized due to the possibility that the patient had also eaten the mushrooms and due to clinical findings in the late period, which could be fatal. Paraoxonase, arylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase concentrations, as well as total antioxidant and oxidant status, were determined in the 49 patients and 49 healthy volunteers by taking blood samples in the emergency department. RESULTS: While paraoxonase, arylesterase, and total antioxidant status were significantly decreased in the patient group (po0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, total oxidant status and the oxidative stress index were significantly higher (po0.05). There was a positive correlation between the hospitalization time and the oxidative stress index (r=0.752, po0.001), whereas a negative correlation was found with glutathione-S-transferase (r=-0.420, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: We observed a significant decrease in paraoxonase and arylesterase and an increase in glutathione-S-transferase and oxidative stress indexes in patients with mushroom poisoning, indicating that these patients had an oxidative status. In particular, a low total antioxidant status and high oxidative stress index may gain importance in terms of the assessment of hospitalization duration

    Mushroom poisoning: retrospective analysis of 294 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present special clinical and laboratory features of 294 cases of mushroom poisoning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, 294 patients admitted to the Pediatric and Adult Emergency, Internal Medicine and ICU Departments of Cumhuriyet University Hospital were investigated. RESULTS: Of 294 patients between the ages of 3 and 72 (28.97 ± 19.32), 173 were female, 121 were male and 90 were under the age of 16 years. One hundred seventy-three patients (58.8%) had consumed the mushrooms in the early summer. The onset of mushroom toxicity symptoms was divided into early (within 6 h after ingestion) and delayed (6 h to 20 d). Two hundred eighty-eight patients (97.9%) and six (2.1%) patients had early and delayed toxicity symptoms, respectively. The onset of symptoms was within two hours for 101 patients (34.3%). The most common first-noticed symptoms were in the gastrointestinal system. The patients were discharged within one to ten days. Three patients suffering from poisoning caused by wild mushrooms died from fulminant hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: Education of the public about the consumption of mushrooms and education of health personnel working in health centers regarding early treatment and transfer to hospitals with appropriate facilities are important for decreasing the mortality

    Procalcitonin and other acute phase reactants in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between procalcitonin and other acute phase reactants, and also analyze their relationship with clinical situation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) acute exacerbations.Materials and methods: The study was made with 122 acute COPD exacerbated patients, who were admitted to emergency service. Patients with below 0.25 ng/ml PCT value included Group 1, and the patients with PCT values ≥ 0.25 ng/ml Group 2. Serum procalcitonin levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) values and white blood cell (WBC) counts were measured. Also, patients hospitalization time and mortality rates were recorded and compared with PCT.Results: Patients were divided in 3 groups according to their clinical diagnosis; Pneumonia (n=27), Mycoplasma-Chlamydia pneumonia (n=11) and the patients with only COPD exacerbation(n=84). Mean PCT values according to the groups were 9.47 ± 8.1 ng/ml, 0.41 ± 0.2 ng/ml, and 0.21 ± 0.05 ng/ml respectively. The relationship between PCT with CRP and white blood cell has been found between significiant (p=0.001, p=0.005 respectively), whereas the relationship between PCT and ESR was nonsignificant (p=0.55). Procalcitonin and CRP had a positive correlation with the hospitalization time (p=0.034, p=0.022 respectively). The mean ± standard error of PCT for the patients who died was 28.3 ± 27.5 ng/ml, and the difference between patients who died or were discharged was statistically significant (p= 0.012).Conclusion: PCT can be a useful indicator for morbidity and prognosis in COPD patients

    Evaluation of forensic cases admitted to Cumhuriyet University hospital

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada; adli olguların demografik özellikleri ile adli olgu profilinin ortaya çıkarılması yanı sıra; hekimlerin adli rapor düzenleme aşamasında standardizasyonunun sağlanmasının adli tıp uygulamaları ve yargılama aşamasındaki öneminin vurgulanması amaçlandı. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Bu çalışma; 01.01.2006-31.12.2006 tarihleri arasında Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli TıpAnabilim Dalı'na adli rapor düzenlenmesi için adli makamlardan gönderilen olguların hastane dosyaları ile adli raporlarının retrospektif olarak incelenmesiyle yapılmıstır. Olguların tıbbi ve adli kayıtları; cinsiyet, yaş, olay türü, olay tarihi, olay yeri, gönderilen makam, yaralanan vücut bölgesi, tedavi olduğu servis, zehirlenme ve cinsel saldırı yönünden, ayrıca adli rapordaki sonuç raporları yönünden değerlendirilerek benzer çalışmalarla karşılastırıldı. BULGULAR: 1,296 olgunun %76.8'i erkekti. Olguların çoğunlukla genç ve orta yaş grubunda olduğu belirlendi. Adli olguların özellikle ağustos ayında (%10.9) daha yoğun olduğu ve çoğunlukla acil serviste (%29.9) tanı ve tedavi sonrası taburcu edildikleri saptandı.Yaşamsal tehlikeye neden olacak yaralanma oranı ise %17.4 olarak tespit edildi. Yaralanmaların en sık (%44.6) baş-boyun bölgesinde olduğu, %30.8 ile trafik kazalarının adli olguların önemli bir kısmını olusşturduğu gözlendi. SONUÇ: Hekim güvenliği ve hasta mağduriyetinin önlenmesi açısından adli olguların özellikle raporlama aşamasının daha özenli yapılması için mezuniyet sonrası adli tıp eğitimi ve adli tıp uzmanları ile koordineli çalışma gereklidir.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to reveal demographic properties and profile of forensic cases in addition to emphasize the importance of forensic report standardization in forensic medical practises and judicial process. MATERIALS and METHODS: This study, were reviewed retrospectively hospital files and forensic reports of cases who have been sent to Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine from by judicial authorities for organizing the forensic reports between the dates 01.01.2006-31.12.2006. The medical and judicial data that were evaluated according to gender, age, event type, event date, event location, sent to the authorities, injuring the body regions, the treatment services, intoxication, sexual assaults and also the results of forensic reports were compared with similar studies. RESULTS: Among 1.296 patients 76.8% were men. Most of the cases were young and middle aged group. Forensic cases were higher in number especially in August (10.9%) and discharged following diagnosis and treatment in emergency services (29.9%). Injuries with vital severity were identified as 17.4%. Injuries were most frequent (44.6%) at head-neck region and a significant ratio of forensic cases were caused by traffic accidents (%30.8). CONCLUSION: As a conclusion; to protect physcian and patients' rights, to control forensic reports more carefully, a coordinated study with forensic medical specialists is required during post graduation education of forensics

    The efficacy of cinacalcet in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population

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    WOS: 000393291900012OBJECTIVE: Cinacalcet reduces parathyroid hormone levels by increasing the sensitivity of the parathyroid gland to calcium. in this study, we firstly aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cinacalcet in Turkish hemodialysis patients. MATERIAL and METHODS: 4483 hemodialysis patients were screened and 469 patients who had used cinacalcet were included in the study. the patients were divided into 4 groups according to drug usage durations (Group 1: 3 months, Group 2: 6 months, Group 3: 9 months and Group 4: 12 months). the patients' Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP levels at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months were compared to the start of treatment and previous months. RESULTS: the levels of Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP significantly decreased compared to their initial levels in all groups (from 1412 pg/ml to 1222 pg/mL for Parathormone, p< 0,001) in the 3rd month. However, this reduction was not continued in the subsequent months (Parathormone: 1381 pg/ml for the 12th month). CONCLUSION: Cinacalcet may not provide adequate benefit in control of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population