476 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of standarts in the field of project management

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    Успешное функционирование проектно-ориентированных компаний предполагает необходимость использования международных и национальных стандартов с целью разработки методологии управления проектамиSuccessful functioning of the project-oriented companies requires the use of the international standards in order to develop a methodology for project managemen

    Comparative analysis of standarts in the field of project management

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    Успешное функционирование проектно-ориентированных компаний предполагает необходимость использования международных и национальных стандартов с целью разработки методологии управления проектамиSuccessful functioning of the project-oriented companies requires the use of the international standards in order to develop a methodology for project managemen


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    Software for solving the problem of multi-criteria project scope optimization is proposed with constraints and given alternatives of works presented in the form of network models. The problem of determining the optimal project scope application on the site of the machinery plant application of ion-plasma coatings in terms of profit, time, cost, quality and risks of its implementation within the constraints of quality, cost and timing of the project is solved.Запропоновано програмне забезпечення для розв'язання задачі багатокритеріальної оптимізації змісту проекту за наявності обмежень і заданих альтернативних варіантів виконання робіт, наведених у вигляді мережевих моделей. Вирішено задачу визначення оптимального змісту проекту зі створення ділянки машинобудівного заводу з нанесення іонно-плазмового покриття з точки зору прибутку, часу, вартості, якості та ризиків його виконання з урахуванням обмежень щодо якості, вартості та термінів виконання проекту

    Use of the local network of the institution of higher education of fire profile to the Quality Management System processes efficiency evaluation

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    Questions of an assessment of productivity of educational process as one of the most important parties of functioning of quality management system of higher education institution are considered. Experience of introduction of the certified quality management system in Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia is presented. Convenience of use of a local network and the conventional software on the example of a discipline of specialisation is provedРассматриваются вопросы оценки результативности образовательного процесса как одной из важнейших сторон функционирования системы менеджмента качества вуза. Представлен опыт внедрения сертифицированной системы менеджмента качества в Уральском институте Государственной противопожарной службы МЧС России. Доказывается удобство использования локальной сети и общепринятого программного обеспечения на примере специфичной дисциплин

    Present problems of ensuring the quality of measurements

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    Качество измерений предполагает необходимость развития правовой и нормативной базы метрологической деятельности, постоянного обновления методов и используемых средств измерений, повышения уровня квалификации специалистов.The quality of measurements implies the need to develop a regulatory framework in the sphere of metrology, constant updating of the used methods and measuring instruments, as well as raising the level of qualifications of specialists

    El estudio pedagógico como tecnología de formación docente

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    The modern development of teacher training system demonstrates the rethinking of teacher professional competences and focuses on general pedagogical, educational, methodological and psychological skills of a comprehensive school teacher. Improving the effectiveness of school education makes high demands on the personal qualities and professional competences of a teacher. In the new socio-economic conditions the approaches to the organization and content of methodological work in terms of in-service teacher training are changing. The successful pedagogical process is largely determined by the activity of emotionally secure, socially and professionally competent teacher, ready to continuing professional development. It implies a broad general cultural background, mastering of reflective skills. The study of these problems is associated with the increasing role of professional components in the development of teacher as a highly qualified specialist. This is due to the multidimensional scope of teacher’s activities, research attitude to the work, readiness to implement innovations. Such specialists make it possible to provide methodological support and i-service training of teachers at a qualitatively new level.El desarrollo moderno del sistema de formación docente demuestra el replanteamiento de las competencias profesionales docentes y se centra en las habilidades pedagógicas, educativas, metodológicas y psicológicas generales de un maestro escolar integral. Mejorar la efectividad de la educación escolar exige mucho sobre las cualidades personales y las competencias profesionales de un maestro. En las nuevas condiciones socioeconómicas, los enfoques para la organización y el contenido del trabajo metodológico en términos de capacitación docente en servicio están cambiando. El exitoso proceso pedagógico está determinado en gran medida por la actividad de un maestro emocionalmente seguro, social y profesionalmente competente, listo para continuar el desarrollo profesional. Implica un amplio trasfondo cultural general, el dominio de las habilidades reflexivas. El estudio de estos problemas está asociado con el creciente papel de los componentes profesionales en el desarrollo del maestro como especialista altamente calificado. Esto se debe al alcance multidimensional de las actividades de los docentes, la actitud investigadora hacia el trabajo, la disposición para implementar innovaciones. Dichos especialistas hacen posible brindar apoyo metodológico y capacitación i-service de docentes a un nivel cualitativamente nuevo

    Accreditation features for estimation of measurement instruments accordance

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    Повышение доверия потребителей и обеспечение качества измерений, проводимых метрологической службой достигается путем успешного прохождения аккредитацииThe improvement of consumer confidence and the quality of measurements provided by the metrological service is achieving through a successful accreditatio

    Substantiation of parameters of mine working drivage with blasting technique and cleaning charges in advance cutting holes

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    Drilling and blasting operations (D&B) are the most difficult and laborious operations in the process of mineral extraction, requiring permanent development and upgrading of methods and equipment. The aim of the study is to substantiate the parameters of drilling and blasting drivage of horizontal and inclined (up to 12o) mine workings on the basis of high-performance self-propelled equipment and new designs of box cuts with cleaning explosive charges (0.2 kg of 6ZhV ammonite), placed in advance holes of 65 to 105 mm in diameter. The paper presents the results of the analysis of practical experience and scientific achievements in the field of drilling-andblasting rupture of solid media and continuum mechanics. The need for new designs of box cuts, reliability of which in the formation of high-quality (clean) cut cavity reaches 0.95-1.00, was substantiated. New design options of box cuts have been developed, the peculiarity of which consists in provision of sufficient compensation (peripheral) volume with the use of blast hole cut charges for blasting rupture of trapezoidal partitions, with the compensation volume factor of 2.50 to 1.34. Promising areas of research were shown using the example of complicated structure ore deposits and large faults in the Kirovograd ore district and crystalline rocks of the Ukrainian shield at the following mines of Ukraine: PJSC KZhRK, CJSC Sukhaya Balka (Kryvyi Rih), Vostok-Ruda LLC, SE VostGOK (Zheltye Vody), CJSC ZZhRK, etc. Promising areas of research were proposed using the example of complicated structure ore deposits typically formed at the junction of large faults; besides, the use of environmentally friendly emulsion explosives and self-propelled emulsion explosive chargers was recommended

    Somatoform disorders in the family doctor's practice.

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    Somatoform disorders – psycho­genic diseases are characterized by pathological physical symptoms that resemble somatic illness. Thus, any organic manifestations, which can be attributed to known diseases are not detected, but there are non-specific functional impairments. Somatoform disorders include somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypocho­n­driacal disorder, somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and stable somatoform pain disorder. The first part of the article reviewes features of the clinical manifestations of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder. Role of non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers (ADAPTOL) and metabolic drugs (VASONAT) in the treatment of patients with somatoform disorders is discussed. In review article data of neurologists and cardiologists on the effectiveness of anxiolytic drug ADAPTOL and metabolic drug VASONAT in different clinical groups of patients (coronary artery disease, chronic ischemia of the brain), which can significantly improve quality of life, increase exercise tolerance, improve cognitive function and correct mental and emotional disorders are presented