79 research outputs found

    The use of electronic communication for patient-professional interaction – nursing staff’s point of view

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    Patient care in hospital wards is decreasing dramatically; more and more often, it takes place at home and in outpatient clinics. New ways to communicate are thus needed between patients and professionals. The use of electronic devices is one possible solution to facilitate the communication and support modern care.The purpose of the study was to describe nursing staff’s skills and experiences on the use of electronic communication for interaction with patients. The study also looks at factors promoting and hindering the use of electronic communication. The study used a descriptive design including both qualitative and quantitative components. The data were collected among nursing staff (N=567, n=123) working in outpatient clinics in spring 2012 with an electronic questionnaire.Computer and electronic communication skills among nursing staff were at a moderately good level. They had most experience in the use of email and text messages. Electronic devices were used at all stages of the nursing process. Three main categories were formed to describe promoting and hindering factors for the use of electronic communication: user-related factors; technology- and organization-related factors; and nursing- and communication-related factors. According to the participants, electronic devices are necessary and useful tools in interacting with patients. Patients’ personal characteristics and information security problems were perceived as the most significant hindering factors.The use of technology benefited both the nursing staff and patients in communication. The nurses’ experiences on the use of electronic communication were not very extensive as emails and text messages were the most commonly used methods

    Nordic Perspectives on Encountering Foreignness

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    The foreign can be revered, produced, reproduced, submerged, feared or suppressed, but it has never failed to engage one way or the other. In this volume, a multidisciplinary research network Enfore (Encountering Foreignness – Nordic Perspectives since the Eighteenth Century) focuses on the cultural dynamics of “foreignness”. The authors explore the continuous negotiation between “ours” and “theirs” and the making of “our” place in the context of the wider world. They are using the concept of foreignness as an analytical tool for making visible this heterogeneous, variable and diverse phenomenon. Drawing on the findings within the Nordic context, the group will contribute to an understanding of the general processional and dynamic character of foreignness and of the relationship between metropolitan centers and peripheral areas elsewhere in Europe and in the wider world.Siirretty Doriast

    Cochlicopa nitens (Gallenstein, 1848), a land snail (Mollusca, Gastropoda) new to Finland

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    The first records of the land snail Cochlicopa nitens (Gallenstein, 1848) in Finland are presented. In the years 2011 and 2015 totally 26 specimens were found in Jomala municipality, Åland Island, southwestern archipelago of Finland (WGS84 lat: 60° 10.266΄ lon: 19° 51.092΄). The only known population is living on a small calcareous fen. Data about accompanying molluscs are also given. Among them there are two species listed in the 2010 Red List of Finnish Species: Vertigo geyeri (NT) and Aplexa hypnorum (DD). The category of Vertigo lilljeborgi is in Finland LC, but in the European Red List it is near threatened (NT)

    Studying Time through Visual Research Methods : Development of Dialogical Photo-Interview Method

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    Visuaalisten tutkimusmenetelmien kÀyttö on levinnyt 2000-luvulla yhteiskuntatieteellisestÀ etnografisesta tutkimuksesta monille muille tieteenaloille, joissa ollaan kiinnostuneita yksilöiden kokemuksista, tunteista ja muistoista tai organisaatiotason prosesseista ja kÀytÀnteistÀ. TÀssÀ artikkelissa keskustellaan visuaalisten tutkimusmenetelmien soveltuvuudesta ajallisuuden ja ajan tutkimiseen organisaatiokontekstissa. Artikkelissa kehitetÀÀn dialogisen valokuvahaastattelun menetelmÀÀ tarkastelemalla suomalaisen pelistudion pelinkehittÀjien tapoja hahmottaa työaikaa. LisÀksi artikkelissa vastataan siihen, millaista tietoa dialogisella valokuvahaastattelulla voidaan saada ja miten se menetelmÀnÀ ohjaa tutkijan ja haastateltavan vÀlistÀ vuorovaikutusta. MenetelmÀn kehittÀmisessÀ selvisi, ettÀ valokuvat mahdollistavat dialogisen ja haastateltavia osallistavan haastattelukeskustelun, toimivat muistamisen ja reflektoinnin tukena sekÀ tekevÀt nÀkyvÀksi ajan jÀsentÀmistÀ.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Witnessing distress : Cultural workers’ processing of pandemic experiences on social media platforms

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    This article examines the ways in which Finnish cultural workers experienced and responded to their colleagues’ and peers’ distress on social media platforms during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. The theory of media witnessing as mundane world-witnessing is employed to analyse cultural workers’ modalities of experience as audience-like followers on social media. The data comprise 26 focused interviews conducted via Zoom and over phone in 2021 with cultural workers representing the fields of theatre, television and film industry, literature, music and circus. We argue that various modes of affective and politicised witnessing offered cultural workers the mechanisms to articulate and reflect on their own and others’ experiences of inequality and vulnerability as well as develop a sense of responsibility. In the context of the pandemic, mundane world-witnessing involved engagement and identification with distress, peer support and activism, as witnessed and evaluated by cultural workers on social media. Furthermore, this article theorises a new mode of witnessing prevalent on social media platforms – speculative witnessing – which carries a reflective and hesitant approach to social media ‘bubbles’, obscure algorithmic agency and imagination of absent audiences. In other words, speculative witnessing captures a dimension of metacommunicative scepticism in media witnessing that reflects a specific condition of knowing in the context of social media platforms.Peer reviewe

    Ajalliset kÀytÀnnöt journalistisessa työssÀ: nÀkökulmina aikamatriisit ja temporaaliset affordanssit

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    TÀssÀ artikkelissa kÀsittelemme aikaa ja ajallisuutta luovien asiantuntijoiden työssÀ. Tarkastelumme kohdistuu ajallisiin kÀytÀntöihin journalistisessa työssÀ. Ajallisilla kÀytÀnnöillÀ tarkoitamme ajankÀytöllisten aktiviteettien, puhetapojen ja materiaalisten elementtien muodostamaa kokonaisuutta. On tÀrkeÀÀ tuottaa kontekstisidonnaista tietoa erilaisista organisaatioista, jotta ajallisuuden toimiala­ ja organisaatiokohtaiset erityispiirteet tulisivat paremmin ymmÀrretyiksi. KerÀsimme tutkimusaineiston suomalaisen paikallislehden journalistista työtÀ tekeviltÀ henkilöiltÀ dialogisen valokuvahaastattelumenetelmÀn avulla. Tutkimuskysymyksemme on: Millaisia ajallisia kÀytÀntöjÀ paikallislehden toimittajilla on? Analysoimme aineistoa sisÀkkÀisten aikamatriisien avulla sekÀ temporaalisten affordanssien eli ajallisten tarjoumien kautta. EsitÀmme tuloksena, ettÀ paikallislehden sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa rakentuvia ajallisia kÀytÀntöjÀ ovat oma ajatteluaika, omat aikataulut, digitaalinen toimintaympÀristö, sidokset, synkronointi, sisÀiset syklit ja rytmit sekÀ tavat ja normit. LisÀksi temporaaliset affordanssit pysyvyys, tilapÀisyys, vÀlittömyys ja valmisteluaika tarkentavat digitaalisen toimintaympÀristön keskeistÀ roolia journalistisen työn ajallisissa kÀytÀnnöissÀ

    Platformed intimacies: Professional belonging on social media

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    This article explores how social media presence and platform engagements inform and affect creative workers' sense of professional agency and craft. Focusing on Finnish theatre, film and TV actors' perceptions of their social media interactions, the article proposes the concept of platformed intimacy to capture the simultaneous importance and ambivalence of mobile attachments that characterise actors' platformed lives. The research participants consisted of 15 freelancers and theatre employees, aged between 29 and 64 years. The analysis was based on the diary-interview method and close reading. In this article, we suggest that to understand the complexities involved in creative workers' presence on social media platforms, it is important to broaden the investigation from self-promotion to questions of professional identities and communities. The concept of platformed intimacy captures how actors experience social network sites and apps, such as Instagram and Facebook, as 'grey areas' in which they deal with the frequent uncertainty about the meaning of social media visibility for their employability and future collaborations. For actors in our study, social media presence is intimately entangled with their sense of professionalism and desire of to belong to a professional community of peers. As such it articulates senses of proximity and reciprocity as well as feelings of discomfort and anxiety

    Milestone 3.2 - DiSSCo Digital Maturity Self -Assessment Tool - Design Blueprint

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    This Milestone 3.2 report for DiSSCo Prepare Work Package 3 Task 3.1 sets out the initial design blueprint for a DiSSCo Digital Maturity Self-Assessment Tool, building on the analyses in the Milestone 3.1 report ‘Improving Digital Capability - Case Studies and Analysis’ (Hardy et al, Dec 2020) and in the Milestone 3.3. Report, including consideration of two existing tools in our sector. This tool is intended to support teams, institutions and national nodes in developing organisational readiness for provision of the DiSSCo services and data, helping them to identify and target areas for improvement. The aim is for this to tie in to future provision of training and support, as well as helping to identify the gaps at aggregate level where that training may be most useful. In addition , we believe there is a case for a platform that can support both this and the related Task 7.3 Policy Tool, such that these or other tools are consistent for users and can interact with one another where relevant, avoiding any duplication. This blueprint is intended for wider discussion among the DiSSCo members, so that tool content can be developed in more detail as part of the Deliverable for this Taskinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A cost analysis of transcription systems

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    We compare different approaches to transcribing natural history data and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of each approach using six case studies from four different natural history collections. We summarise the main cost considerations when planning a transcription project and discuss the limitations we current have in understanding the costs behind transcription and data quality.Non peer reviewe
