Discrimination Experiences of Dreadlocked People in Ghana-A Case Study of Winneba


The main objective of this study was to explore, understand and analyze the phenomenon of discrimination and stigmatization against persons with dreadlocks, vis-avis the level of human rights consciousness in the town of Winneba. A sample size of ten persons, consisting of five dreadlocked persons and five non-dreadlocked persons in the town of Winneba was considered. The purposive sampling method was employed in drawing ten persons for the study. Major findings show that persons with dreadlocks commonly called “Rasta” in Winneba encounter the problem of discrimination and stigmatization. The study further shows the reasons for discrimination and stigmatization against dreadlocked persons: low level of human rights education, the perception that most dreadlocked persons smoke marijuana, unkemptness, perception that dreadlocked people are arrogant and introverts, phobia for dreadlocked people and the culture of Winneba. The study established no evidence for the belief that most dreadlocked people smoke marijuana or cannabis as popularly believed. The study recommends among others that the state should address as a matter of urgency the challenges in the justice system in Ghana to enable citizens to seek redress with ease when they have their human rights violated coupled with making the provision of legal aid easily accessible for all citizens. Keywords: discrimination, dreadlocked, equality, human beings, Human Rights, inalienability, Rastafarians,

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