31 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the results of measurements which were carried out on Department of furnaces and thermal technology. Experiments were carried out on a countercurrent gasifier using different fuels, different flow gasification medium and different heights of backfill. In order to obtain values for emissions of the combustion process of producer gas are planned measurements for different composition of produced gas, depending on the type of gasifying medium. In our case, produced gas will be incinerated in the boiler or the cogeneration unit. These measurements are planned for in autumn 2014. The obtained data can serve as a basis for the use of produced gas in industrial practice


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    The article describes the determination of the temperature field around every line of transit pipeline during transportation of natural gas. Method of elementary balances (counts temperatures in three directions) was used to solve the complex temperature field. On the basis of the analysis, it is possible to determine whether it will be influence and to what extent may be influence of individual gas-pipelines. Formulas for calculations used in these models are specified in this article. The results of each models and simulations are shown in the graphical dependences. For the analyses were used: Autodesk Inventor Professional, Matlab, Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics

    Differences and Similarities in Patterns of Ageing Society in the European Union

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    Population ageing is a demographic issue that emphasises the need to be interested in the lives of the most vulnerable population group: the elderly population. The paper investigates the ageing process and their relations among the European Union member countries from 2009 to 2019. These countries are assessed and dispersed to the appropriate clusters according to several indicators related to the areas that affect the lives of the elderly population: namely, the health status, the labour market conditions, and financial security. The focus is on the age group 55 years and over as it is a disadvantaged age group in the job application process regarding ageing society. It is a significant aspect of public finance system. The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, the Labour Force Survey, and the European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics data are involved. The quantitative approaches are applied in the cluster analysis and followed by the panel data linear regression analysis. The dendrograms visualise the three clusters representing the mutual relations and the ageing patterns among the explored countries. The heat maps are created to prove the potential relations among the observed countries. The panel regression model demonstrates that the three variables – part-time employment, the income inequality, and the material and social deprivation – are statistically significant in all the regression models for the whole area and the three clusters. The analytical outcome could be applied as a valuable resource to government and national representatives. It can help identify the objectionable determinants for a custom policy and implement appropriate measures to improve the situation of the elderly population

    Redetermination of aqua­(dihydrogen ethyl­enediamine­tetra­acetato-κ5 O,O′,N,N′,O′′)nickel(II)

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, [Ni(C10H14N2O8)(H2O)] or [Ni(H2edta)(H2O)] (H4edta is ethyl­ene­diamine­tetra­acetic acid), originally determined by Smith & Hoard [J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1959), 81, 556–561] has been redetermined to a significantly higher precision. The NiII atom is coordinated in a distorted octa­hedral geometry by two N atoms and three O atoms from three carboxyl­ate groups of the H2edta2− ligand and by an O atom of a water mol­ecule. The complex mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into layers perpendicular to [100]

    Zobrazení svobodné vůle v povídkách Miguela Torgy

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    Key words: characters, free choice, free will, motivation, relations with authorities This thesis is focused on work of Portuguese writer Miguel Torga, author of an extensive corpus of poetic as well as prosaic works. Since this literary study is the first study of his work, the opening part of the thesis is focused on author's life and on putting his work into historical and literary context of that time. Second part of the thesis concentrates primarily on literary analysis of two selected collections of short stories, in which Miguel Torga returns to rural background of his childhood. Into this environment with archaic and pagan attributes Torga introduces strong and unique characters, who are often confronted with critical situations. At such moments author can expose characters' qualities to reader together with their motivation, relations to other individuals, to present community or to other authorities. Analysis of these basic factors enables resulting study of an existence of free will of characters and of possible manifestation of their free will in comparison to selected elements of philosophy of existentialism, which was arising in that time.Kľúčové slová: slobodné rozhodovanie postáv, slobodná vôľa, motivácia, vzťah k autoritám Diplomová práca sa venuje dielu Miguela Torgu, autora, ktorý počas skoro celého 20. storočia vytvoril rozsiahly korpus básnických i prozaických diel. Keďže sa jedná o prvú literárnu štúdiu jeho diela, v úvodnej časti práce sa venujem autorovmu životu a snažím sa o zasadenie jeho diela do dobového literárneho a historického kontexu. Druhá časť práce je zameraná na literárnu analýzu dvoch súborov poviedok Miguela Torgu, v ktorých sa vracia do rurálneho prostredia svojho detstva. Do tohto prostredia s archaickými a pohanskými črtami vnáša silné a jedinečné postavy, ktoré často stavia do kritických situácií, aby v takýchto momentoch čitateľovi odhalil ich charaktery, motiváciu ich činov a ich vzťah k iným jednotlivcom, prítomnej komunite či iným autoritám. Rozbor týchto základných prvkov umožňuje následné skúmanie existencie slobodnej vôle vytváraných postáv a prejavov tejto slobodnej vôle v porovnaní s vybranými prvkami v tej dobe sa objavujúcej filozofie existencializmu.Institute of Romance StudiesÚstav románských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Regulation requirements for banks oriented to accounting reporting

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    Cílem práce je sledování bankovního dohledu regulátorem s důrazem na reporting a účetní výkaznictví a především jeho praktický výkon přímo v bankách. Práce shrnuje celkové požadavky na banky z pohledu České národní banky i Evropské unie. Věnuje se také nové reformě bankovního dohledu, která vstoupila v platnost od roku 2014. Reportingu bank vůči regulátorovi je věnována hlavní část a zároven je vysvětlena základní podstata každého reportu. Pro pochopení celkových souvislostí jsou uvedeny také způsoby, jak jsou zprávy doručovány regulátorovi a jaké mohou nastat sankce za porušení povinností. Praktická část má ověřit, zda se skutečnost shoduje s právními normami a jak probíhá dohled v praxi. Na příkladu dvou bank jsou uvedeny postupy, jak se reporty tvoří a jak probíhá proces komunikace s regulátorem. Závěrem jsou shrnuty principy reportingu českých bank, vliv nové reformy na banky a také je zhodnocen způsob, jak je celý výkon dohledu prakticky vykonáván.The purpose of the final thesis is to analyze the banking regulation oriented to accounting reporting and supervision in every single bank. The first part focuses on definition of regulation requirements generally and a big part is dedicated to the new banking reform valid since 2014. Main part of the thesis is focused on reporting to regulator such as ČNB and EU. What is more, the main principles of every single reports are explained. For understanding of all topics chapters related to delivering report to regulator and penalties for reporting failure are also included. As far as practical part of the work is concerned, its aim is to verify that the legal requirements are in compliance with the reality in the banking business. On the example of two banks there is mentioned the process of creating reports and delivering to regulators. The conclusion summarizes the reporting principles applied in the Czech banks, the impact of the new bank reform and my opinion on the new way of supervision process is included as well

    Primary Elections in USA in 2016

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on presidential primary election in USA in 2016. Aim of this thesis is to find out, how candidates of Democratic party and Republican party were doing in early primaries and analyze their progress. This thesis is dealing with history of nomination process and delegates election methods on party conventions, where a candidate for president is selected. Thesis also deals with comparison of candidates programs in individual parties. In last part candidate results of both parties in early primaries are evaluated. Furthermore, progress of primaries after Super Tuesday till 26th April is summarized

    Manifestation of free will in short stories of Miguel Torga

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    Key words: characters, free choice, free will, motivation, relations with authorities This thesis is focused on work of Portuguese writer Miguel Torga, author of an extensive corpus of poetic as well as prosaic works. Since this literary study is the first study of his work, the opening part of the thesis is focused on author's life and on putting his work into historical and literary context of that time. Second part of the thesis concentrates primarily on literary analysis of two selected collections of short stories, in which Miguel Torga returns to rural background of his childhood. Into this environment with archaic and pagan attributes Torga introduces strong and unique characters, who are often confronted with critical situations. At such moments author can expose characters' qualities to reader together with their motivation, relations to other individuals, to present community or to other authorities. Analysis of these basic factors enables resulting study of an existence of free will of characters and of possible manifestation of their free will in comparison to selected elements of philosophy of existentialism, which was arising in that time

    Valuation and reporting of bonds from the perspective of an investor

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    The work is devoted to bonds from the perspective of the investor. There are legal standards for issue of bonds and obligation to draw up conditions of issue and prospectus. There are described the basic principles and calculations of price, yield, maturity and risk. Main emphasis is placed on reporting bonds from the perspective of Czech accounting standards and international accounting standards. The work is completed with an application example of real negotiable bond analysis, where the important information is explained

    Catalysts for the electro-Fenton oxidation of wastewater

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    Tato diplomová práce se v teoretické části zabývá katalyzátory elektro-Fentonovy reakce. Popisuje aplikace Fentonových a elektro-Fentonových procesů na konktrétních znečišťujících látkách. Velký důraz je kladen na popis vlastností železa, vzhledem k tomu, že jeho ionty jsou typickým katalyzátorem využívaným při elektro-Fentontonově oxidaci. Také jsou shrnuty analytické techniky pro stanovení železa. Samostatná kapitola je věnována korozi a elektrochemickému působení. Experimentální část se věnuje analytickým metodám stanovení železa, korozním vlivům prostředí a elektrochemickému rozpouštění obětované anody.The theoretical part of this master thesis deals with the catalyst for electro-Fenton reaction. It describes the applications of Fenton?s and electro-Fenton?s processes on the specific pollutants. Special emphasis is placed on the description of properties of iron, in the view of the fact that iron ions are the typical catalysts used in the electro-Fenton?s oxidation. Analytical techniques for the determination of iron are also summarized. A separate chapter is focused on corrosion and electrochemical action. The experimental part is devoted to the analytical methods for determination of iron, surroundings effects of corrosion and electrochemical dissolution of the sacrificial anode.Ústav environmentálního a chemického inženýrstvíJakým způsobem jste určovala korozní rychlost? Úbytek železa jste sledovala vážením. Jaké byly rozdíly ve hmotnostech? Výsledky uvádíte za jeden rok. Jak dlouho probíhalo skutečné měření? Byly prováděny aproximace? Když srovnáte elektro-fentonovu reakci s fentonovou reakcí, pro které látky je elektro-fentonova~ reakce vhodná