322 research outputs found

    Methods of solving hand gun threats

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    Název práce: Metody řešení hrozby krátkou střelnou zbraní Cíl práce: Cílem práce je komparovat metody řešení hrozby krátkou střelnou zbraní na základě společných kritérií a najít sjednocující principy pro tvorbu modelové techniky. Metody práce: analýza a syntéza odborných literárních pramenů Klíčová slova: odzbrojení, hrozba, střelná zbraň, pistole, řešení hrozbyTitle: Methods of solving handgun threats Objective: The goal is to compare methods of solving handgun threats and find common principles for creating universal techniques. Methods: analysis and synthesis of the literature Keywords: Handgun, threats, gun, disarm, solution, selfdefense, neutralizationTechnické a úpolové sportyFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Der personenzentrierte Ansatz - eine Utopie?

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit dient der Aufdeckung utopischer Gedankenkonstrukte im personenzentrierten Ansatz nach Carl R. Rogers. Basierend auf der leitenden Forschungsfrage: „Inwiefern weist der personenzentrierte Ansatz utopische Momente auf?“ werden die Ideen, Vorstellungen und Entwürfe Rogers' einer eingehenden Betrachtung unterzogen. Dahingehend erfolgt eine Untergliederung des Gesamtansatzes in drei Teilbereiche – in individuelle, pädagogische und soziale, politische Theorien – in denen Rogers verstärkt für Innovationen und Veränderungen auf der Basis humanistischer Ideale und Werte plädierte. Auf der individuellen Ebene werden insbesondere Rogers' Hypothesen hinsichtlich seiner Persönlichkeitstheorie, sein Konzept der fully functioning person sowie seine Theorie des Auftauchens eines neuen Menschen durchleuchtet und die jeweiligen utopischen Momente herausgearbeitet. Im zweiten hervorgehobenen Bereich – Rogers' Theorien bezüglich Erziehung, Schule und Unterricht – werden seine dahingehenden Entwürfe und Ziele dargestellt, um hier ebenfalls die utopischen Aspekte identifizieren zu können. Auf der Ebene seiner politischen, sozialen, gesellschaftlichen Theorien werden Rogers' Ideen und Ansichten hinsichtlich der globalen Probleme, seine Friedensbestrebungen sowie schließlich sein Entwurf der Ausgestaltung einer gänzlich neuen Welt erörtert, um wiederum unter Einbeziehung von kritischen Aspekten die Nähe zu utopischen Konstrukten verdeutlichen zu können. Zu diesem Zwecke ist eine allem vorangehende, differenzierte Beschäftigung mit dem Begriff der Utopie für ein besseres Verständnis dieses Phänomens sowie zur Erarbeitung einer individuellen Definition unentbehrlich. Im Sinne der hermeneutischen Methode, auf der die Arbeit basiert, wird auch der Person des Carl Ransom Rogers ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet und seine utopisch anmutenden Aussagen auf ihren tatsächlich dahinterstehenden Gehalt überprüft. Nicht zuletzt erfolgt eine Zusammenschau der personenzentrierten Theorien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, um abschließend die Implikationen des personenzentrierten Ansatzes bis in die heutige Zeit beurteilen zu können. Als Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass psychotherapeutische Theorien in gewisser Weise immer Utopien darstellen. Sohin lassen sich in den Theorien Rogers' in allen drei Teilbereichen utopische Momente ausmachen. Im Gegensatz zu Rogers selbst, der sich gerne als Revolutionär bezeichnete, wurden seine Parallelen zu einem Utopisten nachgezeichnet. Sein wesentliches Vermächtnis verbleibt bis heute im Bereich der Psychologie und Psychotherapie.This thesis attends to discuss the eventual link between aspects of the person-centered approach by Carl R. Rogers and utopian constructs. Resting upon the leading research question: “To what extent does the person-centered approach own utopian features?” the ideas, visions and drafts of Rogers will be submitted a scrutinized consideration. Therefore the whole approach will be subdivided into three parts – into individual, pedagogical and social, political theories – where Rogers called for innovations and changes based on humanistic ideals. On an individual level Rogers' hypothesis regarding his Theory of Personality, his concept of the fully functioning person as well as his theoretical assumption of an emerging person will be examined carefully to spot utopian moments. In the second field, Rogers' theoretical constructs concerning education, school and teaching, his drafts and aims will be outlined to explore utopian aspects. In the section of his political and social theories, again his ideas and views regarding global problems together with his attempts for peace as well as the vision of the creation of a whole new world will be discussed to unkennel utopian constructs by including critical aspects. For that purpose a preceding involvement with the term utopia is indispensable to get a better insight of this phenomenon as well as for the developing of an individual definition for this thesis. According to the hermeneutic method used in this scientific work there will be a separate chapter dedicated to the person Carl Ransom Rogers himself to verify his seemingly utopian statements to get to the bottom of their actual content. Finally there will be a synopsis and comparison of his past and future person-centered theories to evaluate the implications of the whole approach till the present day. The findings say that psychotherapeutic theories in a way always imply utopian constructs. Hence there can be located utopian features in all three of the Rogerian sections. In contrast to Rogers himself who´d rather regard himself as a revolutionary his analogies to a utopian have been portrayed. To this day his main legacy remains in the area of psychology and psychotherapy

    Influence of physiological stress on the reaction time in self - defense movements/situations

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    Název práce: Vliv fyziologického stresu na rychlost reakce v sebeobranné situaci Cíl práce: Cílem práce je zjistit, jaký vliv bude mít fyziologický stres způsobený krátkodobým maximálním zatížením na rychlost jednoduché reakce na vizuální podnět a vysvětlit změny pro oblast sebeobrany a boje zblízka. Metody práce: Na skupině dobře trénovaných osob v oblasti sebeobrany, boje zblízka či bojových sportů (věk: r=29,0 6,6 let; pohlaví: m, n:10), byla aplikována dotazníková metoda pro zjištění základních údajů, charakteru aktivit, které provozují, zdravotního stavu a dalších faktorů ovlivňujících reaktometrii. Následně byli probandi podrobeni reaktometrii zařízením Vienna test system pro zjištění úrovně jednoduché reakce na vizuální podnět. Každý proband absolvoval maximální zatížení na bicyklovém ergometru, aby krátce po skončení zatěžování opakoval reakční test. Po ukončení testu byl probandům odebrán vzorek krve pro zjištění hladiny laktátu v krvi. Naměřené hodnoty reakčních časů byly porovnány pomocí párového t-testu, ostatní možné determinanty pomocí korelační analýzy. Výsledky práce: U sledovaného souboru došlo vlivem krátkodobé maximální zátěže ke statisticky významnému zlepšení jednoduché reakční rychlosti na vizuální podnět a pohotovostního rozměru této reakce, a to v rozmezí 7-10%. Byl potvrzen...Technické a úpolové sportyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor


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    Mechanical properties of polyethylene (PE) composites were evaluated as a function of the addition of bacterial cellulose (BC). It was found that BC could improve the mechanical properties of the composites with or without the combination of traditional wood fiber. The improvements were affected by post-treatment. It was confirmed that BC had a significant influence on impact strength. The pellicle form of BC was able to achieve superior impact strength compared to the fluffy form of BC, but had similar effects on the tensile strength in comparison to the composites with fluffy BC

    Structure and magnetic properties of rare earth garnets

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    This study deals with preparation and magnetic properties of garnet compounds containing rare earth ions and scandium ions on two crystallographic sites: the dodecahedral and the octahedral. A number of compounds of the types {R3-yry}[rx Ga2-x](Ga3) O12\u27 {R3}[Sc2](Fez Ga3-x) O12\u27 {R3-y Scy}[Sc2] (Fe3) O12\u27 and {R3-y ry)[r2 (Fez Ga3-z) O12\u27 where R stands for large rare earth ions such as Nd3+ and Pr3+, r stands for small rare earth ions such as Lu3+, Yb3+, Tm3+, Er3+, Ho3+, and Dy3+, was prepared. Distribution of rare earth ions was studied in rare earth gallium garnets in order to determine limits of existence of gallium garnets with both dodecahedral and octahedral sites fully occupied by rare earth ions. Attempts were made to replace tetrahedrally coordinated gallium in such compounds by trivalent iron ions. In addition, attempts were made to prepare rare earth iron garnet compounds with iron fully replaced by scandium on the octahedral sites. All preparations were made by solid state reactions among oxides of pertinent ions at elevated temperatures. The results of reactions were checked by X-ray diffraction. Compositions of reactant mixtures were varied until single phase compounds were obtained. Single phase compounds were subjected to magnetic measurements. Magnetic susceptibilities as functions of temperature were measured with a Faraday apparatus, and Curie constants were calculated and compared with theoretical values. In studies of ionic distribution, it has been found that the placement of large rare earth ions such as Nd3+ or Pr3+ on the dodecahedral sites opens up the lattice so that small rare earth ions may enter the octahedral sites. For cases where the small rare earth was Lu, single phase garnets {R3} [r2] (Ga3)O12 were prepared. To prepare single phase compounds with r ions larger than Lu3+, it was necessary to place simultaneously determined minimum amounts off( r in the dodecahedral positions according to the general formula {R3-y ry}[r2](Ga3)O12. Required minimum value of y increases as the difference in ionic radii of ions occupying the dodecahedral and the octahedral sites decreases. Trends found in iron systems were consistent with these findings. The results of magnetic measurements indicate paramagnetic behavior for all garnets which do not contain iron ions. Results of measurements on garnet compounds where the tetrahedral sites contain iron at least to some extent show more complicated magnetic behavior where ferrimagnetic interactions are more likely to be expected

    Flashlamp-pumped Ho:Tm:Cr:LuAG laser

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    A room temperature solid-state laser is provided. A laser crystal is disposed in a laser cavity. The laser crystal has a LuAG host material doped with a concentration of about 0.35% Ho ions, about 5.57% Tm ions and at least about 1.01% Cr ions. A broadband energizing source such as a flashlamp is disposed transversely to the laser crystal to energize the Ho ions, Tm ions and Cr ions

    Optical-Absorption in Undoped Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet

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    Room‐temperature optical absorption over a large dynamic range is reported for single‐ crystal undoped yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12 or YAG). Absorption results are presented for the energy ranges 1.8 to 3.0 and 4.5 to 6.5 eV. For this work, ultraviolet (UV) absorption measurements were performed on four different boules of Czochralski‐grown undoped YAG. Absorption features were observed at 4.8 and 5.6 eV which can be attributed, at least in part, to trace impurity concentrations. Along with the UV measurements, calorimetric absorption results are presented at several laser wavelengths in the visible and near infrared (IR). The calorimetric results suggest a value of 1.5×10−3 cm−1 for the absorption coefficient of undoped YAG in the red and near IR. From the combination of UV and calorimetric measurements, an empirical estimate of the absorption coefficient from the visible to the UV is presented for undoped YAG. In addition to the absorption spectra, detailed chemical analyses and sample histories are given for the as‐grown optical quality YAG utilized herein

    Electrical Conductivity in Magnesium-Doped Al_2 O_3 Crystal at Moderate Temperatures

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    AC and DC electrical measurements between 273 and 800 K were used to characterize the electrical conductivity of Al_2 O_3:Mg single crystals containing [Mg]^{0} center. At low fields contacts are blocking. At high fields, electrical current flows steadily through the sample and the I-V characteristic corresponds to a directly biased barrier whit a series resistance (bulk resistance). AC measurements yield values for the junction capacitance as well as for the sample resistance, and provide perfectly reproducible conductivity values. The conductivity varies linearly whit the [Mg]^{0} concentration and a thermal activation energy of 0.68 eV was obtained, which agrees very well with the activation energy previously reported for motion of free holes.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 3 eps figures included. Contributed Paper to the "International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials" (ICDIM 2000), Johannesburg, South Africa, 3-7 April, 200

    Development of a green material for horticulture

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    Poly(lactic acid) (PLA), used as a matrix, was mixed with wood fibers, coffee grounds, fertilizer and a foaming agent to develop an ecofriendly material to be used in horticulture. For this application materials should have mechanical properties similar to PLA, increased biodegradability and a lower price than currently used materials. The new materials were prepared by melt processing in an internal mixer at 190 ° C and were characterized by several techniques. The mechanical properties of the biocomposites, measured by flexural tests, were similar to neat PLA, even with a reduction of 40 wt% of polymer. Biodegradation assessment by composting tests in an aerobic environment demonstrated that the green materials exhibited higher biodegradability than PLA. Biocomposites containing wood fibers and fertilizer were revealed to be the most suitable for horticulture application, as these can combine mechanical properties, biodegradability and fertilizer release. Moreover, this green material has two main advantages: it can be prepared using materials from natural resources, and it does not generate any residue after use.n-STeP Project, NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000039, supported by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2) and PEst- C/CTM/LA0025/2013 (Strategic Project-LA 25-2013-2014