13 research outputs found

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    Business Plan of Cocktail Bar Floatation

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    Import 29/09/2010Abstrakt Téma: Podnikateľský zámer založenia Cocktail baru Autor bakalárskej práce: Ján Koščo V mojej bakalárske práci sa venujem Podnikateľskému zámeru, v ktorom som sa rozhodol založiť vlastný Cocktail bar Stars of the bars. Celú prácu som rozdelil na štyri časti - teoretická časť, charakteristika podniku, praktická časť a doporučenia pre realizáciu. V teoretickej časti sa zaoberám najprv podnikateľským plánovaním a v druhom bode bližšie rozoberám štruktúru podnikateľského zámeru, ktorá mi bude osnovou pre teoretickú časť spracovania bakalárskej práce. Ďalšiu kapitolu tvorí charakteristika podniku. Tu som stručne opísal podnik, ktorým sa budem zaoberať v teoretickej časti. V tretej časti je samotný podnikateľský zámer založenia Cocktail baru. Táto kapitola je rozdelená na 7 podkapitol, ktoré má podnikateľský plán mať. Jedná sa o Úvodné zhrnutie, odvetvie podnikania, popis podniku, výrobný plán, marketingový plán, manažment podniku a finančné údaje. V poslednej časti - doporučenia pre realizáciu som spomenul dôležité body, ktoré bude potrebné dodržať pri realizácií a otvorení Stars of the bars cocktail baru. Ide o správny výber zamestnancov, angažovanosť spoločníkov - manažérov a aktivity vykonávané po otvorení.Abstract Theme: Business plan of Cocktail bar floatation Author of the bachelor thesis: Ján Koščo In this bachelor thesis I set to the business plan in which I decided to establish my own Cocktail bar named Stars of the bars. I divided it into four parts - theoretical part, characteristic of the company, practical part and recommendations to realize it. Theoretical part deals at first with planning, afterwards with the structure of business plan, which serves as a scheme for theoretical part of my paper. The second chapter includes characteristic of the company which I deal with in the theoretical part. The third part contains business plan of Cocktail bar floatation. This chapter is divided into 7 subchapters, which the business plan is supposed to include. It involves initial summary, enterprise branch, description of company, production plan, marketing plan, company management and finance specifications. In the last chapter – recommendations for realization, I mentioned important inputs, which need to be kept when realizing and opening Stars of the bars Cocktail bar. It contains the right way of recruiting, partners behaviour and involvement when opening, and activities which could be done after opening.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    omparison of PHP frameworks Symfony 2 and Zend Framework 2

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    Master thesis deals with a comparison of two web application frameworks in PHP. The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive view of the possibilities, differences and advantages of the selected frameworks. The main source for comparison is sample web applications that demonstrate these possibilities. For a comprehensive comparison, various criteria were chosen to analyze the properties of frameworks. These criteria are divided into five categories. Technology support examines the compatibility of framework for different versions of the platform. The most important and most widespread category is the analysis of options for creation of web applications, which discusses the most common tasks in developing applications and how frameworks approaches it. Other categories are design and architecture of framework, testing and general support for developers, which analyzes both online and offline sources of information used to learn and solve problems using the selected framework . Comparison results based on above mentioned criteria can help developers when choosing a modern web development framework for PHP platform

    Case study of web application using open source resources

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    This thesis is devoted to open source Content management system Drupal. The purpose of this work is to point out that this system offers a platform for creating web pages and applications and thus enables the creation of a wide range of applications. The theoretical part provides the basic information for the reader about content management systems and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of their use. The work contains a comparison of the three most popular content management systems (Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla) and also provides the base knowledge needed to develop applications using Drupal. The first step in the practical part was to create a functionally identical application using the Drupal CMS and web application framework CakePHP. Knowledge of development cycles have been processed into the final chapter, which consists of a brief summary of the cycles and time and knowledge analysis

    Diel pattern of utilization of shallow sandy habitats by fishes in temperate lowland rivers of various size

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    Diel changeover of fish assemblages in inshore habitats of lowland rivers is a world-wide phenomenon. Predator avoidance, resources partitioning and differences in food availability are usually given as main drivers of variation observed in fish presence. Researches performed in different European rivers have led to contradictory results, indicating either nocturnal or diurnal increase in species richness and abundance. It has been hypothesized that relative differences in availability of certain type of habitats (inshore vs. offshore) resulting from various size (discharge) of rivers might explain these discrepancies. We performed a series of 24-h samplings at three rivers differing in discharge: Vistula (~120 m3s-1), Nida (~22 m3s-1), and Czarna Nida (~5 m3s-1). Fish were caught by fine-meshed beach seine nets (6 × 2 m or 15 × 3 m) every 3 h in May, July/August and November 2014 and February 2015. We caught 1792 specimens classified into 24 species. In all instances the communities were dominated by small-sized cyprinids (dace, bleak, common gudgeon, whitefin gudgeon, and roach). NMDS ordination indicated a clear distinction between diurnal and nocturnal samples. PERMANOVA supported significance of time of day on the structure of fish assemblages. Despite seasonal modifications, in all three rivers an uniform pattern of diel changes in the composition of fishes occurred. Both species richness and abundance noticeably increased just after the dusk, then consecutively decreased towards the dawn and remained at constantly lower levels during the daytime. This suggests that overall changeover of fish assemblage reflects interspecific interactions ongoing in a given stream section and species composition might explain differences observed between various rivers better than the river discharge

    Evaluation of Water Resources through Efficiency Index and Water Productivity in EU

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    Water presents one of the earth resources as a component of environmental change, demanding the research of water use. A nusmber of authors analyzed water use from different perspectives, in different regions, not including the water efficiency index and water productivity in the whole of the EU. The presented contribution is orientated to the evaluation of water resources through the development of efficiency and productivity indexes in EU member states. The research is made by a single analysis of the index in time development, followed by countries’ comparison according to the available data and software support, accessing the sustainability features in water supply that are the three-fold-goals of economic feasibility, social responsibility, and environmental integrity, linked to the purpose of the water use. The results of the contribution show the countries with a positive indexes trend, and countries with a negative indexes trend. Such results can be used for improving measurements to increase water productivity, as well as to make measurements to decrease water use

    Diel changeover of fish assemblages in shallow sandy habitats of lowland rivers of different sizes

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    Diel dynamics of species richness and fish abundance were studied in three lowland rivers that differed significantly in size (discharge) in to the upper Vistula River drainage system (Poland). Shallow sandy habitats at point bars were repeatedly sampled with beach seining over 24-h periods. Species richness peaked at dusk and then decreased throughout the 24-h period in all the rivers. Overall fish abundance changed similarly in the smallest and the largest river, whereas in the mid-sized river it increased in the late afternoon hours. Some species (three gudgeon species, golden loach, and chub) were persistently nocturnal, whereas others (dace, bleak, and roach) shifted to diurnal activity in the mid-sized and large rivers. These differences in diel changes in the abundance of certain species might be explained in the context of variation in availability (i.e., proximity) of other, more heterogeneous habitats

    The “True Colours” of Golden Loaches (Teleostei: Cobitidae)

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    Loaches of the genus Sabanejewia are model organisms for many ichthyologic studies focusing on morphological and colour variation. The bright lateral spots—a part of the mimicry of this fish—cause a taxonomic puzzle. Common practice is that morphometric and molecular studies lack habitat assessments of species originating from different environments. In this study, we analysed body shape and colour variation within two species of Sabanejewia in order to reveal whether they are more affected by phylogeny or environmental conditions. The environmental parameters were obtained using satellite mapping tools, body shape using geometric morphometry, and the molecular identification of specimens using an analysis of mitochondrial DNA (sequence of the cytochrome b gene). Generalized linear mixed models were used for the analysis of lateral spot numbers, and principal components analysis to describe the changes in landmark position defined by the permutation tests. Results show a significant impact of the locality elevation and specimen’s sex on the change of the body shape. We identified significant differences in the number of lateral spots, which are considered mimicry variation across an elevation gradient. Morphological differences of Sabanejewia spp. vary with ecological factors along the river continuum

    Stepping Stone Wetlands, Last Sanctuaries for European Mudminnow: How Can the Human Impact, Climate Change, and Non-Native Species Drive a Fish to the Edge of Extinction?

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    Throughout their history humans “tamed” not only the Danube River basin land, but also the river and its associated wetlands, drastically influencing their characteristic habitats, associations, communities, and species. One of these flagship endemic fish species in this respect is the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792), influenced by Danube Basin geography, history, politics, and ecology. A study about this European community concern species in the context of long term human impact on its specific habitats, with potential synergic negative effects of climate change, was treated as highly needed, in an international researchers group initiative to support the efforts to provide hope for preserving this fish species and its ecosystems, and brought it back from the brink of extinction. All the characteristic inventoried wetlands which were or some of them still are natural, semi-natural, or accidental anthropogenic habitats, reveal an accentuated diminishing trend of this species areal continuity; fragmentation being the force which skewed it drastically untill now, and inducing diminishing the specific habitats quantitative and qualitative characteristics in the Danube Basin where these fish fight for survival. The main categories of human activities which impacted the climate changes in the context of this species’ habitats are: water regulation, pollution, dredging, draining, and introduction of non-native species. Overall, the diverse human impact in a climate changes in the context of this species’ habitats, Umbra krameri wetlands, creates serious perspectives on negatively influencing this at a very high scale and level. All the inventoried wetlands where Umbra krameri still survive can be considered an ecologically managed as a refuge and stepping stone wetlands, especially in the increasing climate change trend situation. Supplementary inventory studies in the field should be done for the identification of some may be unknown Umbra krameri habitats and populations