856 research outputs found

    Civilian Power Europe in the Arctic: How Far Can the European Union Go North? College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 01/2015

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    The EU Arctic policy, initiated in the European Commission’s Communication “The European Union and the Arctic region” in 2008, was created to respond to the rising expectations that the European Union would have a bigger stake in this region which was gaining in importance due to its ecologic vulnerability, economic potential and clashing political interests of the global powers. Whether the European Union managed to establish itself as a significant actor in the Arctic through this new policy is open for discussion. Arguably, while the genuine interest and influence of the EU institutions was there to give a kick-start to this initiative, the pressure of the traditional and still dominant members of the regional Arctic system has been sufficient so far to effectively prevent it from realizing its full potential

    The universal timer

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    Seznámení se základními vlastnostmi a požadavky na časovací zařízení. Funkce zařízení. Návrh základní řídící jednotky s popisem základních obvodu, součástek a schémat. Linkové a bezdrátové propojení řídící a indikační části, popis základních součástek, popis činnosti a návrhy schémat pro realizaci. Detailní návod k obsluze zařízení. Programové vybavení zařízení v JSA. Zhodnocení dosažených výsledků. Informační prameny a použitá literatura.Overview of basics functions characteristics and requirements of timing device. Design of basic controlling unit and designating part. Description about basic parts and characteristic of their activities. Schematics presentations for realisation. Detailed instructions for handling device. Firmware of device in LSA. Evaluation goals, overview of informations sources and list of using literature sources.

    Arsenic in Agricultural Soils of Slovakia

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    The article presents the current distribution of arsenic in agricultural soils of Slovakia. The current concentration of arsenic (extracted with aqua regia) was measured and evaluated based on 318 monitoring sites of national soil monitoring system in Slovakia. Based on the obtained results, one can state that the average content of arsenic is lower than the valid hygienic limit for arsenic (25 mg.kg-1) for predominated sandy-loamy and loamy soils in Slovakia. Increased values of arsenic were determined only for the Horná – Upper Nitra region (anthropogenic impact) – 24.5 mg.kg-1 and for the Stredný – Central Spiš region (mixed anthrophogenic and geogenic impact) – 129.5 mg.kg-1. These regions belong to the most arsenic-affected regions in Slovakia, where the content of bioavailable forms of arsenic is also increased in the range of 0.013–0.997 mg.kg-1. The hygienic limit for bioavailable arsenic in soils of Slovakia is 0.4 mg.kg-1. Finally, there is a serious risk of arsenic transport from soil into the plants and food chain especially in case of acid soils. A higher risk of As presence seems to be in anthropogenically affected soils

    Spline recurrences for quartic splines

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    Quality of agricultural soils in Slovakia

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    Risk elements distribution on agricultural soils in Slovakia is evaluated in this contribution. The measured results have been obtained on the basis of soil monitoring system in Slovakia which is consistently running since 1993 year. Risk elements have been analysed in extraction by aqua regia according to uniform analytical procedures in soil (Kobza et al. 2011). On the basis of the available results it may be said that the agricultural soils of Slovakia are not contaminated except some contaminated sites which are mostly situated on the industrial areas (anthropogenic impact) as well as on the areas situated under geogenic influence (mostly some mountainous regions). Their unfavourable state lasts often a long period and agricultural land use of those affected fields is not recommended

    IR thermometer

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měření teploty pomocí bezkontaktního teploměru. Práce pojednává o fyzikálních poznatcích, metodách a detektorech pro bezkontaktní měření měření teploty. Vybrán je pak vhodný detektor, metoda měření a sestaveno blokové schéma IR teploměru. Hlavní částí práce je pak konkrétní systémový návrh. Ten zahrnuje obvodové řešení včetně návrhu plošných spojů a simulace jeho funkčních částí.This master's thesis deals with the issue of temperature measuring with the use of contactless thermometer. The thesis examines the physical findings, methods and detectors for contactless temperature measurement. Is then selected a suitable detector, measuring methods and assembled a block diagram of the IR thermometer. The main section is a specific system design. This includes circuit solution, including printed circuit board design and simulation of the functional parts.

    Numerical solution of some iterative differential equation

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    Natural Language Generation from Knowledge-Base Triples

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvořit nástroj jenž za pomocí strojového učení dokáže verbalizovat data, t.j. ze vstupních dat ve formě RDF trojic dokáže vytvořit odpovídající text v přirozeném jazyce (angličtina) takový, že bude gramaticky a mluvnicky správný, bude obsahovat veškeré informace ze vstupních dat a nebude obsahovat žádné informace navíc. Práce nejprve zkoumá dostupná data, poté se zabývá architekturami modelů pro statistické strojové učení a jejich možné použití pro generování přirozeného jazyka. Práce se taktéž zabývá numerickou reprezentací textu, generováním textu pomocí učících se modelů a optimalizačních algoritmů pro trénování těchto modelů. V další části práce jsou navrženy dva rozdílné přístupy pro řešení zadání práce. Navržené přístupy jsou poté zhodnoceny pomocí automatických metrik a nejlepší systémy jsou zhodnoceny manuálně. Závěr této diplomové práce je věnován nasazení výsledné aplikace pro produkční běh.The main goal of this master thesis is to create a machine-learning-based tool that is able to verbalize given data, i.e., from given RDF triples; it should be able to create a corresponding text in a natural language (English) such that the text must be grammatically correct, fluent, must contain all information from the input data and cannot have any additional information. The thesis begins with examining the publicly available datasets; then, it focuses on the architectures of statistical machine learning models and their possible usage for natural language generation. The work is also focused on possible numerical text representation, text generation by machine learning models, and optimization algorithms for training the models. The next part of the thesis proposes two main solutions to the problem and examines each of them. Automatic metrics evaluate all systems, and the best performing models are then passed to a human (manual) evaluation. The last part of the thesis focuses on implementing the final application and its deployment for production

    Quadratic splines interpolating derivatives

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