496 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang universal, berganti dengan semangat kelompok dan individu. Isu agama diangkat untuk keepentingan individu, kelompok, dan kekuasaan. Gagasan tentang pembelaan terhadap Tuhan telah menjadi gagasan yang utopis. Iman kemudian tertuju pada institusi agama, bukan kepada Tuhan. Akhirnya penganut ajaran agama lain dianggap bukan peenyembah Tuhan. Secara bertubi-tubi sikap keagamaan tersebut memicu terjadinya peperangan atas nama agama. Berbagai langkah solutif telah coba diwacanakan. Dikalangan pemikir Islam sufistik, jauh sebelum muncul wacana pluralisme agama, terdapat satu gagasan tentang  waḼdat al-adyân atau “kesatuan agama-agama”. Pemikir sufistik waḼdat al-adyân menawarkan satu gagasan moderat yang humanis, dan universal dalam konteks relasi agama-agama, mengandung  pesan moral yang terkait secara langsung dengan masalah harmoni kehidupan sosial keagamaan. Universalitas konsep waḼdat al-adyân terdapat pada aspek ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologis. Konsep waḼdat al-adyân dalam tasawuf dipopulerkan oleh dua tokoh sufi ternama, yaitu Husin Mansur al-Ḥallâj (w. 922 M) dan Muhyi al-Din Ibn ‘Arabi wahdat al-wujĂťd (w. 1240 M). Al-Ḥallâj menggandengkan  konsep waḼdat al-adyân dengan hulĂťl, sedangkan Ibn ‘Arabi. Pemikiran dua sufi tersebut saling melengkapi,  al-Ḥallâj sebagai penggagas waḼdat al-adyân sedangkan Ibn ‘Arabi membuat ide-ide al-Ḥallâj menjadi sistematis

    The effect of grain size distributions on low-temperature creep in a thin film

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    Thin films with microcrystalline and nanocrystalline grains are used in MEMS and thin films for electronics. These systems have mechanical properties that depend on the microstructure. Grain size is frequently reported only as mean values or bounds. It has been demonstrated, however, that a mean grain size value is insufficient to describe the microstructure of these materials and the resulting macroscopic mechanical properties. For example, deformation mechanisms at this scale demonstrate sensitivity to grain size, and variations in yield stress, hardness, ductility, and plastic behavior have all been attributed to the varying distributions of grain size in samples with identical average grain sizes. Computational models of crystal plasticity have begun to address these distributions of grain size, utilizing fast Fourier transform-based crystal plasticity models and crystal plasticity finite element models (CPFEMs). In this study, a CPFEM which tracks dislocation density and models the resulting plasticity is extended to include vacancy motion resulting from low-temperature creep. This model is then used to examine the effect of realistic grain size distributions on the creep behavior and postcreep stresses and strains in an electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel thin film. In addition, the validity and effect of the assumption of homogeneous intragranular stresses, an assumption made in several experimental studies of creep behavior in thin films is examined

    Jointly owned forests and forest land consolidation – increasing the stand size in fragmented areas

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    Private ownership has traditionally been seen as superior to joint ownership. The creation of new jointly owned forests is, nevertheless, seen as an integral part of Finnish forest land consolidation projects. Jointly owned forests are seen as a solution to the increasingly small forest properties, which lead to higher harvest and maintenance costs and lower incen-tives to manage the forest. In this study, a case study of the size of forest stands (compartments) before and a decade after the Pahkakoski land consolidation project is carried out. The stand sizes before and after land consolidation are compared both for areas that only underwent land consolidation, and for areas that were merged into a jointly owned forest. The results show that land consolidation increases the stand sizes, especially for younger stands. For jointly owned forests the increase is larger: for forest land the average stand size increased with between 1 and 1.8 hectares depending on the development class of the forest stand. The results show that land consolidation on its own can increase the stand size, leading to lower management costs, but that jointly owned forests increases this effect considerably. As such, creating jointly owned forests present benefits compared with pure land consolidation through economies of scale

    Tasawuf Selayang Pandang

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    Salah satu ajaran dasar dalam agama Islam ialah bahwa manusia tersusun dari dua unsur, unsur roh dan jasad. Sedangkan roh itu berasal dari hadirat Tuhan, wa nafakhtu fihi min ruhi, dan akan kembali kepada Tuhan. Tuhan adalah suci dan roh yang datang dari Tuhan juga suci dan akan dapat kembali ke tempat aslinya di sisi Tuhan kalau ia tetap suci, jika ia menjadi kotor sebab masuk ke dalam manusia yang bersifat materi itu, ia tak akan dapat kembali ke tempat asalnya. Oleh karena itu harus diusahakan supaya roh tetap suci dan manusia menjadi baik. Dalam Islam diajarkan aturan-aturan agar manusia menjadi baik, yakni tersimpul dalam syariat yang mengambil bentuk salat, puasa, zakat, haji, dan ajaran-ajaran mengenai moral atau akhlak Islam. Nabi Saw. mengatakan bahwa beliau datang untuk menyempurnakan budi pekerti luhur, innama bu’itstu liutammima makarim al-akhlaq. \ud Unsur jasad pada diri manusia selanjutnya disebut unsur materi, yaitu tubuh yang mempunyai hayat, sedangkan unsur roh disebut unsur immateri yaitu berupa jiwa yang mempunyai dua daya; daya berfikir yang disebut akal dan daya merasa yang disebut zauq atau zihn.\ud Dalam ajaran Islam, seperti diketahui, kedua daya tersebut telah dikembangkan oleh ulama-ulama muslim. Kalau kaum filosof dan juga kaum teolog lebih mengembangkan daya berpikir (akal), maka daya rasa (zauq) lebih dikembangkan oleh kaum sufi.\ud Perbedaan daya berpikir (akal) menurut kaum filosof dan kaum teolog, bahwa daya berpikir (akal) dalam paham kaum filosof lebih ditekankan kepada kesanggupan menangkap hal-hal yang abstrak murni. Sedangkan kaum teolog mengartikan daya berpikir (akal) sebagai daya untuk menangkap pengetahuan di alam materi dan untuk membedakan antara kebaikan dan kejahatan. \ud Daya jiwa yang satu lagi yang disebut daya merasa (zauq), dikembangkan oleh kaum sufi. Mereka adalah segolongan umat Islam yang belum merasa puas dengan pendekatan diri kepada Tuhan melalui ibadat-ibadat salat, puasa, zakat, dan haji. Dengan kata lain, hidup spiritual yang diperoleh melalui ibadat biasa belum memuaskan kebutuhan spiritual mereka. Maka mereka mencari jalan yang membawa mereka lebih dekat kepada Tuhan, sehingga mereka merasa dapat melihat Tuhan dengan hati sanubari (bashirah), bahkan bersatu dengan Tuhan. Jalan yang dimaksud tidak lain adalah jalan tasawuf atau yang oleh orang Barat disebut mistisisme Islam ‘Islam mysticism

    Architectural Expression: Police Power and the First Amendment

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    Adaptation to a geothermal soil mosaic shapes genome-wide patterns of diversity and differentiation in Yellowstone monkeyflowers (M. guttatus)

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    Local adaptation across habitat mosaics can generate phenotypic divergence in the face of gene flow; however, adaptive divergence in reproductive traits may also create barriers to genetic exchange within and among distinct habitats. In plants, life-history, phenology, and mating system traits may lead to divergent selection over short (microgeographic) spatial scales. Changes to these traits are likely to directly affect patterns of gene flow and genomic diversity. In this study, we combined field, common garden, and population genomic approaches to investigate phenotypic and genetic variation in Mimulus guttatus (yellow monkeyflowers) adapted to a complex geothermal soil mosaic in Yellowstone National Park (YNP). A previously-identified major locus underlying life-history divergence (out6) strongly sorts by habitat (thermal annual habitats [AH] vs. non-thermal perennial habitats [PH]) across YNP. Plants from AH and PH were also differentiated for self-pollination potential and flowering time traits in the common garden, consistent with adaptation to spring-flowering in thermal habitats. Genome-wide sequence data (ddRADSeq) reveals one highly differentiated (and ecologically extreme) AH population (AHQT), while the other AH and PH plants form four geographic populations. F’ST between the geographic regions varied but remained relatively high (~0.10) across all comparisons. F’ST between AH-AH sub-populations pairs were marginally more differentiated than PH-PH pairs (F’ST = 0.13 vs. 0.10, respectively). Slightly elevated differentiation of thermal annual populations mirrors the isolation of AHQT from all other populations and suggests that increased selfing and phenological assortative mating in thermal habits generate structure through reduced gene flow and increased drift. Individual inbreeding coefficients (FIS) were positively associated with mean progeny stigma-anther distance and significantly elevated in thermal annual habitats. This is consistent with the inference that thermal habitats select for efficient self-pollination, with consequences for individual and population variation. Overall, multi-trait adaptation to geothermal soils occurs despite ongoing gene flow with nearby nonthermal populations, and parallel selective pressures in extreme thermal soils have reassembled similar adaptive phenotypes on distinct genetic backgrounds. To varying degrees, thermal annuals exhibit genomic signatures of elevated population differentiation that suggest they may be in the early stages of developing local reproductive isolation

    Single crystals with internal doping with laser ions prepared by a hydrothermal method

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    Single heterogeneous crystals are described that contain multiple regimes, adjacent regimes varying from one another with regard to function. Also disclosed is a hydrothermal epitaxial growth process that can be utilized to form the single heterogeneous crystals. The single heterogeneous crystals can exhibit enhanced performance when used as a laser gain medium as compared to previously known single crystals and multi-crystal constructs. The heterogeneous single crystal can be utilized for thin disk lasers and can minimize the thermal distortion effects at high powers. The heterogeneous crystal can also serve as an embedded waveguide

    Hydrothermal Growth of Heterogenous Single Crystals Exhibiting Amplified Spontaneous Emission Suppression

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    Single crystals are described that contain several regimes within the crystal that perform different functions related to the enhanced performance of a laser gain medium. At least one regime of the single crystals can be utilized to suppress amplified spontaneous emission and parasitic oscillation in a laser gain medium. A single crystal can include core and cladding regions, the cladding region providing amplified spontaneous emission suppression. The core region of the crystal can include as dopant one or more ions that take part in the lasing when suitably pumped. The amplified spontaneous emission suppression region can include as dopant one or more ions that can prevent additional spontaneous emission that can to depletion of the upper laser states, thus reducing laser performance including one or more ions that absorb spontaneously emitted photons and/or a higher concentration of the active lasing ions of the core

    Hydrothermal Method for Preparing Large Single Crystals of Scandium, Yttrium, and Lanthanide Sesquioxides

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    Scandium, yttrium, and lanthanide sesquioxide crystals having the formula Ln.sub.2O.sub.3, wherein Ln is selected from Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu, with or without an activator ion, are made by a hydrothermal method for a variety of end-use applications
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