679 research outputs found

    3D shape based reconstruction of experimental data in Diffuse Optical Tomography

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    Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) aims at recovering three-dimensional images of absorption and scattering parameters inside diffusive body based on small number of transmission measurements at the boundary of the body. This image reconstruction problem is known to be an ill-posed inverse problem, which requires use of prior information for successful reconstruction. We present a shape based method for DOT, where we assume a priori that the unknown body consist of disjoint subdomains with different optical properties. We utilize spherical harmonics expansion to parameterize the reconstruction problem with respect to the subdomain boundaries, and introduce a finite element (FEM) based algorithm that uses a novel 3D mesh subdivision technique to describe the mapping from spherical harmonics coefficients to the 3D absorption and scattering distributions inside a unstructured volumetric FEM mesh. We evaluate the shape based method by reconstructing experimental DOT data, from a cylindrical phantom with one inclusion with high absorption and one with high scattering. The reconstruction was monitored, and we found a 87% reduction in the Hausdorff measure between targets and reconstructed inclusions, 96% success in recovering the location of the centers of the inclusions and 87% success in average in the recovery for the volumes

    Traditional and new sources of grain protein in the healthy and sustainable Nordic diet

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    Cereal foods provide carbohydrates and dietary fibre, but also protein. To support the goals of sustainable development, cereal grain proteins should be more efficiently used to replace animal proteins. In the Nordic countries, wheat is the major source of cereal protein, followed by rye, oats, and barley. Although oats have been traditionally consumed as many staple foods in the Nordic countries and new oat-based food concepts are emerging, the potential of oats as a healthy and sustainable protein source is still underused. Oat protein is high in nutritional quality, and oats also contain unique phytochemicals and dietary fibres with proven health effects. Therefore, utilization of traditional wholegrain oat products to replace animal protein sources would increase both health-supporting components and cereal diversity in Nordic diets. While novel oat-based meat, milk, and dairy analogues do not contribute as much to dietary fibre, vitamin and mineral intake as corresponding whole grain products, they provide valuable and effective means to reduce animal protein intake, and thus, the environmental burden

    Reaganized Rock: The 1983 Beach Boys Ban and the U.S. Culture Wars

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    In 1983, Ronald Reagan’s Interior Secretary, James Watt, decided that rock bands would not perform at the Independence Day celebration that year because they would “attract unwanted elements.” With the Beach Boys having played the event in the past, Watt suffered a backlash even from Reagan himself. In this article, I analyze the media discussions on the ideological undercurrents of how rock was defined as an idea by different people involved. I track rock’s transformation from being a target of a culture war, to the terrain for such a struggle, and finally to a tool for demonstrating ideological allegiances.</p

    EpÀonnistumisen poliittinen ideologia Disco Elysium -pelissÀ

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    Artikkeli tutkii poliittisten ideologioiden esittĂ€mistÀ Disco Elysium -pelissĂ€ (Viro 2019) epĂ€onnistumisen tematiikan kautta. Virolaisen indie-peliyhtiö ZA/UM:n kehittĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€, fiktiiviseen maailmaan sijoittuvassa roolipelissĂ€ pelaajan tehtĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ on selvittÀÀ poliittisesti motivoitunut lynkkaus Revacholin kaupungin telakka-alueella. TehtĂ€vÀÀ vaikeuttaa protagonistin ennen pelin alkua ottama humalaputki, jonka jĂ€ljiltĂ€ hĂ€n ei kykene muistamaan nimeÀÀn, persoonaansa tai edes maailmaansa. Artikkeli kysyy, miten absurdin humoristinen mutta synkkĂ€ peli rakentaa kuvauksia erilaisista poliittisista ideologioista (kommunismista, fasismista, kapitalismista ja sentrismistĂ€) ja mahdollistaa pelaajan kanssakĂ€ymisen nĂ€iden ideologioiden kanssa epĂ€onnistumisen kautta.Artikkeli pohtii epĂ€onnistumista sekĂ€ pelimekaanisena ettĂ€ pelin maailmaan rakennettuna temaattisena elementtinĂ€. LĂ€hipeluun avulla se tuottaa analyysia pelin esittĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ maailmasta ja sen pelillisistĂ€ ratkaisuista ja kontekstualisoi sitten löydöksiÀÀn suhteessa pelin kehittĂ€jien nĂ€kemyksiin työstÀÀn sekĂ€ pelin vastaanottoon kriitikoiden parissa. Artikkeli vĂ€ittÀÀ, ettĂ€ pelimekaanisten ratkaisuidensa avulla peli esittÀÀ epĂ€onnistumisen kautta nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ kuvailemistaan ideologioista ja rakentaa samalla laajempaa maailmankuvaa, jonka keskiössĂ€ on epĂ€onnistumisen oma ideologisuus._____Disco Elysium and the political ideology of failure The article explores the portrayal of political ideologies in the video game Disco Elysium (2019) through the thematic of failure. Developed by an Estonian indie game company ZA/UM, the role-playing game sets player in a fictive world and tasks him with solving a politically motivated lynching at the industrial harbor district of the city of Revachol. The mission is hindered by the protagonist’s drinking binge prior to the start of the game, which has caused him to forget his name, persona and even his world. The article questions how the absurdly humorous and yet dark game constructs its depictions of political ideologies (communism, fascism, capitalism, and centrism) and enables the player to interact with these ideologies through the notion of failure.The article examines failure as both a game mechanical and a thematical element built into the game’s world. Through the method of close-playing, it produces analysis of the world produced by the game as well as its game mechanical decisions. It then contextualizes its findings in relation to the pronouncements of the game developers regarding their work as well as the game’s reception among critics in international gaming media. The article argues that through its game mechanical decisions, the game uses failure to create arguments regarding the political ideologies it depicts. It uses these arguments to create a wider worldview, at the heart of which lies an ideology of failure.</p

    EpÀonnistumisen poliittinen ideologia Disco Elysium -pelissÀ

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    Artikkeli tutkii poliittisten ideologioiden esittĂ€mistĂ€ Disco Elysium -pelissĂ€ (Viro 2019) epĂ€onnistumisen tematiikan kautta. Virolaisen indie-peliyhtiö ZA/UM:n kehittĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€, fiktiiviseen maailmaan sijoittuvassa roolipelissĂ€ pelaajan tehtĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ on selvittÀÀ poliittisesti motivoitunut lynkkaus Revacholin kaupungin telakka-alueella. TehtĂ€vÀÀ vaikeuttaa protagonistin ennen pelin alkua ottama humalaputki, jonka jĂ€ljiltĂ€ hĂ€n ei kykene muistamaan nimeÀÀn, persoonaansa tai edes maailmaansa. Artikkeli kysyy, miten absurdin humoristinen mutta synkkĂ€ peli rakentaa kuvauksia erilaisista poliittisista ideologioista (kommunismista, fasismista, kapitalismista ja sentrismistĂ€) ja mahdollistaa pelaajan kanssakĂ€ymisen nĂ€iden ideologioiden kanssa epĂ€onnistumisen kautta. Artikkeli pohtii epĂ€onnistumista sekĂ€ pelimekaanisena ettĂ€ pelin maailmaan rakennettuna temaattisena elementtinĂ€. LĂ€hipeluun avulla se tuottaa analyysia pelin esittĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ maailmasta ja sen pelillisistĂ€ ratkaisuista ja kontekstualisoi sitten löydöksiÀÀn suhteessa pelin kehittĂ€jien nĂ€kemyksiin työstÀÀn sekĂ€ pelin vastaanottoon kriitikoiden parissa. Artikkeli vĂ€ittÀÀ, ettĂ€ pelimekaanisten ratkaisuidensa avulla peli esittÀÀ epĂ€onnistumisen kautta nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ kuvailemistaan ideologioista ja rakentaa samalla laajempaa maailmankuvaa, jonka keskiössĂ€ on epĂ€onnistumisen oma ideologisuus. &nbsp; Disco Elysium and the political ideology of failure &nbsp; The article explores the portrayal of political ideologies in the video game Disco Elysium (2019) through the thematic of failure. Developed by an Estonian indie game company ZA/UM, the role-playing game sets player in a fictive world and tasks him with solving a politically motivated lynching at the industrial harbor district of the city of Revachol. The mission is hindered by the protagonist’s drinking binge prior to the start of the game, which has caused him to forget his name, persona and even his world. The article questions how the absurdly humorous and yet dark game constructs its depictions of political ideologies (communism, fascism, capitalism, and centrism) and enables the player to interact with these ideologies through the notion of failure. The article examines failure as both a game mechanical and a thematical element built into the game’s world. Through the method of close-playing, it produces analysis of the world produced by the game as well as its game mechanical decisions. It then contextualizes its findings in relation to the pronouncements of the game developers regarding their work as well as the game’s reception among critics in international gaming media. The article argues that through its game mechanical decisions, the game uses failure to create arguments regarding the political ideologies it depicts. It uses these arguments to create a wider worldview, at the heart of which lies an ideology of failure

    ”Koronatartunnasta osa Donald Trumpin medianĂ€ytöstĂ€â€

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    Nonlinear approach to difference imaging in diffuse optical tomography

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    Difference imaging aims at recovery of the change in the optical properties of a body based on measurements before and after the change. Conventionally, the image reconstruction is based on using difference of the measurements and a linear approximation of the observation model. One of the main benefits of the linearized difference reconstruction is that the approach has a good tolerance to modeling errors, which cancel out partially in the subtraction of the measurements. However, a drawback of the approach is that the difference images are usually only qualitative in nature and their spatial resolution can be weak because they rely on the global linearization of the nonlinear observation model. To overcome the limitations of the linear approach, we investigate a nonlinear approach for difference imaging where the images of the optical parameters before and after the change are reconstructed simultaneously based on the two datasets. We tested the feasibility of the method with simulations and experimental data from a phantom and studied how the approach tolerates modeling errors like domain truncation, optode coupling errors, and domain shape errors
