755 research outputs found

    Історичні студії у Львівській єзуїтській академії (1661–1773)

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    У статті на прикладі Львівського єзуїтського колегіуму простежено тривалий процес поступового запровадження історичних студій до моделі шкільництва Товариства Ісуса. Ця модель, закріплена незмінним до ліквідації Товариства освітнім статутом 1599 р. «Ratio Studiorum», формально не передбачала викладання історії як самостійної дисципліни, однак певні знання про минуле учні отримували впродовж усього курсу навчання. У першій половині XVII ст. джерелом таких знань були тільки античні автори, чиї тексти слугували за взірець при вивченні латинської мови й риторики, а також за криницю набуття «eruditio». Разом з тим, оскільки в «Ratio Studiorum» не було прямих заборон щодо використання творів нової історіографії, викладачі могли проявляти власну ініціативу, аби давати молоді ширше коло знань. Зокрема, велику роль у поширенні такої «свободи викладання» зіграли бібліографічний порадник Антоніо Поссевіно (І вид.: Рим, 1593), де вперше радилося доповнювати лекції працями «нових» авторів, а також перший підручник нової історії для єзуїтських шкіл Ораціо Торселіні (І вид.: Рим, 1598). У Львові промовистим доказом зміни ставлення до історії стали написані в 1660-х рр. перші праці професорів колегіуму Мацея Велевича та Яна Зуховича з описом актуальних подій. Тоді ж, під тиском запитів суспільства, у курсах риторики стали виопуклювати політичне ораторство — з акцентом на необхідних у тогочасному його жанрі знаннях генеалогії, геральдики, історичної географії, історії права та «національного минулого». Ці новації знайшли продовження упродовж кінця XVII — середини XVIII ст. у низці праць львівських професорів та в уживанні ними західних підручників історії (у статті те й те детально розглянуто). У такий спосіб запровадження у Львові з 1739 р. історії як окремої ділянки студій стало логічним підсумуванням перемін, що поступово нагромаджувалися

    The Presence of American Drama in the Spanish Non-Professional Theatre of the 1950s

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    American dramatists arrived in the Spanish theaters rather late, in the 1950s. In the beginning they were generally represented by non-professional theater groups (exemplified here by Dido Pequeño Teatro) that aimed to challenge the obsolete plays produced on the mainstream stages during Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975). Thanks to these companies that were an alternative to the commercial theaters, Spanish audiences gradually discovered many contemporary playwrights whose plays were being staged in the rest of Europe at the time. This article focuses on three American authors who were the first significant ones to be staged in Spain: Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams and the American-born T.S. Eliot, and were chosen by Dido Pequeño Teatro. This paper briefly presents the three authors and their theater, together with their success in the United States, in order to then concentrate on their first appearance in Spain. We highlight four plays that were produced by one of the most significant Spanish non-professional groups of that era, Dido Pequeño Teatro. The article then takes a closer look at how the plays were received by the critics and the general audience and analyze their success

    Multi-Level Image of a Successful University Graduate in the Information Management for the Supply Chain in Education System

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    Abstract— The paper presents the results of a study devoted to the analysis of the criteria for the success of graduates in information management of educational system for supply chain. The relevance of the study is dictated by the increased interest of universities to the success of their graduates, which is associated not only with positions in the prestigious world ranking of QS Top universities, but also with problems of managing the competitiveness of universities and communications with potential consumers of educational services. The proper supply chain in educational system needs proper information, so lack of information integration makes difficulties in high schools, universities and careers. The study used such methods of data collection as a content analysis of scientific publications, a survey of respondents, and statistical data analysis implemented in the SPSS statistical package were used as data analysis. Results: analysis of survey data allowed us to describe a multi-level image of a successful graduate, formed in the minds of respondents, in the context of personal qualities, approaches to building a career, rating of personalities of successful people, time of interest in the profession, job characteristics of a university graduate in the first year. For the first time, the work presents a comparative description of the image of a successful university graduate and a rating of successful personalities in the context of senior students 'and students' points of view. Practical significance: the results are of interest for departments and structural divisions of universities, working with high school students and their parents, in the context of building communication, building a dialogue for directional impact and developing advertising materials. The results of the study allow to determine the successful graduates based on the supply chain, information about which should be broadcast in the content of the university (on the website, in groups of social networks, Indoor- and print advertising)

    The methodical approach to the evaluation of the competitiveness of the border territories

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    With the globalization along with increasing crisis in the global economy, it becomes obvious that the improvement in the competitiveness of the territory is a crucial factor in formation of the international competitive advantages of the region. The border territories have certain characteristics, which largely determine the features of assessment of its competitiveness. The proposed methodological approach includes a system of factors of competitiveness, based on which the integral indicator of the competitiveness of the border territory under estimation regarding the rival territory is calculated. The approbation of the proposed methodological approach is based on the assessment of the competitiveness of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation regarding the Heilongjiang Province of China.peer-reviewe

    Reaction of Bcl-2+ cells of the parietal lobe cortex of rats with experimental diabetes mellitus to ischemia-reperfusion

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    The peculiarities of anti-apoptotic mechanisms in the nerve and glial cells of the parietal lobe cortex are studied by the density changes of Bcl-2+-cells location and concentration of Bcl-2 protein in them in rats with diabetes mellitus in the dynamics of ischemic-reperfusion cerebral injury. Bilateral carotid ischemia-reperfusion is found to inhibit anti-apoptotic reaction of nerve cells of the parietal lobe cortex in the early and late post-ischemic periods at the expense of decreased number of Bcl-2+-cells and concentration of Bcl-2 protein in them. In glial cells during the early period of ischemic-reperfusion injury the activity of anti-apoptotic processes intensifies to some extent by means of increased concentration of Bcl-2 protein in them, and on the 12th day the activity of anti-apoptotic processes decrease at the expense of reduced amount of Bcl-2+-cells and the content of Bcl-2 protein in them. Three-month streptozotocin-induced diabetes increases the location density of positive by protein Bcl-2 nerve cells in the parietal lobe cortex without influencing on the location density of Bcl-2+-glial cells and concentration of Bcl-2 protein in them. 20-minute ischemia with one-hour reperfusion in animals with diabetes mellitus considerably enhances anti-apoptotic potential of glial cells in the parietal lobe cerebral cortex at the expense of increased amount of Bcl-2+-cells and the concentration of Bcl-2 protein in them without reliable effect on these indices in nerve cells. On the 12th day of ischemic-reperfusion period in rats with diabetes mellitus, the intensity of anti-apoptotic processes in general decreases both in nerve and glial cells of the parietal lobe cortex

    Peculiarities of water-electrolytic metabolism of rats with “slow” type of acetylation after a combined effect of cadmium chloride and sodium nitrate

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    After a combined 14 days introduction of cadmium chloride (0,1 mg/kg intraperitoneally) and sodium nitrate (500 mg/kg intragastrically) to mature nonlinear albino rats with “slow” type of acetylation changes of water-electrolytic metabolism were manifested by 6,3% increased concentration of sodium ions in the blood plasma. Hypernatremia resulted from the disorders of water, ion, and osmoregulatory renal functions induced by both nephrotoxic substances. Stability of potassium metabolism indices was indicative of the retention of a functional state in the distal portion of the nephron. The combination with sodium nitrate restrained a harmful effect of cadmium chloride on the glomerular sector of a nephron and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) did not change. Taking into account the lack of activation of glomerular processes in response to penetration of exotoxins into the body GFR can be considered as a predictor of nephropathy progression in rats with “slow” type of acetylation. 6,9% increase of proximal reabsorption of sodium ions under conditions of stable GFR was indicative of disorders of the glomerular-tubular balance due to dysfunction of the nephron proximal portion. At the same time, it is reasonable to present the evidence of our opinion by the analysis of interrelations between the indices of functional-biochemical kidney conditions considering biochemical criteria of acetylation type in mature rats with “slow” acetylation type under conditions of a combined effect of cadmium chloride and sodium nitrate, which are the prospects of further investigations

    Fast RTP Detection and Codecs Classification in Internet Traffic

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    This paper presents a fast multi-stage method for on-line detection of RTP streams and codec identification of transmitted voice or video traffic. The method includes an RTP detector that filters packets based on specific values from UDP and RTP headers. When an RTP stream is successfully detected, codec identification is applied using codec feature sets. The paper shows advantages and limitations of the method and its comparison with other approaches. The method was implemented as a part of network forensics framework NetFox developed in project SEC6NET. Results show that the method can be successfully used for Lawful Interception as well as for network monitoring

    Business analysis of brokerage firm's in Croatia

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    Prema Zakonu o tržištu kapitala (NN br. 54/13 i 18/15, čl.3) investicijsko društvo u Republici Hrvatskoj je pravna osoba čija je redovita djelatnost pružanje jedne ili više investicijskih usluga trećima i/ili obavljanje jedne ili više investicijskih aktivnosti na profesionalnoj osnovi. Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih usluga nadzire organizacijske uvjete, strategije, politike i postupke koje investicijsko društvo ima uspostavljeno u svojim odredbama poslovanja. Investicijsko društvo obuhvaća osnovne usluge i aktivnosti, ali isto tako i pomoćne. Broj usluga i aktivnosti se značajno povećao s obzirom na to da je u sam sustav implementirana Direktiva o tržištima financijskih instrumenata. Provedena analiza poslovanja investicijskih društava u Republici Hrvatskoj pokazala je da broj investicijskih društava pada što je dovelo do pada prihoda s osnove pružanja investicijskih usluga i obavljanja investicijskih aktivnosti. Povećanjem dobiti u 2013. I 2014. godini dovelo je do povećanja profitabilnosti investicijskih društava. Investicijska društva u Republici Hrvatskoj izložena su operativnom riziku (gubitak nastao zbog neprimjerenosti organizacijskih, kadrovskih ili tehničkih uvjeta), kreditnom rizik (neispunjenje novčane obveze prema investicijskom društvu) te tržišnom riziku. Ova analiza pokazuje da se broj investicijskih društava smanjio, međutim to nije spriječilo njihovu uspješnost u poslovanju. Poslovanje investicijskih društava u budućnosti je upitno s obzirom na to da su implementirana nova pravila poslovanja investicijskih društava putem europskih direktiva.According to the Law on Capital Market in the Republic of Croatia (NN br. 54/13 i 18/15, art. 3) an investment company can be defined as a legal entity who provides one or more investment services to third parties and/or performs one or more investment activities on a professional basis. Croatian Agency for Supervision of Financial Services monitors all requirements, strategies, policies and procedures that an investment company has established in its business. Investment companies cover basic and auxiliary services and activities. The number of services and activities has significantly increased due to the fact that the system itself implemented the markets in financial instruments Directive. The analysis conducted over the business of the investment companies shows that the number of investment companies in the Republic of Croatia is decreasing. The following led to revenue fall from investment services and investment activities. The increase in profit in 2013 and 2014 led to increased profitability of investment companies. Investment companies in the Republic of Croatia are exposed to operational risk (loss from the inadequacy of organizational, personnel and technical requirements), credit risk (non-fulfillment of financial obligations to the investment company) and market risk. The analysis in this paper shows that the number of investment companies declined, however it did not stop their successful business. The overall business for the investment companies in the future is questionable due to the fact that there have been implementations of the new rules for investment companies through European union directives