244 research outputs found

    Tendances de la transition verslemarché des produits alimentairesbiologiq ues en Ukraine

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    D‘après le WWF, la transition vers les produitsbiologiquesest déjà en cours.Les aliments biologiquessont de plus en plus populairesdans le monde. Selonl'Organisationmondiale de la santé, un aliment dangereuxpeut causer plus de deux cent maladies. Cesdernièresannées, la demandemondiale de fruits etde légumes, de viande et de lait a étéproduitedans des zones sûres et cesproduitsne contiennent pas d'additifschimiques. Les acheteurs ne sont pas découragés par des prix encore plus élevés, car ilssaventque les produits bio sont de haute qualité

    Development of green tourism in Ukraine

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    The main objective of green tourism is to get closer to nature and protect the environment. The advantages of this type of vacation are accessibility, privacy and uniqueness

    A snap-shot assessment of carbon emission and export in a pristine river draining permafrost peatlands (Taz River, Western Siberia)

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    Mobilization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and CO2 from the frozen peat to surface waters in the permafrost zone of high latitude regions is expected to enhance under on-going permafrost thaw and active layer thickness deepening. Here we explored one of the most remote, pristine, unregulated and yet environmentally important rivers in western Siberia (Taz). This subarctic river drains through forested and tundra peat bogs over a gradient of permafrost and climate and likely acts as an important conduit of CO2 to the atmosphere and carbon and nutrient exporter to the Arctic Ocean. In a snapshot study during end of spring flood–beginning of summer baseflow (July 2019), we monitored daytime CO2 and CH4 concentrations and measured CO2 emissions using floating chambers in the main stem (700 km from the upper reaches to the mouth) and 16 main tributaries and we also assessed day/night variations in the emissions. We further tested the impact of land cover parameters of the watershed and tributaries. Based on regular monitoring of the terminal (gauging) station, we quantified the C export to the Arctic Ocean during the study period. We revealed sizable CO2 emissions from the main stem and tributaries (1.0 ± 0.4 and 1.8 ± 0.6 g C-CO2 m−2 d−1, respectively). The CO2 concentrations positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC), whereas the CH4 concentrations could be partially controlled by dissolved nutrients (N, P) and proportion of light coniferous forest at the watershed. The overall C emission from the water surfaces (4,845 km2) of the Taz basin (150,000 km2) during open water period (6 months, May to October) was estimated as 0.92 Tg C (>99.5% C-CO2, <0.5% C-CH4) which is twice higher than the total dissolved C (organic and inorganic) riverine export flux during the same period. Applying a “substituting space for time” approach for northern and southern parts of the river basin, we suggest that the current riverine CO2 emission may increase 2 to 3 fold in the next decades due to on-going climate warming and permafrost thaw. When integrating the obtained results into global models of C and biogeochemical cycle in the Arctic and subarctic region, the use of the Taz River as a representative example of continental planes should help to estimate the consequences of frozen peatland thaw on CO2 cycle in the Arctic and subarctic regions

    Testing landscape, climate and lithology impact on carbon, major and trace elements of the Lena river and its tributaries during a spring flood period

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    Transport of carbon, major and trace elements by rivers in permafrost-affected regions is one of the key factors in circumpolar aquatic ecosystem response to climate warming and permafrost thaw. A snap-shot study of major and trace element concentration in the Lena River basin during the peak of spring flood revealed a specific group of solutes according to their spatial pattern across the river main stem and tributaries and allowed the establishment of a link to certain landscape parameters. We demonstrate a systematic decrease of labile major and trace anion, alkali and alkaline-earth metal concentration downstream of the main stem of the Lena River, linked to change in dominant rocks from carbonate to silicate, and a northward decreasing influence of the groundwater. In contrast, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and a number of low-soluble elements exhibited an increase in concentration from the SW to the NE part of the river. We tentatively link this to an increase in soil organic carbon stock and silicate rocks in the Lena River watershed in this direction. Among all the landscape parameters, the proportion of sporadic permafrost on the watershed strongly influenced concentrations of soluble highly mobile elements (Cl, B, DIC, Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Mo, As and U). Another important factor of element concentration control in the Lena River tributaries was the coverage of the watershed by light (for B, Cl, Na, K, U) and deciduous (for Fe, Ni, Zn, Ge, Rb, Zr, La, Th) needle-leaf forest (pine and larch). Our results also suggest a DOC-enhanced transport of low-soluble trace elements in the NW part of the basin. This part of the basin is dominated by silicate rocks and continuous permafrost, as compared to the carbonate rock-dominated and groundwater-affected SW part of the Lena River basin. Overall, the impact of rock lithology and permafrost on major and trace solutes of the Lena River basin during the peak of spring flood was mostly detected at the scale of the main stem. Such an impact for tributaries was much less pronounced, because of the dominance of surface flow and lower hydrological connectivity with deep groundwater in the latter. Future changes in the river water chemistry linked to climate warming and permafrost thaw at the scale of the whole river basin are likely to stem from changes in the spatial pattern of dominant vegetation as well as the permafrost regime. We argue that comparable studies of large, permafrost-affected rivers during contrasting seasons, including winter baseflow, should allow efficient prediction of future changes in riverine 'inorganic' hydrochemistry induced by permafrost thaw

    Проектування віртуальної навчальної лабораторії для майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання з харчових технологій

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    Аrticle analyzes the definition of the concept of “virtual laboratory”, considers the features of using virtual laboratories at various stages of laboratory work, gives examples and indicates the advantages of creating them for the training system for teachers of vocational education in food technology. A design model for the functioning of a virtual training laboratory using algorithms for the operation of technological equipment is proposed. The ways of implementing modern approaches in the preparation of future teachers of vocational training in food technology are presented. The algorithm of virtual laboratory work is considered on the example of the discipline "Equipment of restaurant facilities" in the simulation format. The implementation of laboratory work in virtual laboratories contributes to the formation of the intellectual development of students, allows pedagogically balanced use of modern software in the educational process and the assimilation of knowledge at a more conscious and deep level. The positive dynamics of the qualitative indicators of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of vocational training was followed after classes using virtual laboratory work. In the process of developing the virtual laboratory work we presented, psychological requirements were taken into account, the essence of which is a phased solution of problem situations programmed by the teacher, which strengthen the students' semantic and logical activity. A thorough mastery of the knowledge gained during the execution of the virtual laboratory complex provides an appropriate level of development of scientific developments and technological management of the educational process. The structure of virtual laboratory work presented by us makes it possible to provide such components of the learning process as enhancing knowledge to perform research and control knowledge.Keywords: virtual laboratory, vocational training teachers, food technology, laboratory work, technological equipment.У статті аналізується визначення поняття «віртуальна лабораторія», розглянуті особливості використання віртуальних лабораторій на різних етапах проведення лабораторної роботи, наведені приклади та вказуються переваги їх створення для системи підготовки педагогів професійного навчання з харчових технологій. Запропоновано проектування моделі функціонування віртуальної навчальної лабораторії з використанням алгоритмів роботи технологічного обладнання. Представлено шляхи реалізації сучасних підходів у підготовці майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання з харчових технологій. Розглядається алгоритм виконання віртуальної лабораторної роботи на прикладі дисципліни «Устаткування закладів ресторанного господарства» у форматі симуляції. Виконання лабораторних робіт в віртуальних лабораторіях сприяє формуванню інтелектуального розвитку студентів, що дає змогу педагогічно-виважено застосовувати сучасне програмне забезпечення в навчальному процесі та засвоєнню знань на більш свідомому та глибокому рівні. Була простежена позитивна динаміка якісних показників сформованості професійної компетенції майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання після проведення занять за допомогою віртуальних лабораторних робіт. У процесі розробки представленої нами віртуальної лабораторної роботи враховані психологічні вимоги , суть яких полягає в поетапному вирішенню запрограмованих викладачем проблемних ситуацій, які посилюють смислову та логічну діяльність студентів. Ґрунтовне оволодіння знаннями, отриманими в процесі виконання віртуального лабораторного комплексу забезпечує відповідний рівень розвитку наукових розробок і технологічного керування навчальним процесом. Представлена нами структура віртуальної лабораторної роботи дає можливість забезпечити такі складові процесу навчання як активізація знань до виконання дослідження і контроль знань. Ключові слова: віртуальна лабораторія, педагоги професійного навчання, харчові технології, лабораторна робота, технологічне обладнання

    Continuous CO2 and CH4 Observations in the Coastal Arctic Atmosphere of the Western Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia : The First Results from a New Measurement Station in Dikson

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    Atmospheric observations of sources and sinks of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the pan-Arctic domain are highly sporadic, limiting our understanding of carbon turnover in this climatically sensitive environment and the fate of enormous carbon reservoirs buried in permafrost. Particular gaps apply to the Arctic latitudes of Siberia, covered by the vast tundra ecosystems underlain by permafrost, where only few atmospheric sites are available. The paper presents the first results of continuous observations of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 dry mole fractions at a newly operated station "DIAMIS" (73.506828 degrees N, 80.519869 degrees E) deployed on the edge of the Dikson settlement on the western coast of the Taimyr Peninsula. Atmospheric mole fractions of CO2, CH4, and H2O are measured by a CRDS analyzer Picarro G2301-f, which is regularly calibrated against WMO-traceable gases. Meteorological records permit screening of trace gas series. Here, we give the scientific rationale of the site, describe the instrumental setup, analyze the local environments, examine the seasonal footprint, and show CO2 and CH4 fluctuations for the daytime mixed atmospheric layer that is representative over a vast Arctic domain (-500-1000 km), capturing both terrestrial and oceanic signals.Peer reviewe