Critical Success factors for Six Sigma Implementation in Gaziantep Carpet companies


Aim of this study was to determine the critical factors that will support the success of the six sigma implementation and to investigate the different obstacles that make difficult to implement Six Sigma (SS) in the Gaziantep Carpet companies. Survey data collected from 108 companies that chosen randomly around Gaziantep and analyzed by SPSS. The research concluded that the highest requirements of SS available were Top management support and commitment that according to previous literature of the most important requirements or factors. According to the results of research, the teamwork and employee training & education on Six Sigma (SS) are the most critical factors for SS success. Also, there are important factors about implementing SS such as effectiveness of communication on SS Program, support and involvement of Top management, changing the culture effectively for SS and Project Management Skills. Research results have shown that; Lack of project management, lack of resources and lack of involvement in management are the most common problems in the SS implementation. A large amount of companies does not show resistance to the implementation of SS. Key Words: Six Sigma, Critical Success Factors, continuous improvemen

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