77 research outputs found

    Тематична диференціація термінів гірничої справи, ужитих у романі А. Фурмана «Кров і вугілля»

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    Ідеться про тематичну організацію термінів гірничої справи у творі відомого німецького письменника А. Фурмана «Кров і вугілля». Визначено кількість гірничих термінів у кожній із виявлених тематичних груп, тобто з’ясовано специфіку уживання відповідної лексики у мові сучасного роману. (The article continues the cycle of the author’s publications devoted to the study of the lexical-semantical peculiarities of Ukrainian mining terminology. The work is directed to the study of the system ties among the lexical units of the mining terminology, in particular the difference in topical groups. The article deals with thematic organization of mining terms in the works of famous German writer A. Furman «Blood and coal». A number of mining terms in each of revealed thematic groups are defined. So specificity of relevant vocabulary using in contemporary novel diction is cleared up. Over the last decade, there were fundamental studies on specific terminology (N. Gimere, T. Lukovenko, N. Tsymbal, D. Shapran, N. Yatsenko and other). Modern scientists break and actively explore a variety of issues of terminology. Thus, the derivation of certain terminological in Ukrainian terminology was investigated by L. Kozak, G. Onufrienko, G. Rakshanova, N. Rukolyanska, etc. Unfortunately, thematic organization of Ukrainian mining terminology modern linguists studying less. Actuality of the article due to the fact of collecting and systematizing unexplored vocabulary – Ukrainian mining terms. In the offered article for the characteristic of the thematic organization such tasks are performed: the terms of mining which are most often used in novel language are characterized, the thematic the organization of mountain terms is analyses used in work of famous German writer A. Furman «Blood and coal». Considering that the mining terminology is unstable, and requires a lot of detailed work on normalization and standardization of research on the linguistic level and it is great practical importance. Therefore, the further studying of derivational aspect of Ukrainian mining terminology, will be in the prospect.

    Directions for transforming enterprise business models by implementing sustainable digital economy

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    Enterprise business models are the object of research in a wide range of economic and management sciences. The value proposition as well as the position in the network of values determine the perceived available options for the transformation of the business model in the context of digitalisation. The aim of the article is to investigate the possible directions of transformation of business models of enterprises under the actualisation of the concept of sustainable development in the digital economy. In order to realize this objective, we analyzed the relevant conceptual and empirical articles, as well as information obtained from extensive empirical research on the conditions of sustainable development of enterprises and changes in consumer values within the framework of the theoretical component. The hypothesis of the study is based on the fact that changes in the values of stakeholders, primarily consumers, determine the transformation of business models. Identifying changes in consumer values in the context of new opportunities to address environmental and social issues provided by digital technologies has allowed us to propose directions for transforming the logic of value creation in business models: transformation of business model components, changes in customization, changes in format management

    Finite volume and pseudo-spectral schemes for the fully nonlinear 1D Serre equations

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    After we derive the Serre system of equations of water wave theory from a generalized variational principle, we present some of its structural properties. We also propose a robust and accurate finite volume scheme to solve these equations in one horizontal dimension. The numerical discretization is validated by comparisons with analytical, experimental data or other numerical solutions obtained by a highly accurate pseudo-spectral method.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, 75 references. Other author's papers can be downloaded at http://www.denys-dutykh.com

    Improved Detection Criteria for the Multi-dimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD) on unstructured meshes with very high-order polynomials

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    This paper extends the MOOD method proposed by the authors in ["A high-order finite volume method for hyperbolic systems: Multidimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD)", J. Comput. Phys. 230, pp 4028-4050, (2011)], along two complementary axes: extension to very high-order polynomial reconstruction on non-conformal unstructured meshes and new Detection Criteria. The former is a natural extension of the previous cited work which confirms the good behavior of the MOOD method. The latter is a necessary brick to overcome limitations of the Discrete Maximum Principle used in the previous work. Numerical results on advection problems and hydrodynamics Euler equations are presented to show that the MOOD method is effectively high-order (up to sixth-order), intrinsically positivity-preserving on hydrodynamics test cases and computationally efficient

    Ethanol conversion in glow and barrier discharges

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    The efficiency of ethanol conversion in glow and barrier discharges is analyzed. It is found that for a given power the ethanol conversion is more efficient in glow discharge. This is caused by the principal difference in the way of generation of active atoms and radicals in both types of discharges. In addition, the main channels leading to the generation and quenching of H₂ and CO are studied. The method to increase the efficiency is proposed.Анализируется эффективность преобразования этанола в тлеющем и барьерном разрядах. Обнаружено, что при заданной мощности преобразование этанола является более эффективным в тлеющем разряде. Это обусловлено различием в способе генерации активных атомов и радикалов в обоих типах разрядов. Также изучаются основные каналы, ведущие к генерации и тушению молекул Н₂ и СО. Предложен способ по повышению эффективности конверсии этанола в барьерном разряде.Аналізується ефективність перетворення етанолу в тліючому і бар'єрному розрядах. Виявлено, що при заданій потужності перетворення етанолу є ефективнішим у тліючому розряді. Це обумовлено розходженням у способі генерації активних атомів і радикалів в обох типах розрядів. Також, вивчаються основні канали, що ведуть до генерації та гасіння молекул Н₂ і СО. Пропонується спосіб щодо підвищення ефективності конверсії етанолу в бар’єрному розряді

    Directions for the distribution channels’ transformation in the context of digitalization based on relationship marketing

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    Modern trends associated with increased requirements for the innovative development of enterprises and the use of new digital technologies and changes in consumer behaviour have destroyed traditional distribution chains, which entailed problems in the distribution of products and services during the transformation of market relations. The main goal of this study is to identify and structure the conditions and criteria for integration into the chain of interaction between the manufacturer and the consumer, taking into account digital changes. To do this, within the framework of the theoretical component, we analyze conceptual and empirical articles contained in the Web of Science database, as well as information obtained from the study of articles by Russian academicians in specialized journals, monographs and conference abstracts. We propose to build the empirical component of the article through a threefold conceptual framework to summarize research in this area. Our starting point is identified as associated triggers. This allows enterprise decision-making criteria to be put forward to evaluate different distribution channel options and opportunities for integration. The results obtained in the course of the study provide a deepening of knowledge about the factors that configure the integration of the distribution system, principles of interaction between the subjects of distribution and the corresponding tools to unite interests. In addition, the relationships and connections established among the participats in digital ecosystems are constantly evolving, therefore the study will be able to show the relationship dynamics and help to analyze the development of interaction over time

    Market adaptation mechanism development of business models in digital economy conditions

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    The article considers approaches to the concept of business model of business activity, considers its modern content in the context of taking into account the peculiarities and using the advantages of the digital economy. An analytical review of business models currently used by domestic and foreign companies with the allocation of e-commerce and innovation models is made. It is proven that the improvement of existing business models or the creation of new ones should be carried out through the re-engineering of their business processes. The classification of business processes according to various classification features which can be used in the process of reengineering, is given. Reengineering as a method of radical redesign of the company's business model, taking into account the main trends in the development of modern economy and the signals of key stakeholders is characterized in detail. Based on the results of the research, a conceptual model of hybrid reengineering for market adaptation of business models of Russian enterprises to the conditions of market economy is developed. Promising directions of its improvement were identified for all the main structural elements forming its integrity and synergetic character

    Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process

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    The article provides an in-depth analysis of one of the tools for creating EER for RBL - the Dr.Explain software application. It also discusses the capabilities of users and the most effective ways to create electronic educational resources in the Dr.Explain program. The aim of the study is to suggest and compile methodological guidelines for designing and developing electronic educational resources for resource-based learning using Dr.Explain software. Dr.Explain is a program designed to create software documentation (help files), help systems, online manuals and user manuals, technical documentation for software and technical systems. The experiment involved 523 students of 1 and 4 courses of study of the specialties 017 «Physical education and sport» and of 1 courses of study 011 «Educational and Pedagogical Sciences». Among the research methods used are: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); pedagogical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); social and psychological (questioning), mathematical (mathematical calculation, ranking, regression). The research revealed that Dr.Explain is a useful tool for creating CHM help files, print-ready documents, e-books, allowing the user to compile e-learning hypertext resources in two formats (PDF and HTML). An analysis of the experience of using such an EER allows us to note that it is recommended to use electronic study guides in PDF format on tablets and smartphones, and this means what students do when downloading them from the Google platform or an official representative of the university. Web site. HTML e-manuals are easy to use by installing them on classroom desktops or students' laptops. In general, these EERs (both formats) are easy to install and view, and are independent of the operating system and software

    A New Family of High Order Unstructured MOOD and ADER Finite Volume Schemes for Multidimensional Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate the coupling of the Multi-dimensional Optimal Order De- tection (MOOD) method and the Arbitrary high order DERivatives (ADER) approach in order to design a new high order accurate, robust and computationally efficient Finite Volume (FV) scheme dedicated to solve nonlinear systems of hyperbolic conservation laws on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes in two and three space dimensions, respectively. The Multi-dimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD) method for 2D and 3D geometries has been introduced in a recent series of papers for mixed unstructured meshes. It is an arbitrary high-order accurate Finite Volume scheme in space, using polynomial reconstructions with a posteriori detection and polynomial degree decre- menting processes to deal with shock waves and other discontinuities. In the following work, the time discretization is performed with an elegant and efficient one-step ADER procedure. Doing so, we retain the good properties of the MOOD scheme, that is to say the optimal high-order of accuracy is reached on smooth solutions, while spurious oscillations near singularities are prevented. The ADER technique permits not only to reduce the cost of the overall scheme as shown on a set of numerical tests in 2D and 3D, but it also increases the stability of the overall scheme. A systematic comparison between classical unstructured ADER-WENO schemes and the new ADER-MOOD approach has been carried out for high-order schemes in space and time in terms of cost, robustness, accuracy and efficiency. The main finding of this paper is that the combination of ADER with MOOD generally outperforms the one of ADER and WENO either because at given accuracy MOOD is less expensive (memory and/or CPU time), or because it is more accurate for a given grid resolution. A large suite of classical numerical test problems has been solved on unstructured meshes for three challenging multi-dimensional systems of conservation laws: the Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics, the classical equations of ideal magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) and finally the relativistic MHD equations (RMHD), which constitutes a particularly challenging nonlinear system of hyperbolic par- tial differential equation. All tests are run on genuinely unstructured grids composed of simplex elements

    Priority goals for the strategic development of industrial enterprises based on sustainable marketing

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    The article was prepared on the basis of the conceptual research method that relies on the study of academic literature to find and integrate various concepts, including aspects of sustainable development, marketing management of an industrial enterprise, organizational levels of decision-making, and strategic managemen