269 research outputs found

    Regeneration of begonia plantlets by direct organogenesis

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    The economic importance of ornamentals worldwide suggests a bright future for ornamental breeding. Rapid progress in plant molecular biology has great potentials to contribute to the breeding of novel ornamental plants utilizing recombinant DNA technology. The plant cell, tissue or organ culture of many ornamental species and their regeneration are essential for providing the material and systems for their genetic manipulation, and this is therefore the first requirement of genetic engineering. In this research, different concentration of BA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mgl(-1) with NAA ( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 mgl(-1)) and BA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mgl(-1)) with IAA ( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, mgl(-1)) were investigated to optimize regeneration of Begonia elatior cv. Toran orange. The best regeneration and growth were obtained from the media containing 2.0 mgl(-1) BA and 1.0 mgl(-1) NAA (70%) followed by 1.0 mgl(-1) BA and 0.5 mgl(-1) NAA (50%), 1.0 mgl(-1) BA and 1.0 mgl(-1) NAA (20%) in BA - NAA combination. The media with BA - IAA combination showed that the best regeneration was 0.5 mgl(-1) BA and 0.5 mgl(-1) IAA (43%) followed by 0.5 mgl(-1) BA and 1.0 mgl(-1) IAA (23%)

    Validation of Dam-Break Problem over Dry Bed using SPH

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    In this study, a comparison was made between experimental and numerical analysis results using the classical dam-break test case over dry bed. DualSPHysics software based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method was used to make the numerical analysis. Experimental data were obtained from Kocaman [1]'s laboratory setup through image processing technique. It was observed that the numerical and experimental results are in good agreement

    Regeneration of begonia plantlets by direct organogenesis

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    The economic importance of ornamentals worldwide suggests a bright future for ornamental breeding. Rapid progress in plant molecular biology has great potentials to contribute to the breeding of novelornamental plants utilizing recombinant DNA technology. The plant cell, tissue or organ culture of many ornamental species and their regeneration are essential for providing the material and systems for their genetic manipulation, and this is therefore the first requirement of genetic engineering. In this research, different concentration of BA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mgl-¹ with NAA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 mgl-¹) and BA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mgl-¹) with IAA (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, mgl-¹) were investigated to optimize regeneration of Begonia elatior cv. Toran orange. The best regeneration and growth were obtained from the media containing 2.0 mgl-¹ BA and 1.0 mgl-¹ NAA (70%) followed by 1.0 mgl-¹ BA and 0.5 mgl-¹ NAA (50%), 1.0 mgl-¹ BA and 1.0 mgl-¹ NAA (20%) in BA - NAA combination. The media with BA - IAA combination showed that the best regeneration was 0.5 mgl-¹ BA and 0.5 mgl-¹ IAA (43%) followed by 0.5 mgl-¹ BA and 1.0 mgl-¹ IAA (23%)

    Numerical Investigation of Dam-Break Flow over a Bottom Obstacle Using Eulerian Finite Element Method

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    Dam-break flows can cause major destructions in case settlements located atthe downstream area. Since many people live in the settlements, investigations regarding the dam-break flow have great importance.Dam break flow characteristics can become variousbased on different downstream conditions. In this study, an investigation was made relating tothe dam break flow in a channel with symmetrical triangular-shaped bottom obstacle using Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation. Numerical results of the present study were compared with experimental results. It was concluded that numerical and experimental results are in good agreement

    Benefits of forecasting and energy storage in isolated grids with large wind penetration – The case of Sao Vicente

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    For electric grids that rely primarily on liquid fuel based power generation for energy provision, e.g. one or more diesel gensets, measures to allow a larger fraction of intermittent sources can pay-off since the displaced is high cost diesel powered generation. This paper presents a case study of Sao Vicente, located in Cape Verde where a particularly high fraction of wind capacity of 5.950�MW (75% of the average demand) is installed, with diesel gensets forming the dispatchable source of power. This high penetration of intermittent power is managed through conservative forecasting and curtailments. Two potential approaches to reduce curtailments are examined in this paper: 1) an improved wind speed forecasting using a rolling horizon ARIMA model; and 2) energy storage. This case study shows that combining renewable energy forecasting and energy storage is a promising solution which enhances diesel fuel savings as well as enables the isolated grid to further increase the annual renewable energy penetration from the current 30.4% up to 38% while reducing grid unreliability. In general, since renewable energy forecasting ensures more accurate scheduling and energy storage absorbs scheduling error, this solution is applicable to any small size isolated power grid with large renewable energy penetration. � 2016 Elsevier Lt


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    Efforts on flood mapping from active and passive satellite Earth Observation sensors increased in the last decade especially due to the availability of free datasets from European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 platforms. Regular data acquisition scheme also allows observing areas prone to natural hazards with a small temporal interval (within a week). Thus, before and after datasets are often available for detecting surface changes caused by flooding. This study investigates the contribution of textural variables to the predictive performance of a data-driven machine learning algorithm for detecting the effects of a flooding caused by Sardoba Dam break in Uzbekistan. In addition to the spectral channels of Sentinel-2 and polarization bands of Sentinel-1, two spectral indices (normalized difference vegetation index and modified normalized difference water index), and textural features of gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) were used with the Random Forest. Due to high dimensionality of input variables, principal component (PC) analysis was applied to the GLCM features and only the most significant PCs were used for modeling. The feature stacks used for learning were derived from both pre- and post-event Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images. The models were validated through model test measures and external reference data obtained from PlanetScope imagery. The results show that the GLCM features improve the classification of flooded areas (from 82% to 93%) and flooded vegetation (from 17% to 78%) expressed in user’s accuracy. As an outcome of the study, the use of textural features is recommended for accurate mapping of flooded areas and flooded vegetation


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    With as many as one third of population have become social media users exchanging information, thanks to low cost smart phones availability and social messaging platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram etc., TrendyInsight will play a major role on listening the public concern on local or regional issues bothering them for the government authorities to learn and prepare the remedial action. Similarly, businesses of consumer industries will be benefited from TrendyInsight for better customer services.TrendyInsight – an application software designed and developed to work in iOS platform to capture trending topics from various social networks websites based on user location and present it in graphically on map. The application utilizes the uniqueness of each social network data through Application Program Interface (API) requests based on the trend. The application eliminates the need of user login to access the public data of these social networks. The application provides other experience enhancement features like showing user’s current location, updating the trending data every interval of time, searching for custom location, getting data for any custom hashtag, and settings tab to customize the type of data to be received from the social network APIs. The application was built on Swift 4 and deployment target operating system is iOS 11.</p

    Observations of Temporal Group Delays in Slow-Light Multiple Coupled Photonic Crystal Cavities

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    We demonstrate temporal group delays in coherently coupled high- Q multicavity photonic crystals, in an all-optical analog to electromagnetically induced transparency. We report deterministic control of the group delay up to 4x the single cavity lifetime in our room-temperature chip. Supported by three-dimensional numerical simulations and theoretical analyses, our multipump beam approach enables control of the multicavity resonances and intercavity phase, in both single and double transparency peaks. The standing-wave wavelength-scale photon localization allows direct scalability for chip-scale optical pulse trapping and coupled-cavity quantum electrodynamics

    High Accuracy 3D Processing of Satellite Imagery

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    Automatic DSM/DTM generation reproduces not only general features, but also detailed features of the terrain relief. Height accuracy of around 1 pixel in cooperative terrain. RMSE values of 1.3-1.5 m (1.0-2.0 pixels) for IKONOS and RMSE values of 2.9-4.6 m (0.5-1.0 pixels) for SPOT5 HRS. For 3D city modeling, the manual and semi-automatic feature extraction capability of SAT-PP provides a good basis. The tools of SAT-PP allowed the stereo-measurements of points on the roofs in order to generate a 3D city model with CCM The results show that building models with main roof structures can be successfully extracted by HRSI. As expected, with Quickbird more details are visible
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