896 research outputs found

    Kako bojimo svijet riječima

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    Th is paper presents a computational approach to the automatic detection of language patterns, specifi cally those dealing with expressing colors in the Croatian language. It investigates diff erent lexicalization patterns of color terms, mainly compounds and multiword units, in order to classify them and prepare them for usage in the design of an algorithm that will automatically recognize and annotate these expressions in Croatian text. Th e paper also presents a comparative analysis of diff erent classes of color terms found in a corpus built from books intended for younger (CLC) and older (ALC) populations. Finally, the research data is presented through a dictionary of three types of color terms categorized as multiword expressionsU radu je dan sveobuhvatan prikaz različitih obrazaca koji se koriste u terminologiji boja u hrvatskom jeziku i koji su do sada opisani kroz objavljena istraživanja u ovom području. U fokusu je prikaz iz računalnog pristupa automatskom otkrivanju leksičkih obrazaca. Svrha predstavljenog istraživanja je defi nirati postojeće modele za izgradnju izraza o boji u hrvatskom jeziku, s posebnim naglaskom na složenice i viÅ”erječne izraze te implementacija prepoznatih modela u računalnoj obradi jezika. Analiza i defi niranje različitih modela na osnovu postojeće literature za boje u hrvatskom jeziku imala je za cilj njihovu klasifi kaciju i pripremu za uporabu u računalnoj obradi jezika. U ovoj su fazi defi nirana 4 osnovna uzorka sa svojim podā€“klasama. Ovako defi nirani leksikalizirani obrasci koriÅ”teni su unutar NooJ alata za obradu jezika gdje su omogućili izradu (a) digitalnog rječnika s popisom osnovnih boja i opisom njihovih derivacija te (b) računalnog algoritma za automatsko prepoznavanje i označavanje boja u hrvatskom jeziku i pripadajućih oznaka klase. U radu je dodatno predstavljena usporedna analiza različitih klasa izraza za boje pronađenih u korpusu izgrađenom iz knjževnih djela namijenjenih mlađoj (CLC) i starijoj (ALC) populaciji kako bi se dobili dodatni uvidi o koriÅ”tenju određenog obrasca ovisno o uzorku teksta nad kojim se radi analiza. Podaci istraživanja dani su i kroz tablični prikaz tri tipa izraza za boju u klasi viÅ”erječnih izraza. Pripremljeni resursi otvaraju mogućnost dodatnih analiza tekstova iz drugih domena i s novim istraživačkim interesima koji uključuju boje u računalnoj obradi jezik

    Who is populist in Central and Eastern Europe? A comparative analysis of prime ministers' populist discourse

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    This article measures populist discourse among prime ministers in new Central and Eastern European democracies using holistic grading as a specific type of textual analysis. The article first offers a definition of populism and then measures political discourse by grading political speeches of contemporary prime ministers in Central and Eastern Europe. Next, it presents descriptive data about prime ministersā€™ political discourse and discusses positive cases of populism in reference to democratic structures. Despite suggestions that we live in a populist zeitgeist, populism is a rare and occasional phenomenon in Central and Eastern European executive politics. It has often been associated with violations of democratic structure by individual leaders. However, these violations are more likely to be related to undemocratic political culture in general than to populism in particular. Where populism does coincide with an already undemocratic political mindset, this represents a more serious threat to democratic standards

    Gaussian process model based predictive control

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    Gaussian process models provide a probabilistic non-parametric modelling approach for black-box identification of non-linear dynamic systems. The Gaussian processes can highlight areas of the input space where prediction quality is poor, due to the lack of data or its complexity, by indicating the higher variance around the predicted mean. Gaussian process models contain noticeably less coefficients to be optimized. This paper illustrates possible application of Gaussian process models within model-based predictive control. The extra information provided within Gaussian process model is used in predictive control, where optimization of control signal takes the variance information into account. The predictive control principle is demonstrated on control of pH process benchmark

    Data Quality in the Context of Longitudinal Research Studies

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    This paper discusses the concept of data quality in the context of longitudinal research. By deconstructing quality assurance process and data collection strategies through a case study of the ā€œCroatian Birth Cohort Studyā€œ, we try to define causes and sources of poor data quality in the context of longitudinal studies. Besides the problems discussed throughout the known literature (panel conditioning, sample attrition, recall bias, temporal and financial demands), we introduce singlesource problems, multi-source problems, security problems, design questionnaire problems and QA workflow problems as important aspects in the domain of the possible sources of errors. Additionaly we propose models for eliminating the errors through prevention and detection in order to improve data quality

    Story of a 'Storyline Visualization' in High School Readings

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    Storyline visualization, as a process of illustrating data that has a course of events via a visual medium, has been used in the area of film making for a very long time. Not so long ago, it has moved from the paper version to the digital word allowing for a wider usage. In this paper we propose its usage as a teaching tool in the area of literature reading for the Croatian class (primary language). We have conducted a preliminary research in five Croatian high schools of a different profile to see how storyline visualization, and visualization of school materials in general, affects students understanding of the material being studied. Each school participated with two groups of students where one group was exposed to the storyline visualization of a novel Prokleta avlija by Ivo Andrić [N=103 in total] during the reading period, and the other one was reading without the visualization [N=93 in total]. We will present our results taking into account studentsā€™ gender and type of a school

    Hrvatski poredbeni idiomi: MWU pristup

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    This article presents the work aiming to describe comparative idioms in Croatian language for computational processing using NooJ linguistic environment. As a part of a larger project concentrated on annotating and extracting different Croatian idioms as multi-word units (MWUs), this work aims to present automated comparative idiom search in any Croatian text. Using NooJ environment, a user can find any comparative structure in a text and use it for translation, language learning or research purposes

    From Hard Consensus to Soft Euroscepticism: Attitudes of Croatian MPs on EU Integration

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    In this article, we offer the first systematic study of the attitudes of Croatian MPs about various aspects of Europeanness. Following the overwhelming elite consensus in 2012, when Croatia was about to join, MPs are still relatively satisfied with the EU in 2014. We argue beneficiary member mindset prevails among Croatian MPs suppressing any greater degree of Euroscepticism. However, ā€˜soft Euroscepticismā€™ is present, especially among right wing HDZ. Our analysis rests on 70 interviews with MPs and is a part of ENEC (2014) project. Croatian MPs take visible consideration of symbolic and strategic aspects when thinking about the EU. They have solid confidence in the EU institutions, report satisfaction with EU returns, favor further policy Europeanization and strongly identify as European elite. Negative feedback about the EU relates to poor representation of Croatiaā€™s interests. Our analysis reveals that by ceding some sovereignty MPs hope to compensate for redistribution of benefits by further policy Europeanization and better channels of interest representation. EU budget receivers seem to be better off in the EU rather than outside


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    Tematski broj časopisa Muzeologija posvećen je digitalizaciji te izlazi ususret izazovima koje projekt e-Kultura donosi u cilju da se dobije uvid u postojeće projekte i dobre prakse, a sve kako bi se potaknula veća aktivnost u digitalizaciji, suradnja te prijenos znanja i iskustava

    Dynamical and statistical properties of estimated high-dimensional ODE models: The case of the Lorenz'05 type II model

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    The performance of estimated models is often evaluated in terms of their predictive capability. In this study, we investigate another important aspect of estimated model evaluation: the disparity between the statistical and dynamical properties of estimated models and their source system. Specifically, we focus on estimated models obtained via the regression method, sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy), one of the promising algorithms for determining equations of motion from time series of dynamical systems. We chose our data source dynamical system to be a higher-dimensional instance of the Lorenz 2005 type II model, an important meteorological toy model. We examine how the dynamical and statistical properties of the estimated models are affected by the standard deviation of white Gaussian noise added to the numerical data on which the estimated models were fitted. Our results show that the dynamical properties of the estimated models match those of the source system reasonably well within a range of data-added noise levels, where the estimated models do not generate divergent (unbounded) trajectories. Additionally, we find that the dynamics of the estimated models become increasingly less chaotic as the data-added noise level increases. We also perform a variance analysis of the (SINDy) estimated model's free parameters, revealing strong correlations between parameters belonging to the same component of the estimated model's ordinary differential equation.Comment: 13 pages + refs, 10 figure
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