164 research outputs found

    Hinnangud mĂ”jutavad pupilli suurust: eesmĂ€rgi tĂŒĂŒbi ja eesmĂ€rgiga ĂŒhilduvuse mĂ”jud

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    This thesis attempted to investigate the effects of appraisal dimensions on pupillary movements. Three appraisal dimensions were under investigation: goal relevance, goal type and goal congruence. Three hypotheses were formulated. Pupil dilation a) differs in neutral and relevant events; b) depends differently on wins and losses; c) is affected by goal conduciveness and goal obstructiveness. A novel research paradigm was used to test these hypotheses. Instead of picture stimuli we relied on perceptually simple stimuli (Landolt circles) which were coupled with affective meaning. To that end we used the monetary incentive delay task (MID) where the stimuli were associated with three types of events: gains, losses, neutral. The conditioning in the experiment was successful. Pupil dilation showed a difference between neutral and relevant events. As predicted, the results confirmed that goal type has an effect on pupillary reactivity. To a degree goal conduciveness also demonstrated the pattern predicted, in that pupil reactivity changed, but only in approach conditions (conditions “you won” and “you did not win” differed significantly)

    Afektiivsete tÔlgenduste mÔju tÀhelepanu kontrollile

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneMiks mĂ”jutavad emotsionaalse sisuga olukorrad visuaalset tĂ€helepanu? Miks on nĂ€iteks nii, et tĂ€naval vihase nĂ€oga mööduja jÀÀb vĂ€ga kiiresti silma? Miks on ka nii, et ebameeldivas vĂ”i Ă€revas olukorras kipub tĂ€helepanu fookus olema ainult ĂŒksikutel detailidel ja kĂ”rvalised detailid jÀÀvad mĂ€rkamata? Seni on emotsionaalse tĂ€helepanu seletamisel rĂ”hutatud emotsiooniga kaasnevat positiivset vĂ”i negatiivset tunnet. NĂ€iteks on rĂ”hutatud seda, et negatiivsed stiimulid, nagu kellegi vihane nĂ€gu, haaravad tĂ€helepanu just tĂ€nu nende negatiivsele sisule ja sellest tekitatud tundele. Tartu Ülikoolis tehtud doktoritöö kohaselt tuleks aga otsida seletust emotsionaalsetele sĂŒndmustele antud tĂ”lgendustest, mis pĂ”hjustavad ja kujundavad emotsionaalset kogemust. NĂ€iteks vĂ”ib negatiivne emotsioon tekkida sellest, kui sĂŒndmus on oluline, aga ei ole kooskĂ”las hetke eesmĂ€rkidega. Sellised tĂ”lgendusmehhanismid on sageli automaatsed ja toetuvad ajumehhanismidele, mis tegelevad pidevalt keskkonna hindamisega, arvestades seejuures meie enda hetke eesmĂ€rke. Doktoritöö uuringutulemused kinnitasid, et tĂ€helepanu juhib just olukorra tajutud olulisus, mitte olukorra positiivsus vĂ”i negatiivsus. Lisaks nĂ€itas doktoritöö, et mĂ”ningad emotsiooni efektid tĂ€helepanu mehhanismidele ei pruugi olla kaugeltki nii selged kui varasem kirjandus on nĂ€idanud. Peale teoreetiliste edasiarenduste pakkusid esitatud uuringud ka metodoloogilisi tĂ€iendusi, nagu nĂ€iteks pupilli suuruse kasutamine visuaalse tĂ€helepanu mÔÔdikuna. Doktoritöö tulemused arendasid edasi arusaamist emotsioonide ja tĂ€helepanu seostest ja samuti pakkusid tulevastele uuringutele uusi lĂ€henemisi.Why do emotional situations influence our visual attention? Why is it so that a passerby with an angry face quickly captures our attention? And why is it so that in an uncomfortable or anxious situation we tend to focus our attention on specific details and ignore other information? Previously, emotional attention has been explained mostly by emphasizing the subjective feeling caused by an emotion. According to this view, a negative stimulus, like an angry face, captures attention due to its negative nature and the negative feelings caused by it. In the current doctoral dissertation, it is suggested that the driving force behind emotional effects on attention is the appraisal process which is believed to cause and shape emotional experiences. For instance, negative emotion can arise by appraising an event as relevant and incongruent to our current goals. These appraisal mechanisms are described as fast and automatic, meaning that the brain automatically evaluates stimuli in accordance with the current goals. The findings confirmed that not the negative or positive feeling, but the subjective relevance attributed to a stimulus drives emotional attention. In addition, the findings showed that some emotional effects on attention are not as clear-cut as previously thought. Besides theoretical advancements, the studies presented in the dissertation provided methodological improvements, such as using pupil size as a measure of attentional processes. Overall, the findings developed our understanding of emotional effects on attention and provided some interesting future avenues for future research.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552399

    Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption. An econometric analysis of the multidimensional effects of corruption upon FDI inflow

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    The goal of this thesis is to estimate the effect of corruption upon the levels of FDI inflow and it poses the following research question: What effect does corruption have upon the level of foreign direct investment inflow to a country? Moreover, do internal types of corruption (e.g. bureaucratic corruption), and external contexts (e.g. level of development) affect the manner in which corruption affects foreign direct investment inflow to a country? The thesis attempts to clear up a contention in the literature in which the effect of corruption upon FDI inflow is contested. It does this in two ways. First, proposing a theoretical framework to understand the effects corruption can have by fusing together elements from political risk theory and the OLI-paradigm. Second, using a relatively unused econometric method, which allows one to use a random effects model to distinguish between the effects which key independent variables have: (1) across time within" countries and (2) between" countries. Panel data from 1995 - 2012 are employed with a global coverage. The dataset is compiled from three different original datasets. The findings of the thesis suggests that the effect of corruption is on average negative for FDI inflow. However, the thesis also finds that the effect of corruption is very dependent on context. In some contexts, corruption is found to have a positive effect on FDI inflow in this thesis. Unfortunately, the data for different types of corruption are not good enough to perform reliable estimations. The results show in a clear manner that the contention in the field is due to systematic differences produced by different estimation techniques, and an overly simplified view of what corruption is. The suggested theoretical framework is able to explain the results and incorporate the different findings of the literature and this thesis by focusing on corruption as a multidimensional phenomenon.Master i Sammenliknende politikkSAMPOL350MASV-SAP

    Code‐Switching in Fantasy Films: The Use of Constructed languages in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies

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    Code-switching into a constructed language is quickly becoming a staple of fantasy and science-fiction movies and TV-Series. This thesis examines instances of code-switching in The Lord of the Rings and The hobbit to establish patterns in the use of code-switching. The Markedness Model has been used to analyze the scripts in order to find this pattern and to determine if the code-switching that occur in these movies differ from code-switching in a natural verbal dialogue

    Capturing students' needs through collaboration - exploring challenges experienced by Norwegian educational-psychological advisers

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    A system-based approach to expert assessment work presupposes collaboration between the Educational Psychological Service (EPS) and key stakeholders to capture students’ needs. Nevertheless, few studies have explored what challenges to collaboration exist and how they can be resolved. The purpose of this study was therefore to fill this knowledge gap by exploring EPS advisers’ experiences of challenges in collaborating with key stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers and principals. The results of eight interviews revealed challenges for EPS advisers in capturing the student’s voice, gaining legitimacy from teachers, involving principals, and being parents’ spokesperson, as well as challenges related to the perceived ambiguity of the EPS’s mandate. The findings suggest a lack of collaborative competence to lead a joint process of knowledge development; such competence could prevent conflicting expectations of EPS`s mandate, confusion about roles and contribute to trustful relationships between EPS and key stakeholders. A two-part strategy for a collaborative approach to expert assessment work is suggested.publishedVersio

    Kan ungdommer ta et informert valg om prevensjon basert pÄ sÞk pÄ internett? En undersÞkelse av kvaliteten pÄ nettbasert helseinformasjon om prevensjon og tilrettelegging for et informert valg. En kvantitativ tverrsnittstudie

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    HEL-3964. Leveres 05.05.2022, kl 10:15. Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Helsestasjon for ungdom skal tilby prevensjonsveiledning og forskrive prevensjon til ungdommer. Dette er en viktig del av strategien for Ä redusere antallet svangerskapsavbrudd. Helsesykepleier skal informere tilstrekkelig slik at brukere kan ta informerte valg og gi rÄd om aktuelle nettsider. Samtidig ser en at ungdommer bruker internett for Ä sÞke etter helseinformasjon, ogsÄ i spÞrsmÄl om prevensjon. For at ungdommer skal kunne ta et informert valg basert pÄ nettbasert helseinformasjon mÄ den vÊre av hÞy kvalitet. Hensikten: Hensikten med denne studien var Ä undersÞke kvaliteten pÄ helseinformasjon om prevensjon pÄ norske nettsider og i hvilken grad det legger til rette for et informert valg. Metode: Studiens design er en tverrsnittstudie og utvalget av nettsider til studien ble funnet ved 26 sÞkeord i Google og pÄ nettsidene til norske helseforetak. Kvaliteten ble undersÞkt ved to kodere og en ekspertkoder ved det validerte instrumentet MAPPinfo. Resultat: 52 nettsider for ungdommer med informasjon om prevensjon ble inkludert. PÄ en skala fra 0-1 ble gjennomsnittsscoren 0.17 (min 0.05, maks 0.33, SD: 0.063). Kvalitet ble ogsÄ vurdert ut fra grupper basert pÄ leverandÞr: offentlige, helseportaler, kommersielle og stiftelse med gjennomsnittscore mellom 0.15-0.19. Inter-rater reliabilitet mellom koderne (T-koeffisient= 0,78) var god og validitet basert pÄ ekspertkoding (T-koeffisient= 0.86) var utmerket. Konklusjon: Kvaliteten pÄ helseinformasjon pÄ norske nettsider mÞter ikke minstekravene til kunnskapsbasert praksis. Kvaliteten er utilstrekkelig og kan ikke gi et informert valg til ungdommer. For at ungdommer skal kunne ta et informert valg mÄ helsepersonell gi veiledning. Funnene belyser et behov for Ä produsere helseinformasjon av hÞy kvalitet basert pÄ kunnskapsbaserte kvalitetskriterier

    A preliminary exploration of experiences of integrating the body in the self in two women with anorexia nervosa in view of phenomenological conceptualisations

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    Background: People with anorexia nervosa often present with confusions around bodily sensations and difficulties in experiencing their body as a place of their own. Many existing models understand anorexia nervosa as a disorder of behaviour and thoughts about eating and body size, and treatments typically focus on modifying thoughts and psychological processes. They leave aside the subject as she experiences the body from a first-person perspective. Inspired by phenomenology and the embodied mind thesis, this explorative study examines in depth the experiences of individuals with anorexia nervosa as they engage in Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy. Through release of bodily tension and restricted breathing, this method aims to help subjects tune into the body and accept that difficult experiences, relationships and feelings are also bodily. Methods: Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with two women who had been attending Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy for more than two years. Thematic analysis was used to identify, analyse and interpret themes within the data. Results: Three main overarching themes that structure the subjects’ experiences were identified: the meaning of the therapeutic relationship, changes in bodily connectedness and ways of moving, and improved ability to articulate and reflect on feelings. Conclusion: The subjects described a greater tendency to experience the body in the self and as a place of their own, a more flexible and vital body, and an increased capacity to identify, express and make sense of feelings. These changes enriched their interactions with the social world. Feeling acknowledged and accepted by the therapist throughout the process was essential. The study illustrates how difficult experiences, thoughts and feelings can, over time, manifest in the body as withheld breathing and diverse bodily constraints affecting both self- and body awareness. The study endorses the phenomenological concepts that our experiences of the self and the world are essentially bodily, and emphasizes the importance of the first-person perspective when investigating the contribution of the body to the self and to our interactions with the social world. Physio- and body awareness therapies that help patients relate to, understand and integrate bodily experiences may complement other treatment approaches and help patients with anorexia proceed with the recovery process. Plain English summary: Having anorexia nervosa involve changes in the way one experiences the body. The condition has been linked to confusions around bodily sensations and reduced experience of the body as an integrated place of their own. The purpose of this study was to gain a richer understanding of bodily experiences in subjects with anorexia nervosa having attended a specialized physiotherapy approach. In depth interviews were conducted with two women who had anorexia nervosa and who had engaged in Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy for more than two years. Three themes that structure the subjects’ experiences were identified: the meaning of the therapeutic relationship, changes in bodily connectedness and ways of moving, and improved ability to articulate and reflect on feelings. The subjects described a greater tendency to experience the body in the self and as a place of their own, a more flexible and vital body, and an increased capacity to identify, express and make sense of feelings. Feeling acknowledged and accepted by the therapist throughout the process was essential. The study illustrates how difficult experiences, thoughts and feelings can manifest in the body as withheld breathing and diverse bodily constraints affecting both self- and body awareness in people with anorexia nervosa.publishedVersio

    En beskrivelse av ulike trykkontroll metoder

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    I industrien finnes det to hovedmetoder for hÄndtering av kick, og valg av metode avhenger i stor grad av selskapets prosedyrer. Derfor er det relevant Ä undersÞke forskning som er gjort pÄ omrÄdet for Ä identifisere en enkel og effektiv mÄte Ä hÄndtere kick pÄ samtidig som man tar hensyn til trykket i brÞnnen. En viktig faktor Ä vurdere er forskning pÄ gassmigrasjon og dens innvirkning pÄ drepeoperasjoner, samt eventuelle andre effekter det kan ha. Ved Ä utforske disse sammenhengene kan man fÄ bedre innsikt i hvordan gassmigrasjon pÄvirker kick og de viktige faktorene som er involvert. Det er ogsÄ relevant Ä undersÞke hva som pÄvirker kick, som for eksempel bunnhullstrykk, slamvekt, hulldiameter, formasjonsstyrke og kicktoleranser. Ved Ä undersÞke tidligere forskning pÄ disse omrÄdene kan man fÄ bedre forstÄelse av hvordan disse faktorene pÄvirker kick og hvilke potensielle fordeler de kan gi. En grundig gjennomgang av forskning pÄ hÄndtering av kick, inkludert undersÞkelser av gassmigrasjon og faktorer som pÄvirker kick og kicktoleranser, kan bidra til Ä identifisere effektive metoder og potensielle fordeler knyttet til trykk i brÞnnen. Dette kan igjen bidra til utviklingen av mer effektive brÞnnkontrollprosedyrer og redusere risikoen for komplikasjoner som undergrunnsutblÄsning.In the industry, there are two main methods for handling kicks, and the choice of method depends largely on the company's procedures. Therefore, it is relevant to examine research conducted in the field to identify a simple and effective way to manage kicks while considering the pressure in the well. An important factor to consider is research on gas migration and its impact on kill operations, as well as any other effects it may have. By exploring these relationships, a better understanding can be gained of how gas migration affects kicks and the critical factors involved. Furthermore, it is also relevant to examine what influences kicks, such as bottom hole pressure, mud weight, hole diameter, formation strength, and kick tolerances. By exploring previous research in these areas, a better understanding can be obtained of how these factors affect kicks and the potential benefits they may provide. Overall, a thorough review of research on kick management, including investigations into gas migration and factors influencing kicks and kick tolerances, can help identify effective methods and potential advantages in relation to well pressure. This, in turn, can contribute to the development of more efficient well control procedures and reduce the risk of complications such as underground blowouts

    En deskriptiv studie vedrĂžrende kommunikasjon og koordinasjon om skade mellom utĂžver, skoletrener, klubbtrener og foresatte.

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    Bakgrunn: Toppidrett er et populÊrt programfag for elever pÄ videregÄende skole. Der fÄr de mulighet til Ä utvikle seg som idrettsutÞvere kombinert med en tilrettelagt skolehverdag (Utdanning.no, 2023). I en tilvÊrelse som ung utÞver er totalbelastningen stor og det kommer forventinger fra flere omrÄder. En fÞlge av dette kan vÊre at idrettsskader oppstÄr. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var Ä undersÞke relasjonskoordineringskvalitet hos utÞvere pÄ toppidrett fotball i videregÄende skole og dens mikromiljÞ. I denne foreliggende studien er det avgrenset til foresatte, skoletrener og klubbtrener. Metode: Det ble anvendt en kvantitativ metode ved hjelp av et modifisert spÞrreskjema, Relational Coordination Scale. Totalt var det 95 deltakere, hvorav 67 av disse var i rollen som utÞver, og de resterende 28 var klubbtrenere, skoletrenere og foresatte. Resultat: Resultatene viser ingen statistisk signifikant forskjell mellom opplevd relasjonskoordineringskvalitet mellom skadede og ikke skadede utÞvere. En ser videre at utÞver opplever en moderat relasjonskoordineringskvalitet med alle som er inkludert i dens mikromiljÞ. Likevel ser en at skadede utÞvere opplever en hÞyere relasjonskoordinerings-kvalitet med foresatte enn det de utÞverne som ikke er skadet gjÞr. Konklusjon: Studien viser at kommunikasjon finner sted mellom utÞver og andre individ i dens mikromiljÞ. Likevel ser en at relasjonskoordinering rundt utÞveren, mellom foresatte, skoletrener og klubbtrener oppleves som gjensidig svak. For Ä bedre denne kvaliteten kan det vÊre hensiktsmessig Ä tilrettelegge for jevnlig kommunikasjon i form av strukturerte mÞter med utÞver i fokus. Dette vil vÊre med i den viktige prosessen som omhandler identifisering og tilpasning av situasjonen som utÞveren er i, noe som vil kunne hjelpe utÞveren videre med Ä oppnÄ sitt fulle potensiale.Background: Elite sports is a popular program subject for students at upper secondary school where they get the opportunity to develop as athletes combined with a structured school day (Utdanning.no, 2023). The total load is huge as a young athlete and there are expectations from several areas. A consequence of this may be that sport injuries occur. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine relational coordination quality in athletes in the elite sport of football in upper secondary school and its microenvironment which in this study is limited to athletes, parents, school coach and club coach. Method: A quantitative method with a descriptive design was used to conduct the study. There were 95 participants in the study, where 67 were athletes and the remaining 28 were club coaches, school coaches and parents. Results: The results show no statistically significant difference between perceived relationship coordination quality between between injured and non-injured athletes. Furthermore one sees that athletes experience a moderate relational coordination quality with everyone who is included in its microenvironment. Conclusion: The study shows that communication takes place between the practitioner and individuals in their microenvironment. Nevertheless, one sees that relational coordination around the athlete, between parents, school coach and club coach, is perceived as mutually weak. To improve this quality, it may be appropriate to facilitate regular communication in the form of structured meetings with the athlete in focus. This will be part of the important process of identifying and adapting to the situation the athlete is in, which can help the athlete further achieve their potential
