325 research outputs found

    A novel approach to fault detection for fuzzy stochastic systems with nonhomogeneous processes

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    In this paper, we consider a class of fuzzy stochastic systems with nonhomogeneous jump processes. Our focus is on the design of a fuzzy fault detection filter that is sensitive to faults but robust against unknown inputs. Furthermore, the error filtering system is stochastically stable. With reference to an H1 performance index and a new performance index, sufficient conditions to ensure the existence of a fuzzy robust fault detection filter are derived. Simulation studies are carried out, showing that the proposed fuzzy robust FD filter can rapidly detect the faults correctly

    A dual parametrization approach to Nyquist filter design

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    In this paper, the optimum design of a factorable Nyquist filter with the intersymbol interference (ISI) being exactly zero is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem with continuous inequality constraints. An iterative scheme is developed for solving this semi-infinite optimization problem, where an improved dual parametrization method is utilized in each iteration of the iterative scheme. Trade-off between robustness against timing jitter and small stopband attenuation is achieved via an adjustment of a parameter. Some examples are solved using the proposed iterative method

    Stabilizability of discrete chaotic systems via unified impulsive control

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    Allpass VFD Filter Design

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    This correspondence proposes a general design for allpass variable fractional delay (VFD) digital filters with minimum weighted integral squared error subject to constraints on maximum error deviation from the desired response. The resulting optimization problem is nonlinear and nonconvex with a nonlinear continuous inequality constraint. Stability of the designed filters are discussed. An effective procedure is proposed for solving the optimization problem. Firstly, a constraint transcription method and a smoothing technique are employed to transform the continuous inequality constraint into one equality constraint. Then, by using the concept of a penalty function, the transformed constraint is incorporated into the cost function to form a new cost function. The nonlinear optimization problem subject to continuous inequality constraints is then approximated by a sequence of unconstraint optimization problems. Finally, a global optimization method using a filled function is employed to solve the unconstraint optimization problem. Design example shows that a trade-off can be achieved between the integral squared error and the maximum error deviation for the design of allpass VFD filters

    Study of near consensus complex social networks using Eigen theory

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    This paper extends the definition of an exact consensus complex social network to that of a near consensus complex social network. A near consensus complex social network is a social network with nontrivial topological features and steady state values of the decision certitudes of the majority of the nodes being either higher or lower than a threshold value. By using eigen theories, the relationships among the vectors representing the steady state values of the decision certitudes of the nodes, the influence weight matrix and the set of vectors representing the initial state values of the decision certitudes of the nodes that satisfies a given near consensus specification are characterized

    A computational method for solving time-delay optimal control problems with free terminal time

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    This paper considers a class of optimal control problems for general nonlinear time-delay systems with free terminal time. We first show that for this class of problems, the well-known time-scaling transformation for mapping the free time horizon into a fixed time interval yields a new time-delay system in which the time delays are variable. Then, we introduce a control parameterization scheme to approximate the control variables in the new system by piecewise-constant functions. This yields an approximate finite-dimensional optimization problem with three types of decision variables: the control heights, the control switching times, and the terminal time in the original system (which influences the variable time delays in the new system). We develop a gradient-based optimization approach for solving this approximate problem. Simulation results are also provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    A smoothing approach for semi-infinite programming with projected Newton-type algorithm

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    Optimal control of piecewise affine systems with piecewise affine state feedback

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    A direct optimization method for low group delay FIR filter design

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    This paper studies the design of FIR filter with low group delay, where the desired phase response is not being approximated. It is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, which is then solved globally. Numerical experiments show that our design method can produce a filter with smaller group delay than that obtained by the existing convex optimization method used in conjunction with a minimum phase spectral factorization method under the same design criteria. Furthermore, our formulation offers us the flexibility for the trade-off between the group delay and the magnitude response directly. It also allows the feasibility of imposing constraints on the group delay

    Robust Suboptimal Control of Nonlinear Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a nonlinear dynamic system with uncertain parameters. Our goal is to choose a control function for this system that balances two competing objectives: (i) the system should operate efficiently; and (ii) the system's performance should be robust with respect to changes in the uncertain parameters. With this in mind, we introduce an optimal control problem with a cost function penalizing both the system cost (a function of the final state reached by the system) and the system sensitivity (the derivative of the system cost with respect to the uncertain parameters). We then show that the system sensitivity can be computed by solving an auxiliary initial value problem. This result allows one to convert the optimal control problem into a standard Mayer problem, which can be solved directly using conventional techniques. We illustrate this approach by solving two example problems using the software MISER3