8 research outputs found

    Projekt Bea@Home

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    Auf den Daten einer systematischen Literaturrecherche und des Forschungsverbundprojekts „Beatmungspflege@Zuhause (Bea@Home)“ als qualitative Fallstudie basierend, analysieren wir adäquate Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen für innovative intersektorale, IT-unterstützte Versorgungsmodelle. Im Fokus steht dabei das im Rahmen des Forschungsverbundprojekts „Bea@Home“ entwickelte, prototypisch umgesetzte und evaluierte integrierte, IT-unterstützte Versorgungskonzept für langzeitbeatmete Patienten in Deutschland. In dem Diskussionsbeitrag werden die ökonomische Bedeutung intersektoraler, IT-unterstützter Versorgungskonzepte aus einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Perspektive analysiert und eine Typologie möglicher tragfähiger Geschäftsmodelle für solche Versorgungskonzepte entwickelt sowie entsprechende Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen abgeleitet. Auf dieser empirisch und konzeptionell gestützten Grundlage können abschließend Empfehlungen für die Adaptionen der Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen auf andere Indikationsbereiche, Regionen und Gesundheitssysteme getroffen werden

    Subhaloes gone Notts: subhaloes as tracers of the dark matter halo shape

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    We study the shapes of subhalo distributions from four dark-matter-only simulations of Milky Way-type haloes. Comparing the shapes derived from the subhalo distributions at high resolution to those of the underlying dark matter fields, we find the former to be more triaxial if the analysis is restricted to massive subhaloes. For three of the four analysed haloes, the increased triaxiality of the distributions of massive subhaloes can be explained by a systematic effect caused by the low number of objects. Subhaloes of the fourth halo show indications for anisotropic accretion via their strong triaxial distribution and orbit alignment with respect to the dark matter field. These results are independent of the employed subhalo finder. Comparing the shape of the observed Milky Way satellite distribution to those of high-resolution subhalo samples from simulations, we find agreement for samples of bright satellites, but significant deviations if faint satellites are included in the analysis. These deviations might result from observational incompleteness

    Contribution of C.I.W.\u27s activities towards the development of inter-personal communication as perceived by the inmates

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    The contribution of the Correctional Institute for Women\u27s activities towards the development of interpersonal communication as perceived by the inmates was examined. To arrive at this aim, 30 CIW inmates were asked to answer self-assessment questionnaires pertaining to components of interpersonal communication. From these respondents, 10 were individually interviewed. Results indicated that inmates have a high level of interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, these respondents confirm that the facilitator, the content/process and the activities that the Institute provides them are contributory to the development of their skills in disclosing themselves to others, listening, maintaining a positive self-concept, effective resolution of conflict, and clarity of expression

    The Recent Studies on DNA Analysis in the Horse.

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    Deleterious Effects of Litter on Marine Life

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    In this review we report new findings concerning interaction between marine debris and wildlife. Deleterious effects and consequences of entanglement, consumption and smothering are highlighted and discussed. The number of species known to have been affected by either entanglement or ingestion of plastic debris has doubled since 1997, from 267 to 557 species among all groups of wildlife. For marine turtles the number of affected species increased from 86 to 100 % (now 7 of 7 species), for marine mammals from 43 to 66 % (now 81 of 123 species) and for seabirds from 44 to 50 % of species (now 203 of 406 species). Strong increases in records were also listed for fish and invertebrates, groups that were previously not considered in detail. In future records of interactions between marine debris and wildlife we recommend to focus on standardized data on frequency of occurrence and quantities of debris ingested. In combination with dedicated impact studies in the wild or experiments, this will allow more detailed assessments of the deleterious effects of marine debris on individuals and populations

    Unlocking the origins and biology of domestic animals using ancient DNA and paleogenomics

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