537 research outputs found

    Iron-Intercalated Zirconium Diselenide Thin Films from the Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of [Fe(η⁵-C₅H₄Se)₂Zr(η⁵-C₅H₅)₂]₂

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    Transition metal chalcogenide thin films of the type FexZrSe2 have applications in electronic devices, but their use is limited by current synthetic techniques. Here, we demonstrate the synthesis and characterization of Fe-intercalated ZrSe2 thin films on quartz substrates using the low-pressure chemical vapor deposition of the single-source precursor [Fe(η5-C5H4Se)2Zr(η5-C5H5)2]2. Powder X-ray diffraction of the film scraping and subsequent Rietveld refinement of the data showed the successful synthesis of the Fe0.14ZrSe2 phase, along with secondary phases of FeSe and ZrO2. Upon intercalation, a small optical band gap enhancement (Eg(direct)opt = 1.72 eV) is detected in comparison with that of the host material

    Accessing new 2D semiconductors with optical band gap: synthesis of iron-intercalated titanium diselenide thin films via LPCVD

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    Fe-doped TiSe2 thin-films were synthesized via low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) of a single source precursor: [Fe(η⁵-C₅H₄Se)₂Ti(η⁵-C₅H₅)₂]₂ (1). Samples were heated at 1000 °C for 1–18 h and cooled to room temperature following two different protocols, which promoted the formation of different phases. The resulting films were analyzed by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and UV/vis spectroscopy. An investigation of the Fe doping limit from a parallel pyrolysis study of FeₓTiSe₂ powders produced in situ during LPCVD depositions has shown an increase in the Fe–TiSe₂–Fe layer width with Fe at% increase. Powders were analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) involving Rietveld refinement and XPS. UV/vis measurements of the semiconducting thin films show a shift in band gap with iron doping from 0.1 eV (TiSe₂) to 1.46 eV (Fe₀.₄₆TiSe₂)

    Moisture transport by Atlantic tropical cyclones onto the North American continent

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    Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are an important source of freshwater for the North American continent. Many studies have tried to estimate this contribution by identifying TC-induced precipitation events, but few have explicitly diagnosed the moisture fluxes across continental boundaries. We design a set of attribution schemes to isolate the column-integrated moisture fluxes that are directly associated with TCs and to quantify the flux onto the North American Continent due to TCs. Averaged over the 2004–2012 hurricane seasons and integrated over the western, southern and eastern coasts of North America, the seven schemes attribute 7 to 18 % (mean 14 %) of total net onshore flux to Atlantic TCs. A reduced contribution of 10 % (range 9 to 11 %) was found for the 1980–2003 period, though only two schemes could be applied to this earlier period. Over the whole 1980–2012 period, a further 8 % (range 6 to 9 % from two schemes) was attributed to East Pacific TCs, resulting in a total TC contribution of 19 % (range 17 to 22 %) to the ocean-to-land moisture transport onto the North American continent between May and November. Analysis of the attribution uncertainties suggests that incorporating details of individual TC size and shape adds limited value to a fixed radius approach and TC positional errors in the ERA-Interim reanalysis do not affect the results significantly, but biases in peak wind speeds and TC sizes may lead to underestimates of moisture transport. The interannual variability does not appear to be strongly related to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation phenomenon

    Therapeutic DNA vaccine induces broad T cell responses in the gut and sustained protection from viral rebound and AIDS in SIV-infected rhesus macaques.

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    Immunotherapies that induce durable immune control of chronic HIV infection may eliminate the need for life-long dependence on drugs. We investigated a DNA vaccine formulated with a novel genetic adjuvant that stimulates immune responses in the blood and gut for the ability to improve therapy in rhesus macaques chronically infected with SIV. Using the SIV-macaque model for AIDS, we show that epidermal co-delivery of plasmids expressing SIV Gag, RT, Nef and Env, and the mucosal adjuvant, heat-labile E. coli enterotoxin (LT), during antiretroviral therapy (ART) induced a substantial 2-4-log fold reduction in mean virus burden in both the gut and blood when compared to unvaccinated controls and provided durable protection from viral rebound and disease progression after the drug was discontinued. This effect was associated with significant increases in IFN-γ T cell responses in both the blood and gut and SIV-specific CD8+ T cells with dual TNF-α and cytolytic effector functions in the blood. Importantly, a broader specificity in the T cell response seen in the gut, but not the blood, significantly correlated with a reduction in virus production in mucosal tissues and a lower virus burden in plasma. We conclude that immunizing with vaccines that induce immune responses in mucosal gut tissue could reduce residual viral reservoirs during drug therapy and improve long-term treatment of HIV infection in humans

    Genetic Diversity of the Cestode Echinococcus multilocularis in Red Foxes at a Continental Scale in Europe

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    Echinococcus multilocularis is a tapeworm of the red fox, which represents a considerable health threat to respectively infected humans. Main endemic areas are located in China, Siberia, and central Europe. Alarmed by an emerging or reemerging situation in Europe, the question of how the parasite gets spatially and temporally spread and transmitted becomes essential to prepare appropriate control programs. The question was tackled by using genetic data on a large sample size of E. multilocularis adult stage tapeworms, combined with geographical site location data input. The historically documented endemic area, represented by the northern Alpine arch, was shown to harbour the highest genetic richness and diversity, as compared to surrounding areas in northern and eastern Europe. The spatial and temporal spread of different E. multilocularis genotypes in Europe seems to be ruled by a founder event, linked to exportation of parasites from the central core to newly identified (western and eastern) areas or subregions, where these parasites could subsequently disseminate under geographical separation from the original foci

    Процесс анализа угроз, влияющих на экономическую устойчивость предприятия

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    На основании проведенного исследования были выявлены факторы возникновения угроз, их группировка по степени воздействию на экономическую устойчивость предприятий и рассмотрена формализация процесса анализа угроз экономической устойчивости предприятий. В условиях рыночной экономики невозможно управлять предприятием без учета влияния угроз, а для эффективного управления важно не только знать об их присутствии, а и правильно идентифицировать конкретную угрозу.На підставі проведеного дослідження були виявлені чинники виникнення загроз, їх угруповання по степені впливу на економічну стійкість підприємств і розглянута формалізація процесу аналізу загроз економічної стійкості підприємств. В умовах ринкової економіки неможливо керувати підприємством без вивчення впливу загроз, а для ефективного керування важливо не тільки знати про їх присутність, а і правильно ідентифікувати конкретну загрозу.On the basis of the conducted research the factors of origin of threats were exposed, their gourmet on a degree to influence on economic stability of enterprises and formalization of process of analysis of threats of economic stability of enterprises is considered. In the conditions of market economy it is impossible to manage an enterprise without taking into account influencing of threats, and for the effective management it is important not only to know about their presence, and to identify the concrete threat correctly

    Genotype x environment interactions in eggplant for fruit phenolic acid content

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    Eggplant fruit are a rich source of phenolic acids that influence fruit culinary quality and antioxidant content. We evaluated the influence of production environments and stability of diverse genotypes across environments for eggplant fruit phenolic acid content. Ten Solanum melongena accessions consisting of five F-1 hybrid cultivars, three open-pollinated cultivars and two land race accessions, plus one S. macrocarpon and one S. aethiopicum accession, were grown at two locations under greenhouse and open field environments. Twenty phenolic acid conjugates were identified in fruit flesh and assigned to six classes that included hydroxycinnamic acid amides, caffeoylquinic acid esters, hydroxycinnamoylquinic acid esters, malonylcaffeoylquinic acid esters, di-hydroxycinnamoylquinic acid esters, and other hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates. There were significant differences among accessions for total phenolic acid conjugate content and for all six classes. There were no significant differences detected among the environments for any of the variables. However, the environment x accession interaction was highly significant for all phenolic acid classes. Broad-sense heritability estimates for all six phenolic acid classes were high, ranging from 0.64 to 0.96. Stability analysis demonstrated widespread instability for phenolic acid content across environments. Stability of the predominant caffeoylquinic acid esters class positively influenced stability of total phenolic acid content for some but not all genotypes. High heritability, coupled with highly significant genotype x environment interactions suggests that stability estimates may improve the efficiency of breeding new genotypes with predictable performance across environments.Stommel, JR.; Whitaker, B.; Haynes, K.; Prohens Tomás, J. (2015). Genotype x environment interactions in eggplant for fruit phenolic acid content. Euphytica. 205(3):823-836. doi:10.1007/s10681-015-1415-2S8238362053Allard RW, Bradshaw AD (1964) Implications of genotype–environment interactions in applied plant breeding. Crop Sci 4:503–507Baixauli C (2001) Berenjena. In: Nuez F, Liacer G (eds) La horticultura española. Ediciones de Horticultura, Reus, pp 104–108Bravo L (1998) Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance. Nutr Rev 56:317–333Dixon RA, Pavia NL (1995) Stress-induced phenylpropanoid metabolism. Plant Cell 7:1085–1097Dogan M, Arslan O, Dogan S (2002) Substrate specificity, heat inactivation and inhibition of polyphenol oxidase from different aubergine cultivars. Int J Food Sci Technol 37:415–423Dos Santos MD, Almeida MC, Lopes NP, de Souza GE (2006) Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic activities of the natural polyphenol chlorogenic acid. Biol Pharm Bull 29:2236–2240Fernandez GCJ (1991) Analysis of genotype × environment interaction by stability estimates. HortScience 26:947–950García-Salas P, Gómez-Caravaca AM, Morales-Soto A, Segura-Carretero A, Fernández-Gutiérrez A (2014) Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in diverse cultivars of eggplant grown in different seasons by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detector and electrospray-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry. Food Res Int 57:114–122Hanson PM, Yang RY, Tsou SCS, Ledesma K, Engle L, Lee TC (2006) Diversity in eggplant (Solanum melongena) for superoxide scavenging activity, total phenolics, and ascorbic acid. J Food Compos Anal 19:594–600Kang MS (1989) A new SAS program for calculating stability variance parameters. J Hered 80:415Klein RM (1990) Failure of supplementary ultraviolet radiation to enhance flower color under greenhouse conditions. HortScience 25:307–308Knapp SJ, Stroup WW, Ross WM (1985) Exact confidence intervals for heritability on a progeny mean basis. Crop Sci 25:192–194Luthria D, Singh AP, Wilson T, Vorsa N, Banuelos GS, Vinyard BT (2010) Influence of conventional and organic agricultural practices on the phenolic content in eggplant pulp: plant to plant variation. Food Chem 121:406–411Ma C, Whitaker BD, Kennelly EJ (2010) New 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid derivatives in fruit of wild eggplant relative S. viarum. J Agric Food Chem 58:9645–9651Manach C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Remesy C, Jimenez L (2004) Polyphenols: food sources and bioavailability. Am J Clin Nutr 79:727–747Mennella G, Scalzo R, Fibiani M, D’Alessandro A, Francese G, Toppino L, Acciarri N, Almeida AE, Rotino GL (2012) Chemical and bioactive quality traits during fruit ripening in eggplant (S. melongena L.) and allied species. J Agric Food Chem 60:11821–11831Meyer RS, Karol KG, Little DP, Nee MH, Litt A (2012) Phylogeographic relationships among Asian eggplants and new perspectives on eggplant domestication. Mol Phylogenet Evol 63:685–701Ong KW, Hsu A, Tan BK (2012) Chlorogenic acid stimulates glucose transport in skeletal muscle via AMPK activation: a contributor to the beneficial effects of coffee on diabetes. PLoS One 7:e32718Payyavula RS, Duroy AN, Kuhl JC, Pantoha A, Pillai SS (2012) Differential effects of environment on potato phenylpropanoid and carotenoid expression. BMC Plant Biol 12:39Plazas M, Prohens J, Cuñat AN, Vilanova S, Gramazio P, Herraiz FJ, Andújar I (2014) Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants. Int J Mol Sci 15:17221–17241Prior RL (2003) Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am J Clin Nutr 78:570S–578SPritts M, Luby J (1990) Stability indices for horticultural crops. HortScience 25:740–745Prohens J, Rodriguez-Burruezo A, Raigon MD, Nuez F (2007) Total phenolic acid concentration and browning susceptibility in a collection of different varietal types and hybrids of eggplant: implications for breeding for higher nutritional quality and reduced browning. J Am Soc Hortic Sci 132:638–646Prohens J, Whitaker BD, Plazas M, Vilanova S, Hurtado M, Blasco M, Gramazio P, Stommel JR (2013) Genetic diversity in morphological characters and phenolic acids content resulting from an interspecific cross between eggplant, Solanum melongena, and its wild ancestor (S. incancum). Ann Appl Biol 162:242–257Raigon MD, Prohens J, Munoz-Falcon JE, Nuez F (2008) Comparison of eggplant landraces and commercial varieties for fruit content of phenolics, minerals, dry matter and protein. 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    [ES] La revolución que supone la secuenciación de próxima generación está permitiendo la resecuenciación del genoma completo (WGRS) de cientos o incluso miles de ejemplares de cultivos básicos y especies modelo. Con el lanzamiento de su genoma de referencia, progresivamente se están emprendiendo proyectos WGRS también para otras especies de plantas en una amplia variedad de estudios. En berenjena común (Solanum melongena L.), aunque se ha publicado un primer borrador de la secuencia del genoma de referencia, hasta el momento no se han realizado estudios de resecuenciación. En este capítulo presentamos los primeros resultados de la resecuenciación de ocho accesiones, siete de berenjena común y una del pariente silvestre S. incanum L., que corresponden a los progenitores de un cruce multiparental de generación avanzada (MAGIC) población que se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo utilizando la secuencia del genoma de la berenjena recién desarrollada que se presenta en el Cap. 7 de este libro. Se identificaron más de diez millones de polimorfismos entre las accesiones, el 90% de ellos en el S. incanum silvestre relacionado, lo que confirma la erosión genética de la berenjena común cultivada. Entre los progenitores de la población MAGIC, el patrón de distribución de polimorfismos comunes a lo largo de los cromosomas ha revelado posibles huellas de introgresión ancestral de cruces interespecíficos. El conjunto de polimorfismos se ha anotado extensamente y actualmente se está utilizando para análisis adicionales con el fin de genotipar eficientemente la población MAGIC en curso y diseccionar rasgos agronómicos y morfológicos importantes. La información proporcionada en este primer estudio de resecuenciación en berenjena será extremadamente útil para ayudar al fitomejoramiento a desarrollar nuevas variedades mejoradas y resistentes para enfrentar futuras amenazas y desafíos.[EN] The next-generation sequencing revolution is allowing the whole-genome resequencing (WGRS) of hundreds or even thousands of accessions for staple crops and model species. With the release of their reference genome, progressively also other plants, species are undertaking WGRS projects for a broad variety of studies. In common eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), although a first draft of the reference genome sequence has been published, no resequencing studies have been performed so far. In this chapter, we present the first results of the resequencing of eight accessions, seven of common eggplant and one of the wild relative S. incanum L., that correspond to the parents of a multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross (MAGIC) population that is currently under develop- ment using the newly developed eggplant genome sequence presented in Chap. 7 of this book. Over ten million polymorphisms were identified among the accessions, 90% of them in the wild related S. incanum, confirming the genetic erosion of the cultivated common eggplant. Among the MAGIC population parents, the common polymorphism distribu- tion pattern along the chromosomes has revealed possible footprints of ancestral intro- gression from interspecific crosses. The set of polymorphisms has been extensively anno- tated and currently is being used for further analyses in order to efficiently genotype the ongoing MAGIC population and to dissect important agronomic and morphological traits. The information provided in this first resequencing study in eggplant will be extremely helpful to assist plant breeding to develop new improved and resilient varieties to face future threats and challenges.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) and from Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant AGL2015-64755-R from MINECO/FEDER).Prohens Tomás, J.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Gramazio, P. (2019). Resequencing. En The Eggplant Genome. Springer. 81-89. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/181875S818

    Alien Planktonic Species in the Marine Realm: What Do They Mean for Ecosystem Services Provision?

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    Human well-being is significantly affected by the contributions provided by ecosystems, or ecosystem services. In this well-illustrated atlas, world-class experts identify and discuss key driving forces, trade-offs, and synergies of ecosystem services. Through interdisciplinary case studies varying across ecosystems and scales, this atlas narrows the knowledge gap between ecosystem services management and related fields of study. This atlas begins with conceptual background and proceeds to present drivers and their risks for ecosystems, their functions and services, and biodiversity. Trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services and societal responses to the drivers and trade-offs are discussed. Sustainable land management and governance concepts are demonstrated throughout the atlas. Environmental scientists, practitioners and policy makers worldwide will appreciate the solutions and best practices identified throughout the chapters. Students of environmental sciences, socio-economics and landscape planning will find this atlas to be a valuable read, as well