65 research outputs found

    Effect of water stress on boron partitioning and glucosinolate composition in two hydroponically grown canola cultivars

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    High glucosinolate content in brassica meal is a limiting factor in utilization of rapeseed as livestock feed. In recent years canola cultivars of rapeseed with decreased glucosinolate content have been developed. However, environmental and nutritional factors are also believed to influence glucosinolate content. Two experiments were conducted to determine the relationships among water stress, boron nutrition, and glucosinolate content in cultivars of canola. Two canola cultivars (\u27Cyclone\u27 and \u27American A-112\u27) were grown in a continuously recirculating hydroponic system with modified \u27Hoagland solutions\u27. Boron (B) nutrition varied between experiments. During the Spring 1995 experiment (I) B concentration was 0.6 mg*l-1, and during the Spring 1996 experiment (II) 0.3 mg*l-1. Water stress was induced gradually (2% per day using polyethylene glycol 8000) starting when plants were four weeks old. Osmotic potential was maintained at -0.1 MPa (high stress treatment), -0.085 MPa (medium stress treatment), and -0.05 MPa (low stress treatment, without PEG). Treatments were arranged in a randomized incomplete block design, with three blocks, four replications, two cultivars, and three treatments. Upper leaves (#15 and up) were collected and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry for boron content. Total and indole glucosinolate content of seeds were determined colorimeterically and individual glucosinolates were determined by gas chromatography. For both cultivars, leaf B content decreased as water stress level increased, however, in experiment I, this change was not statistically significant. In experiment II with only 0.3 mg*l-1 B available in the solution, leaf B content decreased as in the experiment I and was statistically significant (P\u3c.001). The difference between the two stressed treatments was not significant, suggesting that water stress greater then -0.085 MPa does not further decrease B uptake. Water stress reduced leaf tissue B to about 50 µg*g-1 dry weight in experiment I but did not alter glucosinolate concentration. In experiment II, total glucosinolate concentration of seeds in Cyclone significantly increased (P\u3c.01) with medium stress (-.085MPa), but water stress had no significant effect on glucosinolate content of American-A112 seeds. Linear treatment contrasts showed that further increasing water stress from medium (-0.085 MPa) to high (-0.1 MPa) did not further increase glucosinolate content of seeds. Seed indole glucosinolate concentration was not significantly different among treatments or between cultivars in either experiment. Both dry weight and yield were reduced as stress level increased (P\u3c.001) for both cultivars in both experiments. However, severely stressed plants of Cyclone showed greater morphological variability than plants of American-A112 , producing malformed plants with few seeds. Water stress decreased boron uptake in both cultivars. Cyclone was more susceptible to water stress, indicating genetic differences between the cultivars

    Labor costs in a construction company in the Czech Republic – a case study

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    This article focused on quantifying the company’s total labor costs in percent. Moreover, it aimed to show the labor costs on a construction contract both from the terms of the company’s labor costs of its own employees and the subcontractors’ labor costs. Have been accurately quantified the total labor costs in the company from the profit and loss statement of the selected construction company, on which the case study was based, shows that the average percentage representation of labor costs, which include wage costs and social and health insurance costs, is 15.30%. However, when all the costs associated with employees as a labor force are identified in detail, it is evident that the total labor costs represent 31.82% of the sales remuneration. It results in the doubled value

    Early-onset anorexia nervosa in girls with Asperger syndrome

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    Variants of determining the construction production carbon footprint

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    Cilj ovog rada jest odrediti ugljični otisak gradnje po kubnom metru izgrađenog volumena zgrade. Za određivanje ugljičnog otiska odabrano je pet tipskih samostojećih kuća. One imaju ista materijalna svojstva, no razlikuju se po volumenu i izgrađenoj površini. Za određivanje ugljičnog otiska tijekom gradnje samostojećih kuća primijenjen je računalni program LCA (engl. Life Cyle Assesment - LCA). Na temelju tih izračuna određen je indikator proračuna po kubnom metru izgrađenog volumena građevine.The aim of the paper is to quantify the construction production carbon footprint per m3 of the built-up volume of the building. In order to determine the carbon footprint, 5 typical detached houses were selected. The individual buildings have the same material-construction characteristics; however, they differ in the size of the built-up volume, i.e. also in the built-up area. The LCA software was used to quantify the carbon footprint during the production phase of the model houses project. A budget indicator per m3 of the built-up volume was determined based on these calculations

    Suicidal behavior and self-harm in girls with eating disorders

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    Pěstování léčivých, aromatických a kořeninovýrch rostlin v ekologickém zemědělství

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    Příručka poskytuje informace o léčivkách, jejich pěstování a obecných zásadách agrotechniky, technologii zpracování, systému HACCP, skladování, balení, produkci osiv a hlavních zásadách ekologické produkce. Přílohou jsou barevné fotografie chorob a škůdců, obsáhlý seznam další užitečné literatury

    The effect of COL5A1, GDF5 and PPARA genes on a movement screen and neuromuscular performance in adolescent team sport athletes

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    Stastny, P, Lehnert, M, De Ste Croix, M, Petr, M, Svoboda, Z, Maixnerova, E, Varekova, R, Botek, M, Petrek, M, Lenka, K, and Cięszczyk, P. Effect of COL5A1, GDF5, and PPARA genes on a movement screen and neuromuscular performance in adolescent team sport athletes. J Strength Cond Res 12XX(2X): 000–000, 2019—The risk of injury increases with adolescents' chronological age and may be related to limited muscle function neuromuscular, genetic, and biomechanical factors. The purpose of this study was to determine whether COL5A1, PPARA, and GDF5 genes are associated with muscle functions and stretch-shortening cycle performance in adolescent athletes. One hundred forty-six youth players (14.4 ± 0.2 years) from various team sports (basketball n = 54, soccer n = 50, handball n = 32) underwent a manual test for muscle function, maturity estimation, functional bend test (FBT), passive straight leg raise (SLR) test, leg stiffness test, test of reactive strength index (RSI), and gene sampling for COL5A1, PPARA, and GDF5. The χ2 test did not show any differences in allele or genotype frequency between participants before and after peak height velocity. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that COL5A1 rs12722 CT heterozygotes had worse score in FBT (p < 0.001), worse score in SLR (p = 0.003), and lower maturity offset (p = 0.029, only in females) than TT homozygotes. Male GDF5 rs143383 GG homozygotes showed better score in SLR than AA and AG genotypes (p = 0.003), and AA and AG genotypes in both sex had greater RSI than GG homozygotes (p = 0.016). The PPARA rs4253778 CC homozygotes had greater RSI than GG and GC genotypes (p = 0.004). The CT genotype in COL5A1 rs12722 is possible predictor of functional movement disruption in the posterior hip muscle chain, causing shortening in FBT and SLR, which includes hamstrings function. CT genotype in COL5A1 rs12722 should be involved in programs targeting hamstring and posterior hip muscle chain

    Preconception care for infertile couples: Nurses' and midwives' roles in promoting better maternal and birth outcomes.

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    INTRODUCTION: Preconception care promotes better maternal outcomes, may assist in preventing birth defects and improves fertility awareness among healthy childbearing couples. Yet, the significance of preconception care for infertile couples is undeveloped area of practice in Europe. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To discuss the importance of nurses and midwives in providing preconception care to infertile couples in the United Kingdom and Spain. DESIGN: Discursive paper. METHOD: A comparison of different midwifery and nursing approaches to preconception care for infertile couples in two European countries. FINDINGS: At present, infertile couples' needs for preconception care are not routinely identified or understood. There is an opportunity for these needs to be considered and identified by nurses at the time of investigation for infertility or when planning pregnancy with assisted conception. CONCLUSIONS: We argue that, by providing preconception care, nurses and midwives have an opportunity to deliver important advice to infertile couples in both primary care and specialist infertility services