21 research outputs found

    LEGO Mindstorms NXT Robot Programming Using NXC Language

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    Üheks selle bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua eestikeelne dokumentatsioon NXC enimkasutatavatele funktsioonidele. Lisaks tutvustatakse lugejale ka NXC keelt üldiselt ning pakutakse õpetusi selles keeles programmeerimisega alustamiseks. Teoreetilise osa kõrval on oma koht ka praktilistel ülesannetel, mis aitavad lugejal kirjutada oma esimesed programmid NXC keeles.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create educational materials for introducing the students of primary and high school to LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot programming using NXC language. This thesis provides an in-depth documentation of most commonly used NXC functions along with usage recommendations for each function. In addition to documentation, a thorough overview of LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics sets and programming tools is provided. In the last part the reader is offered a couple of programming exercises for putting his/her newly learned skills and knowledge to test

    Minimum Absorption Coefficient Available for Measurements Using Time-resolved Photothermal Common-path Interferometry on the Example of Synthetic Crystalline Quartz

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    Using the example of an absorption measurement in synthetic crystalline quartz, which has specific ratios of the physical parameters, it was possible to observe the competition among various effects using a time-resolved photothermal common-path interferometry scheme, namely, the thermo-optical effect, nonlinearity of the refractive index in the heating beam field, and heat diffusion. This competition masks the contribution of the thermo-optical effect weakened by stresses in the heating region, and determines the minimum absorption coefficient that can still be correctly calculated from the measurement results. The time-resolved photo-thermal common-path interferometry scheme facilitates separating the contributions to the measured signal of these effects and increases the measurement range in the direction of smaller absorption values. The amount of absorption in various materials at which such competition occurs depends on the ratio of its physical constants, which is ≤ 10-7 cm-1 for crystalline quartz, ≤ 10-8 cm-1 for quartz glass and ≤ 10-5 cm-1 for crystalline silicon. The problems of using experiment measurements of small absorption values in samples of synthetic crystalline quartz are discussed using an example crystal grown through the hydrothermal method at the Russian company Quartz Technologies

    Cytokine Profile as a Marker of Cell Damage and Immune Dysfunction after Spinal Cord Injury

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    The study reviews findings of the recent experiments designed to investigate cytokine profile after a spinal cord injury. The role of key cytokines was assessed in the formation of cellular response to trauma. The specific immunopathogenic interaction of the nervous and immune systems in the immediate and chronic post-traumatic periods is summarized. The practicality of a step-by-step approach to assessing the cytokine profile in spinal cord injury is shown, the need to take into account the combination of pathogenetic and protective components in the implementation regulatory effects of individual cytokines, their integration into regenerative processes in the damaged spinal cord, which allows a rational approach to the organization of the treatment process and the development of new medicines

    Pulsed radiofrequency ablation of dorsal root ganglions in the treatment of postsurgical radicular pain

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    Introduction The incidence of radicular pain that arises without a surgically significant cause of compression is 4.8–10.2 % in the structure of the "failed back surgery syndrome". Pulsed radiofrequency treatment (PRF) is successfully used for several neuropathic pain syndromes, but its effectiveness for postoperative radicular pain has not been studied sufficiently. Materials and methods Prospective non-randomized open study was performed. A group of 56 patients with postoperative radicular pain syndrome was included. Twenty-two patients of the index group underwent PRF treatment of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in combination with transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFES) while 34 patients of the control group received only TFES. Outcome of a successful response was defined as a 50 % reduction in numeric rating scale (NRS-11) or 4-points pain reduction and/or a 20 % decrease in the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and/or an 8-point decrease in the sciatica bothersomeness index (SBI) from the baseline and the effect duration for six or more months. Dynamics of the decrease in the parameters studied was assessed and compared; a search for significant prognostic factors was carried out. Results Positive results of interventions, based on specified criteria, were obtained in 18 patients (81.82 %) in the index group and in 19 patients (55.88 %) in the control group (significant difference, p = 0.045). There was a significant decrease in all indices after the intervention, a decrease in SBI in the main group was significantly lower than in the control one, p = 0.021. There were no major complications and side effects. The presence of allodynia/hyperpathy was the main negative prognostic factor in the index and in control groups with OR 0.79 at 95 % CI (0.735–0.897) and OR 0.82 at 95 % CI (0.780–0.929), respectively. Conclusion The use of the PRF in combination with TFES is an effective method in comparison with TFES alone for treatment of postsurgical radicular pain syndrome

    Nonlinear behavior of organic aerosol in biomass burning plumes: a microphysical model analysis

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    International audienceOrganic aerosol (OA) is a major component of smoke plumes from open biomass burning (BB). Therefore, adequate representation of the atmospheric transformations of BB OA in chemistry-transport and climate models is an important prerequisite for accurate estimates of the impact of BB emissions on air quality and climate. However, field and laboratory studies of atmospheric transformations (ag-ing) of BB OA have yielded a wide diversity of observed effects. This diversity is still not sufficiently understood and thus not addressed in models. As OA evolution is governed by complex nonlinear processes, it is likely that at least a part of the observed variability in the BB OA aging effects is due to the factors associated with the intrinsic nonlinearity of the OA system. In this study, we performed a numerical analysis in order to gain a deeper understanding of these factors. We employ a microphysical dynamic model that represents gas-particle partitioning and OA oxidation chemistry within the volatility basis set (VBS) framework and includes a schematic parameterization of BB OA dilution due to dispersion of an isolated smoke plume. Several VBS schemes of different complexity, which have been suggested in the literature to represent BB OA aging in regional and global chemistry-transport models, are applied to simulate BB OA evolution over a 5 d period representative of the BB aerosol lifetime in the dry atmosphere. We consider the BB OA mass enhancement ratio (EnR), which is defined as the ratio of the mass concentration of BB OA to that of an inert tracer and allows us to eliminate the linear part of the dilution effects. We also analyze the behavior of the hygroscopicity parameter, κ, that was simulated in a part of our numerical experiments. As a result, five qualitatively different regimes of OA evolution are identified, which comprise (1) a monotonic saturating increase in EnR, (2) an increase in EnR followed by a decrease, (3) an initial rapid decrease in EnR followed by a gradual increase , (4) an EnR increase between two intermittent stages of its decrease, or (5) a gradual decrease in EnR. We find that the EnR for BB aerosol aged from a few hours to a few tens of hours typically increases for larger initial sizes of the smoke plume (and therefore smaller dilution rates) or for lower initial OA concentrations (and thus more organic gases available to form secondary OA-SOA). However, these dependencies can be weakened or even reversed, depending on the BB OA age and on the ratio between the fragmentation and functionalization oxidation pathways. Nonlinear behavior of BB OA is also exhibited in the dependencies of κ on the parameters of the plume. Application of the different VBS schemes results in large quantitative and qualitative differences between the simulations, although our analysis suggests also that the main qualitative features of OA evolution simulated with a complex two-dimensional VBS scheme can also be reproduced with a much simpler scheme. Overall, this study indicates that the BB aerosol evolution may strongly depend on parameters of the individual BB smoke plumes (such as the initial organic aerosol concentration and plume size) that are typically not resolved in chemistry-transport models

    Utilisation d'observations satellitaires multiplateformes pour étudier l'évolution atmosphérique du carbone brun dans les panaches de combustion de la biomasse en Sibérie

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    International audienceA bulk of evidence from in situ observations and lab experiments suggests that brown carbon (light-absorbing organic compounds in particles) can provide a significant yet highly variable contribution to the overall light absorption by aerosol particles from biomass burning (BB). Partly stemming from the complexity of the atmospheric evolution of organic aerosol (OA), the variability in brown carbon (BrC) absorption makes it difficult to partition the radiative effects of BrC and black carbon (BC) in atmospheric and climate models; as such, there are calls for satellite-based methods that could provide a statistical characterization of BrC absorption and its evolution in different regions of the world, especially in remote BB regions, such as Siberia. This study examined the feasibility of the statistical characterization of the evolution of BrC absorption and related parameters of BB aerosol in smoke plumes from intense wildfires in Siberia through the analysis of a combination of data from three satellite instruments: OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument), MISR (Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer), and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). Using a Monte Carlo method, which related the satellite retrievals of the absorption and extinction aerosol optical depths to Mie theory calculations of the optical properties of BB aerosol, we found that the BrC absorption, as well as the imaginary refractive index for the OA, decreased significantly in Siberian BB smoke plumes during about 30 h of the daylight evolution, nevertheless remaining considerable until at least 70 h of the daylight evolution. Overall, the study indicated that the analysis of multi-platform satellite observations of BB plumes can provide useful insights into the atmospheric evolution of BrC absorption and the partitioning of BrC and BC contributions to the total light absorption by BB aerosol

    Using Multi-Platform Satellite Observations to Study the Atmospheric Evolution of Brown Carbon in Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes

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    A bulk of evidence from in situ observations and lab experiments suggests that brown carbon (light-absorbing organic compounds in particles) can provide a significant yet highly variable contribution to the overall light absorption by aerosol particles from biomass burning (BB). Partly stemming from the complexity of the atmospheric evolution of organic aerosol (OA), the variability in brown carbon (BrC) absorption makes it difficult to partition the radiative effects of BrC and black carbon (BC) in atmospheric and climate models; as such, there are calls for satellite-based methods that could provide a statistical characterization of BrC absorption and its evolution in different regions of the world, especially in remote BB regions, such as Siberia. This study examined the feasibility of the statistical characterization of the evolution of BrC absorption and related parameters of BB aerosol in smoke plumes from intense wildfires in Siberia through the analysis of a combination of data from three satellite instruments: OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument), MISR (Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer), and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). Using a Monte Carlo method, which related the satellite retrievals of the absorption and extinction aerosol optical depths to Mie theory calculations of the optical properties of BB aerosol, we found that the BrC absorption, as well as the imaginary refractive index for the OA, decreased significantly in Siberian BB smoke plumes during about 30 h of the daylight evolution, nevertheless remaining considerable until at least 70 h of the daylight evolution. Overall, the study indicated that the analysis of multi-platform satellite observations of BB plumes can provide useful insights into the atmospheric evolution of BrC absorption and the partitioning of BrC and BC contributions to the total light absorption by BB aerosol