50 research outputs found

    Distributions of Orbital Elements for Meteoroids on Near-Parabolic Orbits According to Radar Observational Data

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    Some results of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) Coordinated Investigation Program (CIP) number 65 Meteors in the Earth Atmosphere and Meteoroids in the Solar System are presented. The problem of hyperbolic and near-parabolic orbits is discussed. Some possibilities for the solution of this problem can be obtained from the radar observation of faint meteors. The limiting magnitude of the Kharkov, Ukraine, radar observation program in the 1970 s was +12, resulting in a very large number of meteors being detected. 250,000 orbits down to even fainter limiting magnitude were determined in the 1972-78 period in Kharkov (out of them 7,000 are hyperbolic). The hypothesis of hyperbolic meteors was confirmed. In some radar meteor observations 1 10% of meteors are hyperbolic meteors. Though the Advanced Meteor Orbit Radar (AMOR, New Zealand) and Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR, Canada) have accumulated millions of meteor orbits, there are difficulties in comparing the radar observational data obtained from these three sites (New Zealand, Canada, Kharkov). A new global program International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) has begun in 2010 (http://www.iswi-secretariat.org). Today it is necessary to create the unified radar catalogue of nearparabolic and hyperbolic meteor orbits in the framework of the ISWI, or any other different way, in collaboration of Ukraine, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and, possibly, Japan. Involvement of the Virtual Meteor Observatory (Netherlands) and Meteor Data Centre (Slovakia) is desirable too. International unified radar catalogue of near-parabolic and hyperbolic meteor orbits will aid to a major advance in our understanding of the ecology of meteoroids within the Solar System and beyond

    The activities of psycho-corrective influence taken into account the internal attitude towards a disease in adolescents with skoliosis

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    The main content of the program of psycho-corrective impact developed for adolescents with scoliosis is presented. In the implementation of psycho-correctional technology 169 adolescents participated: 85 female and 84 male. The peculiarities of maladaptive internal picture of the disease under study formation have been analyzed. Scoliosis is a complex phenomenon and contains of 6 components: sensory, emotional, personal, intellectual, motivational and social. The effectiveness of the program was proved within the framework of the study.

    IHY: Meteor astronomy and the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union

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    The purpose: to emphasize, that there are some specific features of the development of science in the New Independent States (NIS) of the Former Soviet Union. These features demand enhanced attention of the organizers of the IHY. It is necessary to create effective mechanisms for the stimulation of the connection to world science of the dormant part of fundamental scientific knowledge of these countries, which has been saved up for fifty of years. Probably, the IHY is the last opportunity of rescuing the dormant part of this knowledge from full oblivion. The method adopted is to discuss and analyse the general tendencies in science in the NIS by reference to individual cases, in particular for meteor astronomy. Results: The features and history of the development of meteor astronomy during the existence of the Soviet Union and the subsequent period give a key to understanding of the problem. Meteor astronomy can be assumed to be a young science. It is an example of a cross-disciplinary science. It is an example of a science having a sharp rise, due to the project of the IGY and to subsequent geophysical projects. Meteor astronomy is a science directly connected with the launching of the first space satellite of the Earth and the evaluation of problems of meteoroid danger to space missions. Commission 22 (Division III) of the IAU coordinated the development of meteor astronomy during the IGY. The known Soviet researcher of meteors V. Fedynskiy headed this Commission during four years since 1958. In the USSR numerous meteor centres were created and activated. The general management was concentrated in Moscow. Despite the close interaction under global projects of the Soviet Union with other countries, there still existed a language barrier. The language barrier, together with other reasons, has led to the creation in the USSR of a powerful meteor science, but only in the Russian language. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the meteor centres have remained, but without ordinary central management. The scientific results have remained but as an isolated, inaccessible science published in English. Conclusion: Reunification of the scientific achievements of the last few years in the NIS with international science should become the task of the IHY. Revival of the activity of the some of the centres will be useful. © 2007 International Astronomical Union

    Corporate Security Department of PJSC "Lukoil" As Mechanism Of Economic Security Management

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    This article presents analysis of economic security structure on the example of LUKOIL PJSC,  the internal Company documents were studied, stages of the managerial decisions making process concerning economic security issues were considered. Keywords: economic security, corporate security, personal data, policy and strategy of economic security, information protectio

    Evolution of the Institution of Rating in the Mechanism of Economic Transformations

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    Under conditions of the development of the modern market economic system, which is characterized by the accumulation of large volumes of information, an increase in its asymmetry, complication of processing and generalization, rankings play an important role as an effective consolidating tool for decision-making. The development of the rating process is logical within the mechanism of modern economic transformations, and the increasing role of rating in the context of imperfect information is confirmed by the significant demand for its practical application and turns it into an important institution of the digital economy. The aim of the article is to study the evolution of the institution of rating, starting with the analysis of the historical prerequisites for the emergence of rankings and rating agencies, as well as to consider the descriptors of its institutionalization in the process of economic transformations. It is substantiated that the development of rating, change of its historical forms is due to the specificity of rating services, the demand for production of which depends on the amount of information available to business entities, its distribution between them and the performance by rankings of derived functions: reducing information asymmetry and transaction costs. On this basis, in the process of economic transformations, three stages of rating institutionalization are singled out: the emergence of communication and the beginning of the formation of demand for rating under conditions of absolute lack of information; an increase in the demand for rating services (mainly in the financial and credit sphere) and, as a result, an increase in the number of rating agencies and the formation of a market for rating services; globalization of the market of rating services and the acquisition by rating of a polysystemic character

    The Ambivalence of Rating in the Conditions of Modern Economic Transformations

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    The article proves the ambiguous role of rating in the mechanism of economic transformations as the most important instrument, which norms the process of consolidation of significant volumes of information and acquires an opportunity to influence the choice of actors in implementation of economic transformations. The authors allocate the functions of ratings, among which are: basic (analytical, gradual, signaling, and substantiating); derived (reduction of information asymmetry, reduction of transaction costs), and deemed (materialized through the perception of ratings as a means of competition between the subjects of rating process, as a means of attracting investments and as a means of comparison of the potential of economic development of different objects of rating). The peculiarities of the expert-analytical procedure of rating are considered, on the basis of which the possibility of intentional and unintentional manipulating its results is substantiated, the factors of this process are determined. A polysystem of ratings of the modern economy is built, new classifications of ratings by the content structure, by the level of data generalization, and also by subjects of development and quantity of constituents, are presented

    The Digital Economy: Controversity of Content and Impact on Economic Development

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    The transformations of the technological structure of current economy have led to the emergence of digital economy that offers significant opportunities and, at the same time, creates threats. The article is aimed at displaying methodological approaches to interpretation of digital economy, contradiction of the possible results of its development and functioning, and the practical relevance of research into this phenomenon. The digital economy transforms economic interactions; destroys long chains of intermediaries; speeds up the conclusion of different agreements; eliminates spatial constraints in access to markets; offers competitive advantages to companies regardless of their size; enables to create a scale effect and materialize its positive impact by reducing costs. At the same time, in developed countries and industry sectors that can easily be automated, the need for low-and medium-skill workers is severely reduced. A more part-time economy is being formed, with engagement of freelancers who are not covered by the social security system on a short-term basis. These processes threaten the stability of incomes and the development of the national economy. A comparative analysis of the development of digital economy uses the indices that can form the basis of the national economic foresight

    Magnetization plateaux of S = 1/2 two-dimensional frustrated antiferromagnet Cs2_2CuBr4_4

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    The field induced magnetic phase transitions of Cs2_2CuBr4_4 were investigated by means of magnetization process and neutron scattering experiments. This system undergoes magnetic phase transition at Ne\'{e}l temperature TN=1.4T_\mathrm{N}=1.4 K at zero field, and exhibits the magnetization plateau at approximately one third of the saturation magnetization for the field directions HbH\parallel b and HcH\parallel c. In the present study, additional symptom of the two-third magnetization plateau was found in the field derivative of the magnetization process. The magnetic structure was found to be incommensurate with the ordering vector Q=(0,0.575,0)\boldsymbol{Q}=(0, 0.575, 0) at zero field. With increasing magnetic field parallel to the c-axis, the ordering vector increases continuously and is locked at Q=(0,0.662,0)\boldsymbol{Q}=(0, 0.662, 0) in the plateau field range 13.1T<H<14.4T13.1 \mathrm{T} < H < 14.4 \mathrm{T}. This indicates that the collinear \textit{up-up-down} spin structure is stabilized by quantum fluctuation at the magnetization plateau.Comment: 6 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses iopams.sty and IOPART.CL


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the phase equilibria in the 1/2Dy2O3-SrO-CoO system at 1100°C in air. At present two binary oxides SrCoO3-δ, Sr3Co2O7-δ and individual oxide Dy0.14Sr0.86CoO3-δ were obtained