215 research outputs found

    Determination of the service quality among sport and fitness centers of the selected universities

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         Purpose of this study was to determine the service quality among sport and fitness centers of universities. Participants of the study were constituted of 484 (194 female, and 290 male) persons who are students, academics and administrative staffs attending to sport and fitness centers of seven universities in Ankara. The mean age of the participants was 22.45 ± 5.14.      The SQAS-T (The Turkish Version of the Service Quality Assessment Scale) was used as instrument. In the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics was used to investigate distribution of mean of the participants’ difference scores (service quality satisfaction scores).      Results indicated that service quality among the sport and fitness centers of the universities did not fulfill their users’ expectations. However, according to mean of total difference scores it was seen this dissatisfaction level was not so huge

    Postoperative pain intensity after using different instrumentation techniques: a randomized clinical study

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    Postoperative pain is a frequent complication associated with root canal treatment, especially during apical instrumentation of tooth with preexisting periradicular inflammation Objectives The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the influence of the instrumentation techniques on the incidence and intensity of postoperative pain in single-visit root canal treatment. Material and Methods Ninety patients with single root/canal and non-vital pulps were included. The patients were assigned into 3 groups according to root canal instrumentation technique used; modified step-back, reciprocal, and rotational techniques. Root canal treatment was carried out in a single visit and the severity of postoperative pain was assessed via 4-point pain intensity scale. All the participants were called through the phone at 12, 24 and 48 h to obtain the pain scores. Data were analyzed through the Kruskal–Wallis test. Results There was significant difference between all groups (

    Smart Control Systems And Energy Saving Applications For Outdoor Lighting in Example Of Public Parks And Organized Industrial Zones

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    Kamu aydınlatması enerji kullanımının büyük bir bölümünü oluşturduğu için akıllı aydınlatma kontrol sistemleri, kent parkları ve organize sanayi bölgelerinde akıllı şehre ulaşmanın ve enerji tasarrufu elde etmenin en önemli adımıdır. Bu bildiride kent parkları ve organize sanayi bölgeleri için akıllı şehir aydınlatmasına ve uygulamalarına odaklanılmış ve mevcut altyapıya kolaylıkla uygulanabilen bir akıllı sokak aydınlatması kontrol sistemi önerilmiştir. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, akıllı şehir aydınlatma sistemi kullanıldığı zaman esnek olmayan ve ön tanımlı davranışa sahip sistemlere nazaran %50-60’a yakın enerji tasarrufu sağlanmaktadır. Smart lighting control systems are the most important step for public parks and organized industrial zones to achive smart city and energy savings since public lighting system is one of the largest part of the energy usage. In this paper we focus on smart city lighting and its applications for public parks and organized industrial zones and propose an intelligent street lighting control system which can be easily implemented on existing infrastructure. The results reveal energy savings close to 50-60% when the smart city lighting control system is implemented as opposed to a rigid, predefined behaviors and system

    Insulin resistance and serum leptin levels in men with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the insulin resistance andserum leptin levels in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS), and to compare body mass indexes (BMI) of OSAS patients withmatched controls without OSAS.Method: Twenty eight patients having apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)?5included in the study. Thirty two healthy subjects assumed as a controlgroup. Venous blood was obtained in the fasting state for themeasurement of glucose, insulin and leptin levels. Insulin resistanceindex was based on the homeostasis model assesment method (HOMAIR).Result: There was no significant difference in the serum leptin levels(control group, 32.88±24.22 ng/ml, OSAS group, 24.93±25.84 ng/ml) and HOMA-IR (control group, 3.01±1.81, OSAS group, 2.58±1.21)between control group and OSAS patients. Insulin resistance and circulatingplasma leptin concentrations in OSAS patients were independentof the AHI and were not different from the control group.Conclusion: We concluded that insulin resistance and plasma leptinconcentrations are mostly associated with the degree of obesity andBMI. Those parameters seem not to be related with the AHI in OSASpatients

    Kolektif Öğretmen Yeterliğinin Dört Çerçeve Liderlik Modeli Perspektifinden Değerlendirilmesi

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    Collective teacher efficacy, as an important factor for school effectiveness, can be improved by leader behaviors in schools. Unlike the sum of individual teachers' efforts, the concept of collective teacher efficacy points to a greater impact on student achievement when teachers unify their efficacies. Therefore, examining the leadership orientations that play a role in the development process of collective teacher efficacy was seen worth for study. In this context, the purpose of the study is to find out the relationships between teachers’ perceptions about four-frame leadership orientations of principals and collective teacher efficacy. 452 primary school teachers participated in the study in which Leadership Orientation Scale and Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale were used. The teacher perceptions showed that leadership frames preferred by school principals are, respectively, structural, political, human resource and symbolic frame. It was also found that the collective teacher efficacy perceptions of teachers were influenced by seniority of teachers and settlement location of schools. Controlling for the variables of seniority and settlement location of school, all leadership frames were found to be predictors of the collective teacher efficacy. Accordingly, while the strongest predictor was the symbolic frame, the weakest predictor was the structural frame.Okul etkililiği açısından büyük önem taşıyan kolektif öğretmen yeterliği, okul liderliğinden etkilenen örgütsel bir özelliktir. Öğretmenlerin teker teker çabalarının toplamından ziyade, yeterliklerini bütünleştirdiklerinde ortaya çıkan daha büyük bir etkiye işaret etmektedir. Bu nedenle kolektif öğretmen yeterliğinin gelişiminde rol oynayan liderlik eğilimlerinin incelenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı, liderlerin dört çerçeve liderlik eğilimlerine yönelik öğretmen algıları ile kolektif öğretmen yeterliği arasındaki ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmaktır. 452 ilkokul öğretmeni ile yürütülen bu araştırmada, Liderlik Yönelimleri Ölçeği ve Kolektif Öğretmen Yeterliği Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen görüşleri, okul müdürleri tarafından tercih edilen liderlik eğilimlerinin sırasıyla yapısal çerçeve, politik çerçeve, insan kaynakları çerçevesi ve sembolik çerçeve olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca bulgular, öğretmenlerin kolektif öğretmen yeterliğine ilişkin algılarının kıdem ve okulun bulunduğu yerleşim yerinden (merkez ve çevre ilçeler) etkilendiğini göstermiştir. Kıdem ve okulun bulunduğu yerleşim yeri değişkenleri kontrol altına alındığında, tüm liderlik eğilimlerinin kolektif öğretmen yeterliğinin anlamlı bir yordayıcısı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte kolektif öğretmen yeterliğinin en güçlü yordayıcısının sembolik çerçeve liderlik eğilimi, en zayıf yordayıcısının ise yapısal çerçeve liderlik eğilimi olduğu saptanmıştır

    The Evaluation with Multi Criteria Decision Model of Substance Abuse in High School Youth

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    Multi criteria decision making methods is a methodological tool that allows decision maker to choose the best alternative or sequence of these alternatives by optimizing the quantitative and qualitative criteria. In the study, classical and fuzzy multi criteria decision making methods are used for the purpose of identifying the risks in educational institutions posed by substance abuse, which is particularly widespread among today's teenagers, threatens human health and public welfare. In this context, the factors that affect the substance abuse and relative importance weights of these factors is specified according to expert choices by way of a survey that was prepared on substance abuse among young people is applied to high school students who are currently studying in Ankara's Keçiören district and analysis is made with using fuzzy ANP. In the second phase of the study, a comparative evaluate of the schools in the district that have a high density of students who are under the risk of substance abuse and need support in this regard, is identified with using fuzzy VIKOR methods of classical methods. Obtained results of this analysis used in substance abuse with a particular fiction shows that these methods can be used in areas requiring risk analysis and also in applications where delivery of important and sensitive decisions based on subjective opinion, decision makers are proposed more effective and realistic results

    Examining teachers’ opinions on social Justice leadership: Sosyal adalet liderliğine ilişkin öğretmen görüşlerinin incelenmesi

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    Social justice leadership is a leadership approach that focuses on utilizing educational opportunities of disadvantaged students equally with others. The purpose of this research is to examine school principals' social justice leadership behaviors according to teacher's views. It was designed in terms of qualitative research method. The data were collected through focus group interviews with six teachers and individual interviews with 16 teachers. Semi-structured interview form was used for interviews. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The themes were built on the dimensions of social justice leadership: supporting disadvantaged students, inclusion and critical consciousness. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the school principals concentrate more on the dimension of supporting disadvantaged students and the behaviors displayed in the other two dimensions are limited. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Sosyal adalet liderliği,  dezavantajlı öğrencilerin eğitim olanaklarından diğerleri ile eşit düzeyde yararlanmalarına odaklanan bir liderlik yaklaşımıdır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, okul müdürlerinin sosyal adalet liderliği davranışlarını öğretmen görüşlerine göre incelemektir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemine göre desenlenmiştir. Veriler altı öğretmenle gerçekleştirilmiş olan odak grup görüşmesi ve 16 öğretmenle yapılmış olan birebir görüşmelerle toplanmıştır. Görüşmelerde yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Veriler betimsel analiz ile çözümlenmiştir. Temalar sosyal adalet liderliğinin, dezavantajlı öğrencilerin desteklenmesi, kapsama/kaynaştırma ve eleştirel bilinç boyutları çerçevesinde oluşturulmuştur. Bulgular ışığında okul müdürlerinin, dezavantajlı öğrencilerin desteklenmesi boyutuna görece daha fazla yoğunlaştıkları, diğer iki boyutta sergilenen davranışların sınırlı olduğu genel sonucuna ulaşılmıştı

    Determination of Pipeline Damages during Earthquakes Considering Different Soil Formations

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    It is necessary that infrastructure systems in urban areas remain functional, especially during various disasters. Drinking water should be provided without any disruption and waste water disposed without any adverse environmental and health effects. However in Turkey, infrastructure facilities and pipelines suffer heavy damages at every earthquake. Therefore, the damages that may occur during an earthquake should be taken into consideration when infrastructure pipelines are designed. These damages have been observed especially in recent earthquakes, such as 1992 Erzincan (Mw= 7.9), 1995 Dinar (Mw= 6.0), 1999 Kocaeli (Mw= 7.8), and 2011 Van (Mw= 7.2). In addition to soil properties, material properties of pipeline, soil-pipeline interactions, connection points and details of pipes play an important role when post-earthquake damages are analyzed. In this study, the displacements of infrastructure pipelines in areas of high earthquake risk are estimated through a numerical model to assess likely damages. Furthermore, the relationship between damage patterns and displacements of infrastructure systems after an earthquake is examined based on varying soil types and conditions

    Evaluation of Postoperative Pain After Using Different File Systems: A Randomized Clinical Study

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    Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of instrumentation techniques on the postoperative pain after single-visit root canal treatment. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients having an indication of endodontic treatment were included. Only single rooted teeth were selected The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. In group 1; the root canals were instrumented using ProTaper Next instruments with rotational motion, in group 2 TF Adaptive instruments with adaptive motion were used during instrumentation. Treatments were completed in a single appointment. Postoperative pain questionnaires were scored by patients using a four-point pain intensity scale for 12, 24, and 48 hours. Mann Whitney-U, Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used for analyzing the final data. Results: The comparison of time intervals between groups demonstrated no difference between both groups (p>.05). In both groups, the postoperative pain values of 12h time period were significantly higher than both other periods, and significant difference was found between 24h and 48h time periods (p<0.05). The postoperative pain values of 48h time period were significantly lower than the other two time periods (p<0.05). Conclusions: Both instrumentation techniques caused postoperative pain. The pain scores indicated that both techniques caused limited discomfort associated with slight pain which did not require any additional treatment and medication