42 research outputs found


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    This research is a development research that is intended to produce innovative ICT-based learning development service models that are in line with the 2013 Curriculum through distance assistance. Based on the preliminary survey, it was obtained that teachers still face many difficulties in applying innovative learning models. This condition is the reason for the importance of this research. The development steps include: needs analysis, design, preparation of materials, making examples of lesson plans, application development, and application trials. From the results of the needs analysis, it was found that (1) in general teachers had tried to apply innovative learning models according to the demands of the 2013 curriculum even though they were still experiencing difficulties, (2) there was still a lack of examples and training in the implementation of innovative learning models caused the teacher's weak understanding of the concept innovative learning, (3) teachers still need additional knowledge and guidance in the application of innovative learning, (4) teachers also declare they are ready to utilize innovative learning assistance applications if available, and (5) teachers of Learning House Ambassadors (DRB) state their readiness to help other teachers overcome the difficulties of developing innovative learning models. In this research development, innovative learning development tutorial materials have been produced, both in the form of text and video media, examples of innovative lesson plans, and application 01 version of innovative learning assistance services that can be accessed via the website; sibatik.kemdikbud.go.id/inovatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan model layanan pengembangan pembelajaran inovatif berbasis TIK yang sesuai Kurikulum 2013 melalui pendampingan jarak jauh. Berdasarkan survei awal diperoleh informasi bahwa para guru masih banyak menghadapi kesulitan dalam menerapkan model-model pembelajaran inovatif. Kondisi yang demikian inilah yang menyebabkan pentingnya dilaksanakan penelitian ini. Langkah-langkah pengembangan mencakup: analisis kebutuhan, perancangan, penyiapan bahan, pembuatan contoh rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), pengembangan aplikasi, dan uji coba aplikasi. Dari hasil analisis kebutuhan diperoleh informasi bahwa (1) secara umum guru sudah berusaha menerapkan model pembelajaran inovatif sesuai tuntutan Kurikulum 2013 sekalipun  masih mengalami kesulitan, (2) masih dirasakan kurangnya contoh-contoh dan pelatihan implementasi model pembelajaran inovatif menyebabkan masih lemahnya pemahaman guru terhadap konsep pembelajaran inovatif, (3) guru masih memerlukan tambahan pengetahuan dan bimbingan dalam penerapan pembelajaran inovatif, (4) guru juga menyatakan siap untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi pendampingan pembelajaran inovatif apabila tersedia, dan (5) guru Duta Rumah Belajar (DRB) menyatakan kesiapannya membantu guru lainnya mengatasi kesulitan mengembangkan model-model pembelajaran inovatif. Dalam penelitian pengembangan ini telah dihasilkan bahan tutorial pengembangan pembelajaran inovatif, baik dalam bentuk teks maupun media video, contoh-contoh  RPP inovatif, dan aplikasi versi 01 layanan pendampingan pembelajaran inovatif yang dapat diakses melalui laman; sibatik.kemdikbud.go.id/inovatif


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    This article is about the development of information and communication technology utilization model for education on remote, rural and border areas in Indonesia. The model is named “PSB di Daerah 3T” or information and communication technology-based learning resource center at school on remote, rural, and border areas. The model was developed based on modern learning, empowering, bottom- up, and partnership approaches and also set a benchmark with experiences of other countries. Piloting was developed in five sub-districts, they are Naringgul in Cianjur (West Java), Cijaku in Lebak (Banten), Atambua in Belu (East Nusa Tenggara), Sebatik in Nunukan (East Kalimantan), and Marore in Sangihe Islands (North Sulawesi). An elementary and a secondary school without electricity and internet access were choosen within each sub-district. Then a pack of learning resource contained an electric generator solar cell, a parabolic antenna, a television set, 6 units of laptop, wi-fi apparatus, and a hard disc of digital open learning material was given to each school. To ensure the success of the program a series of activities were conducted such as training, assistance, monitoring, and evaluation. Hopefully, within the following three years the program could be fully adopted and run independently by the school itself. Then the model couldbe disseminated to another districts that have similar characteristics. AbstrakArtikel ini menjelaskan pengembangan model pendayagunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk sekolah di daerah terpencil, tertinggal, dan terdepan. Model diwujudkan dalam bentuk “PSB di Daerah 3T” yakni pusat sumber belajar berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di sekolah pada daerah terpencil, tertinggal, dan terdepan. Pengembangan dilakukan berdasarkan konsep pembelajaran modern, pemberdayaan, tumbuh dari bawah, dan kemitraan, serta dengan belajar dari pengalaman Negara lain. Rintisan dikembangkan di lima daerah, yaitu Naringgul, Cianjur (Jawa Barat), Cijaku, Lebak (Banten), Atambua, Belu (NTT), Sebatik, Nunukan (Kalimantan Timur), dan Marore, Kepulauan Sangihe (Sulawesi Utara). Pada masing-masing daerah tersebut dipilih satu Sekolah Dasar dan satu Sekolah Lanjutan tingkat Pertama yang tidak terjangkau layanan energi listrik dan akses internet. Pada masing-masing sekolah tersebut diberikan paket bantuan pusat sumber belajar lengkap yang terdiri dari pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, antena parabola, pesawat televisi, 6 unit laptop, modem, wi-fi, dan sebuah harddisk satu terabyte berisi konten bahan belajar digital. Guna menjamin keberhasilan program ini diberikan pula paket pelatihan dan bimbingan, pendampingan, serta monitoring dan kajian. Selanjutnya diharapkan program ini dapat dijalankan secara mandiri oleh masing-masing sekolah. Model ini dapat diadopsi atau diadaptasi oleh Dinas Pendidikan dalam rangka memberikan layanan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di daerah masing-masing


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    Serial Boys Love yang menjadi salah satu tontonan masa kini berpontensi menimbulkan Perilaku Fanatisme yang di kalangan para penggemar nya. Penelitian ini pembahasan mengenai perilaku fanatisme akan dikaji dengan landasan teori tindakan sosial, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui latar belakang seorang menjadi penggemar serial Boys Love, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku fanatisme penggemar serta dampak nya. Dalam hasil penelitian yang difokuskan pada anggota komunitas Peraya di Kota Sukabumi didapatkan hasil yaitu, Pertama, bahwa latar belakang seorang menjadi penggemar adalah adanya rasa penasaran dan ingin tahu akan serial genre boy love. Kedua, terdapat dua faktor pemicu perilaku fanatisme yang mana faktor eksternal dari keluarga dan lingkup pertemanan namun faktor yang mendominasi adalah faktor individu yang mana adanya keinginan selalu menonton boys love hingga menjadikan hal ini sebuah kewajiban. Ketiga, serial boys love ini berdampak pada munculnya perilaku fanatisme berupa kecanduan memakai gawai, lupa waktu, terganggunya kegiatan sehari hari bahkan hingga berubahnya orientasi seksual penggemar. Maka dapat disimpulkan perilaku fanatisme penggemar memiliki beragam aspek namun serial Boys Love lebih banyak berdampak buruk bagi para diri individu. The Boys Love series, which is one of the current spectacles, has the potential to cause Fanaticism among its fans. In this study, the discussion of fanaticism will be studied on the basis of social action theory. By using a qualitative approach with a case study method, this study aims to find out the background of a person being a fan of the Boys Love series, the factors that influence the fanaticism of fans and their impact. In the results of research that focused on members of the Peraya community in Sukabumi City, the results were, First, that the background of a person being a fan is the curiosity and curiosity about the boy love genre series. Second, there are two factors that trigger fanaticism, which are external factors from the family and the circle of friends, but the dominating factor is the individual factor where the desire to always watch boys love makes this an obligation. Third, this boys love series has an impact on the emergence of fanaticism in the form of addiction to using gadgets, forgetting time, disrupting daily activities and even changing the sexual orientation of fans. So it can be concluded that the fanaticism of fans has various aspects, but the Boys Love series has more negative effects on individuals


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    ABSTRACTTechnology to produce Aloe vera powder has  been implemented in Aloe vera centre (AVC), Pontianak, West Kalimantan in pilot-plant scale. Based on chemical analysis and biological activity test, Aloe vera powder can be used to formulate cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical products such as lotion, shampo, soap, food supplement, sun burn cream and healing. Based on AVC technology pilot plant, research on designing an integrated Aloe vera powder industry has been conducted with system approach which the aim was to establish its decision supporting system and design engineering of Aloe vera industry in optimum  scale. The research finding indicated that the application of system was able to synthesize ideas of interdiciplines; therefore it would improve the effectiveness of decision-making integratively. The research produced decision-supporting system model of integrated Aloe vera powder industry that accommodate the needs of stakeholders and should be effectively used by the decision makers facing dynamic change and information development. The research also produced process engineering flow diagram and layout of Aloe vera industry plant at economic optimum capacity.  These models includes the evaluation of the best Aloe vera product, the best location of industry,  material and energy balance, choise of specification of apparatus. This model can analyze the feasiability of Aloe vera powder industry in various capacities and optimize the economic capacity scale. To prevent farmer from decreasing Aloe vera price, this model designed  win-win solution cost between industry and farmer to keep sustainability of industry and increasing farmers income. This model can also calculate the farm to save industry in raw material sustainability. Financial analysis with case study in Aloe vera Centre, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, shows that optimum capacity 25 ton powder/year, raw material 1852 ton Aloe vera/year (minimum farm 26 ha) with yield 1,35%, production periode 8 hours/day, 240 days/year and feasible with Pay Back Period 4,04 years, Break Even Point 13,568 ton powder/year, Net B/C 2,00, IRR 36,96% and feasible.. Win-win solution price of Aloe vera Rp.1100,-/kg Aloe vera. Sensitivity analysis shows that limit of decreasing  product price  26.43% from normal price and limit of increasing raw material price Rp.3400/kg Aloe vera (normal price Rp.1100,-). Keywords : design, model, decision supporting system,  integrated aloevera powder industry


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    ABSTRACTTechnology to produce Aloe vera powder has  been implemented in Aloe vera centre (AVC), Pontianak, West Kalimantan in pilot-plant scale. Based on chemical analysis and biological activity test, Aloe vera powder can be used to formulate cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical products such as lotion, shampo, soap, food supplement, sun burn cream and healing. Based on AVC technology pilot plant, research on designing an integrated Aloe vera powder industry has been conducted with system approach which the aim was to establish its decision supporting system and design engineering of Aloe vera industry in optimum  scale. The research finding indicated that the application of system was able to synthesize ideas of interdiciplines; therefore it would improve the effectiveness of decision-making integratively. The research produced decision-supporting system model of integrated Aloe vera powder industry that accommodate the needs of stakeholders and should be effectively used by the decision makers facing dynamic change and information development. The research also produced process engineering flow diagram and layout of Aloe vera industry plant at economic optimum capacity.  These models includes the evaluation of the best Aloe vera product, the best location of industry,  material and energy balance, choise of specification of apparatus. This model can analyze the feasiability of Aloe vera powder industry in various capacities and optimize the economic capacity scale. To prevent farmer from decreasing Aloe vera price, this model designed  win-win solution cost between industry and farmer to keep sustainability of industry and increasing farmers income. This model can also calculate the farm to save industry in raw material sustainability. Financial analysis with case study in Aloe vera Centre, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, shows that optimum capacity 25 ton powder/year, raw material 1852 ton Aloe vera/year (minimum farm 26 ha) with yield 1,35%, production periode 8 hours/day, 240 days/year and feasible with Pay Back Period 4,04 years, Break Even Point 13,568 ton powder/year, Net B/C 2,00, IRR 36,96% and feasible.. Win-win solution price of Aloe vera Rp.1100,-/kg Aloe vera. Sensitivity analysis shows that limit of decreasing  product price  26.43% from normal price and limit of increasing raw material price Rp.3400/kg Aloe vera (normal price Rp.1100,-). Keywords : design, model, decision supporting system,  integrated aloevera powder industry


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    BacHBerry: BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits

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    BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits (BacHBerry) was a 3-year project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union that ran between November 2013 and October 2016. The overall aim of the project was to establish a sustainable and economically-feasible strategy for the production of novel high-value phenolic compounds isolated from berry fruits using bacterial platforms. The project aimed at covering all stages of the discovery and pre-commercialization process, including berry collection, screening and characterization of their bioactive components, identification and functional characterization of the corresponding biosynthetic pathways, and construction of Gram-positive bacterial cell factories producing phenolic compounds. Further activities included optimization of polyphenol extraction methods from bacterial cultures, scale-up of production by fermentation up to pilot scale, as well as societal and economic analyses of the processes. This review article summarizes some of the key findings obtained throughout the duration of the project

    Growth Characteristic of Fungus strain MGS-2 in a Defined Medium Containing Organic Acids Derived from Peat Soil

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    Some organic acids derived from lignin degradation in peat soil have significant role in lowering pH of peat soil and have phytotoxic effect for plant. A series of experiments has been conducted to decrease the amount of organic acids in peat soil by microbial treatment. The aim of the study was to characterize the growth of selected fungi using organic acids extracted from peat soil as a sole carbon source.The fungus strain MGS-2 was grown in a liquid medium containing various concentrations of organic acids extracted from peat soil, nitrogen and salt at initial pH of 3.8. The cell growth, pH of medium and the content of organic acids were analyzed. The identification of fungus MGS-2 was based on the 28S rDNA.The ability of Hypocrea sp. to degrade toxic organic acid derived from peat soil has never been reported. The organic acid and nitrogen optimum for the growth were 33.1 mN-NaOH and 2 g NH2SO4 per liter medium, respectively. The interaction between carbon and nitrogen source was found to be significantly influenced by the increment of pH medium, however this interaction did not effect to the cell growth and reduction of organic acids. The carbon source affected significantly to the cell growth and acid metabolism by fungus strain MGS-2 The fungus could not grow well in the medium without yeast exract, but grew well in the limitation of NH2SO4 , suggested that yeast extract was metabolized as nitrogen source. The optimum degradation of organic acids extracted from peat soil by MGS-2 was obtained at pH 3.8. Theseresult suggested that the cell mass production of MGS-2 can be performed in optimal defined medium utilizing organic acid derived from peat soil. Molecular identification revealed that the MGS-2 was closed to Hypocrea sp

    Indonesian Navy logistic system.

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    The Indonesian Navy logistic system as it exists today is a network of people, resources, organizations, and processes, regularly interacting to carry out the vital function of providing adequate logistic support of all kinds to the Naval Operating Forces so that they can accomplish their assigned missions. Selective inventory management is currently being adopted to insure support of the Naval Forces at minimum total cost, and to maximize the cost-saving potential of the selective management policies. The Navy is faced with the requirement of developing and implementing control devices which would assure Parliament that each echelon of management is effectively and efficiently managing all its resources.http://archive.org/details/indonesiannavylo00koesLieutenant Colonel, Indonesian NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Recent Developments in the Bioconversion of Lignocelluloses into Ethanol

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