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    Aim of this research is to compare the relationship between the physical activity levels and quality of life of teachers working in secondary education institutions. A total of 331 secondary school teachers, including 205 men and 126 women from various branches, participated in our study in Batman province and secondary education institutions. The teachers who participated in the research were descriptive such as gender, age range, branch, chronic disease, and what if this disease was present. “International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form” for determining information and physical activity levels and “Nottingham Health Profile” questionnaires were applied for their quality of life. The statistical analysis of the data was done by using SPSS 20.0 program, and non- parametric tests such as Kruskal-Wallis, Mann Whitney U Test and Spearman Cholera test were used because the data were not normally distributed. 6.6% of secondary education teachers who participated in the study had a chronic illness, physical activity level according to gender, quality of life according to age groups, physical skill level of special talent teacher compared to other branch teacher and significant differences in quality of life (p <0.05). There were no significant differences in other parameters and in the relationship between physical activity level and life satisfaction (p> 0.05). As a result of the research, it has been concluded that the level of physical activity affects the level of physical activity of the gender and special education teachers and the other branch teachers, the quality of life is affected by the age group, and there is no significant relationship between the level of secondary school teachers' physical activity.  Article visualizations


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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare certain anthropometric and motor features of visually impaired students who play sports and those who do not play sports in schools for the visually impaired in Turkey. It is thought that the sport has an important place in the rehabilitation of disabled people and also has an effect on their physical characteristics. Material and Methods: In this context, 98 visually impaired students who played sports regularly (72 male, 26 female) and 189 visually impaired students who did not play sports regularly (110 male, 79 female) participated in our study. In the study, participants’ gender, age, height, body weight, body mass index, girth, and motor features such as flamingo balance test, flexibility, standing long jump, sit-up, bent arm hang, 10 x 5m shuttlerun, grip strength, vertical jump, abdominal strength, back strength, hip flexion strength, hip extension strength, leg flexion strength, leg extension strength, arm strength and arm extension strength were measured. During the strength measurements, Lovett’s Manual Muscle Strength Test was utilised. Results: In the study, significant differences were found between visually impaired students who played sports and those who did not play sports in terms of age, height, grip strength, vertical jump, balance test, flexibility, long jump, sit-up, bent arm hang, 10 x 5m shuttle run, abdominal strength, back strength, hip flexion strength, hip extension strength, leg flexion strength, leg extension strength, arm flexion strength and arm extension strength (p0.05). Conclusion: Examination of the test results of the study reveals that visually impaired students who played sports had higher performance levels than those of students who did not play sports. It is recommended that visually impaired students, as well as being given physical education lessons, should take part in more mobility games and sporting activities, or that more mobility games and sporting activities should be included in course curricula. Article visualizations

    Comparación de las características físicas y motrices de personas con discapacidad visual totalmente baja visión

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the physical and motor characteristics of individuals with total visual impairment (TVI) and individuals with low vision (LVI). 250 participants (136 participants=TVI, 114 participants=LVI) bettween the age 10-19 participated in the study. Participants’ anthropometric features (age, height, weight, and BMI), balance, sitting reach, standing long jump, shuttle run, vertical jump, shuttle, hanging with bent arm, and handgrip strength were measured. Dr. Lovett's manual muscle strength measurement (MMSM) was used to determine the strength parameters. The strength of arm flexion strenght (FS), arm extension strenght (ES), leg FS, leg ES, hip FS, hip ES,  back and abdominal strenght were measured. For statistical analysis the SPSS 25 was used. Therefore, Independent Sample T Test was used to determine the difference between the two groups. As a result of the statistical analyzes, a significant difference was found between TVI and LVI in balance, sit and reach, standing long jump, shuttle run, vertical jump, shuttle, handgrip strength, abdominal strength, back strength, hip FS, arm FS, and arm ES (p<0.05). LVI's motoric properties were better than TVI. There was no difference between groups in bent arm hanging (BAH), hip ES, leg FS and leg ES (p>0.05). As a result of the study, it was found that the degree of vision significantly affects physical and motor development. TVI develop slower than LVI in terms of physical and motor characteristics. This study was conducted to reveal the difference in motor characteristics between TVI and LVI. According to the results of this study; In order to prevent insufficient physical and motor development in TVI individuals in developmental age, it is recommended to be supported with sportive activities. The development of TVI individuals should be followed from early childhood and appropriate strategies should be developed.El propósito de este estudio es comparar las características físicas y motoras de personas con discapacidad visual total (TVI) y personas con baja visión (LVI). 250 participantes (136 participantes=TVI, 114 participantes=LVI) entre 10-19 años participaron en el estudio. Se midieron las características antropométricas de los participantes (edad, altura, peso e IMC), el equilibrio, el alcance sentado, el salto de longitud de pie, la carrera de lanzadera, el salto vertical, la lanzadera, colgarse con el brazo doblado y la fuerza de agarre. Se utilizó la medición manual de la fuerza muscular (MMSM) del Dr. Lovett para determinar los parámetros de fuerza. Se midió la fuerza de flexión de brazo (FS), fuerza de extensión de brazo (ES), FS de pierna, ES de pierna, FS de cadera, ES de cadera, espalda y fuerza abdominal. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el SPSS 25. Por lo tanto, se utilizó la prueba T de muestra independiente para determinar la diferencia entre los dos grupos. Como resultado de los análisis estadísticos, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre TVI y LVI en equilibrio, sentarse y alcanzar, salto de longitud de pie, carrera lanzadera, salto vertical, lanzadera, fuerza de prensión manual, fuerza abdominal, fuerza de espalda, cadera FS, brazo FS y brazo ES (p<0,05). Las propiedades motoras de LVI fueron mejores que las de TVI. No hubo diferencia entre los grupos en brazo doblado colgando (BAH), cadera ES, pierna FS y pierna ES (p>0,05). Como resultado del estudio se encontró que el grado de visión afecta significativamente el desarrollo físico y motor. TVI se desarrolla más lentamente que LVI en términos de características físicas y motoras. Este estudio se realizó para revelar la diferencia en las características motoras entre TVI y LVI. Según los resultados de este estudio; Para prevenir un desarrollo físico y motor insuficiente en individuos TVI en edad de desarrollo, se recomienda apoyarlos con actividades deportivas. El desarrollo de los individuos TVI debe seguirse desde la primera infancia y deben desarrollarse estrategias apropiadas

    Comparison between self-esteem levels in visually handicapped goalball playing students aged 12-18 and non-sporting visually impaired students

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    This study aims to compare the self-esteem levels in visually impaired Goalball playing female and male students aged 12-18 and in non-sporting female and male students apart from the physical education course. The experiment group of the study consisted of 41 female + 54 male students playing Goalball in girls' and boys' teams which took part in the Primary Schools Visually Impaired Goalball Championship held in Denizli between 04-08 May 2011. And the control group consisted of 42 female + 54 male students who do not play Goalball randomly selected from among the students of the schools that participated in the championship. Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory was used in the study. SPSS 18.0 statistics software was used in data analysis. Arithmetic mean (X) and standard deviation of the data were determined and T-test was applied on the difference between arithmetic means in independent groups. Self-esteem scores of Goalball playing students were found significantly higher than the visually impaired students who do not play Goalball (0.01 and 0.05). It was observed that visually impaired female students playing Goalball had a higher self-esteem than the visually impaired students in other groups

    Вплив базової освіти з легкої атлетики на рухові здібності та ставлення учнів до занять легкою атлетикою

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    Background and Study Aim. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of basic athletics education on students' anthropometric measurements, motor skills and attitudes towards athletics. Material and Methods. 17 female and 17 male students from the faculty of sports sciences participated in the research, totally 34 students participated. Basic athletics education was given to the students for 14 weeks. Anthropometric measurements (body fat percentage, fat weight, muscle weight), motor skill tests (vertical jump, standing long jump, acceleration, sprint and change of direction) and Athletics Attitude Scale were applied as pre-test and post-test. Paired-Samples T-test and ANOVA test were used for in-group comparisons regarding the effect of education. Results. The analysis determined significant differences in the use of tools and fields. These differences were in favor of students who played team sports. In comparison, students who played individual sports or did not participate in any sports branch did not exhibit the same level of differences. When evaluated before and after the training, it was seen that there were significant differences in the sub-dimension of tool and field use in all students. When examining motoric and anthropometric values, several changes were observed in male students. These changes included positive shifts in fat percentage, fat weight, long jump, 10 m acceleration, 30 m sprint, and change of direction values. It was found that muscle weights and vertical jump performance values of female students changed significantly in a positive direction. Conclusions. As a result, it can be said that basic athletics training practices have a significant impact on students' attitudes towards athletics. This impact is particularly noticeable in the areas of tool and field utilization. Additionally, these training practices show positive effects, particularly for male students. These effects are observed in terms of improvements in motor skills and anthropometric measurements.Передумови та мета дослідження. Мета дослідження – дослідити вплив базової атлетичної освіти на антропометричні показники, моторику та ставлення студентів до занять легкою атлетикою.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 17 студенток та 17 студентів факультету спортивних наук, всього 34 студенти. Базову атлетичну освіту учні отримували протягом 14 тижнів. Антропометричні вимірювання (відсоток жиру в організмі, вага жиру, вага м’язів), тести на рухові навички (стрибки у висоту, стрибки в довжину з місця, прискорення, спринт і зміна напрямку) і Шкала ставлення до легкої атлетики застосовувалися як попередній і після тестовий. Т-тест парних зразків і тест ANOVA використовувалися для внутрішньогрупових порівнянь щодо ефекту освіти.Результати. У результаті аналізу було встановлено, що існують суттєві відмінності у використанні знарядь та полів на користь студентів, які займалися командними видами спорту, порівняно з тими, хто займався індивідуальними видами спорту або не займався жодним видом спорту. Під час оцінювання до та після тренінгу було видно, що існують значні відмінності у підвимірі використання інструменту та поля в усіх студентів. При дослідженні моторичних та антропометричних показників було виявлено, що відсоток жиру, вага жиру, стрибки в довжину, прискорення на 10 м, спринт на 30 м та зміна напрямку у студентів чоловічої статі змінилися позитивно. Було виявлено, що показники м’язової ваги та продуктивності стрибків у висоту студенток значно змінилися в позитивну сторону.Висновки. У підсумку можна стверджувати, що базові заняття з легкої атлетики мають значний вплив на ставлення студентів до легкої атлетики. Цей вплив особливо помітний у сферах використання знарядь і полів. Крім того, ці навчальні практики мають позитивний ефект, особливо серед учнів чоловічої статі, з точки зору покращення моторики та антропометричних вимірювань

    Взаємозв'язок між рівнями вигорання та уважністю студентів-спортсменів

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    Background and Study Aim. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between burnout levels and mindfulness of students who are active athletes. Material and Methods. Descriptive analysis and correlational research model were utilized in the study. As data collection tools in the study, "Personal Information Form" including demographic information of the students was requested at first. Two scales were used: The "Athlete Burnout Scale," developed by Raedeke and Smith and adapted into Turkish by Kelecek et al.; The "Athlete Mindfulness Scale," developed by Thienot et al. and adapted into Turkish by Tingaz. The research group consisted of a total of 378 people, 96 women and 282 men, who were selected by random sampling method, actively practicing sports. In the study, t-test was used for pairwise comparisons and ANOVA test was used for multiple comparisons. Pearson Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between mindfulness and burnout levels. Results. In the study, it was found that there were significant differences in burnout levels depending on the gender variable and in some mindfulness sub-dimensions depending on the branch variable. In addition, it was determined that there was a significant negative relationship between burnout levels and mindfulness levels. Conclusions. The study found that active sports students with high mindfulness levels had lower levels of burnout, indicating that mindfulness may play a role in reducing burnout. While there were differences in mindfulness sub-dimensions based on age and sport type, overall mindfulness levels did not differ significantly.Передумови та мета дослідження. Це дослідження було проведено, щоб вивчити зв’язок між рівнем вигорання та усвідомленістю студентів, які є активними спортсменами та навчаються в університеті.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні використовувалися описовий аналіз і кореляційна модель дослідження. Як інструмент збору даних у дослідженні спочатку була запропонована «Форма персональної інформації», що містить демографічну інформацію про студентів. Було використано дві шкали: «Шкала вигорання спортсмена», розроблена Редеке та Смітом і адаптована на турецьку мову Келечеком та ін.; «Шкала уважності спортсмена», розроблена Thienot et al. і адаптовано на турецьку мову Тінгазом.. Дослідницька група складалася з 378 осіб, у тому числі 96 жінок і 282 чоловіків, які були відібрані методом випадкової вибірки. Усі учасники були студентами університету, які активно займалися спортом. У дослідженні t-критерій використовувався для попарних порівнянь, а тест ANOVA використовувався для множинних порівнянь. Кореляційний аналіз Пірсона використовувався для визначення зв’язку між усвідомленістю та рівнем вигорання.Результати. Під час дослідження було виявлено значні відмінності в рівнях вигорання залежно від гендерної змінної та в деяких підвимірах усвідомленості залежно від галузевої змінної. Крім того, було встановлено, що існує значний негативний зв’язок між рівнем вигорання та рівнем усвідомленості.Висновки. Дослідження показало, що активні спортивні студенти з високим рівнем усвідомленості мали нижчий рівень вигорання, що вказує на те, що уважність може відігравати певну роль у зменшенні вигорання. Хоча існували відмінності у підвимірях усвідомленості залежно від віку та виду спорту, загальні рівні усвідомленості істотно не відрізнялися

    A Metaphorical View Regarding the Career and Sports Perceptions of University Students

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    A career is a process in which people prepare themselves for a higher level in their professional life by gaining certain experiences and knowledge in their professional life and direct proportion to the increase in their knowledge. Sports are activities that socialize people through certain physical activities, reveal their performance and contribute to the development of people emotionally. This study aimed to reveal the perceptions of the faculty of sports sciences students about the concept of career and sports through metaphors. The study group of the research consisted of 61 students studying at Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Faculty of Sports Sciences, physical education and sports teaching department. In the study, the metaphorical perceptions of the 1. grade students studying in the department of physical education and sports teaching, and coaching education in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year regarding the concept of "Career and Sports" were examined by qualitative data collection method. In the study, data were collected after the participants completed the statements “Career is like … because…” and “Sport is like … because…”. By using the word "like" in the metaphor, an attempt was made to establish a connection between the subject and the source, and the phrase "because" was asked to be completed to obtain other information. In the study, phenomenological design and qualitative research techniques were used. For the solution and explanation of metaphors, the study was performed by revealing the metaphors, classifying the metaphors, categorizing them, and determining their validity and reliability. As a result of the information gathered, the participants wrote 42 metaphors in 7 categories following 60 themes related to the concept of career, and they wrote 43 metaphors in 5 categories following 60 themes for the concept of sports. As a result, when the metaphorical perceptions of university students towards the concepts of career and sports were investigated, it was seen that the students had the most variability category for the concept of "career" and the psychological impact categories for the concept of "sports.