83 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the analysis of a damaged part, which was designed for use in a mechanical clutch of a car. The crack in the part was found during the production inspection. The aim of metallographic and fractography analyses of the fracture surfaces was to discover the reasons for the crack. The reason for creating the crack was the formation of smaller cracks in the production during pressing process of the semiproduct. These cracks even grew after the following thermochemical treatment. The fracture was initiated during the straightening process of quenched part


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    <div><p>The article deals with analysis of causes of lorry piston combustion engine damage. For docummentation and analysis of causes was used macroscopical, microscopical and scanning electron microscopy. The analysis showed that the reason of fatal damage resides in production process of lorry combustion pistons which proved in implication of fatigue damage and subsequent burnout in two piston place.<em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p></div

    Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Environmental Accounting in the Joint-stock Company

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    Import 22/07/2015Bakalárska práca na tému teoretické a praktické aspekty environmentálneho účtovníctva v akciovej spoločnosti je rozdelená do 5 kapitol. Po úvode je druhá kapitola venovaná charakteristike základných pojmov súvisiacich s problematikou environmentálneho účtovníctva. V ďalšej časti je charakterizovaná spoločnosť Teplárna Strakonice, a. s. so zameraním na informácie o postojoch podniku v oblasti starostlivosti o životné prostredie. V záverečnej kapitole sú navrhnuté odporúčania pre zlepšenie vedenia environmentálneho účtovníctva v podniku.Bachelor thesis on the topic theoretical and practical aspects of environmental accounting in the joint-stock company is divided into five chapters. After the introduction is the second chapter devoted to the characterization of basic concepts related to the issue of environmental accounting. In the next section is characterized company Teplárna Strakonice, a. s. with focusing on information about business attitudes in the area of caring for the environment. The final chapter is designed recommendations for improving the leading of environmental accounting in the enterprise.117 - Katedra účetnictvívýborn

    Hate speech in public discourse and its impact on children’s rights.

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    The article analyzes phenomen of hate speech and its impact on children's rights. First partprovides terms and key notes related to the submitted topic, as fundamentals for comprehensiveunderstanding of this issue. Second part list and describe relevant law and soft law instruments in europe ancontext. This section examines the primary sources on protection of children's rights and regulations aimingto combat hate speech. Last part providesas sessment of lawpractice in Slovakia with regards to protectionof children before hate speech, where the author discusses the question of whether Slovakia fulfill sitspositive obligation to protect children before hate speech

    Economy Analysis of the Selected Non-profit Organization and its Legal, Accounting and Tax Aspects

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    Import 23/08/2017Témou diplomovej práce je analýza hospodárenia vybranej neziskovej organizácie a jej právne, účtovné a daňové aspekty, ktorá je rozdelená do 5 kapitol. Po úvode nasleduje druhá kapitola venovaná charakteristike základných pojmov súvisiacich s problematikou neziskových organizácií. V ďalšej časti je predstavená činnosť vybranej neziskovej organizácie, ktorá bola použitá pre spracovanie praktickej časti práce. Záverečná kapitola je venovaná analýze hospodárenia vybranej neziskovej organizácie pomocou horizontálnej analýzy a ukazovateľov finančnej analýzy. Na záver praktickej časti sú navrhnuté odporúčania pre zlepšenie hospodárenia vybranej neziskovej organizácie.The aim of diploma thesis is economy analysis of the selected non-profit organization and its legal, accounting and tax aspects which is divided into five chapters. After the introduction is the second chapter devoted to the characterization of basic concepts that are related to the issue of non-profit organizations. In the next chapter is introduced activity of the selected non-profit organization which has been used for the practical part of the thesis. The last chapter is devoted to the economy analysis of the selected non-profit organization by horizontal analysis and indicators of financial analysis. In conclusion of the practical part are proposed recommendations for improving the economy of the selected non-profit organization.117 - Katedra účetnictví a danívelmi dobř

    The influence of carbonitriding process on microstructure and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed steel

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    The article deals with the analysis of carbonitrided samples of S460MC microalloyed thermo-mechanically treated steel. The steel surface was saturated with carbon and nitrogen at the temperature of 860 °C. The nitrogen-methanole atmosphere with Amonnia addition was used for surface saturation in the process of carbonitriding. Oil hardening and tempering at 200 °C/1 hour followed after the diffusion saturation of experimental steel sample. The surface layer was composed of martensite, retained austenite and fine carbides of alloying elements. This was demonstrated with light microscopy and confirmed by TEM (transmission electron microscope). The paper also presents the results of chemical composition and hardness measurement

    Isolation, characterization and application of active components of prickly pear and aloe vera

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    The main goal of this bachelor thesis was the study of antioxidant and antibacterial effect of natural plant extracts, specifically from pulp and peel of leaf of Aloe vera and Opuntia ficus–indica. Liposomes with encapsulated active compounds were prepared and their use in food and cosmetics industry was analyzed. The theoretical part was focused on botanical with and phytochemical description of natural plant and their use in nutrition and medical practice. Also encapsulation and methods used to analyze encapsulated substances were described. In the experimental part basic characteristics of extracts from two kinds of plantusing ethanol as a solvent in its different concentration (0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 80 %) were analyzed. Mainly totalcontent of phenolics, flavonoids and total antioxidant activity were determined. Selected extracts were also encapsulated into liposomes and the encapsulation efficienty, size, stability and long–term stability of liposomes were determined. Antibacterial activity was tested against Grampositive Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes and Gramnegative Serratia marcescems a Escherichia coli. Moreover, antibacterial acvivity against yeast Candida glabrata was tested. Finally, 2 ethanol extracts of plant samples were tested in terms of cytotoxicity by using cell line Caco–2 and profile of selected phenolic compounds ere determined in the selected extract samples by using high performance liqiud chromatography. 20% ethanol solution was chosen as the most efficient extract solvent which contained the highest concentration of total phenolic content and concurrently all tested extracts showed antioxidant activity. However, there was minimal or none antibacterial effect. Prepared liposomes from extracts were stable. Also product for cosmetics and food industry was designed, specifically healing gel with moisturizing effect and paste made of liposomes as food supplement for athletes

    Cox point process

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    Na/ev praee: Coxfiv bodovy Autor: Barbara Kocnrova Katedra (ust.av): KalodrM pravdepodolmosli a uiatematicke statisiiky Vedonci bakalafske praee: Prof. KNDr. Viktor Beries, DrSe. e-mail vedonciho: Vikl nr.Benesviinlf.cuiti.e/ Abstrakt: V paidiozcur pr;ici st.ndujoinr bodovo prfjcesy. XabyvAine sr siniulac:i a, fil- trovannii Coxova bodovrlio proccsu ri/onclio Gauniia Onistehi-UhlonbeekovytTi jiro- tics^in. K odhadu uahodiir int.cn/ity C'oxova. pi'occsn jsnio zvolili bayesovsky jn'isiup s vynxitiui melody Mai'kov C'liain KJoiit.c C'urlo a Metrupolis-Hastiiigsova algoritinu rox(Mii a /.anikii pro bodovc Tit.k1: Cox point process Author: Harbora Kocnrova Dcparlinont: Dcpartinctit of Probability and Mnthrmatioa.j Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RiNDr. Viktor Hours, DrSc. Supervisor's e-uiail address Viktor.Benesf'inff.eniLi.c^ Abstract: hi the present work the spatial point processes, particularly Cox point pro- cess driven by Ganiina-Ornstoiu Uhlenberk process is studied. We also discuss how to simulate this Cox process and the tittering problem. To obtain the efficient [ilrored value we consider a Bayesiaii inference with using Markov C'liain Moult; Carlo me- thods and Birth-death Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

    Enterobacter spp. resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics from urban and hospital wastewater

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    Rastúci výskyt rezistentných baktérií k antibiotikám predstavuje obrovské riziko pre verejné zdravie. Enterobacter spp. je bežne rozšírená baktéria v životnom prostredí, zároveň je ale dokumentovaná ako častá príčina ochorení človeka. Enterobacter spp. rezistentný k cefalosporínom a karbapenémom je stále častejšie celosvetovo detekovaný ako v nemocničnom prostredí, tak aj mimo neho. Táto diplomová práca skúma výskyt kmeňov Enterobacter spp. rezistentných k –laktámovým antibiotikám, najmä v odpadových vodách, ale aj v prečistených vodách, ktoré sú vypúšťané do životného prostredia. Cieľom práce bolo charakterizovať súbor 205 kmeňov Enterobacter spp. selektovaných na médiu s prídavkom cefotaximu a meropenemu. Vzorky vôd boli odobrané z troch krajských miest v Českej Republike a pochádzali z nemocničnej odpadovej vody, z prítoku a odtoku čističky odpadových vôd (ČOV), z rieky nad ČOV a rieky pod ČOV. Metódou polymerázovej reťazovej reakcie (PCR) bolo v izolátoch hľadaných 8 vybraných génov kódujúcich produkciu širokospektrálnych –laktamáz (ESBL; CTX-M, GES) a karbapenemáz (GES, IMI/NMC-A, IMP, KPC, NDM, OXA-48, VIM). Tiež bol stanovený fenotyp produkcie –laktamáz testom Mastdisc a citlivosti na 24 rôznych antibiotík mikrodilučnou metódou. U izolátov nesúcich hľadaný gén bola vykonaná klonálna analýza metódou restrikčného štiepenia v kombinácii s pulznou gélovou elektroforézou (PFGE). Z celkovo 205 kmeňov nieslo 36 izolátov hľadaný gén pre produkciu –laktamáz. Tieto izoláty pochádzali zväčša z nemocničnej odpadovej vody (n=31) zo všetkých vzorkovaných lokalít A, B a C. Taktiež bol zachytený jeden izolát v prítoku ČOV v lokalite B a štyri izoláty pochádzali z odtoku ČOV v lokalitách A a B. U izolátov boli detekované nasledujúce záujmové gény: blaGES (n=16), blaCTX-M (n=24), blaOXA-48 (n=1) a blaNMC-A (n=1), v ojedinelých prípadoch bola detekovaná kombinácia dvoch génov u jedného izolátu. Všetky charakterizované izoláty (n=36) vykazovali multirezistentný profil. Bola zaznamenaná vysoká rezistencia k aminoglykozidom (76,9 %) s výnimkou amikacínu (19,4 %). V prípade karbapenémov bola pozorovaná rezistencia na ertapeném (77,8 %), naopak veľká časť kmeňov bola citlivá na meropeném, kde rezistencia bola zaznamenaná iba u 13,9 % izolátov. U antibiotík zo skupiny cefalosporínov všetky izoláty vykazovali rezistenciu na antibiotiká cefazolín a cefuroxím (100 %), nižia miera rezistencie bola zaznamenaná u antibiotík cefoperazón (80,6 %), cefotaxím (77,8 %) a cefepím (69,4 %). Najnižšia rezistencia u tejto skupiny antibiotík bola zaznamená u antibiotika cefoperazón/sulbaktám (33,3 %). Všetky vybrané izoláty vykazovali rezistenciu k tetracyklínovým antibiotikám. Fenotypovými testami bola najčastejšie zaznamenaná produkcia serínovej karbapenemázy (50 %), kam sú radené určité varianty –laktamázy GES. Porovnanie makrorestričných profilov poukázalo na vysokú diverzitu medzi izolátmi reprezentovanou 20 rôznymi klastrami, pričom príbuzné izoláty pochádzali vždy z rovnakej lokality. Odpadové vody hrajú kľúčovú rolu v šírení antibiotickej rezistencie. V rámci tejto diplomovej práce boli detekované kmene Enterobacter spp. s klinicky významnou rezistenciou k cefalosporínom a karbapenémom. Tieto kmene boli zachytené najmä v nemocničných odpadových vodách, ale aj na odtoku ČOV, kedy súčasné procesy v ČOV nedokážu eliminovať všetky baktérie, ktoré sa následne dostávajú do životného prostredia.The increasing prevalence of antibiotic–resistant bacteria pose a huge risk for public health. Enterobacter spp. is a common in the environment but it is also documented as a frequent cause of human disease. Enterobacter spp. resistant to cephalosporins and carbapenems is increasingly detected globally both in and out of hospital setting. This thesis examines the occurrence of Enterobacter spp. strains resistant to –lactam antibiotics especially in wastewaters but also in treated water discharged into the environment. The aim of this study was to characterize a set of 205 strains of Enterobacter spp. selected on medium supplemented with cefotaxime and meropenem. The water samples were collected from three regional cities in the Czech Republic and originated from hospital wastewater, inflow and outflow of municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), from a river above and below the WWTP. The isolates were screened for presence of eight genes encoding production of broad–spectrum –lactamases (ESBL; CTX-M, GES) and carbapenemases (GES, IMI/NMC-A, IMP, KPC, NDM, OXA-48, VIM) by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The phenotype of isolates carrying the gene of interest was tested for –lactamase production by the Mastdisc test and susceptibility to 24 different antibiotics by microdilution method. The phylogenetic relatedness was determined using restriction digestion in combination with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). From total of 205 strains, 36 isolates carried the gene of interest for –lactamase production. These isolates originated mostly from hospital wastewater (n=31) of all sampled sites (A, B and C). Also one isolate was detected in the WWTP influent in site B and four isolates came from the WWTP effluent in sites A and B. The following genes of interest were detected among the isolates: blaGES (n=16), blaCTX-M (n=24), blaOXA-48 (n=1) and blaNMC-A (n=1) a combination of two genes were detected in one isolate. All characterized isolates (n=36) showed a multidrug–resistant profile. High resistance to aminoglycosides was reported (76,9 %) with the exception of amikacin (19,4 %). In the case of carbapenems, resistance to ertapenem was observed (77,8 %), while a majority of strains were susceptible to meropenem, where resistance was detected only in 13,9 % of cases. Different resistance profile has been reported to cephalosporin antibiotics. All tested isolates showed resistance to antibiotics cefazolin and cefuroxime (100 %), lower rates of resistance were reported to antibiotics cefoperazone (80,6 %), cefotaxime (77,8 %) and cefepime (69,4 %). The lowest resistance in this group of antibiotics was found to cefoperazone/sulbactam (33,3 %). All selected isolates showed resistance to tetracycline antibiotics. Serine carbapenemase production (50 %) was the most frequently detected by phenotypic tests which is produced certain variants of –lactamase GES. Comparison of macrorestrictions profiles showed a high diversity among isolates represented by 20 different clusters, the related isolates originated from the same location. Wastewaters play a key role in the spread of antibiotics resistance. In this thesis, Enterobacter spp. strains with clinically significant resistance to cephalosporins and carbapenems were detected. These strains were detected mainly in hospital wastewaters but also in WWTP effluent. The current WWTP processes are unable to eliminate all bacteria that subsequently enter the environment.

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