856 research outputs found

    An end-to-end process model for supervised machine learning classification: from problem to deployment in information systems

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    Extracting meaningful knowledge from (big) data represents a key success factor in many industries today. Supervised machine learning (SML) has emerged as a popular technique to learn patterns in complex data sets and to identify hidden correlations. When this insight is turned into action, business value is created. However, common data mining processes are generally not tailored to SML. In addition, they fall short of providing an end-to-end view that not only supports building a ”one off” model, but also covers its operational deployment within an information system. In this research-in-progress work we apply a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to develop a SML process model artifact that comprises model initiation, error estimation and deployment. In a first cycle, we evaluate the artifact in an illustrative scenario to demonstrate suitability. The results encourage us to further refine the approach and to prepare evaluations in concrete use cases. Thus, we move towards contributing a general process model that supports the systematic design of machine learning solutions to turn insights into continuous action

    Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Gallium Nitride

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    Electrically generated spin polarization is probed directly in bulk GaN using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. A series of n-type GaN epilayers are grown in the wurtzite phase both by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) with a variety of doping densities chosen to broadly modulate the transverse spin lifetime, T2*. The spin polarization is characterized as a function of electrical excitation energy over a range of temperatures. Despite weak spin-orbit interactions in GaN, a current-induced spin polarization (CISP) is observed in the material at temperatures of up to 200 K.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Initializing decadal climate predictions with the GECCO oceanic synthesis

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    This study aims at improving the forecast skill of climate predictions through the use of ocean synthesis data for initial conditions of a coupled climate model. For this purpose, the coupled model of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Meteorology, which consists of the atmosphere model ECHAM5 and the MPI Ocean Model (MPI-OM), is initialized with oceanic synthesis fields available from the German contribution to Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (GECCO) project. The use of an anomaly coupling scheme during the initialization avoids the main problems with drift in the climate predictions. Thus, the coupled model is continuously forced to follow the density anomalies of the GECCO synthesis over the period 1952-2001. Hindcast experiments are initialized from this experiment at constant intervals. The results show predictive skill through the initialization up to the decadal time scale, particularly over the North Atlantic. Viewed over the time scales analyzed here (annual, 5-yr, and 10-yr mean), greater skill for the North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) is obtained in the hindcast experiments than in either a damped persistence or trend forecast. The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation hindcast closely follows that of the GECCO oceanic synthesis. Hindcasts of global-mean temperature do not obtain greater skill than either damped persistence or a trend forecast, owing to the SST errors in the GECCO synthesis, outside the North Atlantic. An ensemble of forecast experiments is subsequently performed over the period 2002-11. North Atlantic SST from the forecast experiment agrees well with observations until the year 2007, and it is higher than if simulated without the oceanic initialization (averaged over the forecast period). The results confirm that both the initial and the boundary conditions must be accounted for in decadal climate predictions

    From widespread Mississippian to localized Pennsylvanian extension in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard

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    In the Devonian–Carboniferous, a rapid succession of clustered extensional and contractional tectonic events is thought to have affected sedimentary rocks in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. These events include Caledonian post-orogenic extensional collapse associated with the formation of thick Early–Middle Devonian basins, Late Devonian–Mississippian Ellesmerian contraction, and Early–Middle Pennsylvanian rifting, which resulted in the deposition of thick sedimentary units in Carboniferous basins like the Billefjorden Trough. The clustering of these varied tectonic settings sometimes makes it difficult to resolve the tectono-sedimentary history of individual stratigraphic units. Notably, the context of deposition of Mississippian clastic and coal-bearing sedimentary rocks of the Billefjorden Group is still debated, especially in central Spitsbergen. We present field evidence (e.g., growth strata and slickensides) from the northern part of the Billefjorden Trough, in Odellfjellet, suggesting that tilted Mississippian sedimentary strata of the Billefjorden Group deposited during active (Late/latest?) Mississippian extension. WNW–ESE-striking basin-oblique faults showing Mississippian growth strata systematically die out upwards within Mississippian to lowermost Pennsylvanian strata, thus suggesting a period of widespread WNW–ESE-directed extension in the Mississippian and an episode of localized extension in Early–Middle Pennsylvanian times. In addition, the presence of abundant basin-oblique faults in basement rocks adjacent to the Billefjorden Trough suggests that the formation of Mississippian normal faults was partly controlled by reactivation of preexisting Neoproterozoic (Timanian?) basement-seated fault zones. We propose that these preexisting faults reactivated as transverse or accommodation cross faults in or near the crest of transverse folds reflecting differential displacement along the Billefjorden Fault Zone. In Cenozoic times, a few margin-oblique faults (e.g., the Overgangshytta fault) may have mildly reactivated as oblique thrusts during transpression–contraction, but shallow-dipping, bedding-parallel, duplex-shaped décollements in shales of the Billefjorden Group possibly prevented substantial movement along these faults.</p

    Supersaturated lipid-based formulations to enhance the oral bioavailability of venetoclax

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    Increasing numbers of beyond Rule-of-Five drugs are emerging from discovery pipelines, generating a need for bio-enabling formulation approaches, such as lipid-based formulations (LBF), to ensure maximal in vivo exposure. However, many drug candidates display insufficient lipid solubility, leading to dose-loading limitations in LBFs. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of supersaturated LBFs (sLBF) for the beyond Rule-of-Five drug venetoclax. Temperature-induced sLBFs of venetoclax were obtained in olive oil, Captex® 1000, Peceol® and Capmul MCM®, respectively. A Peceol®-based sLBF displayed the highest drug loading and was therefore evaluated further. In vitro lipolysis demonstrated that the Peceol®-based sLBF was able to generate higher venetoclax concentrations in the aqueous phase compared to a Peceol®-based suspension and an aqueous suspension. A subsequent bioavailability study in pigs demonstrated for sLBF a 3.8-fold and 2.1-fold higher bioavailability compared to the drug powder and Peceol®-based suspension, respectively. In conclusion, sLBF is a promising bio-enabling formulation approach to enhance in vivo exposure of beyond Rule-of-Five drugs, such as venetoclax. The in vitro lipolysis results correctly predicted a higher exposure of the sLBF in vivo. The findings of this study are of particular relevance to pre-clinical drug development, where maximum exposure is required

    Finite energy Dirac-Born-Infeld monopoles and string junctions

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    It is shown that the world volume field theory of a single D3-brane in a supergravity D3-brane background admits finite energy, and non-singular, Abelian monopoles and dyons preserving 1/2 or 1/4 of the N=4 supersymmetry and saturating a Bogomolnyi-type bound. The 1/4 supersymmetric solitons provide a world volume realization of string-junction dyons. We also discuss the dual M-theory realization of the 1/2 supersymmetric dyons as finite tension self-dual strings on the M5-brane, and of the 1/4 supersymmetric dyons as their intersections

    Toward the establishment of a standardized pre-clinical porcine model to predict food effects:Case studies on fenofibrate and paracetamol

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    A preclinical porcine model that reliably predicts human food effect of fenofibrate was developed. Fenofibrate was administered to pigs as model compound with a positive food effect. Two different types of fed conditions were explored: a FDA style breakfast and a standard pig pellet feed. In order to assess if complete stomach emptying had been achieved under the employed fasting protocol, the amount of gastric and intestinal content was evaluated post-mortem. In addition, the protocol was designed to evaluate gastric emptying in the pre- and postprandial state using paracetamol as a marker. The study confirmed that micronized fenofibrate displayed a positive food effect with a similar fold difference to humans in FDA style fed state. Post-mortem assessment of stomach and intestinal content confirmed significantly lower content in the fasted compared to the pig pellet fed state. In the case of paracetamol, a delayed gastric emptying in the fed state was not observed, which may suggest that the Magenstrasse phenomena reported in humans, may also occur in landrace pigs. The study demonstrated the utility of a food effect protocol in landrace pigs as a pre-clinical approach to predict human food effects and provided new insights into gastric emptying in pigs
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