10 research outputs found

    Romlig-temporal utvikling i kadaverfunn: Tap av beitedyr i forvaltningsomrÄder og randsoner for rovvilt

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    In Norway, grazing is a natural part of a sustainable use of rangeland, where coexistence with protected carnivores is a challenge. The twofold objective of Norwegian carnivore policy and management is that both grazing industries and predators must be considered and preserved at a sustainable level. This is pursued through area differentiation (i.e., zonation), with separate areas where predatory game and grazing animals respectively have priority. A consequence of this management regime is area challenges and marginal zone problems, which arise in the border areas between carnivore-priority and grazing-priority areas, where the occurrence of grazing animals and predators coincides. Especially in the border zone areas, there are therefore often conflicts between the two goals in large carnivore conservation policy and management. Commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (LMD), the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) has examined how the area-differentiated management regime that Norway practices affects the loss of sheep and reindeer. This has been done by studying spatial-temporal and seasonal variation and development in carcass finds of sheep and reindeer both inside and outside the predatory priority areas and adjacent marginal zones in Norway.Romlig-temporal utvikling i kadaverfunn: Tap av beitedyr i forvaltningsomrÄder og randsoner for rovviltpublishedVersio

    Sesongvariasjon i rovviltdrepte reinkadavre: Dokumentasjonsgrad pÄ Ärstidsbeitene i reindrifta

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    I Norge er reindrift en sesongbasert nÊring, der reinflokkene utnytter ulike beiteomrÄder avhengig av Ärstiden. Tap av rein gjennom Äret er en av de stÞrste utfordringene i reindriften. Tapene reduserer produksjon, dyrevelferd, avlsmessig framgang og lÞnnsomhet. Mange utÞvere mener at tap av rein til rovvilt er hovedutfordringen. Rovvilt tar rein til alle Ärstider og pÄ alle typer beite, men ifÞlge reindriften er rovvilttrykket hÞyest pÄ sommeren nÄr det er flest rein og reinkalver pÄ beite. I tillegg er det store utfordringer forbundet med Ä dokumentere tap til rovvilt basert pÄ kadaverfunn. Reindriften mener at disse utfordringene er spesielt framtredende i barmarksperioden, og sÊrlig om sommeren. I denne rapporten ser vi nÊrmere pÄ sesongvariasjon i kadaverfunn av rein drept av fredet rovvilt. Hensikten er Ä belyse graden av «match-mismatch» mellom dokumenterte tap pÄ de ulike Ärstidbeitene i form av kadaverfunn og forventet rovvilttrykk, basert pÄ rovviltbiologi og reindriftenes erfaringer om rovvilttap gjennom Äret. Spesifikt undersÞker vi om dokumentasjonsgraden er hÞyest om sommeren, slik man skulle forvente basert pÄ reindriftenes tilbakemeldinger. Vi ser ogsÄ etter tegn til underdokumentasjon, som bÞr fÞlges opp med tiltak. Vi finner at dokumenterte rovviltdrepte reinkadavre forekommer i mye mindre grad om sommeren enn om vinteren. Dette er tilfelle selv om det om sommeren, etter kalving, er aller mest rein pÄ beite og forventet hÞyest rovvilttrykk. Vi konkluderer derfor med at det bÞr ses pÄ muligheter for Ä bedre dokumentasjonen av tap av rein til rovvilt.Sesongvariasjon i rovviltdrepte reinkadavre: Dokumentasjonsgrad pÄ Ärstidsbeitene i reindriftapublishedVersio

    Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro.

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    OBJECTIVE: Titanium (Ti)- and Zirconia (ZrO2)-implants in mini pig maxillae were compared with respect to Ti/zirconium (Zr) release into the surrounding bone tissues, the resulting short term tissue responses and the potential toxicity. METHODS: Ti/Zr release from Ti- and ZrO2-implants in mini pig maxillae was determined with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The spatial distribution of Ti and Zr in maxilla tissues near the implant surface was assessed with laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). A histological analysis was performed to investigate the tissue responses after 12 weeks of implantation. The cytotoxicity and DNA damage of Ti particles and ZrO2 particles were studied with XTT and Comet assay. RESULTS: The mean Ti content in the bone adjacent to Ti-implants was 1.67 mg/kg-bone weight. The highest Ti content detected was 2.17 mg/kg-bone weight. The mean Zr content in the bone adjected to ZrO2-implants was 0.59 mg/kg-bone weight. The highest Zr content was 0.75 mg/kg-bone weight. The spatial distribution of the Ti and Zr in bone showed mainly a higher intensity of Ti and Zr close to the screw thread outer tip rather. Histological analysis indicated that near both implant-types signs of bone marrow fibrosis were present. EC50 of commercially available ZrO2-nanoparticles (NPs, <100 nm) and ZrO2-microparticles (MPs, <5 ÎŒm) was 13.96 mg/ml and 80.99 mg/ml, respectively. ZrO2-NPs and ZrO2-MPs can induce DNA damage at 70 ÎŒg/ml and 810 ÎŒg/ml, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE: After 12-weeks of implantation, increased concentrations of Ti and Zr can be detected in bone/tissues near Ti- and ZrO2-implants in mini pig maxillae. Ti content released from Ti-implants is two times higher than the Zr content released from ZrO2-implants. ZrO2-NPs showed lower cytotoxicity and DNA damage compared to results reported for Ti-NPs in human cells

    Effect of Sandblasting Angle and Distance on Biaxial Flexural Strength of Zirconia-based Ceramics

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