23 research outputs found

    A relationship between three-dimensional surface hydration structures and force distribution measured by atomic force microscopy

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    Hydration plays important roles in various solid–liquid interfacial phenomena. Very recently, three-dimensional scanning force microscopy (3D-SFM) has been proposed as a tool to visualise solvated surfaces and their hydration structures with lateral and vertical (sub) molecular resolution. However, the relationship between the 3D force map obtained and the equilibrium water density, ρ(r), distribution above the surface remains an open question. Here, we investigate this relationship at an interface of an inorganic mineral, fluorite, and water. The force maps measured in pure water are directly compared to force maps generated using the solvent tip approximation (STA) model and from explicit molecular dynamics simulations. The results show that the simulated STA force map describes the major features of the experimentally obtained force image. The agreement between the STA data and the experiment establishes the correspondence between the water density used as an input to the STA model and the experimental hydration structure and thus provides a tool to bridge the experimental force data and atomistic solvation structures. Further applications of this method should improve the accuracy and reliability of both interpretation of 3D-SFM force maps and atomistic simulations in a wide range of solid–liquid interfacial phenomena

    Advanced Instrumentation of Frequency Modulation AFM for Subnanometer-Scale 2D/3D Measurements at Solid-Liquid Interfaces

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    Since the first demonstration of true atomic-resolution imaging by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) in liquid, the method has been used for imaging subnanometer-scale structures of various materials including minerals, biological systems and other organic molecules. Rencetly, there have been further advancements in theFM-AFMinstrumentation. Three-dimensional (3D) force measurement techniques are proposed for visualizing 3D hydration structures formed at a solid-liquid interface. Thesemethods further enabled to visualize 3D distributions of flexible surface structures at interfaces between soft materials andwater. Furthermore, the fundamental performance such as force sensitivity and operation speed have been significantly improved using a small cantilever and high-speed phase detector. These technical advancements enabled direct visualization of atomic-scale interfacial phenomena at 1 frame/s. In this chapter, these recent advancements in the FM-AFM instrumentation and their applications to the studies on various interfacial phenomena are presented. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 201

    Observation of Morphology Changes of Fine Eutectic Si Phase in Al-10%Si Cast Alloy during Heat Treatment by Synchrotron Radiation Nanotomography

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    A series of three-dimensional morphology changes of fine eutectic Si-particles during heat treatment have been investigated in Self-modified and Sr-modified Al-10%Si cast alloys by means of synchrotron radiation nanotomography utilizing a Fresnel zone plate and a Zernike phase plate in this study. The coral-like shape particles observed in Sr-modified cast alloy fragmented at branch and neck during heat treatment at 773 K. The fragmentation occurred up to 900 s. After that, the fragmented particles grew and spheroidized by Ostwald ripening. On the other hand, rod-like shaped eutectic Si-particles observed in self-modified cast alloy were larger in size compared with the particle size in Sr-modified cast alloy. Separation of eutectic Si-particles in Self-modified cast alloy occurred up to approximately 900 s, which was similar tendency to that in Sr-modified cast alloy. However, it was found that the morphology change behavior was very complex in rod-like shape Si-particles. The three-dimensional morphology changes of fine eutectic Si-particles in both cast alloys, specifically fragmentation and spheroidizing, can be connected to changes in mechanical properties