34 research outputs found

    Impact of the implementation of EU, national and local policies and legislation on the transition towards eco-cities in Poland

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    Transforming cities towards eco-cities constitutes a significant effort in mitigating and adapting to climate change. The implementation of legal acts and diverse environmentally oriented sectoral policies plays an important role in that process. The objective of this paper is to determine the antecedences and effects of the transformation of cities in accordance with the eco-city concept in Poland in the context of implemented policies, legislation and initiatives. The study reviews the normative acts and programme-strategic documents that provide the framework for the shift towards eco-city at the international and EU level, as well as identifying changes in legislation and policy initiatives resulting from their implementation at national and local level. A set of 24 original indices referring to six aspects of the eco-city (waste management, water and wastewater management, transport and urban mobility, application of RES in energy engineering, air quality, and urban green areas) were applied in multi-criterion analyses in selected case studies. This permitted us to identify the key factors that power the transition towards eco-city. The legal and policy measures are implemented in a top-down approach. Actions are usually initiated at national level and implemented by local authorities, who operate according to their assigned tasks and using dedicated tools (e.g. LEPs, SUMPs). Significant effect of the implementation of eco-city solutions were identified in waste management, sustainable transport, urban mobility, and air quality improvement. Recommendations for future measures include implementing plans and demonstrative projects of eco-cities or eco-districts, conducting complex pro-ecological measures, and increasing the role of bottom-up actionsTransforming cities towards eco-cities constitutes a significant effort inmitigating and adapting to climate change. The implementation of legal acts anddiverse environmentally oriented sectoral policies plays an important role in thatprocess. The objective of this paper is to determine the antecedences and effectsof the transformation of cities in accordance with the eco-city concept in Polandin the context of implemented policies, legislation and initiatives. The studyreviews the normative acts and programme-strategic documents that provide theframework for the shift towards eco-city at the international and EU level, as wellas identifying changes in legislation and policy initiatives resulting from theirimplementation at national and local level. A set of 24 original indices referring tosix aspects of the eco-city (waste management, water and wastewater management,transport and urban mobility, application of RES in energy engineering, air quality,and urban green areas) were applied in multi-criterion analyses in selected casestudies. This permitted us to identify the key factors that power the transitiontowards eco-city. The legal and policy measures are implemented in a top-downapproach. Actions are usually initiated at national level and implemented by localauthorities, who operate according to their assigned tasks and using dedicatedtools (e.g. LEPs, SUMPs). Significant effect of the implementation of eco-citysolutions were identified in waste management, sustainable transport, urbanmobility, and air quality improvement. Recommendations for future measuresinclude implementing plans and demonstrative projects of eco-cities or ecodistricts,conducting complex pro-ecological measures, and increasing the role ofbottom-up actions

    Miejskie obszary funkcjonalne – wyzwania planistyczne

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    The article analyses selected binding legal acts, national planning documents (Concept of the National Spatial Planning 2030) and programme documents (Partnership Agreement), selected financial instruments (Integrated Territorial Investments), and assumptions of the National Urban Policy. The conducted study permitted drawing conclusions regarding the opportunities and threats involved in the implementation of the analysed documents in the context of planning of sustainable development of functional urban areas (FUA). The analysis documented many inconsistencies in the binding provisions and guidelines in the scope of determination of the rules of functional planning in FUA. This results in the failure to adjust the binding documents at the provincial level to ministry guidelines (this particularly concerns the delimitations of FUA), and introduces the dual character of strategic documents (Strategy of Development of FUA and Strategy of Integrated Territorial Investments). The possibility to finance public investments in FUA in the scope of Integrated Territorial Investments brings positive results in terms of strategic planningW artykule poddano analizie wybrane obowiązujące akty prawne, krajowe dokumenty planistyczne (KPZK 2030) i programowe (Umowa partnerstwa), wybrane instrumenty finansowe (zintegrowane inwestycje terytorialne) oraz Założenia krajowej polityki miejskiej. Przeprowadzone badanie stanowiło podstawę do sformułowania wniosków dotyczących szans i zagrożeń, jakie niesie za sobą realizacja analizowanych dokumentów w kontekście planowania zrównoważonego rozwoju miejskich obszarów funkcjonalnych (MOF). Analiza dowiodła, że obowiązujące przepisy i wytyczne wykazują wiele nieścisłości w zakresie ustalenia zasad planowania funkcjonalnego w MOF, co skutkuje niedostosowaniem obecnych dokumentów poziomu wojewódzkiego do wytycznych ministerialnych (dotyczy to zwłaszcza delimitacji MOF) oraz wprowadza dualizm opracowań strategicznych (strategia rozwoju MOF i strategia ZIT). Z kolei możliwość finansowania inwestycji publicznych w MOF-ach w ramach ZIT niesie pozytywne skutki w sferze planowania strategicznego

    New Tool for Measuring Sustainable Development in Functional Urban Areas

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    The article discusses the practical aspect of implementation of the idea of sustainable development in the EU Cohesion Policy in the 2014-2020 programming period in Poland. The objective of the study is to determine the relations between the idea of sustainable development and instruments of its implementation, and the identification of the scope of influence of Cohesion Policy tools on sustainable development of functional urban areas (FUA). The paper presents the author’s set of sustainable development indicators (SDI) and relevant analyses of their implementation in the financial and spatial aspect in 26 FUAs. Detailed analyses covered one of the new instruments of territorial development, namely Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI). The paper provides evidence which proves that the dominant sphere in the financial and spatial support is the modernisation of transport and energy engineering infrastructure, with potentially multiple effects, as well as the development of a structurally diverse labour market. The least support is provided to the strengthening of integrated management. The tested approach is applicable in reference to other functional areas in the EU. It can contribute to the determination of the extent to which the implementation of the Cohesion Policy supports sustainable development of cities and their functional areas. The application of SDI contributed to the understanding of the process in reality

    New trends in the changes of administrative boundaries in Poland

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    The objective of the study is to determine the leading trends in changing administrative boundaries in Poland. Based on 194 Regulations of the Council of Ministers concerning the changes of boundaries and granting city status, which covered a total of 1,383.8 sq. km, multidimensional analyses for the years 2010–2020 were conducted, and their results were referred to territorial reforms in Europe and Poland. The analyses provided the basis for selecting the leading trends, including: (1) the ‘new wave’ of the restitution of city status (from 2018 in the new fast-track mode), resulting in quantitative changes within 3rd-tier units, (2) a significant increase in the area of cities and city counties primarily caused by annexations in suburban zones and establishing new cities, and (3) the politicisation of the process of changing boundaries, especially in the years preceding local government elections. The trend of unit fragmentation observed in the 1990s has disappeared. The initiators of the changes of administrative boundaries are still predominantly local elites and rarely the inhabitants of communes

    Models of governance in the urban functional areas: Policy lessons from the implementation of integrated territorial investments (ITIs) in Poland

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    The aim of this paper is to present the genesis and the development of two models of the “leading path” to the integrated management of functional urban areas of voivodeship centres (FUA VC) in Poland in the context of the implementation of the new instrument of the EU’s Cohesion Policy – Integrated Territorial Investments (ITIs). The implementation of ITIs is presented in the light of the inter-commune cooperation in FUA VC, which has been realised variously so far. As examples of the “leading path” to the integrated management based on the ITI, two functional areas have been selected, differing in this respect, Poznań in western Poland (an example of a bottom-up model) and Lublin in its eastern part (an example of a top-down model). In the conclusion, the instrument of ITI was evaluated as a factor which initiates, deepens or complicates the cooperation of local governments in FUAs. It has been emphasised, that in spite of the creation of organisational and financial instruments (ITIs) which activate the cooperation of self-governments in functional areas, one must take into account the need for legislative changes which give a special status to metropolitan areas, income sources and specific powers

    Walkable city and universal design in theory and practice in Poland

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    Understanding the city as a whole, its functioning, and needs of its inhabitants is currently becoming an important issue. Solutions introduced in cities based on the principles of the concept of walkable city and universal design are becoming more and more popular around the globe. Both topics have been so far discussed separately, although due to the requirements of social life and introduction of new legal regulations, they should be analysed together. The objective of the paper is to examine the impact of the design concepts of walkable city and universal design on the practical aspects of life of people with disabilities in selected cities, with particular consideration of obstacles existing in public spaces. The main contribution of this study is twofold. In the theoretical aspect, a synthetic index was developed based on the ‘Ten Steps of Walkability’ (Speck, 2012). In practical terms, it was analysed both from the spatial (field inventory) and social (in-depth interviews with experts and a questionnaire survey) perspective. As a result, a mental map was developed, presenting obstacles and barriers in public spaces and in buildings relevant for people with and without disabilities (hearing, movement, and visual impairments). The results can be used for universal design worldwide to eliminate obstacles and barriers encountered by pedestrians.Understanding the city as a whole, its functioning, and needs of its inhabitants is currently becoming an important issue. Solutions introduced in cities based on the principles of the concept of walkable city and universal design are becoming more and more popular around the globe. Both topics have been so far discussed separately, although due to the requirements of social life and introduction of new legal regulations, they should be analysed together. The objective of the paper is to examine the impact of the design concepts of walkable city and universal design on the practical aspects of life of people with disabilities in selected cities, with particular consideration of obstacles existing in public spaces. The main contribution of this study is twofold. In the methodological aspect, a synthetic index was developed based on the ‘Ten Steps of Walkability’. In practical terms, it was analysed from both the spatial aspect using UD principles (field inventory) and social perspective (semi-structured interviews with experts and a questionnaire survey). As a result, a mental map was developed, presenting obstacles and barriers in public spaces and in buildings relevant for people with and without disabilities (hearing, movement, and visual impairments). The results can be used for universal design worldwide to improve the accessibility of walkable spaces for people with special needs

    Funkcje metropolitalne Lublina

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    The aim of this paper is to present the Lublin’s metropolitan function. Lublin is the largest city in the East of Poland and the centre of the potential Lublin metropolitan area. Lublin from centuries past was the main city of the Lublin region and the platform to exchange of economy between the East and the West. Is Lublin being able to keep this position in the future? Are the contemporary strength and range of influence the egzogenic factors generating profitable conditions to the city development? Is the potential too strong for make Lublin of the metropolitan center in the international scale? The following article is the attempt of answering to these questions. The issues of the Lublin’s geopolitical location and transport accessibility were presented. Then the main function which decided about city’s development potential as metropolitan centre were characterized and they range of influence were determined. The following activities are identified as metropolitan: cultural, scientific, educational and trade node, a tourist attraction and industry.Lublin, położony na wschodnich krańcach Polski, jest w klasyfikacji polskich miast zaliczany do grona potencjalnych metropolii. O dalszych możliwościach rozwoju Lublina jako ośrodka metropolitalnego – w warunkach konkurowania ze sobą miast o podobnej skali i randze – zadecydują głównie funkcje wyższego rzędu, które stanowią czynnik przyciągania kapitału zewnętrznego i określają pozycję lubelskiego ośrodka w regionie, kraju i Europie. Opracowanie niniejsze skupia się zatem na zagadnieniach związanych z siłą i zakresem oddziaływania takich sfer, jak nauka i szkolnictwo wyższe, kultura, turystyka i przemysł, które zaklasyfikowane zostały do dziedzin warunkujących rozwój Lublina jako metropolii

    Rola wód powierzchniowych w rozwoju Lublina

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    The article aims to present the transformation of the river network in Lublin and its role in the development of the city from the Middle Ages to the present. The natural and anthropogenic transformations of the hydrographic network and changes in water conditions (regime) in the bottoms of the Lublin River valleys in the aspect of their impact on the spatial and socio-economic development of Lublin were studied. Detailed analyses were conducted for the five main periods of city development, i.e. 1) pre-chartered, 2) flourish, 3) collapse, 4) moderate, and 5) dynamic development. Changes in the hydrographic network and water regime were reconstructed and changes in the function of river valleys were analysed. In addition, periods in which surface waters have had a positive and negative impact on the city’s development have been demonstrated.Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie transformacji sieci rzecznej na obszarze Lublina i jej roli w rozwoju miasta od średniowiecza do współczesności. Analizie poddano naturalne i antropogeniczne przekształcenia sieci hydrograficznej, a także zmiany stosunków wodnych w dnach dolin rzek lubelskich w aspekcie ich wpływu na rozwój przestrzenny i społeczno-gospodarczy Lublina. Analizy szczegółowe prowadzono dla pięciu głównych okresów rozwoju miasta, tj. 1) przedlokacyjnego, 2) rozkwitu, 3) upadku, 4) umiarkowanego oraz 5) dynamicznego rozwoju. W pracy zrekonstruowano zmiany sieci hydrograficznej i stosunków wodnych oraz przeanalizowano zmiany funkcji dolin rzecznych. Ponadto wykazano okresy, w których wody powierzchniowe miały pozytywny oraz negatywny wpływ na rozwój miasta

    Zmiany granic administracyjnych miast w Polsce – efekty przestrzenne i społeczno-ekonomiczne

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    In the years 2009–2018, 183 decisions were issued concerning changes in the boundaries of local government units (LGUs), which covered a total of 1340 km2 of the area of Poland. As a result, communes or their parts changed their administrative status and territorial affiliation. This process was also associated with many social and economic repercussions. The aim of the paper is to present the process of changes in the administrative boundaries in LGUs and its effects, using the example of selected cities of the regional level. The first part of the paper presents the formal, legal and procedural requirements of the boundary changes. The second part analyses the changes of LGUs boundaries in the years 2010–2019. In the third part, the genesis and spatial and socio-economic effects of changing boundaries were discussed, exemplified by cities with different territorial expansion strategies. Rzeszów, Opole and Zielona Góra were selected for detailed analyses. Finally, recommendations concerning changes in boundaries in the context of minimizing the negative effects of this process were formulated.W latach 2009–2018 wydano 183 decyzji dotyczących zmian granic jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (JST), które objęły łącznie 1340 km2 powierzchni Polski. W ich wyniku gminy lub ich części zmieniły swój status administracyjny i przynależność terytorialną. Proces ten wiązał się także z wieloma reperkusjami natury społecznej i gospodarczej. Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie procesu zmian granic admi-nistracyjnych JST oraz jego skutków na przykładzie wybranych miast poziomu regionalnego. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono wymogi formalne, prawne i proceduralne zmian granic. W drugiej przeanalizo-wano zmiany granic JST w latach 2010–2019. W trzeciej części omówiono genezę oraz skutki przestrzenne i społeczno-ekonomiczne zmian granic na przykładzie miast prowadzących odmienne strategie ekspansji terytorialnej. Do szczegółowych analiz wybrano Rzeszów, Opole oraz Zieloną Górę. Na koniec przedstawiono rekomendacje dotyczące zmiany granic w kontekście minimalizacji negatywnych skutków tego procesu