502 research outputs found

    Penrose's The Theory of the Growth of the Firm: an exemplar of engaged scholarship

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    Edith Penrose's (1959) classic book, The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, made a substantial impact on strategic management research, especially in the context of the resource-based view of the firm, and the ripple effects of her impact continue to unfold today in various disciplines. The book serves as a remarkably rich source of inspiration for scholarly research and a generative source of ideas, which are waiting to be further developed. In this paper, we examine Penrose's (1959) classic and provide: (1) the process by which this book came about; (2) a summary of its key ideas; (3) the subsequent impact of the book, in which we focus on mathematical models; and (4) a discussion of some of the research lessons learned from this exemplar of engaged scholarship. We invite management science and operations scholars to discover the rich scientific world of Edith Penrose and experience the product and process of her research creativit

    Relationship between the severity of endometriosis symptoms (dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain) and the spread of the disease on ultrasound

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    Objectives: About 10�15 of women of childbearing age have endometriosis. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between the severity of symptoms of endometriosis and the spread as well as the stage of the disease on ultrasonography. The present cross-sectional study evaluates the relationship between the severity of endometriosis symptoms and the spread of disease on ultrasonography in patients with endometriosis. Results: Considering different analyses, the cumulative size of posterior deep infiltrative endometriosis (DIE) (less than 1 cm) is significantly correlated with minimal severity of dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain. The incidence of dyspareunia was more prevalent in patients with complete stenosis of Douglas pouch than those with incomplete stenosis. Furthermore, the incidence of severe and very severe pain in patients with Douglas pouch stenosis is relatively higher than that in patients without stenosis. Only dyspareunia is related to the stage of endometriosis, and patients with dyspareunia are five times more at risk of a higher stage of the disease. The severity of dyspareunia is related to the stage of endometriosis and the severity of Douglas pouch stenosis. The results showed a correlation between chronic pelvic pain and r-ASRM score (revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine score). © 2020, The Author(s)

    Green cloud software engineering for big data processing

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with big data analytics is emerging as the core of smart and sustainable systems which bolsters economic, environmental and social sustainability. Cloud-based data centers provide high performance computing power to analyze voluminous IoT data to provide invaluable insights to support decision making. However, multifarious servers in data centers appear to be the black hole of superfluous energy consumption that contributes to 23% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) industry. IoT-related energy research focuses on low-power sensors and enhanced machine-to-machine communication performance. To date, cloud-based data centers still face energy-related challenges which are detrimental to the environment. Virtual machine (VM) consolidation is a well-known approach to affect energy-efficient cloud infrastructures. Although several research works demonstrate positive results for VM consolidation in simulated environments, there is a gap for investigations on real, physical cloud infrastructure for big data workloads. This research work addresses the gap of conducting real physical cloud infrastructure-based experiments. The primary goal of setting up a real physical cloud infrastructure is for the evaluation of dynamic VM consolidation approaches which include integrated algorithms from existing relevant research. An open source VM consolidation framework, Openstack NEAT is adopted and experiments are conducted on a Multi-node Openstack Cloud with Apache Spark as the big data platform. Open sourced Openstack has been deployed because it enables rapid innovation, and boosts scalability as well as resource utilization. Additionally, this research work investigates the performance based on service level agreement (SLA) metrics and energy usage of compute hosts. Relevant results concerning the best performing combination of algorithms are presented and discussed

    Comprehensive approach to reintegration of disability benefit recipients with multiple problems (CARm) into the labour market:results of a randomized controlled trial

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    PURPOSE: Although most clients on work disability benefits face multiple problems, most traditional interventions for (re)integration focus on a single problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the "Comprehensive Approach to Reintegrate clients with multiple problems" (CARm), which provides a strategy for labour experts to build a relationship with each client in order to support clients in their needs and mobilize their social networks.METHODS: This study is a stratified, two-armed, non-blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT), with a 12-month follow-up period. Outcome measures were: having paid work, level of functioning, general health, quality of life, and social support.RESULTS: We included a total of 207 clients in our study; 97 in the intervention group and 110 in the care as usual (CAU) group. The clients' mean age was 35.4 years (SD 12.8), 53.1% were female, and 179 (86.5%) reported multiple problems. We found the CARm intervention to have no significant effects superior to those of the CAU group on all outcomes.CONCLUSION: As we found no superior effect of the CARm intervention compared to CAU, we cannot recommend widespread adoption of CARm. A process evaluation will give more insight into possible implementation failure of the intervention.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONMost traditional interventions for (re)integration into the labour market are problem-centred, i.e., focusing on a single problem, and have limited effectiveness in persons with multiple problems.A strength-based intervention may be suitable for vocational rehabilitation and disability settings, since it contains many elements (e.g., being strength-based, focused on clients' wishes and goals, and involving activation of the social environment) also likely to improve chances of re-employment of persons with multiple problems.In this study a strength-based intervention did not show a superior effect on paid employment and functioning within one year follow-up compared to care as usual in people with multiple problems on a work disability benefit.</p

    Pleidooi voor een Wet toezicht kwaliteit zorgsector

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    __Abstract__ De afgelopen jaren zijn verschillende malen voorstellen gedaan om een algemene Toezichtwet op het terrein van de zorg te maken. Deze voorstellen behelsden vaak niet meer dan een globaal idee. Tot nu toe is nimmer onderzoek verricht naar de mogelijke opzet en meerwaarde van een dergelijke Toezichtwet. In het kader van de onlangs door ons afgeronde thematische wetsevaluatie bestuursrechtelijk toezicht op de kwaliteit van zorg1 kwam dit onderwerp nadrukkelijk bovendrijven. Een van de conclusies van deze evaluatie is dat er goede gronden zijn voor de realisatie van een integrale Toezichtwet. Daarbij gaat het in het bijzonder over de positie van de ‘leidende’ toezichthouder op het gebied van de kwaliteit van zorg, de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg (IGZ). In deze bijdrage werken wij dit nader uit. In de eerste plaats gaan wij in op de lacunes in de huidige toezichtwetgeving op het gebied van de kwaliteit van zorg. Daarna besteden wij aandacht aan eerdere discussies met betrekking tot een Toezichtwet in de zorg. Vervolgens maken wij een uitstapje naar een integrale toezichtwet in een andere maatschappelijke sector, namelijk het onderwijs. Dit alles mondt uit in een pleidooi voor een nieuwe Wet toezicht kwaliteit zorgsector en in een hoofdlijnenschets van deze wet

    Ocean connectivity and habitat characteristics predict population genetic structure of seagrass in an extreme tropical setting

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    Understanding patterns of gene flow and processes driving genetic differentiation is important for a broad range of conservation practices. In marine organisms, genetic differentiation among populations is influenced by a range of spatial, oceanographic, and environmental factors that are attributed to the seascape. The relative influences of these factors may vary in different locations and can be measured using seascape genetic approaches. Here, we applied a seascape genetic approach to populations of the seagrass, Thalassia hemprichii, at a fine spatial scale (~80 km) in the Kimberley coast, western Australia, a complex seascape with strong, multidirectional currents greatly influenced by extreme tidal ranges (up to 11 m, the world\u27s largest tropical tides). We incorporated genetic data from a panel of 16 microsatellite markers, overwater distance, oceanographic data derived from predicted passive dispersal on a 2 km-resolution hydrodynamic model, and habitat characteristics from each meadow sampled. We detected significant spatial genetic structure and asymmetric gene flow, in which meadows 12–14 km apart were less connected than ones 30–50 km apart. This pattern was explained by oceanographic connectivity and differences in habitat characteristics, suggesting a combined scenario of dispersal limitation and facilitation by ocean current with local adaptation. Our findings add to the growing evidence for the key role of seascape attributes in driving spatial patterns of gene flow. Despite the potential for long-distance dispersal, there was significant genetic structuring over small spatial scales implicating dispersal and recruitment bottlenecks and highlighting the importance of implementing local-scale conservation and management measures

    Mapping the structure of Borneo's tropical forests across a degradation gradient

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    South East Asia has the highest rate of lowland forest loss of any tropical region, with logging and deforestation for conversion to plantation agriculture being flagged as the most urgent threats. Detecting and mapping logging impacts on forest structure is a primary conservation concern, as these impacts feed through to changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Here, we test whether high-spatial resolution satellite remote sensing can be used to map the responses of aboveground live tree biomass (AGB), canopy leaf area index (LAI) and fractional vegetation cover (FCover) to selective logging and deforestation in Malaysian Borneo. We measured these attributes in permanent vegetation plots in rainforest and oil palm plantations across the degradation landscape of the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems project. We found significant mathematical relationships between field-measured structure and satellite-derived spectral and texture information, explaining up to 62% of variation in biophysical structure across forest and oil palm plots. These relationships held at different aggregation levels from plots to forest disturbance types and oil palms allowing us to map aboveground biomass and canopy structure across the degradation landscape. The maps reveal considerable spatial variation in the impacts of previous logging, a pattern that was less clear when considering field data alone. Up-scaled maps revealed a pronounced decline in aboveground live tree biomass with increasing disturbance, impacts which are also clearly visible in the field data even a decade after logging. Field data demonstrate a rapid recovery in forest canopy structure with the canopy recovering to pre-disturbance levels a decade after logging. Yet, up-scaled maps show that both LAI and FCover are still reduced in logged compared to primary forest stands and markedly lower in oil palm stands. While uncertainties remain, these maps can now be utilised to identify conservation win–wins, especially when combining them with ongoing biodiversity surveys and measurements of carbon sequestration, hydrological cycles and microclimate

    Assessing the acute toxicity of insecticides to the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris audax)

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    The buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax is an important pollinator within both landscape ecosystems and agricultural crops. During their lifetime bumblebees are regularly challenged by various environmental stressors including insecticides. Historically the honey bee (Apis mellifera spp.) has been used as an ‘indicator’ species for ‘standard’ ecotoxicological testing, but it has been suggested that it is not always a good proxy for other eusocial or solitary bees. To investigate this, the susceptibility of B. terrestris to selected pesticides within the neonicotinoid, pyrethroid and organophosphate classes was examined using acute insecticide bioassays. Acute oral and topical LD50 values for B. terrestris against these insecticides were broadly consistent with published results for A. mellifera. For the neonicotinoids, imidacloprid was highly toxic, but thiacloprid and acetamiprid were practically non-toxic. For pyrethroids, deltamethrin was highly toxic, but tau-fluvalinate only slightly toxic. For the organophosphates, chlorpyrifos was highly toxic, but coumaphos practically non-toxic. Bioassays using insecticides with common synergists enhanced the sensitivity of B. terrestris to several insecticides, suggesting detoxification enzymes may provide a level of protection against these compounds. The sensitivity of B. terrestris to compounds within three different insecticide classes is similar to that reported for honey bees, with marked variation in sensitivity to different insecticides within the same insecticide class observed in both species. This finding highlights the need to consider each compound within an insecticide class in isolation rather than extrapolating between different insecticides in the same class or sharing the same mode of action