34 research outputs found

    From dead end to new lease of life : development in South-Eastern Tanganyika from the late 1930s to the 1950s

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    Shows the variety of meanings of development in South-Eastern Tanganyika during the period concerned and spells out their implications for the history of development more generallyPeer reviewe

    Maji Maji in the Making of the South

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    Development : History and Power of the Concept

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    This article provides an alternative reading of the history of development by tracing how the concept of development has accumulated its present power. It starts from the premise that whatever development is, it is also a concept which is deeply ingrained in our 'Western' habitus and can inform and guide our actions. Contrary to suggestions that it was 'invented' once - at whatever date - and then spread elsewhere, I argue that it emerged gradually by being born and reborn several times in different contexts. Thus, its history is not of direct genealogical continuities from a single origin but rather of parallels generated by similar structural circumstances. Although development is commonly criticised for its ambiguity, I argue that much of its power actually stems from its linguistic polyvalence: its different meanings make it useful for many different purposes. Yet the concept is held together by a more coherent structural frame which combines three main senses: ideal, processual and intentional. Building on research on colonial history, I locate a birth of development in European colonialism, where it worked as an unacknowledged condition of colonial exploitation. It also has other antecedents that remain insufficiently understood. Having been introduced in the South as a notion for colonial exploitation of local resources, after World War II its function changed again. At the dissolution of the colonial empires, it was taken into its present use as soft power by Western powers and anti-colonial nationalists alike and was transformed into the foundational concept of developmentalism. But its power has limits. Ultimately, while concepts can and do affect people's behaviour, they work within the dynamics of material and mental interests.Peer reviewe

    Disentangling the meanings of development

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    Development is a powerful but hopelessly slippery and evasive concept, yet scholars keep on defining and redefining it. Lately, it has been suggested that it is not possible to grapple with all the meanings of development and it is better to be understood as a temporary (assemblage'. This article takes issue with this suggestion. It argues that development is a historically evolved concept which has acquired many meanings in the course of its own development. Ambiguity and polyvalence are its integral features: without them it could not work as a concept. Yet it has meanings - even a core meaning. Concepts are words and the meanings of words are in the ways they are used. In practice, development is understood simultaneously as (1) a goal; (2) a process leading to that goal; and (3) an intervention triggering such a process. This composite meaning has been there since colonialism and seems to carry on despite all the announcements of its death. With it development continues to retain much of its evocative power. As long as this is the case we need development studies to sort out its intricacies. © 2014, Finnish Anthropological Society. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Suomi, historia, kehitys

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    Tie Suomeen : toinen kertomus

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    Increased number of observations and notes of offspring production in the invasive orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772) (Araneae; Araneidae) in Finland

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    Prior to 2005, the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772) was unknown in the Finnish spider fauna. In 2005–2010, four specimens in three localities were found by laymen. In 2011, 13 specimens were observed in various parts of southern Finland. The sample sites are separated by long distances suggesting that A .bruennichi specimens are spread by anemochory, i.e. by ballooning. All the individuals were females. Two cocoons (egg sacks) constructed by one of the two females reared in captivity and one cocoon constructed outdoors by another female yielded live offspring. Whether young A. bruennichi passed the winter in cocoons in Finland or arrived from abroad in spring 2011 prior to reaching maturity during summer of the same year is unknown. Here we compile the records of A. bruennichi gathered in Finland in 2005–2011. We document the arrival and reproduction of this alien spider at the northernmost edge of its range and discuss its dispersal in Northwest Europe and factors related to the establishment of permanent populations in general

    33. Rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmat

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    Julkaisu koostuu kahdeksasta 33. rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmasta: (1) Andersson, Kalevi: Aikataulujen kehittäminen ja valvonta osana urakkaohjelmaa. (2) Koponen, Juhani: Urakkaohjelman vaatimukset aikataulusta, laadunvarmistuksesta ja raportoinnista. (3) Lähteinen, Markku: Tietoliikenneverkon rakentamisvaiheaikataulun laadinta ja seuranta. (4) Pöllänen, Markku: Arkistonmuodostussuunnitelman laatiminen julkisen rakennuttajan. rakennushankkeisiin ja olemassa olevaan rakennuskantaan. (5) Ristola, Juhani: Miten urakkaohjelmassa pitäisi esittää vaatimukset seuraavista asioista: aikataulun laadinta, valvonta ja korjaavien toimenpiteiden käsittely osapuolten kesken; laadunvarmistussuunnitelman teko, tulosten dokumentointi tilaajalle sekä korjaavista toimenpiteistä sopiminen; tilaajaa kiinnostavat työmaan tilannetta koskevat raportoitavat asiat ja niistä sopimisen prosessi. (6) Seppälä, Arvo: Miten urakkaohjelmassa pitäisi esittää vaatimukset seuraavista asioista: aikataulun laadinta, valvonta ja korjaavien toimenpiteiden käsittely osapuolten kesken; laadunvarmistussuunnitelman teko, tulosten dokumentointi tilaajalle sekä korjaavista toimenpiteistä sopiminen; tilaajaa kiinnostavat työmaan tilannetta koskevat raportoitavat asiat ja niistä sopimisen prosessi. (7) Sirkiä, Esa: Vesiväylähankkeen tiedonkulku tilaajan näkökulmasta. (8) Toivanen, Lasse: Haastavien kattomuotojen suunnittelunohjaus ja rakennuttaminen Espoon koulurakennushankkeissa