20 research outputs found

    Perspectives of development of black slavonian pig breeding systems in Vukovar-Srijem county

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje brojnog stanja populacije crne slavonske svinje u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji te ukazivanje na prednosti proizvodnje iste pasmine kao i na moguća poboljšanja u agrarnoj politici. Prema primjeru s OPG-a Ferbežar utvrđeno je da je uzgoj te prerada mesa crne slavonske svinje vrlo isplativa djelatnost te se mnogi mogu baviti njom jer ne zahtjeva visoka ulaganja. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju otvorena su nam mnoga tržišta, te je to još jedan od načina za plasiranje kvalitetnih, domaćih suhomesnatih proizvoda od mesa crne slavonske svinje.The aim of this paper was to determine the number of the population of Black Slavonian pig in Vukovar-Srijem County and to point out the advantages of production of the same breed as well as possible improvements in agricultural policy. According to an example from the family farm Ferbežar, it was found that breeding and processing of Black Slavonian pig meat is a very cost-effective activity and many farmers can breed it because it does not require high investment. By joining the European Union, many markets have been opened to us, so this is another way of placing high-quality, local meat products from the meat of Black Slavonian pigs

    Perspectives of development of black slavonian pig breeding systems in Vukovar-Srijem county

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje brojnog stanja populacije crne slavonske svinje u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji te ukazivanje na prednosti proizvodnje iste pasmine kao i na moguća poboljšanja u agrarnoj politici. Prema primjeru s OPG-a Ferbežar utvrđeno je da je uzgoj te prerada mesa crne slavonske svinje vrlo isplativa djelatnost te se mnogi mogu baviti njom jer ne zahtjeva visoka ulaganja. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju otvorena su nam mnoga tržišta, te je to još jedan od načina za plasiranje kvalitetnih, domaćih suhomesnatih proizvoda od mesa crne slavonske svinje.The aim of this paper was to determine the number of the population of Black Slavonian pig in Vukovar-Srijem County and to point out the advantages of production of the same breed as well as possible improvements in agricultural policy. According to an example from the family farm Ferbežar, it was found that breeding and processing of Black Slavonian pig meat is a very cost-effective activity and many farmers can breed it because it does not require high investment. By joining the European Union, many markets have been opened to us, so this is another way of placing high-quality, local meat products from the meat of Black Slavonian pigs

    Emocionalna kompetencija i simptomi posttraumatskoga stresnog poremećaja kod veterana Domovinskog rata

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    This study examined the relationship between four factors of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms – re-experiencing, avoidance, dysphoria and hyperarousal – and particular domains of emotional competence and emotional regulation and control among 215 Croatian Homeland War veterans. Cross-sectionally, emotional competence subscales – perceiving and understanding emotions, expressing and labelling emotions, managing and regulating emotions – were associated with dysphoria symptom cluster only, while emotional regulation and control subscales – influence of emotion and mood on memory and emotional reaction control – were associated with dysphoria and re-experiencing symptom clusters. The results of this study are consistent with the view that successful recovery from trauma requires adaptive emotion competence skills and that therefore difficulties in dealing with emotions (understanding, expressing or regulating) are a risk factor for the development and/or maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. It appears that interventions organized toward improving emotional competence and regulation may be useful as complementary or independent treatments for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder.U ovom istraživanju ispitivali smo povezanost četiriju faktora posttraumatskoga stresnog poremećaja – ponovno proživljavanje traume, izbjegavanje, disforija i pojačana pobuđenost – i određenih aspekata emocionalne kompetencije i emocionalne regulacije i kontrole na uzorku od 215 branitelja Domovinskog rata. Podskale emocionalne kompetencije – percipiranje i razumijevanje emocija, izražavanje i imenovanje emocija, upravljanje i reguliranje emocijama – povezane su sa simptomima faktora disforije, koji uključuju ograničeni afekt, poteškoće u spavanju, osjećaj uskraćene budućnosti, otežano koncentriranje i iritabilnost, dok su podskale emocionalne regulacije i kontrole – utjecaj emocija i raspoloženja na pamćenje i kontrola emocionalnih reakcija – povezane sa simptomima disforije i simptomima ponovnoga proživljavanja traume, npr. aktualna i intruzivna uznemirujuća prisjećanja, aktualni uznemirujući snovi, ponašanja ili osjećaji kao da se događaji ponovno zbivaju te intenzivni psihološki distres. Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju da su poteškoće u procesiranju i reguliranju emocija mogući rizični faktor za razvoj i/ili održavanje simptoma posttraumatskoga stresnog poremećaja


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    Many soldiers encounter difficulties while transitioning from military to civilian life. Such severe traumatic events may also have long-term effects. Previous studies have shown a strong relationship between coping strategies and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The aim of this study was to investigate how veterans who were exposed to war trauma 20 years ago now deal with everyday life stressors, and how their current coping strategies relate to the four-factor model of PTSD. A total of 220 male Croatian Homeland War Veterans between the ages of 38 and 75 participated. Questionnaires included Combat Exposure Scale, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Military Version and Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Results showed positive association between dysphoria and escape-avoidance coping strategy and negative association between dysphoria and positive reappraisal coping strategy. Given that dysphoria symptoms are associated with the chronicity of PTSD and poorer response to PTSD therapy treatment in war veterans, our results underscore the importance of treating dysphoria symptoms and promoting engagement coping strategies for this population

    Caries and Oral Hygiene in Children in Postwar Novi Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Zabok (Croatia)

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    The study was performed in 1997 and involved school children between the age of 6 and 12 in Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina (n = 203) and Zabok, Croatia (n = 132). OHI-S (Simplified Oral Hygiene Index by Green-Vermillion) and DMF (Decayed, Missing, Filled) index were used as main outcome measures. Prewar data were taken from the respective literature. The value of the DMF/dmf (PERMANENT/deciduous teeth) for six-year-olds in Novi Travnik of the period before the war was: d = 5.6, m = 0.4, f = 0.6 and D = 0.3, F = 0.1 and the average DMF index of twelve-year-olds for the same period were 6.5. The DMF/dmf index in 1997 in Novi Travnik was: d = 9.4+/-4.4; m = 0.7 +/-1.1; D = 1.9+/-1.2 and average DMF index of twelve-year-olds was 9.0+/-4.16. The DMF index of twelve-year-olds in Zabok in 1990 was 3.4 and 4.1+/-2.1 in 1997. Total DMF index for all the examined ages in 1997 for Zabok was 6.1+/-3.7 and for the examinees in Novi Travnik 10.5+/-4.1 (p<0.001). Similarly, the OHI-S in 1997 for Zabok was 1.0+/-0.7 whereas 1.7+/-0.7 (p<0.001) in Novi Travnik. In comparison to prewar data, DMF index in 1997 was considerably higher. Increase of DMF index was higher in Novi Travnik than in Zabok, which can be attributed to the war and wartime conditions

    Utjecaj magnetnih polova na svojstva sjemena krmnog graška (Pisum sativum L.) različite starosti

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    The study on the influence of magnetic poles on field pea seed of the \u27Bera\u27 variety of different ages was carried out under laboratory conditions in a growing chamber. Field pea seed were exposed to a neodymium magnet\u27s positive and negative magnetic poles with a magnetic flux density of 250 mT for 24 hours. Germination of untreated as well as magnetically poled treated seed was carried out according to ISTA rules. Seed characteristics, germination energy, and germination were determined by counting. The root and stem length of the seedlings were measured, and the total length of the field pea seedlings was added up. The total mass of the seedlings was determined by weighing. On average, seed age and magnetic poles significantly (p<0.05) increased the traits: stem length, total length, and seedling weight. On average, significant differences (p<0.05) were found for untreated and magnetic poles treated seed for all the studied traits except seedling stem length. Significant interaction (p<0.05) between magnetic pole treatment and seed age was found for all the traits studied.Istraživanje utjecaja magnetnih polova na sjeme krmnog graška kultivara „Bera“ različite starosti provedeno je u laboratorijskim uvjetima u klima komori. Sjeme graška izloženo je djelovanju pozitivnog i negativnog magnetnog pola neodimijskog magneta gustoće magnetskog toka 250 mT tijekom 24 sata. Naklijavanje netretiranog kao i magnetnim polovima tretiranog sjemena obavljeno je sukladno pravilima ISTA. Brojanjem su određena svojstva sjemena, energija klijanja i klijavost. Mjerenjem je određena dužina korijena i stabljike klijanaca te zbrajanjem ukupna dužina klijanaca krmnog graška. Vaganjem je izmjerena ukupna masa klijanaca. U prosjeku za starost sjemena, magnetni polovi su značajno (p<0,05) utjecali na: dužinu stabljike, ukupnu dužinu kao i masu klijanaca. U prosjeku za netretirano i sjeme tretirano magnetnim polovima, dobivene su značajne razlike (p<0,05) za sva ispitivana svojstva osim dužine stabljike klijanaca. Značajna interakcija (p<0,05) tretmana magnetnih polova i starosti sjemena dobivena je za sva ispitivana svojstva

    Giant esophageal fibrovascular polyp with clinical behaviour of inflammatory pseudotumor: A case report and the literature review

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    Introduction. Esophageal fibrovascular polyps are rare, benign, intraluminal, submucosal tumor-like lesions, characterized by pedunculated masses which can demonstrate enormous growth. The most frequent symptoms are dysphagia, vomiting and weight loss. Fibrovascular polyps with long stalks can regurgitate into the airways and cause asphyxia. Esophageal inflammatory pseudotumor is extremely rare lesion accompanied with various systemic manifestations as fever, anemia and thrombocytosis. Case report. We presented a 29-year-old man complaining of a long-lasting fever and dysphagia. He was found to have huge pedunculated submucosal tumor of esophagus, surgically completely resected. Histopathological examination showed that this giant tumor, 24 x 9 x 6 cm, was a fibrovascular polyp. The postoperative course was uneventful. The preoperative fever, anemia and thrombocytosis disappeared and did not recur in the postoperative course. Conclusion. We reported a patient with giant esophageal pedunculated tumor with clinical manifestations of inflammatory pseudotumor and histopathological picture of fibrovascular polyp, that we have not found described in the literature before

    Giant esophageal fibrovascular polyp with clinical behaviour of inflammatory pseudotumor: A case report and the literature review

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    Introduction. Esophageal fibrovascular polyps are rare, benign, intraluminal, submucosal tumor-like lesions, characterized by pedunculated masses which can demonstrate enormous growth. The most frequent symptoms are dysphagia, vomiting and weight loss. Fibrovascular polyps with long stalks can regurgitate into the airways and cause asphyxia. Esophageal inflammatory pseudotumor is extremely rare lesion accompanied with various systemic manifestations as fever, anemia and thrombocytosis. Case report. We presented a 29-year-old man complaining of a long-lasting fever and dysphagia. He was found to have huge pedunculated submucosal tumor of esophagus, surgically completely resected. Histopathological examination showed that this giant tumor, 24 x 9 x 6 cm, was a fibrovascular polyp. The postoperative course was uneventful. The preoperative fever, anemia and thrombocytosis disappeared and did not recur in the postoperative course. Conclusion. We reported a patient with giant esophageal pedunculated tumor with clinical manifestations of inflammatory pseudotumor and histopathological picture of fibrovascular polyp, that we have not found described in the literature before

    Voyage data recorder - VDR

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    U završnom radu se obrađuje tema Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). Radi se o sustavu koji se koristi na brodovima, a služi za zapisivanje podataka o putovanju. Njegova osnovna funkcija je samostalno bilježiti sve važne parametre posebno ukoliko dođe do sudara, požara ili havarije na brodu. VDR-ovi pružaju poboljšanje operativne sigurnost analizom podataka te omogućuje korektivne i preventivne akcije. Cilj rada je objasniti sustav VDR-a te prikazati njegove elemente. Pojasniti će se razlika između VDR-a i SVDR- a.The final article addresses the topic of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). It is a system used on ships to record travel information. Its basic function is to independently record all important parameters, especially in the event of a collision, fire or accident on board. VDRs provide improved operational security by analyzing data and enabling corrective and preventative actions. The aim of the paper is to explain the VDR system and to show its elements. The difference between VDR and S-VDR will be clarified

    Voyage data recorder - VDR

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    U završnom radu se obrađuje tema Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). Radi se o sustavu koji se koristi na brodovima, a služi za zapisivanje podataka o putovanju. Njegova osnovna funkcija je samostalno bilježiti sve važne parametre posebno ukoliko dođe do sudara, požara ili havarije na brodu. VDR-ovi pružaju poboljšanje operativne sigurnost analizom podataka te omogućuje korektivne i preventivne akcije. Cilj rada je objasniti sustav VDR-a te prikazati njegove elemente. Pojasniti će se razlika između VDR-a i SVDR- a.The final article addresses the topic of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). It is a system used on ships to record travel information. Its basic function is to independently record all important parameters, especially in the event of a collision, fire or accident on board. VDRs provide improved operational security by analyzing data and enabling corrective and preventative actions. The aim of the paper is to explain the VDR system and to show its elements. The difference between VDR and S-VDR will be clarified