1,565 research outputs found

    Dynamical fluctuations in mode locking experiments on vortices moving through mesoscopic channels

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    We have studied the flow properties of vortices driven through easy flow mesoscopic channels by means of the mode locking (ML) technique. We observe a ML jump with large voltage broadening in the real part of the rf-impedance. Upon approaching the pure dc flow by reducing the rf amplitude, the ML jump is smeared out via a divergence of the voltage width. This indicates a large spread in internal frequencies and lack of temporal coherence in the dc-driven state.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, contribution to M2S-HTSC 2003, Ri

    Dynamic melting of confined vortex matter

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    We study {\em dynamic} melting of confined vortex matter moving in disordered, mesoscopic channels by mode-locking experiments. The dynamic melting transition, characterized by a collapse of the mode-locking effect, strongly depends on the frequency, i.e. on the average velocity of the vortices. The associated dynamic ordering velocity diverges upon approaching the equilibrium melting line Tm,e(B)T_{m,e}(B) as vc∌(Tm,e−T)−1v_c \sim (T_{m,e}-T)^{-1}. The data provide the first direct evidence for velocity dependent melting and show that the phenomenon also takes place in a system under disordered confinement. \pacs{74.25.Qt,83.50.Ha,64.70.Dv,64.60.Ht}Comment: Some small changes have been made. 4 pages, 4 figures included. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Functionalization of different polymers with sulfonic groups as a way to coat them with a biomimetic apatite layer

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    Covalent coupling of sulfonic group (–SO3H) was attempted on different polymers to evaluate efficacy of this functional group in inducing nucleation of apatite in body environment, and thereupon to design a simple biomimetic process for preparing bonelike apatite-polymer composites. Substrates of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycaprolactam (Nylon 6), high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE) and ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) were subjected to sulfonation by being soaked in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or chlorosulfonic acid (ClSO3H) with different concentrations. In order to incorporate calcium ions, the sulfonated substrates were soaked in saturated solution of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The treated substrates were soaked in a simulated body fluid (SBF). Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, thin-film X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy showed that the sulfonation and subsequent Ca(OH)2 treatments allowed formation of –SO3H groups binding Ca2+ ions on the surface of HMWPE and EVOH, but not on PET and Nylon 6. The HMWPE and EVOH could thus form bonelike apatite layer on their surfaces in SBF within 7 d. These results indicate that the –SO3H groups are effective for inducing apatite nucleation, and thereby that surface sulfonation of polymers are effective pre-treatment method for preparing biomimetic apatite on their surfaces

    Formation of terrestrial planets in close binary systems: the case of Alpha Centauri A

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    At present the possible existence of planets around the stars of a close binary system is still matter of debate. Can planetary bodies form in spite of the strong gravitational perturbations of the companion star? We study in this paper via numerical simulation the last stage of planetary formation, from embryos to terrestrial planets in the Alpha Cen system, the prototype of close binary systems. We find that Earth class planets can grow around Alpha Cen A on a time-scale of 50 Myr. In some of our numerical models the planets form directly in the habitable zone of the star in low eccentric orbits. In one simulation two of the final planets are in a 2:1 mean motion resonance that, however, becomes unstable after 200 Myr. During the formation process some planetary embryos fall into the stars possibly altering their metallicity.Comment: accepted for pubblication in A&A, 13 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamic ordering of driven vortex matter in the peak effect regime of amorphous MoGe films and 2H-NbSe2 crystals

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    Dynamic ordering of driven vortex matter has been investigated in the peak effect regime of both amorphous MoGe films and 2H-NbSe2 crystals by mode locking (ML) and dc transport measurements. ML features allow us to trace how the shear rigidity of driven vortices evolves with the average velocity. Determining the onset of ML resonance in different magnetic fields and/or temperatures, we find that the dynamic ordering frequency (velocity) exhibits a striking divergence in the higher part of the peak effect regime. Interestingly, this phenomenon is accompanied by a pronounced peak of dynamic critical current. Mapping out field-temperature phase diagrams, we find that divergent points follow well the thermodynamic melting curve of the ideal vortex lattice over wide field and/or temperature ranges. These findings provide a link between the dynamic and static melting phenomena which can be distinguished from the disorder induced peak effect.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The formation of Uranus and Neptune among Jupiter and Saturn

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    The outer giant planets, Uranus and Neptune, pose a challenge to theories of planet formation. They exist in a region of the Solar System where long dynamical timescales and a low primordial density of material would have conspired to make the formation of such large bodies (∌\sim 15 and 17 times as massive as the Earth, respectively) very difficult. Previously, we proposed a model which addresses this problem: Instead of forming in the trans-Saturnian region, Uranus and Neptune underwent most of their growth among proto-Jupiter and -Saturn, were scattered outward when Jupiter acquired its massive gas envelope, and subsequently evolved toward their present orbits. We present the results of additional numerical simulations, which further demonstrate that the model readily produces analogues to our Solar System for a wide range of initial conditions. We also find that this mechanism may partly account for the high orbital inclinations observed in the Kuiper belt.Comment: Submitted to AJ; 38 pages, 16 figure

    The effect of gas drag on the growth of protoplanets -- Analytical expressions for the accretion of small bodies in laminar disks

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    Planetary bodies form by accretion of smaller bodies. It has been suggested that a very efficient way to grow protoplanets is by accreting particles of size <<km (e.g., chondrules, boulders, or fragments of larger bodies) as they can be kept dynamically cold. We investigate the effects of gas drag on the impact radii and the accretion rates of these particles. As simplifying assumptions we restrict our analysis to 2D settings, a gas drag law linear in velocity, and a laminar disk characterized by a smooth (global) pressure gradient that causes particles to drift in radially. These approximations, however, enable us to cover an arbitrary large parameter space. The framework of the circularly restricted three body problem is used to numerically integrate particle trajectories and to derive their impact parameters. Three accretion modes can be distinguished: hyperbolic encounters, where the 2-body gravitational focusing enhances the impact parameter; three-body encounters, where gas drag enhances the capture probability; and settling encounters, where particles settle towards the protoplanet. An analysis of the observed behavior is presented; and we provide a recipe to analytically calculate the impact radius, which confirms the numerical findings. We apply our results to the sweepup of fragments by a protoplanet at a distance of 5 AU. Accretion of debris on small protoplanets (<50 km) is found to be slow, because the fragments are distributed over a rather thick layer. However, the newly found settling mechanism, which is characterized by much larger impact radii, becomes relevant for protoplanets of ~10^3 km in size and provides a much faster channel for growth.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Surface potential change in bioactive polymer during the process of biomimetic apatite formation in a simulated body fluid

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    A bioactive polyethylene substrate can be produced by incorporation of sulfonic functional groups (-SO3H) on its surface and by soaking in a calcium hydroxide saturated solution. Variation of the surface potential of the polyethylene modified with -SO3H groups with soaking in a simulated body fluid (SBF) was investigated using a laser electrophoresis zeta-potential analyzer. To complement the study using laser electrophoresis, the surface was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thin film X-ray diffraction (TF-XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and energy-dispersive electron X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Comparing the zeta potential of sulfonated and Ca(OH)2-treated polyethylene with its surface structure at each interval of these soaking times in SBF, it is apparent that the polymer has a negative surface potential when it forms -SO3H groups on its surface. The surface potential of the polymer increases when it forms amorphous calcium sulfate. The potential decreases when it forms amorphous calcium phosphate, revealing a constant negative value after forming apatite. The XPS and zeta potential analysis demonstrated that the surface potential of the polyethylene was highly negatively charged after soaking in SBF for 0.5 h, increased for higher soaking times (up to 48 h), and then decreased. The negative charge of the polymer at a soaking time of 0.5 h is attributed to the presence of -SO3H groups on the surface. The initial increase in the surface potential was attributed to the incorporation of positively charged calcium ions to form calcium sulfate, and then the subsequent decrease was assigned to the incorporation of negatively charged phosphate ions to form amorphous calcium phosphate, which eventually transformed into apatite. These results indicate that the formation of apatite on bioactive polyethylene in SBF is due to electrostatic interaction of the polymer surface and ions in the fluid
