395 research outputs found

    Preparation and Characterization of Self-Assembled Thin Film of MPS-Capped ZnS Quantum Dots for Optical Applications

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    For this study, we prepared colloidal ZnS quantum dots using 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPS) as the capping agent. Colloidal ZnS quantum dots were directly deposited on glass substrates by a spin coating process. Therefore, self-assembled films made of ZnS quantum dots in a SiO2 network were obtained using only one production step. The films were heat-treated at 100°, 125°, 150°, 175° and 200°C in an N2 atmosphere. The results showed that the dimension of quantum dots changed from 2.8 nm to 3.2 nm by heat treatment. The refractive index, extinction coefficient, thickness, and dielectric coefficient values of the films were calculated. The present study showed that size and the refractive indices of films can be controlled by the heat treatment. Therefore, such films can be a good candidate in optical filter applications

    Traditional clothings of Greek Orthodox women immigrants who immigrated from Turkey to Greece at the “1923 Greek-Turkish population exchange”

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    Göç eylemleri ile topluluklar, yaşadıkları yerlerden yaşayacakları yeni yerlere ulaşırken sadece kendilerini değil, bu serüvende sahip oldukları kültürlerini de beraberlerinde götürerek, yeni bir etkileşim sürecinin hazırlayıcısı olurlar. Bu etkileşim sürecinde göçmenler ile yerel topluluklara ait olan kültürel değerlerin yeniden şekillenmesi durumu gündeme gelmektedir. Söz konusu durum, göç eylemlerinin toplulukların giyim-kuşam anlayışlarına ait etkisini doğrudan göstermekle birlikte, göçmen toplulukların sahip olduğu giysilere ilişkin kültürel değerlerin bir göstergesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırmada; Atina "National Historical Museum"da "1923 Türk-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi" döneminde Yunanistan'a göçen Ortodoks Rum kadın göçmenlerin giysilerine ait özelliklerin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türk ve Yunan topluluklar için önemli bir göç olayı olarak gösterilebilecek "1923 Türk-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi" öncesi dönemde, "Giresun (Kerasounta)", "Nevşehir (Neapolis)" ve "Kırklareli-Kavaklı (Saranta Eklesies-Kavakli)" bölgelerinde yaşamış olan Rum kadın göçmenlere ait giysiler; alanın gerektirdiği bir sistematikle; biçim, form, süsleme ve kuşanma biçimleri açısından ele alınmıştır. Giysi bütünlüğünü oluşturan giysi parçalarının biçimsel özelliklerinin grafik çizimleri yapılmış, bu özellikler ilgili literatür ve kaynak kişilerden edinilen bilgiler doğrultusunda tanımlanmıştır. Araştırma, Yunanistan'ın en önemli giysi arşivlerinden birine sahip olan "National Historical Museum" giysi koleksiyonu envanterindeki "1923 Türk-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi" ile Türkiye'den Yunanistan'a göç eden Ortodoks Rum kadın göçmenlerin geldikleri yerlerde kullandıkları giyim-kuşam özelliklerini içermesi, mevcut kültürel kimlikleri yansıtması ve belgelendirmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma, maddi kültür miraslarının belgelenerek gelecek kuşaklara aktarılmasına katkı sağlamak ve bu konuda çalışma yapacak kişi ve kuruluşlara kaynak oluşturmak açısından da önemlidir.With immigrations, while communities are reaching to the new places where they have lived before, they carried their cultural values to their new settlements creating a new interaction process. In this interaction process, reshaping of cultural values of the immigrants and the local communities appear. The situation in question directly shows that immigrations effect clothing insights of the communites and it additionally emerges as an cultural indicator of the clothing that immigrant communities have. In this research, clothing features of Greek Orthodox women immigrants who immigrated from Turkey to Greece in the period of “1923 Greek-Turkish Population Exchange” which are being exibited at the “National Historical Museum” in Athens are aimed to be examined. Clothings of the Greek Orthodox women immigrants who lived in “Giresun (Kerasounta)”, “Nevşehir (Neapolis)” and “Kırklareli-Kavaklı (Saranta Eklesies-Kavakli)” regions before the “1923 Greek-Turkish Population Exchange” which is a very important immigration, were discussed in terms of form, ornamentation and dressing styles with the systematic requirements of the field. Graphical drawings are provided considering formal features of the clothing parts that formed clothing integrity and their properties are described with the use of related literature and the informations provided from reference people. This study is of importance that that it contains Greek Orthodox refugees’s clothings that are found in the clothing collection archive at the “National Historical Museum” in Greece reflecting the cultural identities, providing information and documentation on the clothing features of the “1923 Greek-Turkish Population Exchange”. Furthermore it is also of importance in contributing the transfer of the documented material culture to future generations and creating a source for the persons and institutions researching this issue.Publisher's Versio

    Identifying probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus crispatus isolated from the vagina

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    Lactobacilli prevent overproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and contribute protecting vaginal microbiota. Many probiotic microorganisms are categorized as Lactic Acid Bacteria. In this study, it was aimed identifying probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus crispatus isolated from the vagina of a healthy woman. For this purpose, lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and proteolytic activity quantities and auto-aggregation, co-aggregation and hydrophobicity abilities of Lactobacillus crispatus, which has been isolated and identified by 16s rRNA sequence analysis, were determined. Additionally, bile salt and acid resistance, along with antibiotic susceptibility of Lactobacillus crispatus were analyzed by the end of 3 hours. Lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and proteolytic activity quantities of Lactobacillus crispatus were measured 2.275%, 0.334±0.075 µg/mL and 2.131±0,000 mg/mL respectively. The findings include existence of co-aggregation and auto-aggregation ability, but not hydrophobicity. By the end of 3 hours, the viability was preserved in 0.1% and 0.3% bile salt medium and, at pH 3. L. crispatus exhibited resistance to methicillin, metronidazole, oxacillin, and sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim, but the bacteria exhibited susceptibility to tested the other antibiotics. This study will make an important contribution to the literature about probiotic characteristics of L. crispatus and our strain isolated from the vagina might be considered as a candidate probiotic

    Bir kedide ısırık yarası kaynaklı rektokutanöz fistül tedavisi

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    Recto-cutaneous fistulas, which are common in humans, rarely occur in companion animals. In this case report, we aimed to provide information to our colleagues about the diagnosis and treatment of recto-cutaneous fistula in a cat. A one and a half months old British shorthair kitten, weighing 600 g, was brought to Afyon Kocatepe University Veterinary Health Application and Research Center Surgery Clinic by its owner because of an open wound on the side of the tail for a week, and feces coming from this wound. Recto-cutaneous fistula was diagnosed on clinical examination. Under general anesthesia, the defect was sutured with simple pattern. Since the skin sutures were opened, the wound was treated with rifamiycine, nitrofurazone ointment and bephanthene cream after irrigation with rivanol %0.1. In conclusion, recto-cutaneous fistula, which is the most important complication of rectal perforation for any reason, is rarely seen in cats and dogs. Accurate diagnosis and treatment are important for rapid recovery.İnsanlarda sıklıkla görülen rektokutanöz fistüller, evcil hayvanlarda nadiren ortaya çıkar. Bu olgu sunumunda, yavru bir kedide karşılaşın rektokutanöz fistül olgusunun tanı ve tedavisi hakkında klinisyen meslektaşlarımıza bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır. Biritish shorthair ırkı 1,5 aylık 600 gr ağrılığındaki bir kedi, kuyruğunun yanında içinden dışkı gelen bir yara şikayetiyle Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Veteriner Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezine getirildi. Klinik muayene yapılarak rektokunatöz fistül tanısı konuldu. Genel anestezi altında rektumdaki defekt belirlendi ve basit ayrı dikiş uygulaması yapılarak kapatıldı. Deri dikişleri açıldığı için %0,1’lik rivanol ile irrigasyon sağlandıktan sonra rifamisin ampul, furasin pomad ve bepanten krem ile yara tedavisi yapıldı. Sonuç olarak, herhangi bir sebeple oluşan rektum perforasyonunun en önemli komplikasyonu olan rektokutanöz fistül kedi ve köpeklerde nadiren görülen bir durumdur. Doğru teşhis ve tedavi iyileşmenin hızlı şekillenmesinde önemlidir

    Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programındaki Etkinliklere Yönelik Öz-Yeterlik İnanç Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Analizi

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    The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale for preschool teachers’ selfefficacy beliefs as they were related to activities in the 2013 preschool education program. The participants in this study consisted of 425 preschool teachers selected by random sampling. The researchers created an instrument consisting of 59 items, all answered using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Expert opinions were obtained for the content validity of the scale, and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to determine its construct validity. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the scale had 10 factors: Art, Drama, Field Trips, Mathematics, Movement, Music, Play, Preparation for Reading and Writing, Science and Turkish Language. The total reliability coefficient (Cronbach alpha) for the scale was calculated as .95. Taken as a whole, the results show that this self-efficacy scale is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring preschool teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs concerning activities in the preschool education programBu araştırmanın amacı, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin Türk okul öncesi eğitim programındaki etkinlikleri uygulamalarına yönelik, öz-yeterlik inançlarını belirlemek için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Araştırmada, seçkisiz örneklem yöntemi kullanılmış olup, çalışmanın örneklemini 425 okul öncesi öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Okul öncesi eğitim programındaki etkinliklere yönelik öz-yeterlik ölçeğinin kapsam geçerliliği için uzman görüşüne başvurulmuştur. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliliğini saptamak amacıyla Açımlayıcı ve Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Beşli Likert tipi, 59 maddeden oluşan ölçeğin açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda ölçeğin maddelerinin; Fen, Türkçe, Matematik, Okuma-Yazmaya Hazırlık, Müzik, Alan Gezileri, Hareket, Oyun, Drama ve Sanat olmak üzere 10 alt boyuttan oluştuğu saptanmıştır. Ölçeğin tüm maddeleri için hesaplanan toplam güvenirlik katsayısı (Cronbach alpha) .95 olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca ölçeğin 10 faktörlü yapısı, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile de doğrulanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda; okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programındaki Etkinliklere Yönelik Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeğinin; öğretmenlerin öz-yeterlik inanışlarını ölçebilecek geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğu saptanmıştır.

    Nursing Care Satisfaction among Patients Infected with Covid-19: A Turkish Perspective

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    The aim of this study was to determine the satisfaction with nursing care among patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and related factors. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted between June and July 2020. The population of the study consisted of 102 patients treated in the Covid-19 clinics of the University Teaching and Research Hospital. The data were collected using the Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale with a total of 19 items, and the Patient Description Form designed to record the sociodemographic characteristics and medical histories. The data were evaluated using the program package IBM SPSS 20.0. To test the significance of the difference between two independent groups, the Student’s t-test was used, and the one-way ANOVA was used to test the significance of the difference between more than two groups. Results. The results showed that most patients were satisfied with nursing care. A higher level of satisfaction was seen in patients treated in the Covid-19 intensive care units, those with chronic conditions, and those who received information about their health state from nurses. Patients’ family type, sharing fears and worries with nurses, getting information from nurses and the quality of nursing care were the variables significantly associated with patient satisfaction with nursing care. Conclusions. Satisfaction with nursing care among Covid-19 patients was moderate. When nurses use effective communication skills to meet patients’ care needs, provide patients with adequate information, allow them to express their feelings, and keep them safe, this will further enhance patient satisfaction

    Bir kızıl tilkide (vulpes vulpes) ısırılma yarasında myiazis olgusu

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    In this case report, a female adult red fox (Vulpes vulpes) found exhausted by the villagers in rural area of Eskişehir constituted the study material. A rare myiasis disease was diagnosed in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) who was examined in the Surgery Clinic of the Veterinary Health Application and Research Center. Myiasis is a clinically important condition that can lead to a wide variety of diseases caused by fly larvae. In the case under consideration, multiple puncture wounds containing skin and subcutaneous connective tissues were detected in the thoracic region. The exhausted fox was restrained without the need for any anesthetic procedure, and the wound area was shaved, wound debridement was performed with polyvinyl iode and the larvae were removed manually with forceps. The treatment was terminated with a favorable prognosis, as the red fox was compliant with the treatment during the examination and recovery period and no extra systemic and wound complications were encountered. In conclusion, myiasis, which is rarely formed in the injuries of red foxes encountered in the wild, and the formation of a rapid recovery process with a routine treatment were discussed in order to inform our colleagues and readers and increase their experience.Bu olgu sunumunda, Eskişehir’in kırsal bölgesinde köylüler tarafından bitkin halde bulunan dişi ergin bir kızıl tilki (Vulpes vulpes) çalışma materyalini oluşturdu. Veteriner Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Cerrahi kliniğinde muayene edilen Kızıl Tilki’de (Vulpes vulpes) nadir görülen miyazis hastalığı teşhis edildi. Miyazis klinik açıdan önemi olan ve sinek larvalarından kaynaklanan çok çeşitli hastalığa kapı açabilen bir durumdur. Ele alınan olguda torakal bölgede deri ve derialtı bağ dokuları içeren çok sayıda punktur yarası belirlendi. Bitkin düşen tilkinin herhangi bir anestezik işleme gerek kalmadan zaptı raptı sağlanarak yara bölgesi tıraşlandı, polivinil iode ile yara debridmanı gerçekleştirildi ve larvalar manuel olarak pens ile uzaklaştırıldı. Kızıl tilkinin muayene ve iyileşme süresinde tedaviye uyumlu davranması ve ekstra sistemik ve yara yeri komplikasyonuna rastlanmaması ile prognoz olumlu şekilde tedavi sonlandırıldı. Sonuç olarak, yaban hayatta karşılaşılan kızıl tilkilerin yaralanmalarında nadiren şekillenen miyazis durumu ve rutin bir tedavi ile hızlı bir iyileşme sürecinin şekillenmesi meslektaşlarımızın ve okuyucuların bilgilendirilmesi ve tecrübelerinin artırılması amacıyla ele alındı

    Deaths from Motorcycle Accidents: An Autopsy Study from Turkey

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    Motorcyclists and pillion passengers in road traffic accidents have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality because of lack of adequate safety systems. The purpose of this study was to analyze the injuries sustained by motorcycle riders and pillion passengers in fatal motorcycle accidents. A total of 56 cases autopsied in the Istanbul Morgue Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine were included in this study. The majority of the cases were young males. Fifty (89.3%) cases were riders and six (10.7%) were pillion passengers. The vast majority (78.6%) of the cases died at the scene or on the same day in hospital. Most of the cases had multiple traumas, and the most common trauma was head trauma (n = 45). The most common injury was intracranial hemorrhage (n = 40). Fifteen (26.8%) cases tested positive for drug and/or alcohol intake. These autopsy findings can be helpful for medicolegal examinations to diagnose possible injuries and also for the automotive industry to improve better protective safety devices for motorcycle riders

    Bir boxer ırkı köpekte torakal spondilozis deformans olgusu

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    Bu olgu sunumunun materyalini 5 yaşlı, boxer ırkı erkek köpek oluşturdu. Alınan anamnez bilgide olgunun yürürken ve merdiven inip çıkarken isteksiz olduğu ve ağrı duyduğu, ön ekstremitelerde koordinasyon bozukluğu olduğu, sallantılı şekilde yürüdüğü öğrenildi. Yapılan klinik ve ortopedik muayenede ekstremitelerde kırık ve çıkık bulgusuna rastlanılmadı. Muayene sırasında ağrı tepkileri verdiği izlendi. Olgunun alınan torakal LL, VD ve abdomen LL radyografilerinde vertebralar arasında kemik üremeleri olduğu tespit edildi. Torakal ve lumbal T3-T4, T4-T5, T5-T6 ve L2-L3, L4-L5, L6-L7 omurlar arasında köprüleşme şeklinde kemik üremeleri gözlendi. Tedavide Prednol 2 mg/kg dozunda ilk gün IV sonraki iki gün IM yapıldı. Gün aşırı B-kompleks vitamin desteği sağlandı ve fizik tedavi önerildi. Sonuç olarak nadir olarak rastlanan kranial torakal spondilozis deformans olgusunun klinik hekimliği yapan meslektaşlarımızla paylaşmanın klinik pratiğe katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.The material of this case report was consisted of a 5-years-old boxer male dog. In the anamnesis information obtained, it was learned that the patient was reluctant and felt pain while walking and going up and down the stairs, had incoordination disorder in the front extremities, and walked wobbly. In the clinical and orthopedic examination, no fracture or dislocation findings were found in the extremities. It was observed that he gave pain responses during the examination. In the thoracic LL, VD and abdominal LL radiographs of the patient, bone growths were detected between the vertebrae. Bone growths in the form of bridging were observed between the thoracic and lumbar T3-T4, T4-T5, T5-T6 and L2-L3, L4-L5, L6-L7 vertebrae. In the treatment, Prednol was administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg, IV on the first day and IM on the next two days. Every other day, B-complex vitamin support was provided and physical therapy was recommended. As a result, it is thought that sharing a rare case of cranial thoracic spondylosis deformans with our clinical colleagues will contribute to clinical practice

    Pediatric Tracheotomy: A Relatively Rare Indication Limited to Pediatric Intensive Care Subjects?

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    Objective:To evaluate indications, underlying conditions and outcome in pediatric tracheotomy subjects.Methods:Between January 2004 and September 2013, pediatric subjects who underwent a tracheotomy operation were included for study. All subjects were under the age of 14. Subjects’ primary diseases, indication of tracheotomy, age, gender and type of complications were recorded.Results:Forty five subjects were identified. The mean age of subjects was 26.3 months (range between 2 to 140 months). Twenty one (46.6%) subjects were under the age of 1 year. In 34 (75.5%) out of 45 subjects, tracheotomy indication was prolonged intubation. In the remaining 11 (24.4%) subjects, tracheotomy indication was upper respiratory tract obstruction. Thirteen (n=13- 28.8%) out of 45 experienced early complications and 2 (n=2-4.5%) out of 45 subjects experienced late complications. One tracheotomy related death occurred in the immediate period. Eight (18.1%) of subjects died during the study period from underlying conditions. Decannulation was successfully performed in 13 (36.1%) subjects. In the remaining 23 (63.8%) subjects, decannulation could not be done.Conclusion:All tracheotomies in this report were performed on pediatric intensive care subjects on an elective basis. No tracheotomy was performed for acute upper airway obstruction. Even when planned and elective tracheotomy is performed it still has significant mortality and morbidity