3,295 research outputs found

    Ground-based near-IR observations of the secondary eclipse of CoRoT-2b

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    We present the results of a ground-based search for the secondary eclipse of the 3.3 Mjup transiting planet CoRoT-2b. We performed near infrared photometry using the LIRIS instrument on the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, in the H and K_s filters. We monitored the star around two expected secondary eclipses in two nights under very good observing conditions. For the depth of the secondary eclipse we find in H-band a 3 sigma upper limit of 0.17%, whereas we detected a tentative eclipse with a depth of 0.16+-0.09% in the K_s-band. These depths can be translated into brightness temperatures of T_H<2250 K and T_{K_s} = 1890(+260-350) K, which indicate an inefficient re-distribution of the incident stellar flux from the planet's dayside to its nightside. Our results are in agreement with the CoRoT optical measurement (Alonso et al. 09) and with Spitzer 4.5 and 8 micron results (Gillon et al. 09c).Comment: Astronomical Journal, accepte

    Theoretical Spectral Models of the Planet HD 209458b with a Thermal Inversion and Water Emission Bands

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    We find that a theoretical fit to all the HD 209458b data at secondary eclipse requires that the dayside atmosphere of HD 209458b have a thermal inversion and a stratosphere. This inversion is caused by the capture of optical stellar flux by an absorber of uncertain origin that resides at altitude. One consequence of stratospheric heating and temperature inversion is the flipping of water absorption features into emission features from the near- to the mid-infrared and we see evidence of such a water emission feature in the recent HD 209458b IRAC data of Knutson et al. In addition, an upper-atmosphere optical absorber may help explain both the weaker-than-expected Na D feature seen in transit and the fact that the transit radius at 24 ÎĽ\mum is smaller than the corresponding radius in the optical. Moreover, it may be a factor in why HD 209458b's optical transit radius is as large as it is. We speculate on the nature of this absorber and the planets whose atmospheres may, or may not, be affected by its presence.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters on August 28, 2007, six pages in emulateapj forma

    The Affective Impact of Financial Skewness on Neural Activity and Choice

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    Few finance theories consider the influence of “skewness” (or large and asymmetric but unlikely outcomes) on financial choice. We investigated the impact of skewed gambles on subjects' neural activity, self-reported affective responses, and subsequent preferences using functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). Neurally, skewed gambles elicited more anterior insula activation than symmetric gambles equated for expected value and variance, and positively skewed gambles also specifically elicited more nucleus accumbens (NAcc) activation than negatively skewed gambles. Affectively, positively skewed gambles elicited more positive arousal and negatively skewed gambles elicited more negative arousal than symmetric gambles equated for expected value and variance. Subjects also preferred positively skewed gambles more, but negatively skewed gambles less than symmetric gambles of equal expected value. Individual differences in both NAcc activity and positive arousal predicted preferences for positively skewed gambles. These findings support an anticipatory affect account in which statistical properties of gambles—including skewness—can influence neural activity, affective responses, and ultimately, choice

    A Revised List of the Orthoptera of Iowa

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    The first list of Iowa Orthoptera was entitled A Preliminary Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Iowa. This was published by C. E. Bessey in the Seventh Biennial Report of the Iowa State College in 1877. The list included about forty species

    XMM-Newton observations of HD189733 during planetary transits

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    We report on two XMM-Newton observations of the planetary host star HD189733. The system has a close in planet and it can potentially affect the coronal structure via interactions with the magnetosphere. We have obtained X-ray spectra and light curves from EPIC and RGS on board XMM-Newton which we have analyzed and interpreted. We reduced X-ray data from primary transit and secondary eclipse occurred in April 17th 2007 and May 18th 2009, respectively. In the April 2007 observation only variability due to weak flares is recognized. In 2009 HD189733 exhibited a X-ray flux always larger than in the 2007 observation. The average flux in 2009 was higher than in 2007 observation by a factor of 45%. During the 2009 secondary eclipse we observed a softening of the X-ray spectrum significant at level of ~3 sigma. Further, we observed the most intense flare recorded at either epochs. This flare occurred 3 ks after the end of the eclipse.The flare decay shows several minor ignitions perhaps linked to the main event and hinting for secondary loops that emit triggered by the main loop. Magneto-Hydro-Dynamical (MHD) simulations show that the magnetic interaction between planet and star enhances the density and the magnetic field in a region comprised between the planet and the star because of their relative orbital/rotation motion. X-ray observations and model predictions are globally found in agreement, despite the quite simple MHD model and the lack of precise estimate of parameters including the alignment and the intensity of stellar and planetary magnetic fields. Future observations should confirm or disprove this hypothesis, by determining whether flares are systematically recurring in the light curve at the same planetary phase.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    Temporal isolation of neural processes underlying face preference decisions

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    Decisions about whether we like someone are often made so rapidly from first impressions that it is difficult to examine the engagement of neural structures at specific points in time. Here, we used a temporally extended decision-making paradigm to examine brain activation with functional MRI (fMRI) at sequential stages of the decision-making process. Activity in reward-related brain structures—the nucleus accumbens (NAC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)—was found to occur at temporally dissociable phases while subjects decided which of two unfamiliar faces they preferred. Increases in activation in the OFC occurred late in the trial, consistent with a role for this area in computing the decision of which face to choose. Signal increases in the NAC occurred early in the trial, consistent with a role for this area in initial preference formation. Moreover, early signal increases in the NAC also occurred while subjects performed a control task (judging face roundness) when these data were analyzed on the basis of which of those faces were subsequently chosen as preferred in a later task. The findings support a model in which rapid, automatic engagement of the NAC conveys a preference signal to the OFC, which in turn is used to guide choice

    Limb darkening in spherical stellar atmospheres

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    (Abridged) Context. Stellar limb darkening, I({\mu} = cos{\theta}), is an important constraint for microlensing, eclipsing binary, planetary transit, and interferometric observations, but is generally treated as a parameterized curve, such as a linear-plus-square-root law. Many analyses assume limb-darkening coefficients computed from model stellar atmospheres. However, previous studies, using I({\mu}) from plane- parallel models, have found that fits to the flux-normalized curves pass through a fixed point, a common {\mu} location on the stellar disk, for all values of T eff, log g and wavelength. Aims. We study this fixed {\mu}-point to determine if it is a property of the model stellar atmospheres or a property of the limb-darkening laws. Furthermore, we use this limb-darkening law as a tool to probe properties of stellar atmospheres for comparison to limb- darkening observations. Methods. Intensities computed with plane-parallel and spherically-symmetric Atlas models (characterized by the three fundamental parameters L\star, M\star and R\star) are used to reexamine the existence of the fixed {\mu}-point for the parametrized curves. Results. We find that the intensities from our spherical models do not have a fixed point, although the curves do have a minimum spread at a {\mu}-value similar to the parametrized curves. We also find that the parametrized curves have two fixed points, {\mu}1 and {\mu}2, although {\mu}2 is so close to the edge of the disk that it is missed using plane-parallel atmospheres. We also find that the spherically- symmetric models appear to agree better with published microlensing observations relative to plane-parallel models.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, figures 4 and 6 have lower resolution. A&A in pres

    Transits and secondary eclipses of HD 189733 with Spitzer

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    We present limits on transit timing variations and secondary eclipse depth variations at 8 microns with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC camera. Due to the weak limb darkening in the infrared and uninterrupted observing, Spitzer provides the highest accuracy transit times for this bright system, in principle providing sensitivity to secondary planets of Mars mass in resonant orbits. Finally, the transit data provides tighter constraints on the wavelength- dependent atmospheric absorption by the planet.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 253 "Transiting Planets
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