288 research outputs found

    Economic constraints of defense reform in SEE

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    Defence reforms in general and building of new military capability in particular affect the national defence environment as much as these exogenous variables affect it. A combination of government economic policies, reduced defence budget ceilings, the projected further decline in defence expenditures and escalating manpower and equipment costs serve to put severe constraints on what armed forces can and can not do in the future. Armed forces depend on the government and parliament to decide what annual amount of money they are to receive from the public purse. The government\u27s approach to the question of how much to spend on defence is a time tested one. Beside the total amount per year which state can reasonably afford for defence, there is another principal issue where levels of defence expenditures are concerned. The broad alternatives of SEE countries to downward pressures on defence expenditures are clear: either “drown down” the number of defence and security commitments or finding ways of achieving more by ways of operational effectiveness with progressively less money and fewer resources

    Povećanje kvalitete rezultata površinske hrapavosti kod obrade slobodnih površina temeljem neuronskih mreža

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    This paper concerns with free form surface reorganization and assessment of free form model complexity, grouping particular surface geometrical properties within patch boundaries, using self organized Kohonen neural network (SOKN). Neural network proved itself as an adequate tool for considering all topological non-linearities appearing in free form surfaces. Coordinate values of point cloud distributed at a particular surface were used as a surface property’s descriptor, which was led into SOKN where representative neurons for curvature, slope and spatial surface properties were established. On a basis of this approach, surface patch boundaries were reorganized in such a manner that finish machining strategies gave best possible surface roughness results. The patch boundaries were constructed regarding to the Gaussian and mean curvature, in order to achieve smooth transition between patches, and in this way preserve or even improve desired curve and surface continuities, (C2 and G2). It is shown that by reorganization of boundaries considering curvature, slope and spatial point distribution, the surface quality of machined free form surface is improved. Approach was experimentally verified on 22 free form surface models which were reorganized by SOKN and machined with finish milling tool-path strategies. Results showed rather good improvement of mean surface roughness profile Ra for reorganized surfaces, when comparing to unorganized free form surfaces.Ovaj se članak bavi reorganizacijom slobodnih površina i ocjenom kompleksnosti modela slobodnih površina, grupirajući određena površinska geometrijska svojstva unutar zatvorenih površina, koristeći samoorganizirajuću Kohonenovu neuronsku mrežu (SOKN). Neuronske mreže pokazale su se kao prikladan alat za razmatranje svih topoloških nelinearnosti koje se pojavljuju kod slobodnih površina. Vrijednosti koordinata oblaka točaka raspodijeljenih nad određenom površinom korišteni su kao svojstveni opis, što je nadalje vodilo prema SOKN-u, gdje su ustanovljeni reprezentativni neuroni za zakrivljenost, nagib i prostorno-površinska svojstva. Na temelju ovoga pristupa reorganizirane su granice zatvorenih površina na takav način da metode površinske obrade daju najbolje moguće rezultate spram površinske hrapavosti. Granice tih površina određene su prema Gaussovoj i prosječnoj zakrivljenosti kako bi se postigao glatki prijelaz između zatvorenih površina te kako bi se na taj način očuvala ili čak unaprijedila željena zakrivljenost i glatkoća površine, (C2 i G2). Pokazano je da se reorganizacijom granica s obzirom na zakrivljenost, nagib i prostornu raspodjelu točaka, poboljšava kvaliteta obrađene slobodne površine. Pristup je eksperimentalno potvrđen na 22 modela slobodne površine koji su reorganizirani SOKN-om i površinski obrađeni određenim metodama. Rezultati pokazuju poprilično dobro poboljšanje prosječne vrijednosti površinske hrapavosti Ra za reorganizirane strukture u usporedbi sa neorganiziranim slobodnim površinama

    Održivi proces obrade – mit ili stvarnost

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    The industry is under increasing pressure of the financial crisis, global competition, stricter environmental legislation and supply-chain demand. To tackle these issues, a sustainable development trend has to be assured synergetically on all the levels/fields, including machining processes. This paper promotes sustainable production via an improvement of machining technologies through an alternative cryogenic machining process. Presented are comparative experimental results of cryogenic machining performances in accordance with conventional processes, through the analysis of: cutting forces, tool-wear, temperatures and costs. This work proves that the cryogenic machining technology has a high potential to cut costs and improve competitiveness by reducing resource consumption therefore, creating less waste, and has less of an environmental and social impact. The results of this work confirm that alternative sustainable cryogenic machining offers conditions for fulfilling the sustainability pillars: the economical, social and environmental one, over conventional machining processesIndustrija je pod sve većim pritiskom financijske krize, globalne konkurencije, strožih zakona o zaštiti okoliša, lanaca ponude i potražnje. Da rješavajući ova pitanja, održivi trend razvoja mora osigurati sinergiju na svim razinama / poljima, uključujući i obrade. Ovaj rad promovira održivu proizvodnju putem suvremene tehnologije u vidu alternativnog kriogenog procesa obrade. Prikazani su eksperimentalni rezultati komparativne kriogene obrade u odnosu na konvencionalne procese, kroz analizu: sila rezanja, trošenja alata, temperature i troškove. Ovaj rad dokazuje da kriogene tehnologije imaju visok potencijal za smanjenje troškova i poboljšanje konkurentnosti smanjenjem potrošnje resursa, dakle, omogućuje manje otpada, a ima manji ekološki i društveni utjecaj. Rezultati ovog rada potvrđuju da alternativna održiva kriogena obrada omogućava ispunjenje uvjeta za održivost: ekonomsku, socijalnu i ekološku, u odnosu na konvencionalnu obradu

    Influencing Indicators Determination - Precondition for Successful Innovation Management in Mechanical Industry

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    The purpose of the study was to establish the most important influencing parameters concerning innovation processes aimed at achieving improved business performance in the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry in Slovenia. A five steps research methodology was applied. Initially, a group of variables among the statistical data was selected, and then some additional variables were defined. In the third step, the variables were dispersed among the following categories: input, process, indirect output and direct output variables. In the fourth step, reciprocal correlations among particular variables were calculated prior to the final selection of the most important correlations and their interpretation. The influential input and process variables were estimated, and these indicate not only the sequence of activities but also particular areas where additional effort needs to be invested in innovation. The research limitations are related to statistical methodology since the used correlation coefficient itself does not provide any information on the direction of the cause-effect relation. Further limitations are connected with statistical data failing to cover all the important topics related to the innovation performance within a company. There are also some misleading questions/definitions in the SURS/Eurostat which partially result in subjective results. The time delay factor also represents one of the limitations of the study. Namely, a change in certain influencing parameters (e.g. R&D expenditure) normally requires a certain period of time to actually come into effect. The findings also represent a set of suggested guidelines in which enterprises, national policy leaders and also supporting environment organisations should put their efforts. The way of analysing and interpreting the data deriving from the mechanical industry are new. Besides, the results and conclusion are also original and may be applied by the aforementioned target groups

    The influence of reinforcing bar diameter on bond between rebar and concrete

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    Diplomsko delo obsega preiskave na področju sprijemnih napetosti med armaturnimi palicami in betonom. Preiskave smo opravili v skladu s standardom SIST EN 10080:2005 in sicer na betonu normalne in visoke trdnosti. V standardiziran kalup smo vstavili jekleno palico premera 20 mm ter s gumijasto cevjo zagotovili primerno sidrno dolžino. Kalupe smo nato zalili z obema vrstama betona. Preizkušance smo 28 dni hranili v vodi, nato pa smo opravili izvlečni preizkus. Armaturne palice smo s pomočjo preizkuševalne naprave izvlekli iz betona, ter sproti beležili podatke. Podatke smo uredili, ter jih prikazali v obliki grafa, ki prikazuje sprijemne napetosti v odvisnosti od zdrsa med palico in okoliškim betonom. Za zaključek pa smo rezultate primerjali s tistimi pridobljenimi na palicah s premerom 12 mm. Primerjava izvlečnih testov izvedenih na palicah 12 in 20 mm so pokazali, da pri uporabi betonov visokih trdnosti premer palice ne vpliva na sprijemnost med armaturo in betonom.In this graduation thesis I captured investigation studies in the field of bond stress between reinforcement bars and concrete. Investigations were carried out in accordance with standard SIST EN 10080: 2005 on normal and high strength concrete. A steel reinforcing bar with a diameter of 20 mm was inserted into a standardized mold. We created an appropriate anchor length with a rubber tube. We then poured both types of concrete into molds. Test specimens were stored for 28 days in water and, after that, we made the pull-out test. With the help of the testing device we pulled the reinforcing bars out of the concrete and recorded the data at the same time. The data was edited and shown in a graph, which shows the bond stress according to the slip between the bar and the surrounding concrete. In conclusion, the results were compared with those obtained from the bars with diameters of 12 mm. A comparison of pull-out tests carried out on the bars of 12 and 20 mm have shown that, with the use of high strength concrete, the diameter of the bars does not affect the bond between the reinforcement and the concrete

    Pripravništvo - predpis ali potreba

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    Rahlo polemičen naslov tega sestavka je odsev spoznanj in izkušenj, ki sem si jih nabral v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Tako ali drugače se srečujem z različnimi problemi pripravništva in iz različnih zornih kotov. Na seminarjih za mentorje, v pogovorih z ljudmi, ki delajo v kadrovskih in izobraževalnih dejavnostih, celo v pogovorih z ljudmi, ki se ukvarjajo s pravicami iz dela, se pojavljajo neposredna ali manj neposredna vprašanja o pomenu in funkciji pripravništva. Nekdo, ki reče (mentor): »Jaz svojega znanja ne mislim razdajati, težko sem ga dobil" ni preveč dober mentor, drugi meni, da s pripravništvom podpiramo izobraževalni sistem, ki nalaga del procesa izobraževanja na naša pleča, tretji pa: »Tudi to (pravno) oviro bomo že nekako preskočili", četrti razmišlja o tem, da izobraževanje na zalogo nima smisla, ker ponuja šolski sistem več kadrov, kot jih potrebujemo

    Loading and securing cargo on heavy vehicles

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    Cilj naloge, ki je pred vami, je tako na tehničnen kot tudi praktičnen način predstaviti pritrjevanje tovora v cestnem prometu. Uvod je namenjen predstavitvi trenutnega stanja v slovenskem prostoru in primerjava le tega s prakso v Nemčiji. Sledi fizikalno teoretični del naloge, ki je močno podkrepljen s teoretičnimi razlagami ter praktičnimi primeri, zaradi česar postane razumevanje obravnavane teme lažje. V naslednjem poglavju sem obravnaval sile, ki med prevozom delujejo na tovor, ter posledično definiral potrebe po pritrjevanju blaga za posamezno vrsto transporta. Pri določanju razporeditve tovora sem predstavil njegov pomen ter analitično in grafično metodo za določanje težišča. Podrobneje sem predstavil tudi posamezne vrste tovornih nadgradenj, mest za pritrjevanje in sredstev za pritrjevanje ter navedel njihove značilnosti in primernosti za pritrjevanje različnih vrst tovora. V poglavju Načini pritrjevanja tovora sem razdelal metode pritrjevanja, za posamezne sem podal tudi praktične računske primere. V zadnjem delu naloge sem predstavil tudi pritrjevanje posebnih vrst tovorov in podal napotke za pritrjevanje tovora v osebnih in kombiniranih vozilih ter zaključil s komentarjem in predstavitvijo rezultatov izvedene ankete.In this master thesis I have in greater provision studied both theoretical and practical part of securing loads on road vehicles. In introduction I have presented the situation in Slovenia and compared it with Germany where they have a lot of practical experiences and existing legal requirements for cargo securing. In the first chapter I have tried to present the topic, giving many practical examples of cargo transport, which were explained with physical and theoretical bases. In the following chapter I have introduced both arithmetic and graphic method to define centre of gravity and other forces and explain how they act on axle load distribution. Different types of transport vehicles and their demands for cargo securing, types of anchorage points and different types of load securing equipment are introduced in the next chapter. I have also introduced different types of cargo securing methods and gave some practical examples for each method. Last part of this thesis deals with transport and securing specific loads and loads in personal vehicles and vans. At the end I have introduced results of cargo securing investigation that take place among lorry drivers