221 research outputs found

    Thixotropy of nasal medications — its role in clinical practice

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    Optymalny lek powinien charakteryzować się bardzo dobrą przyswajalnością, szybkim początkiem działania, długim okresem aktywności terapeutycznej, przy zachowanym wysokim profilu bezpieczeństwa i najniższym możliwym ryzyku działań niepożądanych. Dlatego oprócz tradycyjnych dróg podawania leków, jak doustna czy iniekcyjna, wprowadza się nowe metody ich podaży, na przykład w postaci aplikacji donosowej. Ze względu na warunki anatomiczne nosa leki podawane donosowo mogą być szybko wchłaniane i w zależności od charakteru substancji czynnej działać miejscowo na błonę śluzową lub mieć wpływ ogólnoustrojowy. Preparaty donosowe najczęściej mają postać roztworu aplikowanego w postaci aerozolu. W niektórych przypadkach roztwory te mają charakter tiksotropowy, czyli zmieniają swe własności fizyczne pod wpływem wstrząsania, co ułatwia podaż leku i jego przyleganie do śluzówki. Glikokortykosteroidy donosowe są podstawą leczenia każdej postaci przewlekłego alergicznego nieżytu nosa (ANN) oraz umiarkowanej i ciężkiej postaci okresowego ANN, zwłaszcza przy upośledzeniu drożności nosa i częstym występowaniu objawów. W artykule omówiono właściwości reologiczne glikokortykosteroidów donosowych oraz ich miejsce w terapii i skutecznośc w codziennej praktyce klinicznej.Optimal medication should be characterized by good bioavailability, rapid onset of action, a long period of therapeutic activity, with preserved high safety profile and the lowest possible risk of side effects. Therefore, in addition to traditional drug administration routes, such as oral or injection, novel methods for drug applications, for example in the form of a nasal application have been developed. Because of the anatomy of the nose, drugs administered intranasally can be rapidly absorbed and, depending on the nature of the active substance, may act locally on the mucosa or can have a significant systemic effect. Most nasal drugs are developed in the form of solution administered as aerosol. In some cases, these solutions are thixotropic. They are able to change their physical properties under agitation to facilitate supply of the drug and its adhesion to the mucosa. Intranasal corticosteroids represent the mainstay of treatment for any form of chronic allergic rhinitis (AR) and moderate to severe periodic AR, especially with impaired nasal obstruction and frequent occurrence of symptoms. The article discusses the rheological properties of intranasal corticosteroids, their role in therapy and efficacy in the everyday clinical practice

    The seasonal nature of tourist flows in relation to meteorological conditions as illustrated by the case of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship

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    The analysis is based on the materials published by the Statistical Office in Szczecin for 2000-14, presented on a monthly basis, concerning the total number of tourists (including foreign tourists) and the overnight stays. The distribution of the number of tourists and their accommodation per month and season was correlated with mean monthly values for air temperature, cloudiness and wind speed. Meteorological data for the period 2000-14, as averaged for the whole voivodeship, was obtained from four IMGW stations (Świnoujście, Koszalin, Szczecin and Szczecinek). Statistical analysis was conducted and time trends of the number of tourists and overnight stays were identified for individual months with the use of linear and polynomial regression. The seasonal nature of tourist flows was assessed by the number of tourists and accommodation provided for tourists in summer compared to winter, and spring to autumn. Air temperature and cloudiness were found to have the greatest effect on the uneven distribution of tourist numbers across a year. Each year, approximately 1.7 million tourists visit Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, 1.1 million of which (i.e. 66%) stay on the coast.

    Zespół podkradania

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    Opisano przypadek zespołu niedokrwiennego ręki (zespołu podkradania) wywołanego funkcjonującą przetoką tętniczo-żylną ramienno-odpromieniową na ramieniu 65-letniej pacjentki leczonej hemodializami z powodu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek w następstwie cukrzycy typu 2. Zespół podkradania występuje u pacjentów z przetokami tętniczo-żylnymi na przedramieniu, wykonanymi sposobami "bok do boku", "koniec do boku" oraz na ramieniu sposobem "koniec żyły (protezy) do boku tętnicy ramiennej". Wymieniono kilka sposobów leczenia operacyjnego oraz sposobów unikania wystąpienia zespołu

    Kolokwium habilitacyjne dr. Aleksandra Stępkowskiego

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    Kolokwium habilitacyjne dr. Aleksandra Stępkowskieg

    Orientation-Constrained Rectangular Layouts

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    We construct partitions of rectangles into smaller rectangles from an input consisting of a planar dual graph of the layout together with restrictions on the orientations of edges and junctions of the layout. Such an orientation-constrained layout, if it exists, may be constructed in polynomial time, and all orientation-constrained layouts may be listed in polynomial time per layout.Comment: To appear at Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, Banff, Canada, August 2009. 12 pages, 5 figure

    Combinatorial Properties of Triangle-Free Rectangle Arrangements and the Squarability Problem

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    We consider arrangements of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane. A geometric arrangement specifies the coordinates of all rectangles, while a combinatorial arrangement specifies only the respective intersection type in which each pair of rectangles intersects. First, we investigate combinatorial contact arrangements, i.e., arrangements of interior-disjoint rectangles, with a triangle-free intersection graph. We show that such rectangle arrangements are in bijection with the 4-orientations of an underlying planar multigraph and prove that there is a corresponding geometric rectangle contact arrangement. Moreover, we prove that every triangle-free planar graph is the contact graph of such an arrangement. Secondly, we introduce the question whether a given rectangle arrangement has a combinatorially equivalent square arrangement. In addition to some necessary conditions and counterexamples, we show that rectangle arrangements pierced by a horizontal line are squarable under certain sufficient conditions.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201

    Sezonowość w turystyce uzdrowiskowej w województwie zachodniopomorskim

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    The present paper is an assessment of seasonality in health tourism in Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship on the basis of monthly total number of tourists, including foreign tourists, and the number of overnight stays in health resorts in the period 2005–2015. In Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship, there are four health resorts located in the Baltic sea coastal zone, i.e. Świnoujście, Kamień Pomorski, Kołobrzeg and Dąbki, and one located in the zone of terminal moraine of Pojezierze Pomorskie – Połczyn-Zdrój. Seasonality was determined as the quotient of the total number of tourists in summer (June – August) and the number of tourists in winter (December – February), and the respective number of tourists in spring (March – May) and that in autumn (September – November). Irregularity in the distribution of overnight stays in a year was determined with a coefficient of variation (%). The effect of monthly air temperature, cloudiness and wind speed on the number of tourists in health resorts was identified with the use of linear and polynomial regression. Time trends were calculated for the period under analysis with respect to the number of domestic and foreign tourists and overnight stays. The time of stay (in days) of the health resorts tourist was calculated by dividing the number of overnight stays provided for them by the number of tourist in a given month

    Charakter władzy suwerennej w koncepcjach ładu konstytucyjnego Hansa Kelsena i Carla Schmitta

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    The purpose of this article is to review the controversy between two, potentially most influential legal theorists in 20th century, Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt. Their philosophical concepts: Schmittian decisionism and Kelsenian normativism, were based on different assumptions, leading their authors to variant practical conclusions. It is reasonable to infer that the differences in their visions of constitutional order were deeply rooted in different intellectual traditions – not only political (Kelsen’s involvement in defense of liberal democracy unlike Carl Schmitt, whose conservative attitude and critique of liberalism led to support totalitarian state and extreme right wing ideology), but also theological (pantheistic idea of God and fideism; conflict between rationality and faith). So from this perspective „Pure theory of law” can be seen as pantheistic political theology, because „pantheism overcomes the opposition of God and World; the Pure Theory of Law accordingly overcomes the opposition of State and Law”. On the other hand legal philosophy of Carl Schmitt is inspired by the Roman Catholic theological concept of the miracle, whereby God is free from the laws of nature – and in consequence – the sovereign is not bound by the law and may decide exceptions to it.The purpose of this article is to review the controversy between two, potentially most influential legal theorists in 20th century, Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt. Their philosophical concepts: Schmittian decisionism and Kelsenian normativism, were based on different assumptions, leading their authors to variant practical conclusions. It is reasonable to infer that the differences in their visions of constitutional order were deeply rooted in different intellectual traditions – not only political (Kelsen’s involvement in defense of liberal democracy unlike Carl Schmitt, whose conservative attitude and critique of liberalism led to support totalitarian state and extreme right wing ideology), but also theological (pantheistic idea of God and fideism; conflict between rationality and faith). So from this perspective „Pure theory of law” can be seen as pantheistic political theology, because „pantheism overcomes the opposition of God and World; the Pure Theory of Law accordingly overcomes the opposition of State and Law”. On the other hand legal philosophy of Carl Schmitt is inspired by the Roman Catholic theological concept of the miracle, whereby God is free from the laws of nature – and in consequence – the sovereign is not bound by the law and may decide exceptions to it