205 research outputs found

    Serological testing of cattle experimentally infected with Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Small Colony using four different tests reveals a variety of seroconversion patterns

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To study the specific antibody response to infection with <it>Mycoplasma mycoides </it>subsp. <it>mycoides </it>Small Colony (<it>Mmm</it>SC), the agent of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), we examined three panels of sera collected during three experimental infection trials in African cattle. The methods used included an in-house complement fixation test (CFT), a commercially available CFT, a competitive antibody ELISA (cELISA) and the immunoblotting test (IBT). In addition, lung tissue samples were examined by culture.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 89% (51/59) of all experimentally infected animals tested positive on at least one of the serological tests throughout the trial. The specific antibody titres to the <it>Mmm</it>SC infection became positive first by CFT (6 to 9 days post infection [dpi]), followed by IBT (9 to 13 dpi) and cELISA (13 to 16 dpi). Individual animals were found to display remarkably distinct seroconversion patterns, which allowed their classification into i) early high responders, ii) late high responders, and iii) low responders. In accordance with other studies, none of the present serological tests was capable of detecting all CBPP infected animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Comparison of the assays' performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity raises serious questions as to their reliability for identification of infected individuals in the field. In view of these limitations, a combination of CFT and cELISA can markedly improve CBPP diagnosis at single-animal level.</p

    Prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci in wild birds—potential risk for domestic poultry, pet birds, and public health?

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    To determine the prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci in wild birds, cloacal swabs from 527 songbirds, 442 waterfowl, 84 feral pigeons, and 38 cormorants were examined by Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ArrayTube microarray assays for chlamydial species determination and genotyping of C. psittaci. Inconclusive cases were further characterized by conventional PCR methods targeting the chlamydial outer membrane protein A, 16S, 23S, and intergenic spacer genes followed by sequencing of the PCR product. Swabs of 19 water birds (tufted ducks and pochards), 12 pigeons, and one songbird were tested positive by the Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time PCR. While C. psittaci genotypes B (n = 5) and E (n = 1) were identified in feral pigeons (n = 9), the genotype could not be identified in the remaining three cases. Sequence data of Chlamydiaceae-positive cases (n = 23; 19 waterfowl, three pigeons, one songbird) indicated the presence of nonclassified chlamydial agents (n = 20) and C. psittaci (n = 3) by 16S rRNA PCR and sequencing. In conclusion, C. psittaci was not detected in waterfowl and songbirds, but C. psittaci proved prevalent in urban feral pigeons, where it poses a significant risk for human

    Regeneration of Pulmonary Tissue in a Calf Model of Fibrinonecrotic Bronchopneumonia Induced by Experimental Infection with Chlamydia psittaci

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    Pneumonia is a cause of high morbidity and mortality in humans. Animal models are indispensable to investigate the complex cellular interactions during lung injury and repair in vivo. The time sequence of lesion development and regeneration is described after endobronchial inoculation of calves with Chlamydia psittaci. Calves were necropsied 2–37 days after inoculation (dpi). Lesions and presence of Chlamydia psittaci were investigated using histology and immunohistochemistry. Calves developed bronchopneumonia at the sites of inoculation. Initially, Chlamydia psittaci replicated in type 1 alveolar epithelial cells followed by an influx of neutrophils, vascular leakage, fibrinous exudation, thrombosis and lobular pulmonary necrosis. Lesions were most extensive at 4 dpi. Beginning at 7 dpi, the number of chlamydial inclusions declined and proliferation of cuboidal alveolar epithelial cells and sprouting of capillaries were seen at the periphery of necrotic tissue. At 14 dpi, most of the necrosis had been replaced with alveoli lined with cuboidal epithelial cells resembling type 2 alveolar epithelial cells and mild fibrosis, and hyperplasia of organized lymphoid tissue were observed. At 37 dpi, regeneration of pulmonary tissue was nearly complete and only small foci of remodeling remained. The well-defined time course of development and regeneration of necrotizing pneumonia allows correlation of morphological findings with clinical data or treatment regimen

    Draft genome sequence of the first human isolate of the ruminant pathogen <i>Mycoplasma capricolum</i> subsp. <i>capricolum</i>

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    Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum is a well-known pathogen of small ruminants. A recent human case of septicemia involving this agent raised the question of its potential pathogenicity to humans. We present the first draft genome sequence of a human Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum isolate

    High frequency of chlamydial co-infections in clinically healthy sheep flocks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The epidemiological situation of ovine chlamydial infections in continental Europe, especially Germany is poorly characterised. Using the German state of Thuringia as a model example, the chlamydial sero- and antigen prevalence was estimated in thirty-two randomly selected sheep flocks with an average abortion rate lower than 1%. Seven vaccinated flocks were reviewed separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A wide range of samples from 32 flocks were examined. Assumption of a seroprevalence of 10% (CI 95%) at flock level, revealed that 94% of the tested flocks were serologically positive with ongoing infection (i.e. animals with seroconversion) in nearly half (47%) of the flocks. On the basis of an estimated 25% antigen prevalence (CI 95%), PCR and DNA microarray testing, together with sequencing revealed the presence of chlamydiae in 78% of the flocks. The species most frequently found was <it>Chlamydophila (C</it>.) <it>abortus </it>(50%) followed by <it>C. pecorum </it>(47%) and <it>C. psittaci </it>genotype A (25%). Mixed infections occurred in 25% of the tested flocks. Samples obtained from the vaccinated flocks revealed the presence of <it>C. abortus </it>field samples in 4/7 flocks. <it>C. pecorum </it>was isolated from 2/7 flocks and the presence of seroconversion was determined in 3/7 flocks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results imply that chlamydial infections occur frequently in German sheep flocks, even in the absence of elevated abortion rates. The fact that <it>C. pecorum </it>and the potentially zoonotic <it>C. psittaci </it>were found alongside the classical abortifacient agent <it>C. abortus</it>, raise questions about the significance of this reservoir for animal and human health and underline the necessity for regular monitoring. Further studies are needed to identify the possible role of <it>C. psittaci </it>infections in sheep.</p

    A Novel Rapid DNA Microarray Assay Enables Identification of 37 Mycoplasma Species and Highlights Multiple Mycoplasma Infections

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    Mycoplasmas comprise a conglomerate of pathogens and commensals occurring in humans and animals. The genus Mycoplasma alone contains more than 120 species at present, and new members are continuously being discovered. Therefore, it seems promising to use a single highly parallel detection assay rather than develop separate tests for each individual species. In this study, we have designed a DNA microarray carrying 70 oligonucleotide probes derived from the 23S rRNA gene and 86 probes from the tuf gene target regions. Following a PCR amplification and biotinylation step, hybridization on the array was shown to specifically identify 31 Mycoplasma spp., as well as 3 Acholeplasma spp. and 3 Ureaplasma spp. Members of the Mycoplasma mycoides cluster can be recognized at subgroup level. This procedure enables parallel detection of Mollicutes spp. occurring in humans, animals or cell culture, from mono- and multiple infections, in a single run. The main advantages of the microarray assay include ease of operation, rapidity, high information content, and affordability. The new test's analytical sensitivity is equivalent to that of real-time PCR and allows examination of field samples without the need for culture. When 60 field samples from ruminants and birds previously analyzed by denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) were tested by the microarray assay both tests identified the same agent in 98.3% of the cases. Notably, microarray testing revealed an unexpectedly high proportion (35%) of multiple mycoplasma infections, i.e., substantially more than DGGE (15%). Two of the samples were found to contain four different Mycoplasma spp. This phenomenon deserves more attention, particularly its implications for epidemiology and treatment

    Genomic evidence that the live Chlamydia abortus vaccine strain 1B is not attenuated and has the potential to cause disease.

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    BACKGROUND: The live, temperature-attenuated vaccine strain 1B of Chlamydia abortus, the aetiological agent of ovine enzootic abortion (OEA), has been implicated in cases of vaccine breakdown. The aim of this study was to understand the nature of this attenuation through sequencing of the vaccine parent strain (AB7) and the derived mutant strains 1B and 1H, as well as to clarify the role of the vaccine strain in causing disease through comparative whole genome analysis. METHODS: Whole genome sequencing was performed on: vaccine parent strain AB7; N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG)-induced temperature attenuated mutant strain 1B grown from the commercial live vaccines Cevac Chlamydia and Enzovax; strain 1H a reverted NTG mutant; and 5 strains isolated from cases of OEA originating from animals from the original vaccine safety trial (2 strains) or from vaccinated ewes or ewes exposed to vaccinated animals (3 strains). RESULTS: We confirmed that AB7 is in a different lineage from the reference strain S26/3. The genome of vaccine strain 1B contains ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) created by the NTG treatment, which are identical to those found in strain 1H. The strains from OEA cases also cluster phylogenetically very tightly with these vaccine strains. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that C. abortus vaccine strain 1B has an identical genome sequence to the non-attenuated "reverted mutant" strain 1H. Thus, the protection of the 1B vaccine is unlikely to be due to the NTG induced SNPs and is more likely caused by the administration of high doses of C. abortus elementary bodies that stimulate protective immunity. Vaccine-identical strains were also isolated from cases of disease, as well as strains which had acquired 1-3 SNPs, including an animal that had not been vaccinated with either of the commercial live OEA vaccines, indicating that the 1B vaccine strain may be circulating and causing disease

    A comparative ultrastructural and molecular biological study on Chlamydia psittaci infection in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and non-alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency emphysema versus lung tissue of patients with hamartochondroma

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    BACKGROUND: Chlamydiales are familiar causes of acute and chronic infections in humans and animals. Human pulmonary emphysema is a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a condition in which chronic inflammation manifested as bronchiolitis and intra-alveolar accumulation of macrophages is common. It is generally presumed to be of infectious origin. Previous investigations based on serology and immunohistochemistry indicated Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection in cases of COPD. Furthermore, immunofluorescence with genus-specific antibodies and electron microscopy suggested involvement of chlamydial infection in most cases of pulmonary emphysema, but these findings could not be verified by PCR. Therefore, we examined the possibility of other chlamydial species being present in these patients. METHODS: Tissue samples from patients having undergone lung volume reduction surgery for advanced alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD, n = 6) or non-alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency emphysema (n = 34) or wedge resection for hamartochondroma (n = 14) were examined by transmission electron microscopy and PCR. RESULTS: In all cases of AATD and 79.4% of non-AATD, persistent chlamydial infection was detected by ultrastructural examination. Intra-alveolar accumulation of macrophages and acute as well as chronic bronchiolitis were seen in all positive cases. The presence of Chlamydia psittaci was demonstrated by PCR in lung tissue of 66.7% AATD vs. 29.0% non-AATD emphysema patients. Partial DNA sequencing of four positive samples confirmed the identity of the agent as Chlamydophila psittaci. In contrast, Chlamydophila pneumoniae was detected only in one AATD patient. Lung tissue of the control group of non-smokers with hamartochondroma was completely negative for chlamydial bodies by TEM or chlamydial DNA by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate a role of Chlamydophila psittaci in pulmonary emphysema by linking this chronic inflammatory process to a chronic infectious condition. This raises interesting questions on pathogenesis and source of infection

    Evidence for the existence of a new genus Chlamydiifrater gen. nov. inside the family Chlamydiaceae with two new species isolated from flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus): Chlamydiifrater phoenicopteri sp. nov. and Chlamydiifrater volucris sp. nov.

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    The family Chlamydiaceae currently comprises a single genus Chlamydia, with 11 validly published species and seven more taxa. It includes the human pathogens Chlamydia (C.) trachomatis, C. pneumoniae and C. psittaci, a zoonotic agent causing avian chlamydiosis and human psittacosis, as well as other proven or potential pathogens in ruminants, birds, snakes, reptiles and turtles. During routine testing of 15 apparently healthy captive flamingos in a zoo in 2011, an atypical strain of Chlamydiaceae was detected by real-time PCR of cloacal swab samples. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed high similarity to the uncultured Chlamydiales bacterium clone 122, which previously had been found in gulls. As more samples were collected during annual campaigns of the flamingo ringing program in southern France from 2012 to 2015, Chlamydiaceae-specific DNA was detected by PCR in 30.9% of wild birds. From these samples, three strains were successfully grown in cell culture. Ultrastructural analysis, comparison of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences, whole-genome analysis based on de novo hybrid-assembled sequences of the new strains as well as subsequent calculation of taxonomic parameters revealed that the relatedness of the flamingo isolates to established members of the family Chlamydiaceae was sufficiently distant to indicate that the three strains belong to two distinct species within a new genus. Based on these data, we propose the introduction of Chlamydiifrater gen. nov., as a new genus, and Chlamydiifrater phoenicopteri sp. nov. and Chlamydiifrater volucris sp. nov., as two new species of the genus.Martin Hölzer appreciates the support of the Joachim Herz Foundation by the add-on fellowship for interdisciplinary life science.Peer reviewe