222 research outputs found

    Performance Assessment of The Extended Gower Coefficient on Mixed Data with Varying Types of Functional Data.

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    Clustering is a widely used technique in data mining applications to source, manage, analyze and extract vital information from large amounts of data. Most clustering procedures are limited in their performance when it comes to data with mixed attributes. In recent times, mixed data have evolved to include directional and functional data. In this study, we will give an introduction to clustering with an eye towards the application of the extended Gower coefficient by Hendrickson (2014). We will conduct a simulation study to assess the performance of this coefficient on mixed data whose functional component has strictly-decreasing signal curves and also those whose functional component has a mixture of strictly-decreasing signal curves and periodic tendencies. We will assess how four different hierarchical clustering algorithms perform on mixed data simulated under varying conditions with and without weights. The comparison of the various clustering solutions will be done using the Rand Index

    Information Sharing and Decision-Making: Attempts by Ghanaian Return Migrants to Enter through Libya

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    This article examines the relationship between irregular migration, access to information and migration decisions. Using semi-structured interviews of thirty irregular return migrants who failed to reach their European destinations through Libya, I show that irregular return migrants from Ghana rely predominantly on interpersonal sources, including colleagues, neighbors, friends and relatives, for information on migration. Return migrants seek information from those who have relevant experience with that kind of migration. Existing research focuses on information from ‘formal’ sources such as traditional print media, social media, library or workshops. Here I argue that this focus on access to information conceals the activities and practices of irregular return migrants who perceive European destinations as ‘greener pastures’ and seek information to travel through dangerous routes. Most irregular return migrants interviewed in this study indicated they had access to information from ‘informal’ sources often shared as ‘jokes.’ Although irregular return migrants perceive the information they gather through their everyday activities as reliable, their interactions involve complex and unstructured social processes

    Benefits and trade-offs of legume-led crop rotations on crop performance and soil erosion at various scales in SW Kenya

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    Soil erosion and land fragmentation threaten agricultural production in large parts of the Western Kenyan Highlands. In Rongo watershed, maizecommon bean intercropping systems, which dominate the agricultural landscape, are vulnerable to soil degradation, especially on long slope lengths where ground and canopy cover provision fail to protect the soil from the disruptive impact of raindrops. The inclusion of soil conservation measures like hedgerows, cover crops or mulch can reduce soil erosion, but compete with crops for space and labour. Knowledge of critical slope length can minimise interventions and tradeoffs. Hence, we evaluated maizecommon bean intercrop (MzBn) regarding runoff, erosion and crop yield in a slope length trial on 20, 60 and 84 m plot lengths, replicated twice on three farms during one rainy season in Rongo, Migori County. Additionally, we investigated systems of MzBn (farmers practice), MzBn with 5 Mg ha-1 Calliandra calothyrsus mulch (Mul), Arachis hypogaea (Gnt), Lablab purpureus (Lab) and Mucuna pruriens (Muc), regarding their impact on infiltration, runoff, soil loss, soil C and N loss during three rainy seasons (long and short rains, LR and SR, 2016, and LR 2017). Measured field data on soil, crop, spatial maps and meteorology were used as input datasets to parameterize and calibrate the LUCIA model. The calibrated and validated model was then used to simulate agronomic management scenarios related to planting date (planting with first rain vs baseline) and vegetation cultivar (short duration crop) to mitigate water stress. Based on the measurements, groundcover was most influential over rainfall intensity (EI30) and plant canopy cover in predicting soil loss. Dense groundcover of Mul at the beginning of the rainy seasons was decisive to significantly (p 5mm) in the topsoil under Mul at the end of SR 2016 significantly (p<0.05) increased infiltration rates (420 mm hr-1) in LR 2017 compared to Lab (200 mm hr-1) and Gnt (240 mm hr-1). Average C and N concentrations in eroded sediments were significantly reduced under Mul (0.74 kg C ha1, 0.07 kg N ha1) during the LR 2016 as compared to MzBn (3.20 kg C ha1, 0.28 kg N ha1) and Gnt (2.54 kg C ha1, 0.23 kg N ha1). Likewise, in SR 2016 Mul showed significantly lowered C and N losses of 3.26 kg C ha1 and 0.27 kg N ha1, respectively, over Lab (9.82 kg C ha1, 0.89 kg N ha1). Soil loss over 84 m slope length was overall significantly higher by magnitudes of 250 and 710% than on 60 and 20 m long plots, respectively, which did not differ significantly among each other (p<0.05). For runoff, 84 m plot length differed significantly from 60 and 20 m, but in the opposite trend as for soil loss. Across all three farms, slope gradient and slope length were the variables with highest explanatory power to predict soil loss. At the individual farm level, under homogeneous slope and texture, slope length and profile curvature were most influential. Considering results of slope length experiments, plot lengths less than 50 m appear to be preferential considering soil loss, sediment load, and soil loss to yield ratio under the given rainfall, soil and slope conditions. Our results call for integrating slope length options and cropping systems for effective soil conservation. We recommend planting Mucuna and Calliandrahedgerows as buffer strips below the critical slope length, and legume cash crops and maize uphill. Such approaches are critical in the backdrop of land fragmentation and labour limitation in the region to sustainably maximise land area. In the modelling exercise, crops planted one and three weeks after the baseline planting date increased Maize and Muc grain yield over the baseline during the three cropping seasons, the three weeks treatment in particular. This could be due to more favourable weather conditions during the shifted vegetation period. Increased grain yield corresponded to high water use efficiency (WUE). The short duration crop planted three weeks after the baseline planting date (PD3WL+SDC10) showed the highest grain yield after PD3WL (three weeks late plaing with BL variety). The use of cultivars with short growth cycle offers the flexibility of planting again where crops failed due to crop water stress or where the rains delay, ensuring completion of the growth cycle before the season ends. Given that short growth duration crops produce less grain yield compared to their counterpart full season crops, due to the length of their cycles, breeding programs must prioritize traits that can enhance the size of the grain-filling sink. At the plot level, management systems that reduce evaporation and retain soil moisture, e.g. mulching, application of farmyard manure etc., must be promoted to reduce evapotranspiration.Bodenerosion und Kleinteiligkeit von BetriebsflĂ€chen bedrohen die landwirtschaftliche Produktion in weiten Teilen des westkenianischen Hochlands. Im untersuchten Wassereinzugsgebiet von Rongo sind die weit verbreiteten Mais-Bohne-Mischkkultursysteme gefĂ€hrdet durch Bodendegradierung. Dies ist vor allem auf langen HĂ€ngen und dort der Fall, wo der Oberboden nicht durch entsprechende Bodenbedeckung vor Schlagregen geschĂŒtzt ist. Bodenschutzmaßnahmen wie Hecken, Bodendecker oder Mulch können das Ausmaß von Bodenerosion verringern, konkurrieren aber oft mit der Hauptkultur um Raum bzw. Arbeitskraft. Der gezielte Einsatz solcher Interventionen ausschliesslich in Bereichen kritischer Hangpositionen kann solcherlei Aufwand und Konkurrenzeffekte minimieren. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in der hier vorgestellten Studie Mais-Bohne-Mischkulturen (MzBn) wĂ€hrend einer Anbausaison auf drei unterschiedlichen HanglĂ€ngen (20, 60 und 84 m) mit jeweils zwei Wiederholungen auf drei Betrieben in Rongo, Migori County, hinsichtlich OberflĂ€chenabfluss, Erosion und Ertrag verglichen. Zudem wurden MzBn, MzBn mit 5 Mg ha-1 Calliandra calothyrsus Mulch (Mul), Arachis hypogaea (Gnt), Lablab purpureus (Lab) und Mucuna pruriens (Muc) hinsichtlich Infiltration, OberflĂ€chenabfluss, Erosion, organischem Boden-C und Gesamt-Boden-N wĂ€hrend dreier Anbauperioden (lange und kurze Regenzeit 2016 und lange Regenzeit 2017) verglichen. Gemessene Boden- und Pflanzenparameter sowie Boden-, Landnutzungskarten und ein digitales Höhenmodell wurden nebst tagesgenauen Wetterdaten als Eingaben fĂŒr das Lucia (Land Use Change Impact Assessment)-Modell verwendet. Mit dem kalibrierten und validierten Modell wurden dann Szenarien zum Wasserstressmanagement mit Fokus auf Aussaatzeitpunkten und Sortenwahl (verschiedene Vegetationsdauer) getetstet. Die Auswertung der Feldversuche zeigte, dass der Grad der Bodenbedeckung (durch Biomasse, Mulch und Streu) stĂ€rkeren Einfluss auf Bodenabtrag hatte als RegenintensitĂ€t (EI30) und Bodenbedeckung des BlĂ€tterdachs allein. Die dichte Bodenbedeckung durch Calliandramulch in Mul zu Beginn der Saison war dabei entscheidend fĂŒr signifikant geringeren OberflĂ€chenabfluss (88, 87 und 84% niedriger als in MzBn, Lab und Gnt) und Bodenabtrag (66 und 65% niedriger als in Gnt und Lab). Der hohe Anteil großer Bodenaggregate > 5mm im Oberboden zum Ende der kurzen Regenzeit (SR) 2016 stand in Zusammenhang mit im Vergleich zu Lab (200 mm hr-1) and Gnt (240 mm hr-1) signifikant erhöhten Infiltrationsraten unter Mul (420mm h-1) in der langen Regenzeit (LR) 2017. Durchschnittliche C- und N-Konzentrationen in Sedimenten waren in der LR 2016 unter Mul (0.74 kg C ha1, 0.07 kg N ha1) signifikant niedriger als unter MzBn (3.20 kg C ha1, 0.28 kg N ha1) und Gnt (2.54 kg C ha1, 0.23 kg N ha1). Ebenso waren in der SR 2016 C- und N-Verluste deutlich geringer als unter Lab (3.26 kg C ha1 und 0.27 kg N ha1 im Vergleich zu 9.82 kg C ha1 und 0.89 kg N ha1). Bodenabtrag bei 84 m HanglĂ€nge war 250 bzw. 710% höher als auf den 60 und 20 m Anlagen, wobei sich letztere statistisch (p<0.05) nicht unterschieden. Hinsichtlich OberflĂ€chenabfluss unterschieden sich die HanglĂ€ngen ebenfalls statistisch, aber in entgegengesetzter Richtung. Im Vergleich der FlĂ€chen auf allen drei Betrieben waren Hangneigung und lĂ€nge die statistisch einflussreichsten Faktoren bezĂŒglich Bodenabtrag. Auf den einzelnen Betrieben, d.h. bei gleich Hangneigung und Bodenart, waren HanglĂ€nge und Hangform ausschlaggebend. Als Ergebnis der HanglĂ€ngenversuche erwies sich eine LĂ€nge von 50 m unter den gegebenen Wetter-, Boden- und GelĂ€ndebedingungen als kritisch bzgl. Erosion, Sedimentmengen und dem VerhĂ€ltnis von Erosion zu Ertrag. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie legen nahe, dass effektiver Bodenschutz vor allem durch die Integration von HanglĂ€nge und Anbausystem (Pflanzenwahl) erreicht werden kann. Es wird empfohlen Calliandra-Hecken mit Mucuna-Unterpflanzung als Pufferzonen in Streifen unterhalb der kritischen HanglĂ€nge anzulegen sowie Körnerleguminosen und Mais als cash crops oberhalb. Durch diesen Ansatz kann vor dem Hintergrund der Landfragmentierung und Knappheit an Arbeitskraft in der Untersuchungsregion die nutzbare LandflĂ€che nachhaltig optimiert werden. Der Modellierungsteil dieser Studie zeigte, dass ErtrĂ€ge bei einer und besonders bei drei Wochen spĂ€terem Aussaatzeitpunkt im Vergleich zum lokal ĂŒblichen Termin wĂ€hrend aller drei Anbauperioden zu höheren KornertrĂ€gen fĂŒhrte. Grund hierfĂŒr könnten gĂŒnstigere Wetterbedingungen wĂ€hrend der somit verschobenen Vegetationsperiode sein. Die höheren ErtrĂ€ge gingen einher mit effizienterer Wassernutzung der Pflanzen. Eine Sorte mit verkĂŒrzter Vegetationsperiode, drei Wochen nach dem ĂŒblichen Termin gepflanzt (PD3WL+SDC10), erzielte die höchsten ErtrĂ€ge. Sorten kĂŒrzerer Vegetationsdauer bieten allgemein höhere FlexibilitĂ€t in FĂ€llen spĂ€t einsetzender RegenfĂ€lle oder von PflanzenmortalitĂ€t, da auch bei wiederholter Aussaat die Regenzeit noch hinreichend genutzt werden kann. Angesichts der niedrigereren Ertragbildung wĂ€hrend verkĂŒrzter Vegetationsdauer sollte ein höherer Kornanteil prioritĂ€res Zuchtziel fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Sorten sein. Auf der Seite der Landwirte bedeutet dies, dass vermehrt Anbausysteme, die Evaporation verringern und Bodenfeuchte konservieren (z.B. Mulchen, Mistgaben), zur Anwendung kommen sollten

    Assessing the level of awareness of relevant CITES stakeholders in Ghana

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    99 pĂĄginas.Trabajo Fin de MĂĄster Propio. Tutor: Dr. Kwakye Ameyaw ; Cotutora: Mercedes NĂșñez RomĂĄn. The research was carried out within CITES operational areas in Ghana with the view to investigating the level of awareness of all relevant stakeholders of CITES in Ghana for any existing knowledge gap to be addressed in order to engender an effective awareness creation system to facilitate CITES implementation in Ghana. Specifically, the four-fold objectives were intended to assess the knowledge base and level of awareness of relevant stakeholders on CITES, broaden the stakeholder base and their roles in CITES implementation, examine existing mechanisms for awareness creation on CITES and identify challenges associated with awareness creation among relevant CITES stakeholders in Ghana and finally, solicit relevant stakeholders’ inputs on how to address identifiable challenges associated with awareness creation for CITES implementation in Ghana. The methodology used for data collection included an initial review of existing literature on CITES, the use of purposive sampling method to identify the relevant stakeholders, the use of questionnaires and interview guides to solicit identifiable stakeholders’ views on various agencies that could potentially qualify as stakeholders on CITES to contribute towards effective awareness creation, existing awareness creation mechanisms and challenges associated with them and how to address these challenges to improve upon awareness creation for effective CITES implementation in Ghana.. Finally, the CITES Trade database was analyzed to know the effect of awareness creation on wildlife trade in Ghana. Results of the study revealed among other things that, most of the relevant stakeholders interviewed had inadequate knowledge on CITES and that the number of years spent on their jobs as stakeholders did not necessarily reflect on their knowledge levels. The results further revealed that additional potential CITES stakeholders are available to be deployed from existing state regulatory institutions to help improve on CITES awareness creation in Ghana. Similarly, respondents were unanimous on the need for the number of scientific authorities to be increased to facilitate research to promote CITES information for dissemination to stakeholders. In its generality, there was a consensus on the urgent need for a comprehensive awareness creation strategy be developed and enforced to help improve on the level of awareness of stakeholders on CITES issues in Ghana

    Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don\u27t. By Simon Sinek

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    LEADERS EAT LAST: WHY SOME TEAMS PULL TOGETHER AND OTHERS DON’T. Simon Sinek. New York, NY: Portfolio/Penguin (2014). Hardcover, 244 pages. The author discusses multiple points of views, from political leaders, business leaders, and military leaders to society in general, employees, and managers. According to Sinek, many organizations are failing because their work has become a numbers game, rather than shifting their focus toward developing and understanding the needs of people who work in the organization. “If the leaders of organizations give their people something to believe in, if they offer their people a challenge that outsizes their resources but not their intellect, the people will give everything they’ve got to solve the problem” (p. 212). Good organizational culture inspires the spirit of sacrifice and a healthy work environment. On the other hand, workers feel threatened when they perceive that the organization and the environment they work in is not stable. this situation triggers some employees to “start filing complaints in an attempt to protect their bonuses and, at the same time, their jobs. It’s not a culture that inspires people to give their blood, sweat, and tears to the company, its leaders or each other” (p. 170)

    Discrimination Experiences of Dreadlocked People in Ghana-A Case Study of Winneba

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    The main objective of this study was to explore, understand and analyze the phenomenon of discrimination and stigmatization against persons with dreadlocks, vis-avis the level of human rights consciousness in the town of Winneba. A sample size of ten persons, consisting of five dreadlocked persons and five non-dreadlocked persons in the town of Winneba was considered. The purposive sampling method was employed in drawing ten persons for the study. Major findings show that persons with dreadlocks commonly called “Rasta” in Winneba encounter the problem of discrimination and stigmatization. The study further shows the reasons for discrimination and stigmatization against dreadlocked persons: low level of human rights education, the perception that most dreadlocked persons smoke marijuana, unkemptness, perception that dreadlocked people are arrogant and introverts, phobia for dreadlocked people and the culture of Winneba. The study established no evidence for the belief that most dreadlocked people smoke marijuana or cannabis as popularly believed. The study recommends among others that the state should address as a matter of urgency the challenges in the justice system in Ghana to enable citizens to seek redress with ease when they have their human rights violated coupled with making the provision of legal aid easily accessible for all citizens. Keywords: discrimination, dreadlocked, equality, human beings, Human Rights, inalienability, Rastafarians,

    The role of estrogen receptors alpha and beta in the development of uterine leiomyomas

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    Uterine leiomyomas are benign tumors within the uterus, where patients present with symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, urinary retention, and pelvic pressure. The exact etiology of uterine leiomyomas is unknown, but numerous theories have been proposed, indicating a multifactorial mechanism, including lifestyle and steroid hormones. Uterine leiomyomas have become a public health concern due to the high cost of treatment as well as the high prevalence within African American communities. Currently, many treatment options exist, ranging from conservative treatments that address symptoms, to surgical intervention to remove the uterus. Research efforts thus far have determined the relationship between the role of estrogen in the growth of uterine leiomyomas (which has led to development of medications that target different approaches to estrogen synthesis) and its effects in the pathogenesis. Studies have shown that estrogen acts on estrogen receptor subtypes, ER and ER. This study examines the role of these two receptors in estrogenic effects, and how these effects relate to the development of uterine leiomyomas. Available research has shown that each receptor has its unique functions and impacts the growth of tumors differently. There is conflicting evidence in how the number of receptors and surrounding environment modulate leiomyomas, with some studies reporting that it is the corepressors and/or coactivators that ultimately determine the influence of estrogenic effects. However, the general consensus of such studies suggests that estrogen receptor-specific therapeutic intervention is a novel area with great potential. The primary benefit of estrogen receptor-specific treatment, such as selective estrogen receptor modulators, is the ability to regulate physiological processes that contribute to the growth of uterine leiomyomas. Future directions of research include confirming the exact roles of ER and ER and harnessing the effects of their differing functions to manage uterine leiomyomas

    Studies on Arsenic Release and its Mitigation from Tailings Dam Using Nanomagnetite Particles

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    Knowledge of the geochemistry of As in tailings material after beneficiation of gold-bearing sulphidic ores is necessary to comprehend the nature, stability and mobilization of As into the geo-environment and its subsequent mitigation during storage. In this study, XRD combined with reflected light microscopy and SEM-EDX were employed to carry out studies on the min-eralogical composition of As in a tailings material. Arsenic-rich solutions were generated from the tailings material using de-ionised water to ascertain As mobilisation. The remediation kinetics of the soluble As was carried out using nanomagnetite (Fe3O4). The XRD and SEM- EDX analyses showed that the major source of As in the tailings material is arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The study further confirmed that the residual As mineral in the tailings material is capable of decomposing during storage and can be subsequently mobilised into the geo-environment. It was established that nanomagnetite can efficiently re-move As from tailings leachates; preferably at pH between 6 and 7 and Langmuir isotherm best described the sorption process while the Gibbs free energy of the sorption was found to be -12.1026 KJ/mol. Thus, nanomagnetite can be used to mitigate arsenic foot-prints from tailings dam

    Financing A Tertiary Level Health Facility In Kumasi - Ghana

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    The researchers sought to study the revenue and expenditure policy in the health sector. The study was conducted at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Health institutions are financed through either private expenditure or public expenditure. Non-probability sampling technique was used in order to achieve the objectives set for the research. And also, financial statements of the hospital for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were used. The study revealed that the main sources of funding for the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital were from the Internally Generated Funds (IGF), Government of Ghana subventions (GoG) and the Donor Pool Fund (DPF). With regards to percentage contribution to revenue in terms of cash IGF, DPF and GoG contributes 88%, 3.35% and 8.97% respectively to the total cash revenue of the health sector. Thus, IGF is the main source of funding in the health sector with very little contributions from the other sources. Expenditure items in the health sector are broadly categorized into four categories namely; personnel emolument, administration, service delivery and investment. The analyses of these expenditure items revealed that expenditure on service delivery (service and drugs) constitute the biggest expenditure item. This was followed by personnel emoluments, administration and investment respectively. Since IGF is now the most reliable source of revenue in the health sector, policies, strategies and controls must be put in place in order to enhance revenue mobilization in the health sector. KEY WORDS: Financing; Healthcare; Expenditure

    Emphasizing play production concept(s): Relevance and application for student directors in the University of Cape Coast

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    The relevance of production concept(s) in play production(s) cannot be overemphasized as it forms the theoretical spine for any play production and it informs all the aspects of theatre production. Therefore, the apparent absence of a production concept in any production is problematic; this warrants critical examination. There is a great need to bring the issue of a production concept to student directors if they are to eventually end up as front-runners in theatre practice. Student directors and other budding directors ought to see what lies as the merits and demerits of having a production concept injected into the body of their creative work or not; they also ought to be shown the way in formulating one in the first place as well as how to apply it in their production for the best of results. This paper seeks to examine student directors’ appreciation and application of production concepts for their practical projects at the University of Cape Coast. The aim is to spark a discourse with this subject matter at its core, bridging the gap between it and budding directors for their comprehension, appreciation and application of production concept(s)
