507 research outputs found

    Vertical supports of the PV Wendelstein 7-X

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    Living with the user: Design drama for dementia care through responsive scripted experiences in the home

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    Participation in forms of drama and narrative can provoke empathy and creativity in user-centred design processes. In this paper, we expand upon existing methods to explore the potential for responsive scripted experiences that are delivered through the combination of sensors and output devices placed in a home. The approach is being developed in the context of Dementia care, where the capacity for rich user participation in design activities is limited. In this case, a system can act as a proxy for a person with Dementia, allowing designers to gain experiences and insight as to what it is like to provide care for, and live with, this person. We describe the rationale behind the approach, a prototype system architecture, and our current work to explore the creation of scripted experiences for design, played out though UbiComp technologies.This research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council UK, (AH/K00266X/1) and Horizon Digital Economy Research (RCUK grant EP/G065802/1)

    Using cultural probes to inform the design of assistive technologies

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    This paper discusses the practical implications of applying cultural probes to drive the design of assistive technologies. Specifically we describe a study in which a probe was deployed with home-based carers of people with dementia in order to capture critical data and gain insights of integrating the technologies into this sensitive and socially complex design space. To represent and utilise the insights gained from the cultural probes, we created narratives based on the probe data to enhance the design of assistive technologies.This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/K00266X/1) and RCUK through the Horizon Digital Economy Research grant (EP/G065802/1)

    Evaluation of endogenous miRNA reference genes across different zebrafish strains, developmental stages and kidney disease models

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    The majority of kidney diseases arise from the loss of podocytes and from morphological changes of their highly complex foot process architecture, which inevitably leads to a reduced kidney filtration and total loss of kidney function. It could have been shown that microRNAs (miRs) play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of podocyte-associated kidney diseases. Due to their fully functioning pronephric kidney, larval zebrafish have become a popular vertebrate model, to study kidney diseases in vivo. Unfortunately, there is no consensus about a proper normalization strategy of RT-qPCR-based miRNA expression data in zebrafish. In this study we analyzed 9 preselected candidates dre-miR-92a-3p, dre-miR-206-3p, dre-miR-99-1, dre-miR-92b-3p, dre-miR-363-3p, dre-let-7e, dre-miR-454a, dre-miR-30c-5p, dre-miR-126a-5p for their capability as endogenous reference genes in zebrafish experiments. Expression levels of potential candidates were measured in 3 different zebrafish strains, different developmental stages, and in different kidney disease models by RT-qPCR. Expression values were analyzed with NormFinder, BestKeeper, GeNorm, and DeltaCt and were tested for inter-group differences. All candidates show an abundant expression throughout all samples and relatively high stability. The most stable candidate without significant inter-group differences was dre-miR-92b-3p making it a suitable endogenous reference gene for RT-qPCR-based miR expression zebrafish studies

    The Right to Informed Choice. A Study and Opinion Poll of Women Who Were or Were Not Given the Option of a Sterilisation with Their Caesarean Section

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    BACKGROUND: In The Netherlands, caesarean sections (CSs) are rarely combined with tubal occlusion (TO), partly because discussing CS/TO near delivery is considered unethical and earlier hypothetical counselling--i.e. suppose you happen to need a CS--is rare. This results in more unintended pregnancies and is inconsistent with informed choice. We explored whether TO should indeed not be made routinely available to eligible women. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A questionnaire was mailed to 515 Para ≥2 who underwent in the past ≥1 CS. 498 (96.7%) responded. They were on average 35.3 years old, had 2.5 children, had undergone 1.6 CSs, and 3.3 years had passed since their index delivery, either a CS (393) or vaginal birth (105) after a previous CS. 87% of the 498 believed that pregnant mothers with ≥1 children should be routinely counselled about CS/TO. Indeed, 58% and 85% respectively, thought women/couples expecting their second or third child should still be given the TO option days before delivery, if omitted earlier. Counselled women, 138/498 (27.8%), were far more often satisfied than those without CS/TO option. 33/393 had a CS/TO. None indicated regret in the questionnaire. Another 119 also would have elected a CS/TO if given that option. Therefore, 152 (38.7%) of 393 Para ≥2 had or would have liked a concurrent TO. 118/119 wrote they still regretted missing this opportunity. The exception's husband had had a vasectomy. 100/119 were good TO candidates: they were ≥28 years when they delivered an apparently healthy baby of ≥37 weeks. The current contraceptive use of these 100 suggests that this group will have at least 8 unintended pregnancies before age 50. CONCLUSION: The experiences and opinions of previous potential candidates for a CS/TO do not support the reluctance of Dutch obstetricians to counsel pregnant Para ≥1 about the TO option for a (potential) CS

    Bound States in Mildly Curved Layers

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    It has been shown recently that a nonrelativistic quantum particle constrained to a hard-wall layer of constant width built over a geodesically complete simply connected noncompact curved surface can have bound states provided the surface is not a plane. In this paper we study the weak-coupling asymptotics of these bound states, i.e. the situation when the surface is a mildly curved plane. Under suitable assumptions about regularity and decay of surface curvatures we derive the leading order in the ground-state eigenvalue expansion. The argument is based on Birman-Schwinger analysis of Schroedinger operators in a planar hard-wall layer.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 23 page