7 research outputs found

    Direct knock-on of desolvated ions governs strict ion selectivity in K+ channels

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    The seeming contradiction that K+ channels conduct K+ ions at maximal throughput rates while not permeating slightly smaller Na+ ions has perplexed scientists for decades. Although numerous models have addressed selective permeation in K+ channels, the combination of conduction efficiency and ion selectivity has not yet been linked through a unified functional model. Here, we investigate the mechanism of ion selectivity through atomistic simulations totalling more than 400 μs in length, which include over 7,000 permeation events. Together with free-energy calculations, our simulations show that both rapid permeation of K+ and ion selectivity are ultimately based on a single principle: the direct knock-on of completely desolvated ions in the channels' selectivity filter. Herein, the strong interactions between multiple 'naked' ions in the four filter binding sites give rise to a natural exclusion of any competing ions. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental selectivity data, measured ion interaction energies and recent two-dimensional infrared spectra of filter ion configurations

    Conotoxin κM-RIIIJ, a tool targeting asymmetric heteromeric Kv1 channels

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    The vast complexity of native heteromeric K+ channels is largely unexplored. Defining the composition and subunit arrangement of individual subunits in native heteromeric K+ channels and establishing their physiological roles is experimentally challenging. Here we systematically explored this zone of ignorance in molecular neuroscience. Venom components, such as peptide toxins, appear to have evolved to modulate physiologically relevant targets by discriminating among closely related native ion channel complexes. We provide proof-of-principle for this assertion by demonstrating that κM-conotoxin RIIIJ (κM-RIIIJ) from Conus radiatus precisely targets asymmetric Kv channels composed of three Kv1.2 subunits and one Kv1.1 or Kv1.6 subunit with 100-fold higher apparent affinity compared with homomeric Kv1.2 channels. Our study shows that dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons contain at least two major functional Kv1.2 channel complexes: a heteromer, for which κM-RIIIJ has high affinity, and a putative Kv1.2 homomer, toward which κM-RIIIJ is less potent. This conclusion was reached by (i) covalent linkage of members of the mammalian Shaker-related Kv1 family to Kv1.2 and systematic assessment of the potency of κM-RIIIJ block of heteromeric K+ channel-mediated currents in heterologous expression systems; (ii) molecular dynamics simulations of asymmetric Kv1 channels providing insights into the molecular basis of κM-RIIIJ selectivity and potency toward its targets; and (iii) evaluation of calcium responses of a defined population of DRG neurons to κM-RIIIJ. Our study demonstrates that bioactive molecules present in venoms provide essential pharmacological tools that systematically target specific heteromeric Kv channel complexes that operate in native tissues

    Progression of Geographic Atrophy in Age-related Macular Degeneration

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    Subretinal Hyperreflective Material in the Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials

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